Let me love you ~A BBC Fanfic...

By Unknown_User_666

1.1K 52 29

This is a collaboration story with @Penebui but it will only be posted of my account (their request) so they'... More


Chapter 1

448 20 19
By Unknown_User_666

Bryce awoke with the worse headache and his phone going off. He sat up slowly and rubbed his forehead as he grabbed his phone and answered it.

"Hello?" He sounded groggy as all hell.

"Oh um... Hey Bryce..." It was the new guy. "Del asked me to call you. You weren't answering him or anyone else for that matter and it was making him worry." His voice sounded almost as tired as Bryce felt. He took a quick glance at his alarm clock and noticed that is was a little after noon.

"Oh... Sorry..." He seemed a bit out of it.

"Are you okay?" It was a normal question for him here lately. He thought for a minute thinking weather or not he wanted to trust this new kid.

"Are you sure you care enough to listen?" He asked softly.

"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't care, kid." His voice was almost pleading.

"Okay... I lost my girlfriend of almost 4 years to suicide." He was calmer then he thought he would be. Ohm stayed quiet to let him continue talking. "No one expected it. She was always this happy-go-lucky girl who never let anything get her down. Until the bullying started. They bullied her for her beautiful Irish accent, because she was hard to understand a lot of the time. She changed..." He began to feel himself breaking down.

"Hey... No don't start crying." The other male said softly. Bryce had forgotten he was there as he stood up and made his way over to the room across the hall where all her stuff was kept.

A few days past and Ohm continued to talk to Bryce and get closer with him. Ohm was on Skype across the room as Bryce unpacked the boxes, there were only two, that held her stuff and placed it on the empty shelf in his bedroom. As he was making sure everything was out of one of the boxes he heard something drop. He stopped moving and looked down the see the cross with diamond in the middle, his birthstone. He smiled softly and slipped it on.

"You still there Bryce?" A groggy Ohm asked over Skype from the other side of them room.

"Yeah. I'm still here. Just finishing up with her stuff is all." Bryce picked up the last box and stuffed it back into the room across the hall. Lui was setting up the sleeping arrangements for once at the cabin and Bryce was nervous. He had grown a liking to Ohm in the last few days, which he knew was bad, but he couldn't help it. Ohm was the nicest person to him here lately, well besides Del,  and that made him happy. Ohm had gone quiet and Bryce turned to look at his computer slowly.

"Ohm?" He got no answer.

"Ohm?" He tried again a little louder. As he got closer he could hear the soft breathing and knew he was asleep. He looked down at the time and noticed that it was late and that he too should be heading to bed. He decided to keep the call going as he brought the laptop to the bed and lay down with it still plugged in. He held the rabbit that smelt like his girlfriend and fell asleep.

"Goodnight Bryce..." He heard the soft whisper. He smiled softly and kissed his hand before pressing it to the camera. Little did he know Ohm was doing the same thing as they both fell asleep in the call.

When Bryce awoke again he could hear people shouting over Skype. He could pick up Ohms voice.

"You never had time for me anymore Ryan!" A female shouted.

"You know YouTube is important to me Tay!" Ohm shouted back.

"Well it shouldn't be more important then me. And with this faggot-" She never got to finish her sentence as a loud smack filled the room.

"Don't you ever dare call any of my friends faggots you stupid bitch!" He sounded angry. "Get the fuck out of my house! We're done!" Bryce could hear the pain in his voice after he was done yelling. He heard shuffling and a door slam, then soft sobbing.

"Ohm...?" Bryce asked softly.

"Oh hey... You're awake... I guess I forgot to mute the mic." Ohm said through soft sniffles.

"Are you okay Ohm...? What was that about?" Bryce asked again.

"Oh just a fight you know. A break up with someone I thought I loved." Ohm said in a sad tone. "We didn't wake you did we?" He asked softly.

"Kinda. I guess." Bryce admitted rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'm sorry..." His voice was low as he wiped his eyes again softly.

"No don't be. I understand completely." Bryce said softly. "I know how hard it is."

~One Week Later~

Bryce was waiting in the airport for the others to arrive. He and Lui had been the first to arrive. Bryce did have to admit he was a tad bit nervous to see Ohm. Who could blame him though. This was the first time actually seeing Ohm. Whenever they skyped Ohm would leave his camera off and ignore the topic if the camera was ever brought up. It kind of upset him but he wanted to respect his wishes.

Bryce kept his head down as he sat on the bench. He was kind of the landmark to which where they needed to meet because most of them couldn't see Lui in the crowd. He was much to small. The first set of people to arrive were Brock, Marcel and, Scotty. They were all hanging around and talking to Bryce and Lui, making small talk until everyone else began to arrive.

The next to appear was Brian and David. They were on the same flight. When they caught sight of the group Brian threw his stuff at David and charged Brock. When they were close enough he picked Brock up and spun him around before setting him down and hugging him tightly.

'Something is defiantly up with those two.' Bryce thought quietly to himself as he watched Evan, Tyler and Jonathan walk up.

"Mini is gonna be late. His flight got delayed." Tyler explained as he walked up. Everyone nodded in acknowledgment and started talking to them too. Bryce lay down on the bench and curled up slowly as he began to fall asleep. He couldn't help it, he didn't feel like he was much apart of their conversation anyways. He felt himself being moved then placed back down onto something soft, most likely a pillow or something. He didn't really care he just let sleep over come him slowly.

He awoke to people shouting and screaming about something. He slowly shifted and sat up rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. The first thing he saw was fangirls and a Mini Ladd then he noticed that his pillow moved and stood up. He looked over and felt his face flush as a taller male stood up and stretched.

"Oh look who's finally awake." The person joked. Bryce knew this voice very well but he couldn't think of where he'd heard it before.

"Ohm! Come help me with the stuff!" Lui called to the man above Bryce. Ohm looked down at Bryce and winks softly before going over to Lui. Bryce left himself heat up as he began to blush softly.

'I used Ohm as a pillow...?' He thought to himself as he stood up and grabbed his own bags slowly.

"Looks like we have everyone. Come on. We're going straight to the cabin." They walked outside and saw a bus parked in the lots.

"Really Lui?" David asked in his thick Irish accent.

"What I thought this would require the Banana Bus." He joked and softly punched him in the side. "Plus have you seen how many of us there actually are?" He throws his hand about to the others. David just rolled his eyes and quickly got on the bus followed by the others. Bryce, Ohm and Lui were the last to hop on.

The bus was small. Six seats in total. Everyone but David had sat two to a seat and left on in the back open for Bryce and Ohm. Bryce sat next to the window as Ohm sat on the outside. The bus had racks above them to allow them room to place their stuff so that was what Ohm did. He put his and Bryce's stuff up above them and took a seat.

"So how was you're nap?" Ohm asked as Lui began to drive the short bus.

"It was actually pretty good." The conversation was kind of awkward so far.   

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