Checkmate: a Damian Wayne fan...

By Goldfinch67

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When you and Robin cross paths in a deserted forest, what will that event lead to? 'I don't want to be part o... More

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By Goldfinch67

"Hey there pretty boy."

A sweet, flowing voice called out to Damian as he blinked his eyes, adjusting to the brightness. He quickly jumped up when he saw a girl looming over him. She had H/C hair and dazzling E/C eyes.

"Who the hell are you? And what happened?"

"Calm down," she began, pushing Damian gently down to the floor "That was quite a fall you took."

The raven haired boy glanced downwards at his legs, seeing that they had large, open gashes. The longer he inspected them, the more he could feel the pain. So, he looked back up at the girl.

"Who are you?" The boy pressed, expecting an answer.

"I am Y/N, Y/N L/N. It's quite an honour to be in your presence." She spoke formally, she was raised that way. Her voice flowed sweetly. The birds chirped happily in the morning sun.

"I don't believe we've met. You must be mistaking me for someone else."

"I could recognise you anywhere, Damian. You're Bruce Wayne's son, Batman's son. The fifth Robin."

Damian's eyes widened slightly, how would she know that?

"What do you want from me?"

"I do not want anything, only to help you. Try not to move too much, it puts strain on your legs. They are healing."

"How do you know so much about me then?"

A flicker of panic glazed across the girl's eyes, but was gone as soon as it had come.

"I have my ways." She simply replied, before wrapping a bandage over Damian's leg.


"Do you think you can walk now?" Y/N asked, hoping not to have to spend anymore time in the forest for reasons she wouldn't tell anyone.

"I think I've got it." Came Damian's reply. She helped him up and he stepped forward tentatively. Then he gained more confidence upon learning it was painless.

"Perfect, I should escort you back to the Manor, for safety."

"I'm fine on my own." Damian snapped at her.

"Of course you're safe walking to the billionaire's house in Gotham after being missing for three whole days." Said Y/N, sarcastically.

Damian huffed in annoyance but allowed her to take him back to Wayne Manor. Along the way, they talked. Getting to know each other better. Like each other's favourite colour, or food.

"So, L/N, whereabouts do you live?"

"I uhh... You could say I don't have a home."

"Then I'll invite you to come stay at the Manor. Father surely won't mind."

"No! I couldn't be a burden to you."

"It's the least I could do. You saved me,
I'd be dead if it wasn't for you."

Y/N smiled weakly and nodded. At least it would satisfy Damian knowing she was safe. Little did he know she was always going to be far from it.

Once you neared the front door of the Manor, the billionaire Bruce Wayne himself stormed out, anger crossing his features with a hint of... Concern?

"Damian, where have you been? It's been three days! Who is this? What happened to you?"

Of course, Bruce had instantly noticed the bandages on his leg and the girl by his side.

"Father, this is Y/N. I fell from a cliff and she helped me. I couldn't walk so she stayed with me and tended to my wounds. It took three days for them to be healed enough for me to make my way back here, and Y/N refused to let me go alone. She doesn't have anywhere to live, so, I was wondering if she could stay with us?" Damian explained, then looked at his father hopefully.

Bruce sighed. "Fine, but don't tell her too much."

"Oh, Father, she already knows."

Bruce's eyes widened "What?!" He looked furious.

"I never told her, she already knew." Was Damian's plain answer.

Bruce narrowed his eyes at her. Then backed off. "Alright, please ask Alfred to show Y/N to a room so she can get settled."

Damian nodded politely to Bruce then left, taking Y/N with him.

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