Prove It (Robin Hood BBC)

By TanaMikolon

11.3K 238 7

She has been running away for too long. Making a decision that will change her life forever. Will she stay an... More

Not a Chapter
She Doesn't Look Pregnant
They Took Your Shirt
I Gotta Go
Nice Legs
Seeing Marian
The Wedding
Well, Hello
Let Him Go!
Jealousy Ruins All
Ending Love Hurts
Feelings Never Change
Sneaking Around Causes Trouble
Shocking News
The Baby
Welcome Back
Leaving Home
Long Love
Parent's Nightmare
Cell Mate
Family Trust
Not Again
Something Worth Fighting For
Staying Til The End

Sorrow and Confusion

385 11 0
By TanaMikolon


Chapter 7


I made it just in time. The horns were singing. If it really is Robin's men, Robin will be here. While the sheriff talked, I stalked around. I was searching for a familiar face. Then I saw him... Allan. He was standing there, glaring up at the sheriff.

"Allan," I whispered.

"Evelyn? What are you here?" He asked in a quiet voice.

"I thought you were the one that was going to be hanged..."

Allan leaned down. "My brother and his friends got caught."

I got closer to him. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It's not your fault. He had his chances."

We turned our eyes to the sheriff, who was talking about Robin and how he does not have respect for the law.

"Yes, of course, you do. Which is why I have brought the hanging forward by one hour. Look up there!" The sheriff spat.

Everyone's gaze looked to where he was pointing. Three bodies hung at the top of a stone wall.

Allan's face quickly filled with sadness. He tried to run up to attack the sheriff, but I jumped in front of him and stopped Allan.

"No. I don't want to see you join your brother." I whispered.

The sheriff started to explain the look on the men's faces when they realize that Hood wasn't coming to rescue them. Allan was getting upset. Tears were swelling his eyes.

Allan then ran off. Of course, I ran after him. He was sitting in a what I believe was a barn. Allan was crying. He was trying to keep it together, but he couldn't.

I sat down next to him and put my arm around him. "It will be alright."

"It won't, will it? My brother is dead and I wasn't there to save him." Allan mumble.

"The Sheriff killed my father. He, um. He burned down my house. It fell to the ground and my father was too weak to make it out. See, that day I left for the market. And I came back to see the house burning, I tried to save him, but Guy held me back. We can not protect family forever." I softly explained.

Allan rested his head on my shoulder.

"You are a good man, Allan A Dale." I pushed him up and kissed his cheek. "Any fool would be lucky to have you."

I slipped away just before Will and what looked like a man came and found Allan.


At the Manor, Guy was waiting for me. He was sitting down with his leg crossed over the other. Guy watched me, drinking me in with his dark eyes.

"Sir Guy, is something the matter?" I questioned, sitting across from him.

"You tell me." His voice sounds colder and harder than usual. "What have you been doing in the forest?"

I scoffed. "I only use the paths to get home," I replied. "What is the matter?"

"Someone has betrayed me. Telling my enemy the plans."

"You really think I'd do that? That I'd go to my cousin, who I hate, and tell him your plans. Plans that I don't even know." I quickly stood up, making the chair fall. "I can't believe you. We'd worked so hard to try and make this work, and you're over there... accusing me of a crime I did not commit."

At first, I was heartbroken. Then a sudden rage floods my veins.

"I am not accusing you." Guy sternly said.

"Bolshevik!" I shouted, shoving the table that the chairs around it fell. "You are a horrible person and since I'm Robin Hood's cousin, you are accusing! You cannot stand that I am here because I want to be!"

Guy angrily stood to his feet. "You're right. I can't stand it. I can't stand that you are his cousin. That you would rather run around with him then be with me."

"I'm here now." I softly said. "I'm here. I'm trying to be here. I'm trying to forget the past. But you can't leave it. And if you can't come to the present, I'm gonna leave. I did not betray you. I don't fink I ever would."

"Evelyn, there's a problem. I kinda told the sheriff you did. He's expecting word for your arrest." Guy informed, coming over to me.

I looked up at him. So many emotions. Do I rage, do I cry? What do I do?

"I hate you! I will never forgive you for anything." I spat, gritting my teeth.

"Evelyn, don't say that." Guy softly and sadly said.

I pushed and screamed at him. Then I ran to my bedchambers. Slamming and locking the door behind me. In my room, I stood there, trying to process things.

I thought he was different.

In complete anger, I started to throw things, ripping my dresses apart, screaming.

"Evelyn, can we talk about this?" Guy asked, shouting through my door.

"NO!" I screamed, chucking a ripped dress at the door. "GO AWAY!"

I threw myself against the stone wall and slid to the floor, hugging my knees to my chest. Anger and sadness flooded my body, along with frustration. I laid my head on my knees as tears crawled their way out of my eyes.

"Evelyn, there is a way that I can protect you. Evelyn? Are you listening, Evelyn?" Guy spoke through the thick door.

Slowly lifting my head, I turned to the door and opened it. Looking up from the floor, I saw Guy looking down with emotions in his eyes.

"What?" I quietly said, my voice cracking from all the screaming.

Guy leaned against the tall doorway. "Evelyn... if you marry me and become Lady Gisborne, then I can protect you." He suddenly got down to my level and softly grabbed my heads, holding them close to his chest. "Evelyn, marry me. In two days time, we could marry."

I pulled my hands away. "If I marry... I'd be living a lie."

Guy looked heartbroken, but he shook it off. "In time you can learn to love me. You can see me for who I really am. Please."

"I don't know. Marrying is so fast. Is that really the only way to stay alive?" I asked him.

Guy swallowed a lump in his throat. "You could run. But you'll be caught. I don't want to see you in chains. I don't want to see you with an outlaw."

I looked down at the floor. "You said 'In time I will learn to love.'" I said, looking at him. "My love for you never died. I tried to bury it. I tried to forget everything, but I could only remember how happy I was with you. I can't seem to forget it. Guy, I love you and I want to marry you. But the thing is... we're bad for each other. I will marry you, but you're asking for your destruction."

Guy cupped his my cheek with his large hand, I fell in it. "I'm asking to be happy. We will prove your theory wrong, I promise that."

I removed Guy's hand from my face. Guy stands up before helping me to my feet.

"Shall we sleep separately for tonight?" I asked, brushing off my dress.

Guy nodded. "Yeah, for now."

I gave Guy am an awkward hug, before he left me. I readied myself for bed and laid down. Laying in my bed, I looked up at the ceiling, wondering what I've just done. I am to marry Guy in two days. Suddenly there was a tap at my window. I didn't pay much attention until there was another tap. I climbed out of my bed and went to the window, opening it.

"Allan!" I shouted, quickly covering my mouth lowering my voice. "Allan, what are you doing here?"

He climbed through the window and looked at me. "I wanted to see you."

"You can't be here. You have to go, Allan" I quietly told him, trying to push him back out from where he came.

"Wow, wow, wow, Evelyn," Allan said. "Can't a guy talk to a girl?"

I chuckled. "Not when he'd get killed if he was seen here."

Allan shrugged. "Then we should talk very quietly." He whispers, going to my bed and sitting down.

I rolled my eyes and swung around to face him. "Allan, this is not the time nor place to do this!" I whined.

"To do what? Talk?"

"Guy will kill you if he sees you, Allan, please," I begged.

Allan stood up. "You seem tense. Why?"

I started to blush. "Ah... I don't know what you're talking about."

Allan puts his finger to his chin as if he was thinking or trying to think. "You're hiding something, aren't you."

"I'm hiding nothing!" I shouted a bit, stomping my foot and throwing my fists down to my sides.

Allan softly laughed. "You can tell me."

"No! I'm hiding nothing, so go." I pushed him toward the window. "Shoo." I waved my hands at him as he climbed out.

Allan stopped before completely leaving. "I'm glad that Guy is taking care of you. I may be jealous, but he's good for you. At the moment." Then he left.

My face turned red as I closed my window. I laid back down on my bed, looking up. I am marrying Guy in two days and that was final. No more worrying about outlaws. I closed my eyes. Suddenly, Allan popped into my head. I shook my head to wake myself. After a few more times of that, I finally got out of bed and walked over to Guys room.

I knocked on his door.

"Yes?" He asked.

I cleared my throat. "Can I sleep in here? My room is cold."

Guy seemed shocked, but happy at the same time. "Of course." He rolled the covers over, giving me room on the side. Guy was in just his underwear.

I cuddle up next him, placing one hand under my pillow and the other on Guy's chest. Guy wrapped his arms around me, holding me close.

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