I got Kidnapped by One Direct...

By abbbbbyyyyy__

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Abigail was just a normal girl who lived a normal life. Then one day when she was walking home from school, s... More

I got Kidnapped by One Direction?
Chapter 1 Darkness
Chapter 2 The mission
Chapter 4 Food Fight
Chapter 5 Was it a night mare? Or was it flash back?
Chapter 6 Niall tells her the story
Chapter 7 The dress
Chapter 8 Nandos
Chapter 9 The Prank
Chapter 10 The Shooting Star
Chapter 11 The secret
Chapter 12 Truth or Dare
Chapter 13 Little Unicorn Photo Bomber
Chapter 14 Hidden Talents
Chapter 15 Carnival
Chapter 16 Swag Masta From Doncaster
Chapter 17 Christmas
Chapter 18 A Family Always Stays Together
Chapter 19 World War III
Chapter 20 Am I Really Ok?
Chapter 21 I Deserve It
Chapter 22 It's All My Fault
Chapter 23 Help Me?
Chapter 24 First Stop: Airport
Chapter 25 2nd Stop: Plane To England
Chapter 26 3rd Stop: England
Chapter 27 Private Talk
Chapter 28 Surprise
Chapter 29 Superman's Here
Chapter 30 The Note
Chapter 31 Reunited
Chapter 32 Water Fight
Chapter 33 Hide And Seek
Chapter 34 Roses
Chapater 35 Goodbye

Chapter 3 Mission Failed?

22.3K 406 600
By abbbbbyyyyy__

Chapter 3 Mission Failed?


I quickly turned the door knob and realised that it was locked. I WAS SO CLOSE!!

Mission Failed

I turned around and was pushed to the floor which hurt. A lot.

'OW!' I shouted right in front of a VERY familiar face.

'Sorry love, but don't even think about escaping' the curly haired boy said in a low British voice.

"GET OFF ME!" I yelled.

'Oh, sorry...' he said as he got off me.

"G-go away from me" I said avoiding eye contact from the person.

I then heard a multiple of footsteps coming from the stairs.

'Hey what happened?'

'Oh there she is!'

'Thank god. I thought she ran off!'

'W-why did you kidnap me?' i said looking at them.Wait a minute..

'Oh my god. A-are you One Direction?'

'Niall! You didn't tell us she was a fan!' Zayn said. 

I got kidnapped by One Direction?

'Why did you kidnap me?' I said not really caring that they're here now. Why should I? They kidnapped me! 

'Well, um...' Louis said. You could tell that he's trying to find a fake answer.

'We... played truth or dare?' Louis said finding an excuse.

'Yeah, I totally believe that. So what really happened?'

'Um, Abby-'Liam said

'YOU KNOW MY NAME!?' I yelled. Not in an exciting way, a shocked way.

'Calm down love, let's talk about it in the lounge' Harry said pointing to the lounge.

'How am I supposed to calm down when 5 guys that i have NEVER told my name to, KNOW MY NAME?' I said in a serious tone and looked at all five of them. No wait. There aren't five of them. There's only four, Harry, Niall, Liam and Louis. Where the hell is Zayn? All the 4 boys were looking behind me, so I turned around, and realised that it was a bad idea...

'PUT ME DOWN!' I screamed as Zayn was carrying me while I was punching his back. I have no idea where he's taking me, which started to freak me out.

'Where are you taking me!?'

They didn't answer me. So I screamed louder.

Zayn finally put me down on a couch and when I was about to get up, someone gripped my shoulders hard so I couldn't get up.

I looked behind and saw Harry and he winked at me.



She's beautiful. Wait. Did I just say that? I don't have a crush on her anyways, or maybe just a tiny crush. It's tiny anyway, nothing to worry about right? 

'Well?' I snapped out of my thoughts.

'Sorry, what did you say?' I asked mentally slapping myself.

She groaned 'Why am I here?!'

Here we go again. I want to tell her but I'm scared. I looked up and see everyone looking at me.

'What?' I asked hopping that I won't have to tell Abby the reason.

'Tell her' Zayn whispered. Why me? I thought Niall was supposed to tell her.


'Well, um..' I said nervously. 

'JUST SAY IT!' she shouted as she stood up. Whoa, how did she get out of Harry's grip?

'Calm down sweetheart, everything's alright' Liam said trying to comfort her.

'How can I calm down when I don't even know why I'm here!'

'Why can't you tell me why I'm here? All you have to do is just say-'

Before I made Abby finish her sentence, I grabbed her by the arm and went upstairs.

'Get your stupid hand off me! Where are you taking me here!'

I turned around so I was facing her.

'Look! Just calm-'

'Stop telling me to calm down! I can't ok! How can I-'

'If you calm down, I will tell you why you're here!' I looked at Abby's expression. She sighed and finally calmed down. Thank god.

I nervously took a deep breath

'Ok, the reason why you're here is because'


It can't be that bad right? I'm sure they all have a good reason why I'm here. Maybe it was a misunderstanding or something.

'Ok, the reason why you're here is because' He pasued. It's bad isn't?

'Your Niall's long lost sister'


'Your Niall's long lost sister'' I said in relief. That didn't go that bad actually.

'What!? That's impossible! How can he be my brother when we have different surnames!? I-I'm going!' She shouted right in front my face. I ran after her downstairs.

'Abby! Don't leave! You can't go!' I shouted as I followed her.

'And why can't I?' She said as she stopped in her tracks and turned around

'Because you are Niall's sister!'

'That's not even true!'

'But it is true!'

'It's not true Louis! I'm not related to him!'  I was about to help her, but she pushed me away.

'Go away from me!'

'Abby, I'm not going to hurt you, I promise.'

'I don't trust you! I don't trust ANY OF YOU!'

'Sweetheart, please don't cry. Everything's going to be alright' Liam said as he came up to her.

'NO IT'S NOT! I HATE MY LIFE!' She then ran to the backyard door. I knew it was locked so she couldn't escape, but somehow, she opened the door and ran. Dammit. All of us then chased her before she could do anything else, but it was too late.

'DANG IT!' I shouted as I saw Abby climbed over the gate that leads to the front. Harry and Zayn climbed over the gate to get her while the three of us ran back inside to the front door. As soon as Liam opened the door, we ran.


As soon as Abby climbed over the fence, Zayn and I climbed over the fence as well. We can't let her go because she is Niall's sister and I want to be with her. She's so beautiful and perfect.

The both of us didn't know where she went, so we split up to find her. I really need to get her.


I climbed off the fence and ran for my life. YES! Mission completed. I then heard footsteps so I looked behind again, but still didn't see anyone. I quickly climbed up a tree that was nearby. 

I hid behind the leaves and hopefully no one couldn't see me. I  hear the footsteps from earlier coming louder. I then see Harry stop right in front of the tree where I'm hiding. Dammit. Well, at least he's not looking at me.


I kept on running to find Abby, but I couldn't find her. I got tired, so I stopped running and looked around to see if she was anywhere. Nope. Now I lost my chance to be with her. I hope Liam found her. I got my phone out and called him. 


'No. I can't find her anywhere' I sighed

'Well keep looking' he sighed

'I will' I said then put my phone back in my pocket. When I was about to run off, I heard a crack from a tree branch. I looked up and see.......Abby!?


I then hear a crack from the branch. Crap. I looked at Harry and he saw me. Shit! I then fell off the tree and started to scream at the top of my lungs. I closed my eyes as I fell, instead of pain hitting all over me, I felt something else.

'It's ok Abby, I've got you' I hear a familiar voice telling me.

I opened my eyes slowly and see Harry.

I screamed in shock.

'Are you ok Abby?' he asked

'Yes, I am. Did you really catch me?' I asked, in case it was a dream.

'Yes, I did sweetheart.'

I sighed and covered my eyes to cry.

'What's wrong love?' He asked.

'I-I thought I w-was going to escape from y-you guys' I said trying to fight away the tears.

'I'm really sorry Abby. It's so hard to explain to you what happened. There's just too much to talk about'

'I know' I said and stopped crying.

'You can put me down now' I said to him feeling awkward because he is still carrying me.

'You sure?' he said in his cute accent. Did I just say that?

'Yep' I said in reply

'Ok, but you must promise me not to run off' 

'I promise'

He then placed me back on the ground and I brushed off the dirt from my uniform.

'Thanks for saving me Harry' I said shyly.

'No problems love' he said and I hugged him and he hugged back. I really trust him now. I then pulled out of the hug.

' I'll just text Liam that I found you' he said as he got the phone out of his pocket.

'Alrighty' I said.


'Ok let's go' he said as he was about to turn the door knob

'Wait!' I said not wanting to go inside


'I'm scared..' I said quietly.

'Don't worry, I'm here with you' he the opened the door and we both went inside. Dammit.

'We're home!' he shouted. Argh. You should not have said that Harry.

'The rest of the boys are in the lounge waiting for you two' Liam said as he came downstairs and we walked to the lounge with him.


I was really nervous when I came to the living the room. Everyone looked at me with a relieved face. 

We all sat down and just looked at each other. It was an awkward silence. 

'I'm sorry...' I said quietly and looked down as I felt all eyes on me.

'Why are you sorry?' Niall asked.

I looked up.

'Because of everything I did wrong'

'It's alright sweetheart, you didn't have to say sorry' Liam said

'Of course I have to say sorry' I said feeling more confident now.

I then started to say sorry for all things I've done wrong to them.

'I'm sorry for hurting you, I'm sorry for shouting at you, I'm sorry for not finishing your sentences, I'm sorry for being impatient, I'm sorry for getting angry at you, I'm sorry for escaping and I'm sorry for everything' I said.

'You didn't have to say all of those things but we forgive you' Zayn said.

'Ok' I said.

'LET'S WATCH A MOVIE!' Louis shouted which made me flinch.

'Careful Louis! You scared Abby!' Harry said as he was hugging me.

'Aw, sorry Abby. Please forgive me' i couldnt resist his puppy eyes so I hugged him.

'Of course I forgive you' I smiled.

'Aw, how adorable. Don't they look so cute together?' As soon as Zayn said that, I pulled out of the hug and blushed.

'Aww, Abby's blushing!' Louis said to me as he pinched my cheeks.


When Abby hugged Louis, I felt anger filled all over me.

'Aw, how adorable. Don't they look so cute together?' I looked at Zayn which made me get more angry.

'Aww, Abby's blushing!' Now I feel like I want to kick and punch Louis. When Abby came back to sit with me, I didn't talk to her.


When I saw Abby hug Louis, I looked over at Harry. Oh, no he's angry. I already knew he likes Abby even though he didn't tell me. You can just tell whenever he is around with her.

When Zayn said that they look cute together, I looked at Harry and he was angrier. Harry does get angry sometimes but not as that angry from what I'm seeing.

Love Triangle.


When I went back to my seat, Harry didn't talk to me at all. Awkward. This isn't right. He always talks to me. Hmm, I wonder what happened to him. I then see Niall standing next to us holding 3 packets of food. Damnnn. He just looked at us for a while and walked away. Lol I wonder what that was about. He probably didn't want to share his food. Oh well, fine with me because I can just grab some food from the kitchen. But I didn't feel hungry.

I looked at Harry and he's still not talking to me.

'Hey Harry?' I said wanting to talk to him.

He looked up at me. Something is definitely wrong with him.

'Are you ok?' I asked wanting to know why he isn't talking.

He nodded. 

'No you're not. I can tell because your not talking to me' I told him

He just sat there. Doing nothing.

'Harry, please talk to me'

'I don't want to talk about' He answered.

'Please, you saved me from falling down and I want to help you in return.' I told him.

'I don't need help'

'Yes you-'

'I don't need any help Abby!' he shouted and went upstairs. There is something with him but I don't know what it is. And I need to know. So I went upstairs to follow him. When I was about to catch up with him, he went to his room and closed the door.

I went to the door and knocked.

No reply.

So I knocked again.

Still no reply.

I knocked again but this time a bit louder.

Still no re-

'Come in' he sighed. Well, that was easy.

I came in and see a really clean room. Whoa.

'So why didn't you talk to me earlier?'

He sighed and took a deep breath.

'You know when you hugged Louis?'


'I-I gotreallyangry'

'What? Sorry. I didn't understand what you said because you spoke to fast.'

He sighed again.

'Sorry, um the reason why I wasn't talking to you is because....... I got angry at you when you hugged Louis'

'What? Why were you angry at me when I hugged Louis?'

'Because I-I got jealous'

'Why were you jealous?'

'Because I-I like you...'

OMG guys!!! Thank u sooooooo much for 100 reads in 8 days!!!!! I'm so happy!!!!!! I never knew i'll get that much reads so quickly!! So thank you!! Ily! ♥

Anyways, hope u enjoyed this chapter! cuz I did. omg this is my first long chapter! I'm really happy cuz my previous chapters are short and now I have a long chapter! yay!

Plz vote,follow and comment!

I need 5 votes to update the next chapter

Mkay bye!

Thank u again for 100 reads! xoxo

You guys are da bomb!

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