Is there Somewhere?|halsanie

By TrashforHalsey

15K 731 617

"I promised myself I wouldn't let you complete me. And I tried to refrain, but your just stuck in my brain. I... More

Lesbians and Gays
Group Chats
Fancy Dinners and Secrets
Secrets, secrets, and more secrets
Tears and Makeouts
Apologies and Jealousy
Hotel Rooms
We dont have to pretend
Romantic Poetry
Netflix and visitors
Tickle Fights and Real Fights
Getting really drunk
Everyone Lies
At least I think I do
Its Important
Everything is Blue
Awkward Family meetings
Almost Broken Promises
Wedding Day
Sexual Tension
Houses and Families
Its Out

Kissing and Touching

533 27 1
By TrashforHalsey

~Ashley's PoV~

I feel my heart stop.

"What?" My voice cracks

"I need Marina." She says. Her breathing is still not controlled and she's shaking.

"What do you mean?" I say confused

"She knows what to do. Please. Call her." Melanie's face is red and glistening with tears.

I take out my phone and look for her contact. I call.



"Ashley. What happened. Is everything alright?"

I take a deep breath in.

"Melanie needs you right now." I say

"What do you mean?"

"She's having like a panic attack and she said she needs you." It hurts to talk.

"Oh shit. She said she needs me?"

"Yes. Now can you hurry up and get over here?" I start to grow impatient as time passes by.

"Alright." She hangs up.

I turn to Melanie and she's still shaking and breathing heavily.

"I-is s-she c-coming?"

"Yeah." I say wrapping my arms around her. I kiss her head.

A few minutes later there a knock on the door.

I answer it and Marina tries to hurry in.

I stop her.

"You try anything, your done." I grit my teeth.

"Okay. Can I see her now?" She walks past me and gets into the room.

She kneels in front of Melanie with a bottle of pills.

God I hate this bitch.

~Melanie's PoV~

Marina gets here.

"Hey." She says kneeling in front of me. She takes out my medication that I left at her house.

"I-i c-can't b-breath M-Marina." I say.

She grabs my hand.

"I got you love. Just take slow deep breaths and everything will be alright." She says.

"Ashley could I get a glass of water?" Ashley's nods and brings over a glass.

"Take this." She says handing me the pull and glass. "You left it over at the house when you left. I thought you had a new prescription."

I shake my head.

"N-no. I-I h-haven't h-had a-a b-break d-down u-until n-now." I swallow the pill.

"Hey calm down. Look at me. I promise you everything will be alright okay? I promise." She says taking my shaky hands into hers.

"How have you been?" She asks softly.

"L-life I-s o-o-okay." I look over at Ashley who's leaning on the door frame.

"What were you thinking about before this happened?" Marina says locking eyes with me.

I don't respond.

"Hey it's okay. Just breath."

"I-I was t-thinking about y-y-you and L-Liz." I choke out.

"Oh. I'm sorry." She says not breaking eye contact.

"Well I should get going." Marina says getting up.

"N-no please stay." I grab her arm.

She looks at Ashley.

"I don't think it will be okay with Ashley if I stayed."

"S-he'll b-b-be fine." I say staring at Ashley.

She walks away.

Marina sits next to me.

"Alright well your breathing a getting better and your hands aren't shaking so I think your fine. I should leave because I honestly don't think Ashley will be happy if I stayed. Just call me if anything happens okay?" She says kissing my head. I nod and she leaves.

"Ashley?" I say

"Yeah?" She says entering the room.

"Come here." And with that she sits next to me and wraps her arms around me.

She rests her head on my shoulder.

"Do you still love her?" She asks quietly

"I don't know." I say.

"Do you still love me?"

"Of course I still love you Ashley."

She kisses my cheek.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Tell you what?" I face her.

"About your panic attacks. I could have gotten you a new prescription. I was scared Mel."

"I'm sorry I just didn't think they'd come back." I say looking down.

"Hey." She says lifting my chin. "I love you so much Melanie." She presses her lips against mine.

"I love you too." I bury my face in her neck.

~Ashley's PoV~

I don't like Marina.

But when she got Melanie to calm down so easily, I gained a little bit of respect for her.

I love Melanie.

And I know Marina does too.

But she's mine. And I won't let Marina hurt her again.

"Ashley." Melanie says into my neck.

"Yeah babe?"

"You never got you side of Chinese." She says looking up at me and smirking. 

"Oh that's true." I say pressing my lips into hers.

She hums into the kiss.

God she's perfect.

Yay another update. Someone message me. I'm bored, sad, and I need to rant. Or don't.

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