STUCK WITH HIM, jake fit...

Av hexgirIs

232K 10.3K 4K

o. STUCK WITH HIM. ❛ guess who's stuck with ol' jakey? it's you! ❜ ❛ oh god please no lord... Mer

[00] introduction
[01] kik
[02] kik
[03] kik
[04] instagram
[05] instagram dm
[06] kik
[07] instagram
[08] instagram dm
[09] kik
[10] instagram dm
[11] twitter
[12] twitter
[13] twitter dms
[14] kik
[15] instagram
[16] kik
[17] kik
[18] twitter
[19] instagram
[20] instagram
[21] instagram
[22] kik
[23] facetime
[24] kik
[25] kik
[26] kik
[27] reality or dream? who knows? not u!
[28] kik
[29] instagram
[30] kik
[31] reality
[32] instagram
[33] instagram
[34] reality
[35] instagram
[36] kik
[37] instagram
[38] kik + instagram
[39] reality
[40] instagram
[41] kik + facetime
[42] instagram
[43] kik
[44] instagram
[45] instagram dm
[46] kik
[47] instagram dm + kik
[48] instagram
[49] kik
[50] kik
[51] kik
[52] kik
[53] instagram
[54] kik
[55] kik
[56] instagram
[57] kik
[58] instagram
[59] kik
[60] phone call
[61] instagram + kik
[62] reality
[63] kik
[65] epilogue
[66] note
[67] voting
[68] the final chapter

[64] reality

2.7K 111 276
Av hexgirIs

"Alright, where are we going first?" Taylor spoke as she linked arms with Emma. The group of girls walked into the mall, all of them ready for their girls day. 

"Candy store!" Rosie exclaimed loudly with a grin. Everyone looked at her, shaking their head no. "Then to the Disney store!" Once again, they shook their heads no. Rosie whined, throwing her arms into the air, "Then why did we come to the mall? I mean, those are the best stores here!"

"My poor wife," Brooke playfully pouted at the girl. "We'll go to the candy if it'll make you happy," she teased the girl.

"It would make me very happy."

"Alright, guys how about we just walk around for a while and if we see a store we want to go in, we go in. Right now, there is a very serious topic we need to discuss," Audrey joined into the conversation. She stood in front of everyone, facing the girls. "That topic is. . . drum roll please," she pointed to Elizabeth, who began to make a noise that sounded nothing like a drum, "Marcie and Noah!"

Rosie let out an excited gasp as she began to hit Brooke's arm, "Did they finally get together? I heard they were making out! Has Nocie finally happened?"

"We just kissed!" Marcie let out a whine. "We weren't making out." Rosie wiggled her eyebrows at the girl.

"So, basically," Rosie began as walked over towards Marcie and slung her arm over the girls shoulders, "What you're saying here is that you guys are married with five kids and live in nice, cozy fenced in house with a dog, two cats, and a mini aquarium?"

"Basically," Marcie replied back, sarcastically while rolling her eyes. "Because Noah and I are most certainly you and Jake."

"Um, for your information: Jake and I will be having no more than three kids and at least fourteen dogs. Get your facts straight, cunt bag."

Once again, speaking sarcastically, Marcie stated, "Oh, my bad. How dare I mistake my apparent future life with Noah with the future you and Jake wont be having."

Rosie frowned, "The hell is that supposed to mean?" She removed her arm from the girls shoulder and crossed them across her own chest as she stopped and looked at her friend. The whole group stopped. Everyone staying quiet as the two girls spoke.

Marcie let out a laugh, "Do you really think that Jake is going to allow you to buy fourteen dogs?" Rosie laughed, glad her friend didn't say some dumb shit. "I highly doubt he would ever allow you more than three dogs."

"If he ever tries to stop me from buying at least fourteen dogs, you wanna know where he's gonna end up? The side of the curb with the rest of his shit. A bitch can think they're gonna stop me from buying dogs, but a bitch won't succeed."

"Im pretty sure Jake would actually throw himself off a cliff if you brought home more than two dogs," Emma joined into the conversation, laughing along with the girls. Rosie shrugged her shoulders as she pulled her phone out.

"Oh we'll see just how many dogs he'll let me get. Jakey boy better hope he says the right thing," She mutters as she clicks his contact name and begins to call him. He picks up the phone within seconds. "Jakey boy! I have an important question," Rosie began. She placed the phone on. speaker, so the others could hear.

"What's shaking, baby?"

"How many dogs am I allowed to force you to buy me and impulsively buy at four in the morning when I have nothing better to do as I await your return from war once we're married?"

"When they're married. I'm screaming!" Elizabeth giggled as she yanked on Audrey's arm in excitement.

"However many you want."

"So, hypothetically, if I said I wanted at least fourteen dogs in the future. What would you say to that? Remember, hypothetically."

"I'd say that's cool. Three seconds ago I do believe I said you can have as many dogs as you want."

Rosie stuck her tongue out in Marcie and Emma's direction. "See! Suck it, bitches. My sugar daddy loves me!"

"Damn right I do."

"You know all this talk about dogs has made me want a dog. I need to go buy a dog."

"Rosie, your dads already told you that you can't have a dog. If you bring one home, he will actually murder you," Elizabeth stated as she placed a hand on her hip.

"Don't listen to Alien Slut. If you want a dog, go buy a dog. You can keep the dog at my place."

"He's only saying all this, because he knows I'm about to buy my girlfriend a bunch of stuff and he knows he can't compete," Brooke grinned, speaking with a cocky tone of voice.

"Stop trying to steal my girlfriend!"

"lol bye," Brooke sang, dragging the 'e' out as she grabbed Rosie's phone and ended the call. She handed Rosie her phone back, an innocent smile on her lips, "I didn't do anything. Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Holy fuck," a voice spoke loudly from behind the group causing them to turn. When seeing who it was, everyone, including Bernie Sanders himself, either groaned or rolled their eyes into oblivion. "Didn't realize they let animals out of their cages at the zoo. And out of all the animals they could of let out —"

"They chose you." Rosie smiled sweetly to the girl, "Hey, I have a question. How many people did you blind on the way over here?" Rosie was about to say more before she paused, placing a hand on her heart as if it were in pain. "I apologise. I'm not sure why I said that. I think I might be coming down with something. It's called bitchitis. You've got it too, right? Oh, no, wait. That's right, you just have every STD known to man, woman, and alien." Rosie stepped closer to the girl, "If you'll excuse us. We have shopping to do. I would love to stay and chat—actually, I wouldn't, because I don't like wasting my time on shit talking back and forth with someone who has the IQ of a brick wall."

"You know, I heard that you're saving yourself for marriage? Do you really think Jake is gonna hold out that long? You might want to put out or he might leave you."

"For your information, Jake is alright with waiting until marriage to have sex. Anyways, unlike you, I don't have to put out to get a boy to even consider knowing I exist." Rosie placed her hands on her hips as she sent Ashely a bored look. "Is that all or you do you have more shitty insults? Do I need to give you a moment to look at your notebook of insults for me?"

"You know what? Fuck you."

"Sorry, I'm not like you. I don't take offers."


Rosie stepped outside of the coffee shop that her and the rest of the girls were at. It was a little past eleven and they were all completely worn out. Rosie really just wanted to get back to Jakes place, so she could spend more time with him before she had to go back home. She let out a sigh as she pulled her phone out.

The coffee shop was extremely hot and Rosie just needed some cold air. Plus, a couple minutes to herself to call Jake to let him know that she should be back at his place within the next fifteen minutes. She was about to press call when a call came through. She groaned, answering the phone even though she didn't recognize the number.

"Hello?" She asked, hoping it was an automated call she could just hang up on. It wasn't.

"Hello, Rosie," A distorted voice spoke over the phone. "How are you doing?" She frowned as she looked around the area.

"Who is this?"

"Looking around is pointless, Rosie. You won't see me."

"Who is this!" Her voice was more demanding this time as she took a step back closer to the coffee shop. "Jake, I swear—"

"It's not Jake." She turned around to look inside the coffee shop where her friend sat. They were all talking together not a single one on their phones. "I told you, Little Lion, looking around is pointless. You can't see me."

"Is this Ashley?"


"Then who the fuck is it? This isn't funny."

"Wouldn't you like to know."

Getting frustrated, and freaked out, Rosie hung up the phone. She gripped her phone tightly as she walked back into the cafe. She felt her phone vibrate and she picked it up, seeing she had a text.

Hanging up was stupid. I called to be nice and give you a warning. One that you're going to wish you had given me the chance to give you. But oh well.

She locked her phone as she sat down at the table. She didn't bother answering, figuring it was a joke by one of the guys. "Rosie, are you alright?" She looked up to see Emma, who sat across the table, looking at her with concern.

"Yeah. Some person was just prank calling me. Apparently, they were watching me too, but honestly, whatever. It was just a stupid joke." Emma and Brooke exchanged worried looks causing Rosie to frown at them. "What?" She asked them as she looked between them.

They both quickly shook their heads, avoiding eye contact. Brooke spoke as she pulled her phone out, sending a text to someone, "It's nothing. Its just weird like all prank calls are." She let out a nervous laugh as she locked her phone and shoved it into her person.

"When are we heading out? I miss Jake," Rosie changed the subject, laying her head on Marcie, who sat to her left. Emma let out a laugh.

"Of course you do." She leaned closer to the table and spoke teasingly to Rosie, "How do you even survive back in Florida?" Rosie shrugged dramatically with a whine.

"I have no clue. All I know is that I'm dead on the inside."

"We'll be leaving after we get our drinks, so worry not, because you'll back in your lovers arms in no time," Audrey teased the girl as she pointed her camera at her. Rosie grinned like a child to the camera.

"Yay!" She cheered as she sent to a kiss to the camera, or maybe it was to Audrey who knows.



Rosie hugged everyone, saying goodbye before taking a couple steps back to allow the car to pull away. It was completely black outside and Rosie couldn't wait to just go inside and fall asleep in Jake's arms. Rosie walked up the door, knocking on it. She knew Jake wouldn't mind her just walking right in, but she didn't want to be rude. Whether he minded or not, she didn't want to just barge into the house. When Jake didn't come to open the door, she frowned as she thought he may have fallen asleep. She rang the doorbell hoping it would wake him. After a couple minutes of no one coming to the door, her frown deepened. She pulled her phone out to text Jake when a text came through.

The doors unlocked. I'm in my room with a headache. Come lay with me :(

The message seemed off, but she shrugged it off. She assumed he just didn't feel well. Though, she wasn't sure why he would just leave the door unlocked. Someone could of broken in. She knew Jake had a headache, but she had full intentions of scolding him for leaving the door unlocked like an idiot.

She locked the front door before she marched up the steps. She walked to Jake's room, knocking before she entered. Her eyebrows furrowed together in confusion when she saw Jake wasn't in his room. She stepped further into the room and began looking around. Her breath caught in her throat when she walked to the others side of Jake's bed.

Rosie dropped to her knees as her heart began to race. "Jake," Her voice was shaky as she placed a hand on his neck, hoping to feel a pulse — and in the process, covering her hands in blood. She didn't realize she was holding her breath until she let out a loud sigh after feeling a pulse. She began to shake Jake's shoulders with one arm as she pulled her phone out with the other.

She dialed 911 as quickly as she could. She continued to shake Jake's shoulders, hoping he would wake up. After informing the police about the situation and telling them where they were, she hung up and threw her phone behind her. "Jake, wake up. Please wake up. I need you to wake up," She begged the boy, tears forming in her eyes. She let out a small laugh as his eyes opened.

He looked at Rosie confused. He didn't remember what happened. "What happened?" He attempted to sit up, but stopped as Rosie forced him to lay back down.

"That's what I'd like to know," Rosie's hands made their way to Jake's cheeks, holding them gently. "I've called the police. They should be here soon with ambulances and all that shit. You're gonna be alright, Jake." However, it seemed like when she spoke the last sentence, she was trying to convince herself that and not Jake. He had attempted to nod back, but it didn't work well considering it hurt him to move.

Jake's breathing was slow, but loud. "Fuck, everything hurts," He let out a groan. He found that it was hard to keep his eyes open and Rosie seemed to notice too.

"Keep your eyes open, Jake. They'll be here soon. Please just keep your eyes open," She moved a hand away from his cheek to push his hair back. Tears fell down her face as she hoped and prayed that her boyfriend would be alright. Jake looked up at her with an attempted frown.

He picked one of his arms up, moving it up to wipe away her tears — as he also fought the urge to groan at how much it hurt to move his arm. "You're too pretty to be crying, Lion." He held her cheek, still ignoring the pain, and smiled at the girl. "Mighty Lions don't cry," his voice was weak and it was slowly becoming harder for him to speak — or to do anything, honestly. It was even harder for him to breathe.

He closed him eyes, attempting to control his breathing. It felt like he was breathing hard and quick when in reality, he could barely breath at all. It was as if he was being suffocated and there was no oxygen around him. He kept his eyes closed as he laid his arm back down. "Jake," Rosie shook him, her voice laced with concern.

"I gotta go to sleep, Rosie. I'm really tired."

Rosie shook her head no. "No, Jake, please don't do that." Her voice cracked as she spoke. "If you do that, you'll die and if you die, then we can't get married. We can't have kids. Or buy hundreds of dogs. And we have to do that. Because — because, you promised me. You promised me we'd get married, Jake. Please, I need you. Please don't go to sleep."

"You know, I really love you."

"No," She shook her head again. Tears were falling quickly from her eyes, "Don't do that. Don't say that. If you say that, then that means you're dying and you're not, because the ambulance will be here any minute to help you." His eyes would open to look at her only to close again. He wanted to stay awake, to stay alive for her, but everything hurt. He couldn't breath and his body was slowly going numb.

"You're the best thing that ever happened to me," He continued even though it hurt him more to speak. Rosie was still shaking her head.

"I know there have been times when I told you to die, but I didn't mean it. Please don't die."

"Rosie, It's fine."

"It's fine? What kind of sick bullshit is that? You're dying! How the hell is that fine?" She yelled, wishing the ambulances would hurry the hell up. "They'll be here any minute and you'll be alright. You wanna know why? Because you're The Jake with a capital K."

With the little strength left in him, he lifted his arm back up to place his hand on her cheek once again. He wiped more of her tears away as he spoke, "It's alright, Rosie. You're going to be alright. You're still going get married, have kids, and buy hundreds of dogs." He stopped speaking, a groan escaping his lips. He attempted to catch what little breath was left inside him to continue speaking, "You're gonna be happy again, I promise."

"No, No. That's not happening with anyone, but you. I'm the Jake's girl and only the Jake's girl." But it didn't matter what she said, her words couldn't stop the blood seeping out of his wounds. Her words couldn't breath air back into his lungs. Her words couldn't make his cuts disappear.

And her words certainly couldn't bring the dead back to life.



But the good news is: there will be an epilogue (which actually won't be happy at all k) and there's also the sequel that will probably be up this weekend.

Honestly, I put off writing this chapter for so long, because it psychically hurt me just thinking about writing this chapter. Also, as y'all can tell I changed how Jake's death went because I did not want to relive his actual death again (except he's really not dead he's just taking a nap y'all) plus I was talking to vernonchews awhile ago about how i should end it and she said something about Rosie finding Jake dead and then I was like LOL YALL I GOT AN IDEA and thus this happened so if y'all wanna hate someone for the emotional trAUMA YOU GOT FROM THIS THEN BLAME MAE BECAUSE SHE WAS THE REASON I GOT THE IDEA TO MAKE ROSIE FIND JAKE AS HE DIED

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