Daddy Niall

By telltaletaylor

227K 3.5K 1.4K

Niall James Horan. Directioners know that name. Who wouldn't? He's famous and is 1/5 of the world's biggest b... More

Daddy Niall
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Author's Note
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
New Characters?
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Author's Note - Important
Chapter 23
Important; Please Read
Chapter 24 (Final)

Chapter 14

6K 117 23
By telltaletaylor

Hey tator tots! Isn't this great? Two updates within less than a week. New personal record. Anyway, I decided that I was going to update once more before tomorrow, because I am leaving super early Sunday morning to head to Pittsburgh to see One Direction for the first time! I'm really excited because I'm going with a small group of my best girl friends and we are in the 12th row! I'm busting my balls making sure I have everything, so I hoped this isn't as rushed as I think it is. I completed it yesterday with some final touches this morning. So, I'll see you guys Monday! Love you all.



Niall stares at Trinity with so much confusion and hurt on his face that Trinity tilts her head to the side, something she use to do when she was utterly confused about something. Niall can understand why Melanie would change her appearance, but going as far as hurting her to the point she'd believe something so inhuman just completely upsets him. 

"Wait a minute, I know you!" Niall blinks his eyes to give Trinity his utmost attention. "You're Niall Horan, from One Direction! My best friend Lyza loves your band. We listen to you all the time because my mum hates you guys. I'm not exactly sure why, but she yells at me every time I listen to you guys or tell her how much I want to meet you and-" she stops talking when she notices the surprised look on Niall's face. She gasps lightly and throws her arm toward him. "I wasn't suppose to tell you that. I'm so sorry, you just met me and I'm telling you about my life and you probably don't even care. I'm sorry." Niall shakes his head and places Trinity's hand back on the bed beside her. 

"Don't worry about it, love. Your secrets safe with me. I'm surprised you know who I am, though. The band broke up years ago. You look about ten."

"I am. I turned ten in January. The day after Zayn's, but Lyza and I celebrated on Zayn's birthday because it just felt right. How are the others? Do you still talk to them?" Niall nods his head with a soft smile. 

"Everyday. I'm an uncle to Liam and Louis; kids." Trinity gasps and sits up so she's facing Niall. 

"Really? How old are they? What are their names?" 

"All three of them are three, four on June 21. Louis has twins and Liam has a little boy. Samuel Anthony and Loghan Avery Tomlinson and Coen Alexander Payne. All born on the same day, minutes apart."

"So it's just them? That must stink to just have three three year olds." Niall sighs and shakes his head. 

"I have a daughter. She's your age." 

"Can you tell me about her?" Niall pulls out his wallet and pulls out the last picture he taken of her. 

"She's five in this picture. It's the last one I ever got of her before I lost her." Trinity looks at the picture and her eyes widen.

"She looks like me, except she looks like you. What happened to her, if you don't mind asking."

"Her mom took her from me. She lives here in Italy. Maybe you know her." Trinity looks at the picture for a little longer before shaking her head. 

"I don't, or not that I know of. I'm sorry." Niall nods his head with a sigh. It was worth a shot right? He perks up a little when he thinks of an idea. 

"You said you were a fan right?" Trinity nods. "Would you like to talk to one of the lads?" Trinity gasps.

"Really? You'd do that for me? Can I talk to Zayn? He was always my favourite." Niall nods his head with a smile. He pulls out his phone and dials Zayn's number. He waits for a few minutes and sighs gratefully when he answers. 

"Hey Nialler, how is she?" 

"Everything's fine, but I was wondering if you're busy at the moment." Zayn turns down the telly even lower and leans back into the couch. 

"No, why?"

"I'm sitting beside Piper-Jane, that model Harry and I told you about. She's in the hospital and I was wondering if it's okay if she talks to you. You're her favourite member of the band." Zayn sighs, realizing what Niall means, but agrees anyway. 

"Yeah, I'd love that. Always excited to hear from my little girl." Niall smiles and hands Trinity the phone. She takes the phone and shakily puts it up to her ear. 


"Hi love." Trinity's face lights up in excitement. "Piper-Jane, right?"

"Just call me PJ, everyone does. I like that name a lot better." For the next two hours, Trinity and Zayn talk about anything Trinity brings to mind, with Niall's opinion being added every now and again. When they do hang up, Trinity's smile is still there. She hands the phone back to Niall and thanks him profoundly. "I can't believe I talked to Zayn Malik. I'm usually so nervous when I talk to people, but it feels like talking to my best friend while I was talking to him. It feels like I know him, which is strange."

"Who knows, maybe you secretly do know him." Trinity's laugh rings through the room, causing Niall to smile widely; it sounds just like his. She laughs for a few more moments before the door opens up and Melanie walks in. She stops as soon as she sees Niall and her face grows angry. 

"Why the hell are you here? How did you even get in here? I purposely did everything I could so she couldn't see you. You have to leave, or I'm calling security on you. You have no right to be here." Trinity stares at her mum, terrified of what she sees. Her mum has always been nice except for when she bring up One Direction, but she never gets this upset. 

"Mummy, you know Niall?" Melanie ignores her daughter and continues to glare at Niall. 

"Leave, now." 

"Not without her. How could you do such a thing to her? You're suppose to protect her, not injure her to the point where she thinks I'm dead! How could you tell her something like that? I'm the reason she is who she is. She's my daughter and she's coming home with me." Melanie steps forward threateningly, but Niall doesn't budge, not this time. This time, he's fighting twice as hard and is not leaving without his daughter. "So you can either give her to me, legally with consent, or I'm sending your sorry ass back to court, and I'll make sure you understand the word hate. Because once I'm through with you, you'll despise me with every bone in your damn body." Trinity sits on the bed trying to process everything that's being said. So, she's the girl in the picture. It'd make sense as to why it was so easy to talk to him or Zayn for so long and why it's the only reasonable thing to believe. 

"Then you better be ready, because I'll see you in court once again." Trinity shakes her head, which catches Melanie's attention. Melanie sends a smirk to Niall and begins to walk over toward Trinity/ "See, she doesn't even know who you are. She doesn't want to go with you." Melanie goes to place her hand on Trinity's arm, but Trinity pulls away with a disgusted look. Niall notices this action and subtly smiles to himself. 

"No. I want to go with him." Melanie's breath gets caught in her throat once she hears this.

"But baby, you don't even know who he is. Whatever he told you was a lie."

"He told me he was my dad. I may not know him, but I trust him. Why else would he travel all the way from London? Sure as hell not to see you. That's for sure."

"Mind your tone, Trinity." Niall says in his father voice, something he hasn't used in years. Trinity turns to look at him and puts her head down, in understanding of what she has said. She quietly apologizes to both Meanie and Niall before continuing. 

"But I'm serious. I want to go home with Niall. I never felt at home here."

"And what if I won't let you? I'm your legal parent. You have to listen to me." The door opens and Lana steps in with a smirk on her face. 

"Actually, you're under arrest for endangering and abusing a child." Two large police men walk into the room and arrest Melanie on the spot. Once that gets taken care of, Lana hands Niall a stack of papers. "These are to be signed and handed into the courts before making your way back to London." Niall looks at the papers and smiles when he sees that they are custody papers. "Unfortunately, because of the accident, child services in London will be making random house checks for a few weeks, just to be sure." Niall silently agrees with a 'whatever gets my babygirl home sooner' and smiles at Trinity. 

"Looks like you'll be coming to London after all." Trinity smiles just as brightly. She's ready to leave the hospital now and fly as quickly as she can to London, but she knows it'll be a few more days. Niall takes a seat by the bedside table and begins to fill out the paperwork, happy he's able to finally get his babygirl  back. 

~Three Days Later~ 

Niall and Trinity are packing the last items into the moving vans with a sigh. Everything is finally out of Melanie's house. Most will be going to the local charities since Trinity won't need it, but she needs a new bed, so why not this one? Before long, Niall and Trinity find their way at the airport going through everything before sitting on a bench waiting for their plane to be called. 

"Can I ask some questions? To get use to everything before we get there?" Niall locks his phone and turns to Trinity only to nod.

"Ask anything you like. I'm glad to help."

"Is there anything I should know about my uncles? Certain things we say to each other? Hand shakes? Nick names? Do I have a favourite? Who am I closest with?" Niall takes in all of the questions, not saying anything about how fast she's asking them. 

"Well, Liam and Louis have kids now, Zayn is single, and Harry been seeing someone for about a year now, and Greg has two kids now instead of just Theo. We all have a tattoo for you, not matching. You have nick names for everyone of them. Uncle LiLi, Uncle Lou, Uncle Harry or Hazza, sometimes muffin, Uncle Gregie, and baba."


"That's what you use to call Zayn. You were closest to him, besides me, and because you grew up without a mum you started to think the second closest person to you as a parent and it just so happened to be Zayn, so you started calling him baba. You're favourite uncle, though, is Louis. He always made you laugh, even in the weirdest ways."

"I call Harry, muffin?" Niall looks at the shocked/confused look on her face and laughs a little beore nodding his head.

"Yeah. When the band was together everyone had this thing for Harry, and apparently he had several different personalities. One of them was cupcake Harry, but when you were little he'd call you cupcake just for fun and you replied back by calling him muffin. I'm sure of the whole story, but you can ask him when we get home." Home, Trinity can't wait. 

"Can you tell me about the tattoos?" Niall thinks for a moment, trying to figure out who has what tattoo.

"On the left side of my collar bone, I have a princess tiara with your initials underneath it in the princess font you use to like, but instead of pink it was purple. Liam has one by his thumb on his right hand that has your first and middle initials is a weird black font. Harry's is the biggest as a Celtic Knot with your name written in there somewhere, but he's had that for years. Louis' is on his left forearm, he says it's an inside joke between the two of you, I never understood it. And Zayn's is on his left hipbone with a four leaf clover and your name and birthday going over it like a rainbow." Trinity takes everything in and smiles a little. Niall notices and gives her a questionable look. "What?"

"Your collar bone, really? Isn't that a little girly for a 25 year old dad?" Niall shrugs his shoulders, not caring. 

"When you were four you asked if I would ever get marker on me like baba, and I told you if I ever had a reason to, then I asked where you'd want to put it, and you replied back by pointing at my collarbone. I asked why there and you said because it's by my heart." Trinity stares at Niall, surprised he remembered a detail as little as that from so many years ago. She smiles a little and gives Niall a side hug. 

"Well, thank you for listening to me and remembering such a small detail." Niall shrugs it off and before long, their plane is being called. Niall sends out a final text to everyone telling them that they're on their way and they'll see everyone when they get home. He helps Trinity onto the plane and helps find their seats before placing everything where is should be, and takes their seats so the flight takes off as soon as it can. They talk for a little bit longer before the plane begins to take off. Trinity looks out the window and waves at the ground below her. 

Goodbye Italy. Goodbye Piper-Jane Porter.

Hello London. Hello Trinity Jane Horan. 

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