Suicide Squad Smut

Bởi bvb1710batman

11.2K 115 64

**I'll be taking requests** •Pick anyone from The suicide squad movie (They don't have to be from the squad) ... Xem Thêm

**Taking Requests**
I'm scared (Diablo)
Free part 1 (Deadshot)
Just like you (Joker)

Free part 2 (Deadshot)

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Bởi bvb1710batman

So it's part 2 and next I'm working on a joker one shot😂😂
Requested by eemmzzi

Deadshot (Floyd) p.o.v-
  Truth be told before me and Y/N first saw each-other I was already crushing on her a lot and that's me saying that. I feel like a teenage girl over her jock playboy crush. That was before we saw each-other.

I had a feeling she would already know what I look like from newspapers and TV but I had no idea what she looked like. In the prison they would separate males and females for everything. This was because they thought some people would set up public 'incidents' so separation for everything. They must have been desperate to put Y/N next to me but at the same time I am very grateful by did.

Also honestly when I saw her for the first time. I don't think I've seen anyone so beautiful and strong at the same time. Okay it was obviously I had fallen for her and in such short time she's only been in the prison a month.

At the moment we had just entered my old apartment. Yes, this was the first place they would look but to recruit criminals it was obvious this certain 'terrorist attack' was more important than finding us so we would leave in the morning. She followed me inside.

"Is this your home?" She asked softly looking around. "I wouldn't call it home, it's just were I would stay and we need to leave in the morning anyway. "How do you feel about leaving Gotham?" I ask her slightly smiling already knowing her response. "You mean we're finally getting outta this shit-hole?!" She practically excitedly which I found cute. "Yep" I said smugly. She ran up to me throwing her arms around my neck, her legs around my waist and her face in my neck giving me a hug screaming "thank you!!" And just from that I couldn't help myself anymore.

Y/N p.o.v-
  As soon as I heard his words I ran up and hugged him maybe a bit more passionately than intended. Moving my head back smiling at him I suddenly feel his lips on my mouth. In shock my eyes widened after a minute kissing back instantly.

The kiss became more heated before we both stopped breaking are lips apart but me still in his arms. We were out of breath and both had lust in our eyes, I bit my lip nervously before muttering under my breath "please... Do that again" I asked quietly blushing, afraid of his reaction.

Instead of laughing at putting me down like I expected, he instantly attached our lips again as we fought for dominance he licked my bottom lip. Getting the hint I opened my mouth letting his tongue in. He pulled me closer to him and pushed me onto the large couch, straddling my lap.

As we continued to kiss I moaned into his mouth and I felt a shiver go down his back and in 5 seconds we were grabbing each-others clothes and throwing them Frantically around the room.

Our lips met again and I moved my hands down to his chest and moaned as I felt him hard solid against my heat. Surprising me I felt his hand grab my ass tightly making me moan louder as he moved his lips away from mine. He chuckled seductively in my ear and I could feel him line himself up to my entrance before whispering in my ear

"are you ready doll face?" His seductive tone made me moan into his ear earning a grunt in return. Then he entered me and the feeling of him stretching me made me whimper in pain and pleasure. As he found a rhythm his thrusts became harder and faster making me moan repeatedly.

As we continued this for about 10 minutes I felt a huge pleasure building and I knew I was close. I could tell he was to as his breath picked up and he began to moan slightly. "I-I'm close" you barely whispered into his ears. He thrusted into you twice more "cum doll-face" he whispered into your seductively making you climax. "Floyd!" You moaned out in ecstasy this making him reach his peak "Y/N!". You both rode out your highs before looking to each-other panting out of breath. "That was the first time you actually called me by my name Y/N" he said chuckling darkly. "Same for you Floyd" I said giggling also. "Don't get used to it doll-face".

Ta-da!!! Ye Ye Ik it's crap don't kill me!!😂

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