Battle Scars (Merlin)

By Cordelia-Rose

203K 6.8K 1.6K

Merlin is injured unknowingly to the others during training and then is later shot by vengeful bandits on a h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 4

18.8K 625 70
By Cordelia-Rose

Yes, this is very short. You don't have to let me know in reviews. They will be whatever length, because I need to put certain stuff in and if I've put it all in, with what I think is the right amount of detail then I won't put anymore in. I have a plan; I will stick to it. And it always looks soooooo long in a Word document, and then you post it, and you're like, "Oh."

Rant over! There's a bit of whump in this so hopeful that'll make up for the shortness. The next chapters will be longer, I promise.
I haven't updated for so long! I'm so sorry to all my dedicated readers out there!

Next thing: I know, I know, I'm a terrible person! I said I would thank all those who followed and favourited. But they are way, way, WAY too many. So I haven't. Sorry.
Thanks to everyone who reviewed! Keep reviewing: I want to get loads of reviews! I'm a review addict. Although, I suppose they're called comments now.

Anyway, I've held you up long enough. Read now!


Arthur's sword clashes with the masked man he's fighting, the harsh sound of metal on metal reverberating throughout the clearing. Over the bandit's shoulder Arthur sees Gwaine stumble over a root but regain his footing, slicing through the air and coming incredibly close to killing his attacker. Leon cries out a warning as more bandits flood the area. However, their attack is soon fought off and the remainders have the sense to flee so they don't join the rest of their crew, lying on the forest floor, glassy eyes staring upwards. Arthur makes a quick estimate that they've killed about three quarters of them; maybe ten are left.

"Everyone all right?" Arthur calls, worry for his knights seeing over his usually excellent observational skills. Leon looks up from his perch on a rock with Percival and nods; Gwaine makes a cocky remark but Elyan's looking around. "What is it, Elyan?" Arthur asks, worried about both the man's well-being and the return of the bandits.

"Merlin," Elyan replies, still scanning the area. "He's gone."

It finally hits home for Arthur; he knew something was afoot but his senses were clouded with adrenaline and worry. "We'll go back. He probably tripped and knocked himself out. That's all." Arthur sounds uncertain to his own ears; the knights shoot uneasy glances at each other before Leon speaks up.

"Sire, what if the bandits got to him?" His voice is soft, hesitant, mainly because he doesn't want to think of the outcome either.

"You know Merlin, he survives everything. Got a knack for it," Arthur strides off. Something about his posture makes the other knights follow, picking up their swords and taking little heed of the crunching of the branches as they walk on them.


"How many of us d'you think he killed?" one of them says to the other, his good eye squinting at him while his blind one remains still behind its milky film.

"'Bout thirty," he grunts in reply, his bad leg giving him an uneven gait. "Little git." He spits on the ground, cursing Arthur Pendragon.

"Don't worry, Felix." The half blind one bares his teeth in some sort of horrifying smile. "Everyone says he cares a lot for his manservant and those damned knights. Even if we can't get to them, his servant was back here a little way."

Soon they stumble across Merlin's unconscious form. They see the blood soaking through his shirt but the one named Felix just laughs, raising his cross bolt. "If he's dying, we can always help him by...speeding it up." Their hoarse laughs block out the sound of the bolt entering Merlin's left arm. He flinches in the limbo he's in, but, other than that, there's no reaction. Rivets of blood fall onto the dry dirt. Snapping of twigs and crunching leaves reach their ears and they run, fleeing the possible danger.


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Hehe, cliffie. I always get this really weird feeling in my stomach when I post something and leave in on a cliffhanger, and I was never sure why. But I've realised recently; I like knowing that everyone will be left wondering what happens when I'm sitting here at my desk, grinning madly and gloating that I know what's going to happen next.

Bit worried about my sense of pleasure.

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