Just can't let her go {Punk L...

By weisdirectioners

104K 2.8K 497

"Why do you keep pretending you're afraid of me?" He hissed, obvious anger in his eyes. "Becau... More

Day one, 1,440 minutes too long. {chapter 1}
Your heads in space again, darling {Chapter 2}
Dumped all the sparkle in your eyes.~ {Chapter 3}
State Of Dreaming~ {Chapter 4}
Please Take Me To Space And Back~ {Chapter 5}
Just Take Your Breath Away~ {Chapter 6}
Choking On Your Alibis~ {Chapter 7}
In Love With The Thought Of You~ {Chapter 8}
All These Scars You See Through {Chapter 9}
To Be Someone Else For You~ {Chapter 11}
A Prisoner Of History.~ {Chapter 12}
Seeing Is Deceiving.~ {Chapter 13}
Nobody 'Til Somebody Loves You {Chapter 14}
Say Something I'm Giving Up On You.~ {Chapter 15}
He Will Escape Unscarred {Chapter 16.}
Too good to be good for me. ~ {Chapter 17} END

Written In His Eyes; Intemporal.~ {Chapter 10}

4.9K 149 10
By weisdirectioners

A/N: Woooow guuuuys. didn't know you guys had such intense Elouott feels c; So I'm sorry for what's about to happen...uhm....just read. Fun Fact #4: The original name for Ellie was going to be Neveah, but I was walking with my friends one day and I thought about how cute it would be if Louis made a nickname for her that no one else had, and the only one I could think of for Neveah was Nana. So Neveah became the main OC in my 5SOS fanfic and Ellie is here! NOW CUT THE CRAP *slams fist on table* CHAPTER 10.

"OHMYGODYOUDIDNOTWHATHOWOMGELLIOTTOMGOMG" I pulled the phone away from my ear and laughed with crimson cheeks as Anna screeched into the other line. I shushed her and checked my outfit in the mirror one more time, straightening up my Peter Pan collar and running a hand through my freshly curled hair. "Will you and Zur come pick me up?" I heard her agree adamantly and I chuckled. "See you in 5!" She giggled. "Katlynne's with us and so is Niall." I nodded and sighed happily, hitting the end button and smiling contently at how perfect this day was going to be. I grabbed my knapsack and jogged down the stairs. "Love you mom, I'll see you after school!" My mom smiled and dad looked up from his paper. "Nothing for your dad?" I grinned warmly and walked over, placing a kiss on his cheek. It was good to see my parents in the morning, because they typically weren't home at this time. I was glad my parents business was successful, but it did make this house feel a bit too big when I was constantly the only one in it.

"Bye sweetie, have a good day!" My mom said, slipping a bagel into a plastic bag and handing it to me. I nodded and gave a mock salute, twisting the doorknob and rushing out into the icy morning air. There was a heavy fog, but I could still see Zur's truck tearing down my street and a distinct scream from my best friend yelling "SLOW DOWN!" I laughed and ran out to the curb, right as they pulled up and the door swung open. "GET IN!" Katlynne said hastily, as if me being there would make Zurich behave and mind the speed limit. Poor Katlynne, she obviously didn't know our dearest Zurich. "ALRIGHT, EL'S HERE! LET'S BUMP THE SPEED UP TO 60!" He screamed in his baritone voice, hitting the gas as soon as the door had shut.  "B-BUT ITS A 40 ZONE!" Katlynne shouted back in fear, clutching Niall's shirt; who didn't seem to mind the close proximity. "I KNOW, FUNNY RIGHT?!" Zurich blasted his radio and went even faster.

As we came to an abrupt stop, Katlynne threw the door open and fell out, Niall trying to catch her but ended up falling too. He groaned and rolled onto his side as Katlynne planted her hands to the cement as if worshiping it. "SWEET LAND, OH MY GOSH." She said loudly, causing me to break out in a fit of laughter. She glared at me which only made me laugh harder, clutching my stomach as I doubled over and crinkled my brows. "Well someone's sunny this morning." I coughed and looked back, seeing Louis walking towards us with a wide grin. "Woah, you alright mate?" Niall rushed over to Louis and pulled his eyelids farther apart, checking his pupils I presume. "I'm fine, Niall." He said with a slight laugh and pushed Niall's hand away, giving his cheek a pat and walking towards me.

"You're not going to pretend it didn't happen, right?" He said so only I could hear, and I grinned while crinkling my nose and shaking my head. "Good." He gave a genuine smile and slipped an arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. A blush covered my face and I rolled my eyes, trying to ignore my friends squeals of delight and Zurich's suggestive lip bite and wink. We turned around and walked inside, and I noticed that some people actually stopped to look at us. What, was the friggin apocalypse happening behind my back? Last time I checked, people could walk and look at the same time, was it necessary to stop?

"Let them look, love."  He said with his head leaned adorably towards me, glancing at me and giving a small wink. I laughed lightly and nodded, feeling the need to lean into him more. "I see you've finally figured things out." Harry said, suddenly flanking Louis' left, Rachelle next to him. I waved at Chelle and she gestured to Louis and I and gave me a thumbs up. I rolled my eyes with a grin and felt some ones eyes on me. I mean, everyone was looking at us, but this felt different. I looked to my right and saw Zayn leaned against his locker, a small grimace visible. We made eye contact and I furrowed my eyebrows. Why did he look so distraught? I mouthed 'are you okay?' and he smiled, giving me a nod. I couldn't help but notice that his smile didn't reach his eyes.

We turned the corner, and Louis' eyes narrowed at Zayn, realizing I had been looking at him. "He bothering you?" He asked, even though I was almost positive he knew the answer. "Not at all, Zayn's like a brother. He wouldn't do that." I half believed myself, but half knew that it wasn't the exact case. "I'm sure." Lou mused, giving me a crooked smile and squeezing my side a bit. I scoffed and hit his chest lightly. "It's true! Is there an issue, Tomlinson?" I said with a quizzical smirk. He chuckled and ruffled my hair. "Go to your damn class. I'll see you at lunch." He said in a playful tone, and I grinned wider at this new side of Louis. "We'll see." I trailed off and gave a shrug as I waked inside. I heard him laugh and smiled to myself as I looked down and walked to my seat.

After some major girl talk with Maeve, we decided that Her, Calum, Louis, and I needed to have a double date. Were Louis and I even dating? I laughed anyways and agreed. The other 3 periods passed fairly quickly and I was on my way to put away my books in my locker. I was balancing my books between my knee and locker as I turned in the combination, when I felt an elbow slam into me and cause me to fall over and my book to crash to the ground. "What the hell?!"  I snapped, rushing to pick up my books. Right as I was about to grab it, someone stomped a high-heel clad foot right on top of my Bio book. "What the fuck is your issue!?" I growled, slapping the foot away from my textbook.

"You know he's just going to be with you until he's bored, right?" I looked up and saw Dylan with a wicked smile on her face. "Excuse me; what the hell did you say?" I said, my tone dripping with anger. "Louis is cold, Elliott. He picks a girl he's interested by, he picks apart her habits, personality, what makes her tick, and just about everything about her. Then; he's bored. He'll make you feel on top of the world for about two weeks and then..." She made a descending whistle noise while taking her fingers and going down. "Sorry to break it to you sweetie, but he doesn't like you; he's intrigued by you." I stood up, having had enough.

"Sorry Dylan, I'm sure you haven't heard this from many people, but someone has to tell you." I gave her a sickly sweet smile and tilted my head, raising my eyebrows a bit. "And what's that?" She said, crossing her arms smugly. "Envious bitch really isn't your color." I said giving her a sad head shake. Her arms fell to her side and her mouth formed a 'o' as I flipped my hair off my shoulder, bumping hers as I walked past. "El, wait up!" I heard Zayn call, and turned to see Zayn jogging towards me with a strained smile. "Oh hey Zayn!" I said happily. "I better make this quick considering last time I tried to talk to you, I got socked in the face." I cringed and laughed awkwardly. "I'm still really sorry about that."

"No, don't be. I just have to say I'm really glad you and Louis are working out." He said with a smile, but then shoved his hands in his pockets. "Just....just be careful. I don't want you to get hurt, ya know?" He said and glanced towards the lunch room. "Yeah, I know, but I don't think I will." I said with a slight irritancy; why is everyone telling me this type of shit? They weren't there last night, therefore they don't know a damn thing. "Okay, well I'll see you around." He said, a look of disturbance still on his face as he turned and walked back down the hall. I huffed and pushed open the doors to the lunch room. 

"GUYS IT'S ELLIE." Liam screamed; a bit out of character for him. He ran over and hooked arms with me, running back to the table. "Good to see you too, Liam." I laughed, my bad mood sloughing off as Louis lightly wrapped an arm around my waist.  "You have quite the reputation of being a heart breaker." I murmured to him with a slight smile, taking on of the fries from the plate in the middle and popping it in his mouth. "Oh do I now?" He laughed and chewed with a raised eyebrow. "You do, and I must say, it's getting to my head." I said as a joke but I couldn't help but wonder how true it really was. He frowned and put a fry in my mouth. "Well that's bullshit. You can't believe everything you hear, now can you love?" He said with a smirk as I threw a fry at him.

It was after school and I felt pretty amazing, considering Louis was being completely adorable by throwing notes on my desk the entire time that said little things like "you blink a lot when you don't under stand something." and "you're cute when you try to look at me without me knowing." I laughed at the memory as I watched Maeve and Patty race down the field. The soccer season was just coming to an end and they asked me to come to their practice so we could hang out after words. "WOOOH! GO CHAD; GO ZEKE!" I shouted as they laughed and passed the ball past their other team mates and to each other.

"GOOD PASS, TOMLINSON!" I heard the boys soccer coach scream on the other field. I narrowed my eyes and looked through the players. My eyes landed on a boy with brown, tossed hair and many tattoos dancing up his arms. My eyes widened along with my grin; Louis. I was about to scream for him when someone beat me to it. "GO LOU!" It was a blonde girl sitting on the bleachers opposite of mine, standing and clapping. To say the least she was gorgeous. "Louis turned back and gave her a huge smile and a wink. I felt like ice was slipping through my veins. "I LOVE YOU!" She shouted with a laugh, waving cheerily. I sat frozen, waiting for his reaction. "LOVE YOU TOO!" He shouted back and made a kissy face.

I stood, brushing off the back of my skirt. I plastered on a smile and forced my legs to move. I had to get out of there. "ELLIOTT, WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" Patty and Maeve screamed, looking confused. My eyes widened and I realized that Louis could probably hear them. Not being able to choke out the words, I just hooked a thumb over my shoulder, signaling that I had to go and then held up five fingers as to say I'd be back in five. I was grateful they understood and began walking down the bleachers. As I made my way past Louis field, I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. A tear slid down my cheek and I pushed Louis away. "Please don't." I said quietly, trying to keep my face out of site as I practically bit off my bottom lip from trying not to cry.

"Ellie love, what happened?" Lou said with panic laced in his tone as he lifted up my chin. I tried to jerk out of his grip but he held my chin tighter, his eyebrows going together in complete confusion. "El, what is it?" He said softly; so softly I almost caved and threw myself into his arms. But right when I thought it would be okay to do just that, the blonde appeared behind Lou. "Louis!" She said happily,  slightly thrown by the sight of me. I stared into his eyes as if trying to yell at him without having to talk. HOW COULD YOU ACTUALLY DO IT? I DIDN'T BELIEVE THEM. I THOUGHT THEY WERE STUPID. How could you actually...hurt me like this? Louis eyes widened as he realized what I saw. "Ellie babe, this is Lottie." He said in panic, pulling the girl towards me. She awkwardly laughed and thrust a hand towards me.

"Like he said, Lottie Tomlinson. Nice to meet you!" She said cheerily and slowly I realized who she was. She was his fucking sister. Why the fuck did I think anything but that? I felt my shoulders relax and I gave her a real smile, shaking her hand softly. "I'm Elliott, I'm Louis'..." I trailed off, not sure what I was. "Girlfriend. She's my girlfriend." He said with a smile, looking between Lottie and I. My eyes widened slightly and I couldn't help the color that came to my cheeks. "Lou, a girlfriend? Is it going to actually last? I mean, you've never called any of the others 'girlfriends'." She raised her eyebrows and grinned, which made me laugh. "Oh really? Seems your little track record isn't as wrong as I said it was." I grinned now, nudging Louis. He rolled his eyes and I saw a soft rosy color cover his cheeks.

"OOOOH, she's sassy!! I approve!" Lottie winked and I couldn't help but love her little quirkiness. "Well if you excuse me, I have a life to get to." She said with a wave, skipping away from us and in the direction of the parking lot. I turned to Louis and almost started crying again. "Louis I'm so sorry I thought so little of you, I should've known she was your sister! I mean honestly, you're so similar! Like, you don't look anything alike, but you guys have the same last name! A-and her eyes are blue, and yours are bl-" A pair of lips coming down on mine shut me right up. I put my hands on Louis' chest in shock, but slowly kissed him back. I was kind of awkward, and I'm scared it was like kissing a dead fish for him, but none the less, he chuckled and I slid my hand around to the back of his neck. He pulled away slightly and leaned his forehead on mine. "Sorry, you were babbling." He smirked and kissed my nose. I scrunched up my nose and did a sassy head bobble. "Well that's a good way to stop me." I mumbled, pulling on the back of his shirt. He laughed and rested his lips on my forehead.

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