A Man With Sins [ Doctor Who ]

By GalleonGalaxy

216K 6.9K 1.8K

Caramillia Jonicale, the last female Timelord among existence. After reaching Earth in a status bubble that k... More

CyberShip - Introduction
Through The Time Rift - You're Lying
Idiotic Duo - What's In The Sky?
Idiotic Duo - Milo
Idiotic Duo - Timelord?
Inside The Box - Awkwardness
Joelara - Questions
Joelara - The Thirty Foot Drop
Joelara - Explosions and Regeneration
Ginger? - Wake Up
Army Of Ghosts - They're Everywhere
Doomsday - The Day Rose Tyler Died
Super Nova - Goodbyes and Hellos?
Robot Santa? - Who, What? When!
Robot Santa? - Wooden Stabbing
Robot Santa? - Giant Spiders and a Kiss
Robot Santa? - Merry Christmas
1890s - Awaken
1890s - Blonde Woman and Old London
1890s - Raxacoricofallapatorians
1890s - Captivity, Torture, and Removal
Do You Love Me?
Thank You!

Through The Time Rift - The Library

17K 548 188
By GalleonGalaxy

Within a matter of days, my ribs were healed, my face was back in its perfection condition. Well. I wouldn't exactly say perfect, but I enjoyed the face I currently had. It was favorite one so far. I definitely planned on keeping this one as long as possible.

My feet were silent against the wooden floor of the coffee shop I found myself walking into at the crack of dawn. Why was I up this early? The beeping sound of my vortex manipulator yanked me out of my sleep. God the noise it made was so awful at times. I mean, I know it's supposed to be an alarm to get my absolute attention but jeez. The blaring noise of what sounded like nails on a chalk board made me want to make myself deaf. "How can I help you?" The man behind the desk called out with a smile on his lips. I wasn't really a morning person, and seeing the smile on the boys lips seemed to send me into a crappier mood as I looked at the vortex manipulator to check what was going on since my brain wasn't working all the way just yet.

"Yeah..coffee frap. Cold. No whip. Three extra shots of expresso and a muffin." I admit. Three shots of expresso was really pushing the limit but who cares. My time lord brain had kept me up nearly all night with trying to figure out a way to create my own sonic screw driver. Being a Timelord I could truly go months without sleeping and be absolutely fine. But I'd adjusted to a rather human sleep schedule. A human life. Even with my vortex manipulator I never left Earth anymore.

I'd been on Earth since the mid 1800's after I'd crash landed. At that time of my crash I'd just escaped the worst war in the universe of wars. The time war.

The Timewar killed my people. Every last one of them and I was the only one lucky enough to escape. Well. I didn't see myself as lucky. I saw myself as a coward who ran away from war instead of staying to defend for their people. Ever since I'd crash landed on Earth all those years ago, I made a home here. A life here. To cope with the loss of my entire race. It was just me now. Here. Alive and alone.

I was so alone..

Snapping myself out of the depression I found myself wallowing in, my name was called by the same boy who handed over my large coffee that had caramel drizzle on top which made a smirk cross my lips. Mm caramel.

Jamming my straw in the tiny star hole, I started sipping down the coffee as fast as I could without getting a brain freeze as I flipped open my vortex manipulator and read the readings. Narrowing my eyes I was a little shocked at what I read. "How they hell could they be here?" I mumbled aloud to myself as I started to make my way out of the coffee shop and down the street.

The sun was just starting to rise as I found myself walking into what seemed to be a library. It was strange though. The sign said closed. But the door was wide open. Maybe the readings on my vortex manipulator were correct. But how? Stepping inside. The lights were off. Well. They weren't just off. They were destroyed. "Great.." I mumbled softly to myself in irritation.

Pulling a torch from my pocket, I shined the bright white light around the empty library while also looking at the readings again. "They must've fallen through the rift.." I muttered to myself as I kept my eyes open. Not daring to blink. "Perks of being in Cardiff.." Making a joke to myself I laughed.

"Ah, well. Cardiff is a lovely area either way don't you agree?" I screamed hearing the mans voice, I turned around so fast ready to defend myself and my fist collided with the side of a mans face. The man fell to the ground on his back gasping as he held his face in pain.

Just then a woman came running out with a gasp from the rows of books as I looked at the man on the ground. "Doctor!" The blonde woman screamed as she got down to her knees beside this man and looked him over as he sat up.

"Blimey!" The man cried out rubbing the side of his face. "Your fist hurts!"

"Yeah well, you scared me. I thought I was alone."

Breathing heavily the blonde headed woman helped the man to his feet as I looked around scanning the area with my torch with my eyes still unblinking. "Well there's obviously someone else here if the door is wide open!" The Blonde barked obviously upset that I'd just about killed her friend if I would've hit him any harder.

Rolling my eyes I turned my attention back to the dark library. "Okay. So if you're both here you must both work here, yeah?" I mumbled loud enough for them to hear as I Walked around where all three of us stood.

"No, we don't work here. We found the door open just as you did. Decided to have a look." The brown haired man spoke as I kept my eyes wide. "Why are you here then? You work here?" Slipping his hands into his pockets the brown haired man rocked on his heels waiting for my reply.

Completely ignoring his question however. My brain went back to the shattered light bulbs. "Okay. If you don't work here what happened to the light bulbs? Did you guys do this as a prank?" Scoffing at them both they both exchanged glances. Offended glances. Staring at them now, I could tell with the looks on their faces they had no idea about what happened to the lights. Sighing I shook my head. "Both of you should really leave, this place isn't safe.."

Of course the two protested against my word and didn't move an inch. "Why should we?" The blonde spat at me with that irritating attitude. Looking dead at her, my eyes instantly gazed over her shoulder and I felt my hearts pounding in my chest.

Not even five feet behind the woman and her friend stood the creature.

The weeping angel stood behind the blonde with its arms extended upwards above its head ready to attack. My eyes were glued on the statue as I swallowed the lump in my throat. The man saw my look and my actions and slowly turned around before I could tell him not to.

When his eyes landed on the statue he grabbed the woman's hand. "Rose.." I assume that was the woman's name as she slowly turned around to face the statue as well. Great. Two idiots. "Don't blink. Don't even blink. Blink and your dead." The man spat and my eyes went wide.

He knew what weeping angels were obviously with the commands he spat out. Before I had a chance to question him, I noticed no one was looking behind me at all. Fear creeped up my spine as I slowly turned myself around to find myself face to face with an angel. It's mouth hung open. Screaming at me as my breathing sped up. My torch shining bright in the creatures face.


My whisper was loud as I heard the man turn on his heels. And that was his mistake. Five angels surrounded the three of us. We were trapped where we were. All of us were backed into a corner. Now I was getting pissed seeing I'd also misplaced my coffee. "Great. This is great." I spat.

The man shook his head. "Don't blink.."

"Yeah I get that!" I spat. "I've dealt with the Weeping Angels before buddy-o pal." The man was obviously shocked at my reaction as I tried to think of a plan to get us out of here.

"You've dealt with them before?" The man asked. Shocked.

"That's what I just said, isn't it!?" I was obviously mad. I was so not a morning fighter. "If you two wouldn't have popped up we wouldn't be in this position." I growled.

Both of them were offended. "We were here first!" They both cried like children.

Rolling my eyes I didn't once let them close as the Rose woman struggled to keep her eyes open.

I was stuck in a library trapped by the most dangerous creatures in the entire universe, stuck beside two idiots in a corner with five weeping angels staring into my soul. And my 9£ cup of coffee had disappeared from my hand when the idiots scared me.

This was absolutely fantastic.

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