Reject Me Now, Regret it Late...

By JustYourShadow

2.3M 56.4K 4.2K

Aubrey was a pack reject. By her sisters, her brother, even her own Mate , for her freakish, purple and gold... More

Reject Me Now, Regret it Later, Mate
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Ten

104K 2.6K 377
By JustYourShadow

I woke up, the sun shining through the wooden shutters, onto my face. The room was huge, literally. There was two grand dressers on both sides of the light colored room, a desk with a laptop in the corner, a walk in closet and a large bathroom. 

My hands travelled along the large comforter, I found a tray with food and the envelope that Zander had held last night. I sighed, lifting off the white comforter off of me, revealing I was in an overly large t-shirt. Someone had changed me. I lifted the shoulder of the shirt to my nose, it smelt of Zander, along with this room. I'm not his Mate, but he was begining to act as If I were. 

I picked up the envelope to find a lot inside. Blood studies, eye exams, even bloodines in attempt to trace back to something, but along the top, it was marked failed. 

Along with my name.

I rubbed my temples tightly, this was all begining to be too much on my emotions, let alone my mental stability. My eyes felt puffy, and my face felt tighter than normal, but I still emptied the envelope, fliping it upside down watching everything pour out onto the bed, even a small book.

On the cover, it said 'journal', but on the inside, I discovered it was Jason's journal.

August 23rd, 1990.

Xavier, and his son, Zander have arrived on this day, the Alpha of the Guardian pack and it's heir, for the conference of the Moon. It's something that we never thought of doing in our day of age, but the stir of Rogues and Hunters have made us worry enough to bring everyone together.

Everything was going fine, until we found a woman, being attacked by Rogues, and hunted by Hunters. Of course, we aided her, until the threat was gone, but as we turned to her, in her arms, she held a baby. Her only request was for us to take her baby, her wounds were bad, fatal even. So we took her for the woman, but still in need to aide her. So as we gave the child to be sent to Medical, we turned to find the woman gone. 

As of now, the child is fine. My Beta Isaac Grey and his Wife, Cassandra, have taken the responsiblitly to care for the young girl, they have named Aubrey, along with their only two children, Edwin and Adrienne Grey. 

We plan on studying the child - the reason - her eyes. They're unusual, but we have reason to believe she is the only survivor of the Ancient pack, the Royal Night.

I didn't ever remember being tested, only several therapy sessions at the age of seven.

I continued to read the next entries.

March 30th, 1999

Today, Zayden has found that Aubrey is his Mate. Which is amazing, but questioning, in a way. We research through her bloodline and others that we've recorded over the years that had eyes like hers, even Zander's, Xavier's son. Nothing. It's almost as if she had just came to life someone unnaturally, but I won't ask of him to reject her, but he has begun to chose the rejection process, only because of how she is treated by other children in the pack about her eyes.

She's already shifted for the first time, at the age of nine, which is unusual, but we're handling it step by step. She treats Cassandra and Isaac as if they truly are her parents, but doesn't know they aren't yet, but Cassadra and Isaac have requested a law to be released to not tell her the turth, by any cost. I accept it, but if all else goes wrong, me, or another Alpha has the choice to tell her.

"Having fun?" Zander's voice snapped me awake from my reading.

"Kind of.." I mumbled, "So, they don't know who my real parents are?" He shook his head, "What about the problem with the Rogues and Hunters?"

He cleared his throat, "there might be a war.. but we're trying to prevent it."

I nodded, "Can I ask you something, but I need you to mean it and never hold back."

"Yes, anything Aubrey, you are a part of this pack now, everyone agrees. You have full equality of your own rights, and what yu can ask." 

I pressed my lips together tightly, "I want you to train me."

"Train you?" He asked, shock masking his voice, but I nodded, "Aubrey... there's only a possibility that there will be war.."

I shook my head, "Possibility or not. I want to be trained, please Zander, there's still a risk of being attacked by Hunters or even Rogues now a days... I need it."

"You do realise how hard it is to train both you and your wolf, right? There are risks that come with even traini-"

"I don't care!" I cut him off, "Zander, look at me! I'm weak! Powerless! I really do need this.... please.."

He sighed, shaking his head, but a voice took us both by surprise, Gale's, "I think we should. She has a point, Alpha"

"Gale?" Zander looked back at the man, "What do you mean?"

He looked down at his feet, pain over taking his face, "There's....There's been another attack... Five are dead, and ten are injured.."

Zander looked between both Gale and I. I stared wide eyed at the news. "Are they.... killed? The Hunters?"

Gale nodded slightly, "Most... We're tracking one as of now, but we're in need of your help"

Without another word, Zander took off, leaving me alone with Gale's blank stare. It was silent, too silent, but finally I found my voice to speak, "He won't train me, will he?.."

He shrugged, "I'm not sure... but if you want, I will train you, if that is what you request, Aubrey"

I gave him an odd look, never once had he spoken this much to me, or anyone else that I've seen, only to Zander. What had changed his mind to open up a little? I nodded, "Thank you"

He turned to leave with a nod, but stopped, "Aubrey, can I ask you something?"

Again, I blinked, "Uhm, sure. Shoot"

"Your Mate.. Zayden.." He started, his voice shaking a little, "How bad was it all to you..I mean, how bad did he treat you all these years.."

I looked away, feeling the tears picking on my eyes like knives being stabbed into me, "Zayden, he.. did a lot.. Some nights he'd leave me in bruises, scrapes or even a few bites, depending how far he'd been pushed temper wise in the day... He would just let all his anger out on me.. But other nights, it would only be verbally... nothing more.."

He sighed, "He missed out, Aubrey. You seem sensitive at heart, but strong willed if you had the confidence to fight back. Take the chance to become someone new, but stay yourself at heart Aubrey, just with more confidence. Try it" He smiled back at me over his shoulder, "You'll be more beautiful than you are now"

I watched him, silenced by his words watching him walk out the door without another word. As I tried to collect my thoughts, I heard gunshots, from outside the window.

I looked outside, to find all hell breaking loose. Blood, and bodies were staining and laying here and there on the grass, children running for safety, and a few wolves fighting over at least twenty Hunters. With Rogues on there sides. They stood on two feet, long arms braced and coiled to attack and defend their ally, but on their necks were collars, that flashed with little lights all along it, and it was then I understood why they were killing us. They were mindless, blinded by Man.

I opened the window wide, enough for me to jump. I ignored my screaming heart and fear, that yelled for me to turn back and hide, mid-way as I jumped to the ground, I shifted, black fur shooting out from my skin and thr familiar sound of snapping bones filled my hearing. 

I wasn't going to lose my new family. Even if I didn't meet them all, yet.

What's going on with Gale? 

Rogues? Controlled by Man? 

Aubrey? No fighting experience? Facing her fear for people she hasn't gotten to know?

....I think I'm gonna need popcorn O.O.....


Who's YOUR favourite character so far?

-Hope you all liked it! 

Vote. Comment. Fan!♥

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