Finding Darkness

By Millie_Astral

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When a Spirit by the name of Astral arrives in the Human World, things start going wrong. It starts small (li... More

Prologue: Astral's Arrival
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Epilogue: Black Mist's New Start

Chapter 16

134 7 36
By Millie_Astral

While Tar tells me where I can find an investigator, he also tells me his job. If you're thinking I'll tell you what it is, you're dreaming! You'll have to wait until the end of this book, reader. And don't even think about skipping to the end!

"Excellent," I hiss. "Though I always thought you were a male prostitute."

Tar gives me a confused look. "A what?"

"Nothing." I lean back against the window. "This plan might take a while, so w have to start pretty soon. Oh, wait. I still haven't told you what it is yet." I lean forward. "Now, pay close attention."

I explain  what he needs to do for a good half hour. No, I'm not explaining it yet! Again, wait till the end to know.

Tar nods intently. "I see. It's very complicated though. Are you sure this will work?"

I lean back again and close my eyes. "Yeah. I've thought this through for two years. I've gone over every flaw, fixed those flaws, and polished it up. I'm certain it will work." I smile mischievously. I grab the knife off of the windowsill and twirl it between my fingers, as it's now my habit.

"So, when will it start? It must be soon, correct?"

I nod. "Not right away, though. The night after this one. That will give us some rest before we act. Besides, I still have to experiment what I need to do. That'll be a problem..."

Tar nods slowly. "I see. Well, you might be able to if you keep at your killings. That might do it."

I brighten up. "Yeah, and with my little change of pattern, the people will be left confused."

"I'll see to it that all preparations are met." He leaves the room, smiling.

I look back outside. Night has fallen, but I can't go out tonight. I grin and float to my corner, aiming to actually get some real sleep. I settle in the middle of the boxes, curl up, and close my eyes. Tomorrow there will be no casualties. No deaths. Tomorrow night, however, will be different. I drift off into a somewhat hesitant sleep, afraid of the nightmare that's sure to come.

I wake up feeling foggy. I find that I can't move. I try to move my arms, but I can't. I watch as everyone passes by without even glancing in my dark prison cell. A feeling of dread settles in as I realize where I am. I guess they've knocked me out again for the millionth time. I whip my head around, searching for an exit. I struggle against the chains around me, pinning me to the wall. Suddenly, four figures enter, and my eyes are blinded by the light, so I can't really see them.

"Blindfold him," one commands, and I lunge at them, wanting nothing more than their blood. The chains hold me back, and my chest aches and bleeds. I don' care though. I just wanna see blood. Clear, pure blood.

Blackness surrounds me as one  swiftly comes up behind me and ties the cloth around my eyes, and I feel to sets of rough hands grab my arms as they release me, only to bind me again. I snarl at them and try to wrench out of their grip.

"Gag him," another voice says. A rag is tied to my mouth, and panic wells in my chest. What are they going to do? I thrash around, not wanting to go with them, just wanting to be free like the rest of them. Is that too much to ask?

"Alright, let's go," a third voice says.

The four drag me somewhere I can't say. I struggle again, but the restraints keep me from freeing myself. I hear a pitiful whimper escape my gagged mouth. A few hours later, my ears are attacked by the noise of a bloodthirsty crowd.

"Kill him! Kill him!" they keep shouting.

I'm forced to my knees, and I struggle harder. Finally, I stop, and I kneel there trembling. "Any last requests?" the fourth voice says. A really familiar voice. He takes the gag off, and I gasp for air.

"T-tell my brother I love him," I say.

A grunt. "Apologies brother," the same voice says. "You are full of evil, and you must go. They request it. I wish I could say the same to you, but I can't. Goodbye brother."

I feel tears come to my eyes. "N-no, you can't be serious," I whisper.

I hear the whistle of a blade about to cut my head off and-

The next morning, I awake with a start to the sound of voices. My eyes dart around, taking in my surroundings, and I panic a little, again thinking that I'm back in the cell, waiting and dreading the execution. Those nightmares keep on coming every time I sleep. I hate them! They never leave me alone. I sit up and hug my abdomen, shaking violently. Why don't the nightmares just leave me alone? I busy myself with sensing around the house, looking for any other life, anything to get my mind off the horrible dream. I find three, no, four humans and one alien being. This makes me grin a little.

"Astral," I call out wih my mind. "Come here for a while. I need company."

A few moments later, Astral's head pokes through the door. "What is it, Black Mist?" he asks once he sees me in the corner.

I smile at him. "What? I can't call you over here just to say 'hi'?" I look to his wound and find that he has covered it again. I frown.

Astral crosses his arms over his chest. "I know what you are thinking, and I am not taking this off." He glares at me, daring me to defy him. Actually, that would be no problem.

"Alright, alright," I huff. I wonder if the dark energy has spread yet. If not, then when?

"Why is the blood black?" Astral asks, his voice hollow.

"That's a secret." I get out of the corner and float toward him. "A secret I'll tell you some other time."

He looks me dead in the eye. "A secret? You seem to have a lot of those."

I stop about three feet away from him. "Of course. How else am I supposed to have fun here?"

"Fun?" Astral stiffens. "If my suspicions are correct, you are he one who killed half the entire city. No human can do that."

I laugh. "You have to confirm that for yourself, Astral! Get yourself some solid evidence to prove I did anything if you have to. For all anybody knows, it could've been you."

Astral twitches. "I am not a cold-blooded monster." He clenches his fists beside him.

"Really?" I tease. "You sure do look like one when you're angry." I laugh again.

Astral looks ready to attack when the human calls, "Astral come on! We're leaving!"

Astral relaxes a little and gives me a penetrating stare before leaving my domain. Well, that went well. I smile to myself. I love pissing him off.

Tar comes inside and closes the door softly behind him. "It starts tonight, sore ni wa arimasen?"

"Yeah," I confirm, grinning that Tar didn't screw up the pronunciation of "doesn't it" in Japanese. I guess some of my habits rubbed off on him. Whatever that means. "It'll take a few days and nights, but it'll work like a vharm."

"What'll work like a charm?" a familiar voice asks. The face of Stuart (like the minion from Despicable Me~! Didja look it up yet?) pops in. "Are you planning something?"

"Oh, look. It's Stuart, Well, looks like I'll have to take care of this." I rush up to him and knock my fist in his temple again. "We'll just leave him here for now."

"Alright then. I was just checking." Tar pauses. "How will you do it?"

I laugh mischievously. "In a way that'll make sure all evidence oints to our target."

"Alright then." Tar turns to leave.

Just when he steps out, I call, "Tar."

He turns toward me.

"Don't even think about screwing up."

Tar nods with a grin and leaves with Stuart.

Tonight, the whole thing will go into motion. Nothing will stop me once I get going. It's time to shed some blood!

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