Not Innocent

By _heartlessgirl_14

37.2K 540 43

Meet Gloria Rose Ramirez , she was known as being an outcast . An outcast who had a very abusive boyfriend... More

~Characters ~
Coming home
Mature Tessie
Off Limits
Times Up
Johnnys Date
She's Different
Mom Did What ?!
Excuse Me ?!
Your Blake ?
Rambling On
It's Okay
How I feel
Shaken Up
*** Authors Note ***

Truth or Dare ?

886 16 0
By _heartlessgirl_14

Gloria Ramirez POV

" My dad is a very understanding and forgiving person Marcus . If you reached out to him again, I'm sure he would agree to have a sit down with you because his little daughter is now dating your little brother." I said smiling .

" Dating ? " He asked , looking at Blake .

" You said I can make my move on her , so I did." Blake said as he held me .

" Wow you sure move fast." Mary said .

" She's especially good in-" He started to say but I covered his mouth .

" Stop ." I said as I uncovered his mouth .

" Yes please listen to her , stop." Marcus said rolling his eyes .

" My dad has issues with your dad and Jason , your dad and Jason as I've heard are not a part of the club anymore . So it doesn't hurt to reach out again." I said .

" How much do you actually know about your dad's club? " Marcus asked .

" I know what he feels is necessary to tell me." I said .

" Wow you really have a down pat don't you?" Marcus said impressed .

" Yeah maybe you should go over this with Sarah ." I advised , Mary looked at me .

" What does Sarah have to do with you? "
Mary asked defensively , I'm guessing she's her older sister .

" Hey babe relax , she's the one that defended Sarah when Becky was starting with her." Marcus said as he looked at Mary .

" No don't tell her to calm down , she's protecting her sister." I said not offended at all .

" Well I do really appreciate that you've been looking out for her , and I want thank you for telling her to come and talk to me about the rules instead of telling her to not listen to them ." He said thanking me .

" Trust me I've gotten the repercussions for not listening to the rules and I wanted to save her from that." I said laughing a little as I looked at Blake .

" Yes I heard about the band getting arrested last night at the bar." He said .

" That's not what she's referring to , her dad got upset with her because she tried taking on four drunk men who were threatening to hit her." Blake said , Marcus looked at me .

" Blake keep a good eye on this one." He said , I laughed .

" Marcus I think we need to go get going , he's getting a little fussy ." Mary said as she held their baby .

" Well it was good talking to you guys and I'm assuming the whole Caroline issue will have to be resolved between the three of you." He said reminding me about what he actually came here to talk to us about.

" Well I'm bored , go get the guys so we can play never have I ever or something like that." I ordered .

" You really like to boss people around don't you? " Blake asked.

" Get used to it." I said smiling.

He laughed but didn't respond . He walked away and returned with Nick , Conner , James and a few guys I haven't met before .

" Gloria, this is Sean and Peter." Blake introduced as they all walked in and sat down.

" So you're the notorious Gloria , nice to meet you." Sean said .

" Likewise." I said as they all sat down .

" So Blake said that you're bored and want to play some games." Peter said .

" Yeah what are you guys thinking? " I asked .

" Truth or dare ? " Nick asked , we all agreed and got some drinks and snacks .

" Okay ladies first ." Conner said as he sipped his beer .

" Nick Truth or Dare ? " I asked .

" Truth ." He said , instantly getting called a pussy .

" What was your first impression of me ? "
I asked .

" Well to spare getting punched in the face from Blake. I'm just going to say you seemed like a really cool girl but a little mysterious."He answered , I laughed .

" All right Connor truth or dare ? " Nick asked .

" Well I'm a little pussy like you , so dare." He answered .

" I dare you to call the last girl you fucked and ask her out on a date ." He said .

" Ok Nick I don't want you freaking out but the last person I fucked was your sister." He said , Nick looked at him and was about to say something but stopped .

" Nick doesn't have a sister does he ? "
I whispered to Blake .

" No he doesn't, but he was about to scream at Connor for fucking his imaginary sister." He said , I laughed .

" I think Connor deserves a pass for that because Nick is stupid." I said , Nick looked at me .

" Why is your girlfriend so mean ? " Nick asked Blake , I looked at him expecting him to correct Nick .

" Nick you you make it too easy for people to make fun of you." He answered , I smiled to myself .

He didn't correct Nick when he called me his girlfriend.

" Hey Blake, it looks like your little girlfriend is blushing." Peter said , I looked up to see all the guys staring at me.

" Blake I think it's your turn . " I said quickly , he laughed but took his turn .

" James , truth or dare ? " He asked .

" Dare." He said , I zoned out as Blake gave him his dare.

1 hour later

After we got tired of playing truth or dare I offered to make dinner so the guys are all just watching TV right now while I cook.

Arms wrapped around my waist as I cooked the chicken in garlic sauce .

" Mhm it smells very good , you know you didn't have to cook dinner for us we could've just ordered take out." He said .

" I assume you guys eat a lot of takeout even though there's plenty of groceries in the refrigerator and cabinets." I said as I started to cook the broccoli.

" You'd be very correct." He said .

" So Nick called me your girlfriend earlier and you didn't correct it him , but I don't remember you asking me to be your girlfriend." I said a I turned around in arms to face him .

" I thought we already had this conversation earlier ? " He asked as he kissed my forehead .

" I don't recall you asking me to be your girlfriend ." I said as I leaned in close to him .

" Would it make you happy if I asked Gloria ? " H whispered against my lips .

" I think it would , and you might get something special tonight if you do." I said against his lips .

" Hey i-oh ew save that for the bedroom !! " Nick said as he covered his eyes .

" What Nick , jealous ? " I teased as I started making out with Blake who wasn't complaining at all.

"Blake control your girlfriend's hormones please!! " He said before leaving the kitchen .

" mhm can we skip dinner and go straight to dessert ? " I asked as I pulled away .

" Gloria I think you need to go take a cold shower." He joked.

" Oh shut up !! " I said as I went back to cook dinner .

" Oh there was something I was trying to ask you earlier today , before Carolina interrupted. " He said .

" And that was ? " I asked as I started making the pasta sauce .

" I was going to ask if you wanted to go out on a date this coming weekend ? " He asked .

" I have to look at my schedule , I might be busy that night." I said as I looked at him .

" You can't use past excuses I've used on you before , that's cheating ." He said as he hugged me .

" Yes I'll go on a date with you, but you have to plan it this time." I said .

" Will you be my girlfriend ? " He whispered in my ear .

" Hmmm I have to think long and hard about that question." I said as I tapped my chin .

" Gloria just say yes, and kiss me." He demanded .

" Oh who's being demanding now ? " I asked .

" Me ." He said as he pulled me towards himself and kissed me .

" I like when you're demanding." I said as I kissed him .

" Really guys again !!" Nick yelled .

" Can you stop digesting Blake's mouth and go back to cooking dinner Gloria !! Ordering takeout would've been a better idea at this point !! " Nick whined .

" For being part of a club you're a little whiny bitch ." I said as I put the sauce over the pasta .

" You know Nick she's not wrong. You really are being a little whiny bitch right now." Blake agreed with me , as he should ;)

" Isn't he always ? " Conner said as he grabbed a plate and put food on it .

" I hope you guys enjoy ,I'm going to shower ." I said before excusing myself .

Before I could even make it out of the kitchen Blake tugged my arm .

" Gloria, you just spent an entire hour cooking dinner. Why aren't you eating? " He asked .

" Yes I cooked for an hour , meaning I am sweating everywhere I need to go and shower." I explained.

" Oh okay ." He said letting me go .

I walked to his bathroom and shedded my clothes before stepping into the shower .I had just turned the water on when I suddenly felt arms wrap around me .

" I have to make sure you don't miss any spots."He whispered in my ear .

I got out the soap and handed it to him , he squeezed some on a bath sponge before lathering it all over my body . He stopped at my waist , slowly his hand went to my entrance

" I have to make sure you're extra clean here ." He whispered as he slipped him fingers my entrance .

His lips latched onto my neck , I was honestly very tired from today and wasn't in the mood .

" Blake stop ." I said pulling away .

" Gloria, what's wrong ? " He asked clearly seeing my mood had changed.

" I'm sorry Blake I'm just honestly really tired." I said feeling bad now .

" I'm sorry ." He apologized as he hugged me tightly .

" It's fine. You can still shower with me , just try keeping your fingers out of me." I said as I handed him soap.

" That's going to be very hard , but I'll try my best for you ." He said as he began to clean my back with soap .

" Oh how sweet ." I joked as I turned around and started to clean him .

" So serious question." I said looking at him .

" Yes ? " He asked .

" Why is Caroline so territorial over you ? " I asked .

" Well to me she was just a fuck buddy, but apparently she's caught feelings . Ever since she had caught feelings she's been scaring off any relationship i've tried to start." He explained.

" Is she worse than Becky then ? " I asked .

I mean considering they're related , they most likely act similar towards men.I still don't know why he went for Carolina when Becky is her cousin , that seems a little to messy even for him .

" Yes much worse than Becky . " He answered .

" Becky just pretty much try's to find any reason to talk to me and but she's never actually tried hooking up with me." He said .

" She's involved with Ryan , so I highly doubt she'll actually try hooking up with anybody besides him." I explained.

" Back to Carolina ." I said .

" Have you outright explained to her that she was just a fuck buddy ? " I asked as we finished our shower and got out .

He remained silent , clearly not knowing how to answer .

" Your lack of answering is a clear no." I said as I put lotion on .

" Be honest have you fucked Carolina this week ? " I asked , he looked away awkwardly.

" Blake you do realize that we weren't together until now . You can answer , I won't go bat shit crazy I promise ." I said as I got dressed .

" Yes I fucked her this week. It was right after my brother told me I couldn't pursue you , so I was sexually frustrated and she was there ." He answered honestly.

" I am assuming that you do that a lot , so now she believes that you guys have some kind of relationship because you always go back to her." I explained her thought process.

" That's actually how Becky and Ryan's relationship is , the only time she flirts with you is probably when she's trying to make Ryan jealous." I said .

" She is always whining about him . Anyways , I'm interested in you and I want to date you , not Carolina ." He said as he held me .

" Well I made it clear today that I'll be around , but she'll try again and test my limits." I predicted as we walked out of his room .

" Hey Blake check your phone , it's been blowing up since you left." Nick said as we walked into the living room .

" How the fuck did that crazy bitch get my cell phone number ?! " He said irritated .

" Which crazy bitch would that be ? You know a few." I said before walking to the kitchen to get some food .

" You being one of them ? " Nick asked , trying to annoy me .

" Technically yes." I said smiling .

" Well actually looking at my phone Becky and Caroline are both blowing my phone." He said as he handed me his phone , I looked at him .

" Why are you handing me your phone ? " I asked .

" You've dealt with crazy bitches before ,  you deal with them ." He said as he served himself food .

" Blake, this is a you problem not a me problem." I said as I handed him his phone  and stole his plate of food .

" You're supposed to scare woman off !" He said as he opened his text messages .

" Maybe if I felt threatened by them." I said nonchalantly as I ate my food .

" You know you're really cocky." He said as he stared at his phone .

" Maybe I'm so cocky because you've put your cock in me." I said with a straight face .

Nick , Conner and James started laughing loudly , I looked at Blake who just looked at me and shook his head .

" Blake you have your hands full with this one." Conner said still laughing .

" Yes , yes I do." He said finally laughing .

" Gloria can you stop talking about my cock for a minute and actually help me." He asked as he again handed me his phone .

" Wow okay you weren't kidding when you said they are blowing your phone up ! " I said as I looked at his phone .

" Wait a minute it looks like they created a group chat together with you." I said as I clicked on the group chat.

" You're getting tagged teamed by both of them." I said as I scrolled through the messages .

" I didn't even know they knew each other." He said , I looked at him .

" Oh you're fucked." I said sarcastically laughing.

Him and the other guys looked at me confused .

" Why ? How do Carolina and Becky know each other? " He asked .

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