The Days I Remember

By StarkidLuna

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When I was little I never thought this would happen. I never thought I would be here but here I am with tatto... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 13

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By StarkidLuna

Chapter 13

“Be faithful to that which exists within yourself.” 

― André Gide

Emma woke up to lots of different noises. It was kind of pitch black outside but kind of not. She expected the sun was rising or something close to it. She sleepily raised her head, to see what was going on. Her sister Holly was sleeping peaceful in the bed next to her breathing in and out. She looked around the barrack they were people moving but it wasn’t time to go yet. Usually soldiers get them when it was time to eat or work, but no soldiers came yet so it had to be to earlier. They always came at the same time every day, they would never be late. At least to Emma that seemed to be true but now she was just confused. Emma got up and stretched not really sure to think about what was going on around her just yet.

She got up from the bed to see where the fellow workers were going. Some of the fellow workers were leaving the barracks, again had read alarm in her head that went off. She didn’t know why the red alarm thing came to her at this point in time but it wasn’t good. Not a lot of people were in the barrack so she quietly woke her sister up who seemed to be having a dream. Most of them were getting up just like her looking around. None of them made a sign still waiting for a soldiers to come through the door and threaten their lives or something close to it.

Her sister was still not wake she was starting at Emma in why did you waked me up at this kind of time look. Emma rolled her eyes, her sister was one to like to be awake earlier but she liked she was having a dream so it was okay to wake her up.

“What” mumbled her sister, yes she was definitely not awake right now. It was kind of amusing Emma thought trying not to laugh. Emma watch her sister try to wake herself up.

Her sister asked what was going on to tell you the truth Emma had no idea. She just told her sister to be very quiet just in case the soldiers would come in any second. Her sister stood up as Emma nodded toward the door. Her sister sent her a confusing look and walked to the door and looked up. There wasn’t a lot of commotion out there so it seemed fast. Holly grabbed Emma’s hand and open the door to the outside. We stepped out said to see the prisoners running around the grounds with tools in their hand. Young, old, men or women all of them running around looking confused. Which didn’t help us at all.

The same man who talked to them about the plan came up to Emma and her sister, with tools. He didn’t really say anything but just gave them a look as if they would know what to do but they didn’t. Emma looked around seeing really no sign of soldiers but something to her that something bad would happen and she told her sister that.

Her sister still held her hand which gave her some comfort. They looked to the right and saw group of people talking together. Holly pulled Emma in that direction they walked to the group of people not looking around.

All sudden a loud noise which made Emma jump filled the area. Emma gave her sister a look as she knew that sound. It was gun shots, and her sister had look on her fast that held a sense of panic, which Emma didn’t plan her for. Emma knew she most likely had the same look on her face right now. They should have looked around beforehand now the soldiers were out for blood.

Holly took Emma’s hand again and she decided they should run away from the soldiers. Emma sense that Holly wasn’t really looking around but just running in hope to not to get hit by a bullet flying through the air at amazing speed. Running was good at least, she was glad that they run a lot as kids so running wasn’t a huge thing. It was just like a race.  Well kind of like a race but being chased by people with guns ready to shot you kind of race but no less one at that. You just had to run faster and maybe escape if they could only do that.

They ran for what seemed to be forever. Which was most likely a few minutes. Running really does take a lot out of you Emma thought sadly trying to focus on her breathing. Weapons still in hand as they kept on running for their lives really. As they ran they came to a complete stop. Holly ran into a solider which wasn’t a good idea.

Group of soldiers were surrounding all the workers. Forming a unbreakable wall between them and their way out of the prison.  Evening all of them dirty looks. One of the soldiers gave Emma’s Sister a smirk that meant we were in trouble. At this moment she knew at least one of us were going to die and there was nothing we could do about it.  Emma wish it wasn’t like this but we had to get through this.

            Emma and Holly dropped the weapons to the ground not willing to go against the soldiers right now.  The solider still smirking at Emma’s sister that said I will most likely kill you right now kind of look and grabbed Emma. He yanked Emma which kind of hurt making Holly let go of her sister. Holly wanted to shout or at least do something but the solider raised his gun, the back of it and hit Holly at the back of the head who feel to the ground with thumb.

“HOLLY” Emma yelled out but was cut off by the Solider who’s hand was dangerously close to Emma’s throat. Which was a little close to comfort for Emma. Was he going to kill Emma right here? Was this the end? She didn’t even get to say goodbye to her sister who might have already be dead.

“NO” Emma yelled not sure if her sister was alive or not and that scared her. The Solider still had Emma in his grasp and threw her to the ground, and group of soldiers surrounded her. Emma turned to her sister trying to get to her but the soldiers blocked her from doing that. She couldn’t even speak and was afraid that her sister was dead but didn’t see and blood at all. She saw a solider yelling at two workers who picked up Holly and took her away. Emma watched helplessly as this happen wanting to scream at the soldiers but too scared to really do anything.

The Solider picked Emma up again with a very hard grab making Emma’s arm hurt and put her in group of random people surrounded and picked by soldiers. She had no idea where she was going to go and she kind of hope she would make it out alive. She looked at her arm which had a red mark on it. That was most likely going to leave a bruise she thought sadly.

The soldiers yelled at the workers to fellow them and they had no choice. Emma had feeling that they were going to die, or be lead till their death. It sounded depressing but at least she would see her parents again

The crowd, the group of people were however a different story. They all looked down at the ground or around at the soldiers wondering where they were going and if anyone could happen. Emma was just warning about her sister not about the certain chance of death that was waiting for her.  

Emma followed the group of people to where ever they were supposed to go. The soldiers yelled at the group of others who were trying to save them to either back off or they would die. The other soldiers got the other group of people and put them in group surrounded by soldiers with guns ready to fire. Making so the rest of the group had no way to get out of this. This was it nobody was going to save them or stop the soldiers

            Emma looked at the crowd who looked at the group with helpless looks on their faces. All that Emma wanted to see if her sister was okay. What if her sister was already dead? It seemed unfair that she dead. Her sister was so strong and Emma wasn’t sure if she died that her sister could take anymore death. The group that she was in thankfully stopped moving and she watched one of the soldiers yell at the crowd who was watching. The solider open his month to speak to everyone. Everyone looked at him with wide eyes but mostly hatred. If looks could kill he would have already been dead, and I don’t they the crowd would have mind not even one bit.

“Because of your certain uprising, you will all be punish. But not all of you will die. Because of what you all just did, you’re love ones will suffer. You’re the reason why these people are dead” yelled the solider who was trying use the guilt trip on the others. Which was wrong and sick. He was trying to make it worse than it was already is. But death seemed to hit Emma the hardest. She was right earlier, about one of them going to die. It was going to be her. She hoped it would be painless or at least quick. Either way she was going to die.

“Because of yourself actions the ones you call love ones will die, because of you. You already monsters and worthless and I’m glad to get most of you off of our hands. If you try this again all of you will die. And I will enjoy watching all of you suffer” he said with a laugh as the other soldiers did too. The crowd started at him with hatred clear on their faces.

            Emma looked around to crowd to see anybody with nice face to tell her sister. He eyes met lady with long brown hair and blue eyes. She was wearing a grey dress and looked really nice about her mother’s age. She saw Emma and nodded. Emma knew that this lady whoever she was going to tell her sister or take care of her. Emma guessed that meant that Holly was hopefully still alive maybe just resting.

Emma was about to throw up this was so sick and wrong. She didn’t get why they had to do this. They just wanted to be free but she guessed freedom was a bad thing at least for them it was. She wondered if they would ever be free, or if her sister was. This was the end of what little life she had. She didn’t have a chance to say goodbye to her parents and now she didn’t have a chance to say goodbye to her sister. Not to mention her sister might be already dead or something crossed Emma’s mind at the same time. She felt sick, as the group was force to move again.

The group was lead to the place where they got the first change of clothes. A Very small part of her was wondering if they would be free. But of course that wasn’t going to happen to her at least. Or to the group of people ranging from young to old with her. There was about maybe 200 people with her. At least I wasn’t alone she thought sadly as they were all force into the small room. The soldiers order them to take all of their clothes of or they would die. Not wanting to die by bullet they did so.

They were then lead to a medium size room force in there. Emma went to the wall knowing that it was kind of safe opinion at least till her till she saw the claw marks. As if someone was trying to get out but they couldn’t. The door was shut and they were surrounded by darkness. Emma didn’t know what to do but she didn’t like darkness. It was all too quite till there was some kind of gas that came through somewhere making Emma choke. She couldn’t breathe. The Gas burned her throat as she gasped for air she banged against the wall trying to breathe.

Emma even through her version was really bad found a rock. It was almost the same one as her sister had to make tally marks son the bed. She took it and tried to write someone no the wall anything to tell Holly that she loved her. And that she would miss her big sister. She couldn’t right much as she heard more coughing and it was getting unbearable. Leaning against the wall with all her strength she craved words into it with all she had.

Looking at it she smiled a little thinking of her sister as tears came down her face. She hoped her sister would read it, or at least see it. She didn’t get to say goodbye but at least this was some way to say goodbye to her.

Emma after done writing the short message collapse to the ground, her eyes wide open with fear but no breathing coming out of her month. Her hand clutching the rock that was still in her hand she took her final breath.

Somewhere in the camp, Holly woke up with a scream. A hand went over her month before she could do anything.

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