The Days I Remember

By StarkidLuna

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When I was little I never thought this would happen. I never thought I would be here but here I am with tatto... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 2

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By StarkidLuna

Chapter 2

“It's like everyone tells a story about themselves inside their own head. Always. All the time. That story makes you what you are. We build ourselves out of that story.”

― Patrick Rothfuss

Holly nodded and followed John to a wooden door she didn't see. It was hidden by a big green plant, which was on the side of the door but where you couldn’t see it right away. John open the door, which lead to hallway with paints of random things. The paintings were that of the school      or random pictures of parks, and animals. The long Hallway, or what seemed to be a long hallway lead to a medium size room. The Room had big couches, a small kitchen, bookcase a big screen TV and other random things. It was perfect little room, at least it seemed to her. It gave a sense of comfort.

 "Do you want anything to drink?" John asked her, as she put her bag on table. He went to the white medium size refrigerator and opened it. He gave a look over for a bit and turned to Holly. "We have Coffee, Water, Hot Coco, Milk and Juice" he added.

 "Hot Coco please" she said with smile and John nodded.

Hot Coco was the perfect for a day like this. Also her mother would make it for Holly when she was nervous or needed to calm down. Holly kept doing that throughout her life. It was a way to still remind her of her mother and the happiness she had before the whole mess happened. Holly took her heavy coat off and put it on a chair besides table as John made her some Hot Coco. John handed Holly warm cup of Coco.  

“Well I better go help the crew, will you be fine here alone” he asked Holly. It was nice that he worried she thought. She nodded, and held up the cup of Coco.

“I have Hot Coco, I’ll be fine” she said then took a sip of the coco. It smelled amazing and tasted almost like the way her mother made it. John nodded and told her if she needed anything to tell him. He would be helping the Auditorium.  Holly watched him leave the room and closed the door that lead into the Auditorium leaving Holly to get lost in her thoughts.

She wished she could call her, her sister. Her voice would be great to hear at time like this. She knew that she would never would but she needed her sister right now. Her sister had this thing about her. Yes she was annoying but she was always there when you needed someone to talk too. She needed someone to tell her that she could do this.

After years of not telling her story to anyone but her family now was her chance. Her youngest daughter named Sophie heard about from a friend that local college was having Speakers about the Holocaust come and speak to them. Her Sophie who just turn 40, told her Mother this. It took while to get Holly to say yes. Because Holly wasn’t sure she was ready. But after Sophie telling her Mother it was her chance for her story to be told, finally lead Holly to talk to John about it.

She remembered the conversation she and Sophie had about it.

“Sophie I don’t think I can do that” Holly said mixing creamer in her coffee. Sophie was sitting at breakfast table that her mother had, overlooking the garden in the back.  Sophie had her hands holding the cup looking at her mother with a determine look on her face.

“Mom you’re among hundreds maybe thousands whose story needs to be told. Sure we learn it from the books in our history classes but you went through it. You survived mom, you’re story needs to be told some people can understand what happen” Sophie exclaimed now standing up and gave her mother a pleading look.

Holly stood there thinking for a moment. Not sure if she should listen or not but something told she should. Maybe the nightmares would stop, maybe this would help her and others. She nodded and Sophie gave her a hug.

“Don’t worry Mom, you don’t go through this alone. You got us” said Sophie with a grin.

She knew what her daughter was talking about. Her children who were now with families on her own. She was proud of all of them and couldn’t be happier for them. She was even a grandmother and was happy to spoil all her grandchildren which they didn’t mind one bit.

Sophie took the phone and started to dial a number while Holly watched her with amused expression on her face.

“Who are you calling” Holly asked her daughter as she sat down. She took another sip of her coffee and brushed the hair out of her eyes.

“John the guy I told you about to help” said Sophie as the phone rang. Sophie grinned as John answered the phone.

Holly smiled at the memory and couldn’t believe she was doing this now. She was the first Speak of the week. Which made her slightly nervous, but glad to be talking first. She knew she wasn't the only one but most of them rather be silent. It was easy yet hard to forget what happen back then. Most of them put the memories in back of their minds. But Holly had nightmares until she was little older when she learned how to deal them. It was the past that haunted most of the time, but now it was going to be told.

Post Traumatic Disorder is what the doctors called it. She understood why they told her she had it. With the stuff she saw, and what happen by her family. She felt like sometimes it was her fault. Even if it wasn’t, she still couldn’t have done something to prevent deaths. She could have stood up and said something but no she didn’t. She was just glad she didn’t wake up screaming anymore.

She hoped that her story will help people understand what happen, and she hoped that it will never happen again. The images of the time didn't just go away, it was just there.  It some people it was nothing. It was in the past and there was no chance it would happen again.

But it might and she didn’t want to see that happen. There was so much hate and violence in the world. People still hated people who were different. Bullying was a huge issue across the world and seemed that not many people were fighting against it. The World had so much culture and diversity, that maybe if we took our differences aside we could learn something from each other.

She was so lost in her thoughts she didn’t notice a women about age 40, with messy blonde hair in pony tail, her hazel eyes just like her Mother’s held amusement.  She was grinning from Ear to Ear. Even though she was the youngest of the group and 40 years old. She couldn’t help but be excited.

 The Lady grinned as another women with brown hair stood by her, a little older than her sister but same size as her sister holding white Lily’s which was their mother’s favorite kind of flowers. The women’s long brown hair was in a single braid that went down her back. She was wearing a blue woolen Jacket with blue jeans and black comfortable boots. She was holding a warm cup of coffee in her hand.

A Man came in behind them, about 6ft tall, with brownish hair, with few grey hairs. He was tall and lean, bit muscular all of them shared the same hazel eyes and he grinned at his sisters. He wasn’t wearing a jacket like his sisters. He seemed to be used to the cold not carrying about it. He did live a mile or so away.

Holly turned around finally noticing the trio and smiled. She was obviously surprised by the fact that her children showed up. All of them had children, and Holly thought they would be with their families instead of coming here to listen to the same story she told them before. Yes, she understood that they were family but didn’t know they would all come. They already did know the story, well the half of the story she told them before. She gave them all hugs and kisses and thank them for the flowers.

“You all showed up” she said in surprised voice.  As they all made their way to the couches and chairs. They all gathered around the table. The Youngest, Sophie sitting by her Mom and Emi the 2nd oldest on the other side. Austin sat on black chair facing his sisters and Mother.

“We wouldn’t miss it mom, plus we didn’t hear the whole story” Austin added, grinning from ear to ear.

“How did you know” Holly asking giving her children questionable looks. Of course they knew, they are her children after all, and her late husband’s one, who was a police officer.

“Oh you didn’t tell us much details, I think we get it from dad” said Emi with a shrug who happen to be a police officer herself.

“Oh course” said Holly with chuckle always count on that Owen gave his knack to watch everything close to his kids. Not that she minded but it did get kind of annoying. They reminded her to much of Owen most of the time. She really did miss him a lot.

“Plus we’re here to support you mom, and did say I’ll help with PowerPoint” her youngest daughter, Sophie pointed out as the other two nodded.

Holly gave her kids a smile, and thankful that they should up and nervous how they would react to the whole story. She didn’t go into the whole details about the camps. She told the less happy moments of her time but not the stuff she seen. Part of her didn’t want to tell everyone about hit, but her story needed to be told. Of course people knew of the holocaust and some of what happen but they didn’t go through it firsthand. It was much different than reading it in the book.

“Thank goodness you’re dealing with PowerPoint last time I tried to figure it out, I almost threw the computer out the window” Holly mumbled as her kids roared with laughter.

Holly’s face turn to red as she sighed. She was still embarrass about that and how she didn’t get how to use technology now.  She hope at least some day she would understand what she was doing. Till then she had her tech savvy children to help her. The one thing the children knew was that their Mother and most of technology did not go well. But she did have some patience which helped her most of the time.

She wished Owen was here to see this. To feel like a family again with the kids and everything. She never told Owen the full story either so this was the first, the very first time she would tell the full story of what happen during the Holocaust. She wondered what Owen reaction would be when he found out what happen back then.

Her hand went to the locket that was around her neck. The Locket was golden, obviously warn, thanks be being worn a lot. It was a gift from Owen when she got married to him. In the Locket was a picture of Holly in wedding dress, glowing next to a tall brown hair man. He had brown eyes and grin on his face as if he was the luckiest person in the world.

“You know Dad would have been here if he was alive Mom” said Emi giving her mother’s hand a squeeze.  

The kids new that their mother had the necklace still. They all missed their father who sadly died of Cancer 7 years ago. Holly nodded not really wanting to cry at all, and knowing she would soon, most likely. Her Knew Emi was right. Owen was a great guy, always supported her and she was lucky she met him. He got helped her through the nightmares and dreams. He made her laugh and smile. She missed him a lot but knew he was watching over her right now.

“Don’t worry Mom, we’re here for you” said her son giving her a worried look but had a grin on his face.

Holly could always count on her children to always make her feel not alone. They always found a way to make her smile or laugh even at the darkest of time.

She wouldn’t forget when Owen was working and she would wake up from a nightmare that was really a memory. Her kids would run to the room to make sure their mother was okay. One of them would go and get some Hot Coco, usually Austin who was the oldest of the group as Emi and Sophie sat next to their mother comforting her. She was always thankful for her family, family was and forever be the most important thing to her. She smiled at her children and she talked about what was going on with everything and asking how her grandchildren were.

Time went by fast, and soon it was her time to speak. She said goodbye to her kids as they went to their places. Emi and Austin in the audience as Sophie went to where the computer was. Holly took a breath to calm herself. She glance through the red curtains to see how many people, the auditorium was almost packed. She glance at her watch that showed her, it was time. She mentally prepared herself by talking breath in and out. She grabbed a water bottle and made her way to the stage.

 She felt everyone's stares at her as she made her way to the podium that was in the center of the stage. Her children gave her thumbs up and smiles. She smiled at them and wanted to laugh so much. Both Emi and Austin had goofy look and their faces making their mother want to laugh. She could always count on them to make her smile.

 Luckily behind the podium was a chair in case she needed it. She put the water bottle on shelve in the wood podium in case she would need it when she talked. She had feeling she was going to need it so she kept the bottle close by. Holly walked up the microphone as the once noisy room suddenly calm down. Wow thought was fast she thought as she looked at the smiling faces around the room.

 She gave the audience a small smile, which most of them returned. Behind her the screen went down to show a PowerPoint of some pictures she had. Thankfully her daughter, Sophie had help her figure that out. Sophie was also working the PowerPoint which Holly again was thankful for. She knew if she had the job she would do something wrong. Holly cleared her throat before speaking.

 "When I was little, being different wasn't a huge thing at least to me. My best friend Zoey Hirsch (a picture of a Girl next to younger Holly with Blonde hair, blue eyes. The picture showed her and Zoey laughing at something, both wearing white dresses.), was German, most people didn't like them but we didn't mind. Zoey was like my sister. We always hanged out together and she was always there for me when I needed someone" she said as pictures of her and Zoey showed up on the screen of them laughing or playing. Holly couldn't help but smile. 

"My Sister Emma, was a baby of family. She loved being spoiled but she loved hanging out with me and Zoey too. Which got annoying most of the time" Holly said with a laugh, and some of the audience laughed with her.

A Picture of Emma appeared, she was 8 in the photo. Emma had short brown hair that fell as ringlets. Her blue eyes held sense of wonderment and joy.

 "Besides my sister and my friend I had my parents who worked hard. My Mother, Anna was Librarian, and would always make sure me and Emma read a lot. She loved her joy, and loved the joy of people reading" Holly added as a picture of her mom holding Holly and Emma.

            Her Mother's long brown hair usually up, was now down. Her Mums blue eyes held same excitement of Holly's.

Holly missed her Mother so much. Her mother was type of person you could go to and she wouldn’t judge you. She would listen and never interrupt till you were done. She always managed to make Holly laugh or smile when she was down. She was in away Holly’s friend and also her mother. She could be strict at times but Holly didn’t mind really. Luckily for Holly she was a good girl and hardly got into trouble.

 "My Father on the other hand was a handy man. He came home with different job every day. But he made sure we didn't go hungry. He was always there to help us with our homework if we needed any help" Holly said as another picture was up this time of her Father.

 Neil Cohen was her Father’s name. He had grayish brown hair. He was pretty tall, and thin. In the picture he was pushing Emma in swing while Holly was trying to get her dads attention. Her dad was a quite person. But he cared for his family, during the start of World War II he worked as much as possible.

He took random jobs, and making sure he always had money for his family. He was kind of person who would help his friends if they needed help. He would always stop and giving the orphans on the street food and blankets. Even if he didn’t know a person he would help them out. He always was there for kids two daughters. He helped both girl with homework most of the time. He would read stories to his girls before bed and made sure each child had food and clothing. He didn’t want his children to go hungry or any child for that matter.

Another picture came up. It was one of her favorites. It was before they had to move to a place called Ghetto. They were at park on blanket. They were all laughing and smiling. The Family spent the day in the park. Chasing each other or playing with ball that the girl’s dad got at the local store. They ate dinner together talk and laughing about memories they had. It was one of Holly’s and will ever been one of her favorite memories that she hope she would never forget.

 "We were a normal family. We had our fights like every other families and honestly we were not perfect but we loved each other. Zoey became a sister and daughter to my parents. But things started to change" she said in sad voice as the next sign showed Emma and Holly wearing a golden star on their clothes.

"There was this man gaining power every day. You may now this man as Adolf Hitler. I didn't know much about him them but I knew it was just start. We had some rules against us, if you were Jewish you had to wear a Star of David on your clothes. We couldn't go to normal schools only Jewish and we had curfew" she added. As pictures were shown of her and sister with Star of David sewn on the clothes.

“We were also moved to small apartment in what everyone called “The Ghetto.  The plan was to make sure all the Jews were in one place. Making it easier to control them. We felt like prisoners most of the time.  Many people were cramped into apartments. Most of them getting sick or become homeless. Many orphans were on the streets bagging for food” Holly added as another picture was shown.

This time a picture of group of kids huddled together against the wall. The kids were maybe 6 or 6 years old with clothes on their back. They looked dirty and underfeed for they didn’t have anything to eat. There was a few gasp from the audience most of them didn’t know about the ghettos.

 "I didn't see Zoey that much but we say each other, and tried to talk to each other. I didn't realize anything was different till the day of my 15th birthday when she didn't show up" Holly looked over the audience who didn't see to bored. They seemed to be listening and she guess that was good.

She looked at Austin and Emi who looked sad. Emi had tears in her eyes. Austin’s looked very worried. Sophie was behind the computer so Holly couldn’t see what her reaction was. They didn’t even know that the story would only get worse from here.

“Things started to change all the sudden. My Mother couldn’t work at the University so she worked at bookstore instead. My dad worked at less jobs, and it was hard for him to find many. Most of our friends who were Jewish were moved to the ghetto because they didn’t have much anymore” she said as picture of Jewish families on the street with blankets around them can on the big screen.

“Soon my family and I were force into an apartment in the ghetto which was a place for Jews only. It seemed that they wanted to keep track of us or something close to that nature. We were one of the lucky ones that had our own apartment. Even through this was happening we still went on as normal. We tried not letting what was going on around on affect us.” she said as a picture of her and her family appeared in a small apartment. Her family and her was grinning and laughing. Even in the darkest or what seemed like the darkest of times they found hope. Maybe through making up games or spending time with each other but they made sure to find away.

 A picture of the same one, she had on the poster showed up.

 "Everything changed the day after my 15th birthday and little did I know that Zoey not being at my birthday was not the worst thing that happen".

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