The New Art Teacher - COMPLET...

By toxic-treasure

2.5K 63 195

Frank's high school with Ray, Mikey, Pete, Patrick, Brendon, Ryan, Jamia and a few other people. They get a n... More

Chapter One - This Fic Will Be A Massive Wreck And I Hope You Know That
Chapter Two - The Origianal Chapter Title Was Too Long Whoops
Chapter Three - Come On Frankie, Let's Go Party, And Fivehead's Here
Chapter Four - Frankly, Frank Has A Great Taste For Female Punk Fasion
Chapter Five - The Best Blowjob Frank Will Ever Recieve
Peter Louis Kingston Wentz III Stalks Mikey Fucking Way Who Is A Side Character
Hypothetical Bob Masturbation And Gerard's Mangina And Ryan Ross Being Special
Brendon Has A Girlfriend Who Ryan Tells A Secret Too And Frank Ditches His Gran
Ry and Bren team up, Pete And Mikey Sneak Out And Sarah's Got A Band
Frank and Gee Get Outed and Brendon Wanks Over Someone That Isn't Sarah
Mikey and Gerard Take Action, And Frank Meets A Chick
Sarah Finds Out, Mikey Stops, And Gerard Almost Falls Out With His Parents
Lindsey's Pissed And Patrick And Ray Remind Everyone They Exist
Frank'd The Main Character Of This Chapter, But Hey Ray's In It So That's Good
Brendon And Sarah Get Some, And Lindsey Hates Alicia
Frank's a Little Maid, Lindsey is Still Pissed, and Patrick Deals With It
Mikey Way: Undercover Gay In A Straight World...
*Insert Obligatory Amy Winehouse Rehab Joke Here*
Panics, Parties, and Whores
Sluts and Simple Words

Ray Has A Dilemma And Literally Everyone Gets Some

128 3 7
By toxic-treasure

The class was empty- aside from two people. Frank and Gerard. After the events of the party, which was a week ago now, and the descriptions of certain things over the phone, having these two in a room may not be a great idea. Frank was most definitely not helping as he had Gerard pressed up against the desk, kissing him passionately. As soon as the bell sounded in the silent classroom, they fell apart, Frank making his way to his table with a smirk plastered on his face.

Once the whole class was in their seats, including Ryan Ross with the scarves and the smiles and Brendon Urie with the big forehead and flashy jackets, Gerard- or Mr Way, as he was to be called in school- started the class.

The people on that table most likely to be actually paying attention were Ryan, Ray and Patrick as they all seemed like goody-two-shoes. Brendon was too busy figuring out Ryan's logic of smiles still, Frank was too busy staring at Mr Way's oh-so-fabulous ass, Mikey was too busy trying not to scream at something Pete was too busy doing with his hand under the table.

"Urie, stop eye-fucking the new kid, please." Mr Way said, nonchalantly waving his hand in Frank's table's direction. "And Iero, stop mentally undressing whoever you're staring at."

Both the boy with the forehead bigger than Uranus (I had to) and the boy with the piercings blushed a deep red, redder than the tie of Mr Way. Everyone in the class snickered- barring Frank and Brendon- even Ryan, who turned and smiled at Brendon. Fucking smiled. Fucking again.


"Mikes?" Pete asked, casually falling into the lap of his current not-quite-boyfriend, datemate, if you will. "Why are you so goddamned cute?"

"Because I'm a god, Pete." Mikey said, biting back a smile. "I'm a fucking god, therefore you should kneel before me-"

Pete shot up, staring Mikey dead in the eye. "Does that mean what I think it means, Mikey Way?" He asked, a wide grin splitting across his face.

"Probably not, knowing your filthy mind, Pete." Mikey laughed, shaking his head at his datemate. "Seriously, when's your birthday? I might get you holy water as a present."

"Oh God, not the holy water!" Pete exclaimed over-dramatically, falling back into Mikey's lap. "Anything but the holy water!"

"Get up you fucking nerd." Mikey rolled his eyes, trying - and succeeding - to not at his datemate.

"Okay princess." Pete winked.

Mikey grimaced at the nickname, but his mind went 'holy fuck' at the way Pete said it. Maybe Mikey fucking Way needed relieving of... well, something. And that's how Pete Wentz found himself being dragged into the bathroom by his not quite boyfriend. Like I said, datemate.


Ray, yes he still exists, was having a similar problem to Mikey, except Ray had no raccoon-like emo prince to save the day. Ray was the biggest goddamn side character in existence. More than Mikey. More than Patrick. More than Bob and Billie- well, Ray didn't know about those two, but we need more than two guys. Rule of three, yo. 

He wasn't noticed by anyone. Pete and Mikey were to busy making out to notice him, Patrick was desperately trying to cling on to his friendship with Pete as he was spending more time with his boyfriend (/datemate/ whatever the fuck they are) than he was breathing, Frank was too busy not giving a single shit about anything except his new found passion for art and Ryan was too busy confusing Brendon with the logic of smiles while Brendon was too busy figuring out the boy with the scarves' logic of smiles. 

It was like Ray's dog was the only one who noticed him. And that was kind of a stretch because whenever Frank was in the house Ray's dog went absolutely wild for him. Maybe his dog has a thing for Frank. Who knows?

Sure people talked to Ray, but that was mostly for the answers to that history homework on Lincoln that was due in next period. 

But it wasn't all bad- Ray wouldn't be dragged into the inevitable drama if he's a side character.


"Jamia, why the fuck are you here?" Frank asked, stepping into Gerard and Lindsey's house with the teacher quickly making his way to the kitchen. 

"I stayed overnight to have some hot sex with my girlfriend." She shrugged, moving back to the sofa, where Lindsey was sat, cigarette in her hand.

"We really did not need to know that." Frank sighed, sitting on an armchair.

"Didn't need to know what?" Gerard questioned, emerging from the kitchen with a coffee in his hand.

"That I fucked Jamia senseless last night." Lindsey smirked, letting her girlfriend bum the rest of her cigarette. Gerard grimaced as he sat on the floor inbetween Frank's legs.

"What's that face for, Gee?" Jamia grinned, clearly having the perfect joke to make. "Did Frank fuck you too hard?"

"Are you saying Frank tops?" Gerard laughed, practically downing his coffee. "Please, I totally top!" The two girls burst out laughing and Frank rolled his eyes.

"You wanna test that theory, Gee?" Frank whispered, leaning down so only Gerard could hear him.

"We'll be right back." Gerard said, leaping up and dragging Frank into his bedroom.


It seems quite a few people got lucky af in this chapter. That's cool. Tbh this chapters a pile of shit, well, at least the last pov and I don't like it. Oh well

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