Batman V Fairy Tail

By MisakaLovesYou

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Prologue: Accusations
The Demon and the Bat
The Knightmare
The Bat of Earthland

A Matter of Fate

304 13 14
By MisakaLovesYou

Say hello to A Batgirl In Academy City's new logo!

"Urrgghhh.." Mira stood up dizzily, she looked around, and stared at the blank white walls around her. "Wh-where?"

Mira looked around, she was in some large white room with no windows.. or doors.. or anything.. except for a camera hanging from the ceiling looking down at her..

Mira couldn't feel her magic at all.. as if her flow had somehow been restricted.

Mira glared at the camera. "Are you watching? I know you are.. my friends will find me.. and when they do, they won't show mercy.."

Batman sat at the Batcomputer.. watching the footage of the Isolation chamber.

"You haven't yet questioned her Master Bruce.." said Alfred, walking over to Batman. "Weren't you fervent to find Miss Misaka?"

"There's something wrong about this Alfred." said Batman. "Just watching the way she moves, her facial expressions..  she definitely isn't mentally unstable.. and.. she seems like the type that hates violence."

"Could've fooled me sir.." said Alfred. "She nearly tore the Batmobile apart.."

Alfred looked at the Batmobile.. which suddenly sparked, and fell with a crash as all four of it's tires fell apart.

"Well.. looks like we'll need to put in an order to Fox for a spare anyways." Alfred said.

"Whatever her intentions Alfred, she's not malicious.. she might just be misguided.. we've seen enough of those." said Batman. "In any case, if I expose her to my style of interrogation, it won't be psychologically healthy to her.. I need to find another way to use her to find the rest of her organization, and find Mikoto.."

Batman typed a few more options on the Bat Computer. "If I examine her physiology and genetics, I might be able to use the Justice League Watchtower's Dimensional Radar to pinpoint the exact world she came from.."

"Are you sure sir? The last time you went on a multiversal excursion, didn't Twilight Prankster accidentally leave you in a Chucky Cheese's playing Pool with Darth Vader?" said Alfred.

"I'm not going with a multidimensional jokester this time." said Batman. "I'll be fine as long as I'm cautious..."

The Bat Computer let out a beeping sound.

"Incredible.." said Alfred. "Her bone structure, her muscles.. it's.. beyond that of a normal human.. yet, completely ordinary outside of that demonic form.."

"Theoretically.." said Batman. "Their world is saturated with a unique magic that allows even completely powerless humans to surpass their normal biological physical limits.. it saturates their cells.. allowing their muscles to grow faster.. and to continue strengthening even when they've reached their limit..."

"An average athlete from that world would have abnormal agility sir.. and strength to almost match Bane at the very least.." said Alfred.

(In case you're wondering how people like Erza managed to walk into the Guild Hall during her debut carrying a giant monster horn with one hand without a single ounce of magic, this is the RIFT Batman reason, which also explains Elfman's "Hulk Smash" appearance to a large degree. However, Natsu and RIFT Mikoto's massive strength are attributed to their dragon blood.)

"That's not all.. they also have incredible agility, and when you gather the few that definitely have powers, like the Mirajane girl.. it only gets greater..." said Batman. "And I'm going to have to go up against a bunch of them.."

Batman stood up.

"And of course.. that's not going to stop you is it sir?" said Alfred.

"Not in the least.." said Batman.

Batman ripped a cloth off a large machine in the corner. It was covered in dust and cobwebs, as if it hadn't been used in years.

"I almost forgot we still had it.." said Alfred.

"The coordinates are in.. " said Batman. "Owlman's Portal Jumper should be able to bring me to their world.."

"And back sir?"

"Mirajane's here Alfred." said Batman. "And Batgirl's gone.. They have a way to this world.. and they're going to have to share when I'm done there.."

"And about the fact that they're all not just physically more adept than you.. but also possess magical might?" Alfred said with an arched eyebrow.

"LIke I said.. it's being in that world alone that strengthens you.. All I need is a little time.. and I'll likely start to match them.." said Batman.

"You'll need time for that sir.."

"But time isn't something I have.. I'll just have to do it on the fly." said Batman. "Entering coordinates from Watch Tower's genetic navigation.."

Batman tapped a few buttons, and the device, which whirred to life, morphing into a large ring which created a swirling blue energy vortex in it's center..

"And sir?" Alfred said. "Might I ask HOW you're going to escape if you end up warping right into the middle of their organization?"

"Keep the portal open Alfred." said Batman. "You're about to find out.."

Batman lunged at the ring, and leapt through, disappearing into it..


"Mmmmm.." Wendy sat in the guild hall, kicking her feet back in forth. She couldn't wait for anything.. not at all.. for once, she was in a state of complete impatience.

Every second Mikoto was out there, who knew what was happening to her?

"Please Natsu.. everyone.. find her.." Wendy whispered to herself.


Wendy's eyes lit up. "M-MIKOTO!?"

Mikaris shook her head and sat down next to Wendy. "Er.. no.."

"Oh, right." said Wendy blushing with embarrassment. "Sorry.

"It's understandable." said Mikaris. "We do obviously share a large resemblance.. More than once today, Elfman looked at me and thought I was Mikoto.. I think everyone's on edge today."

Wendy sniffled. "Both of them.. Lucy and Mikoto are like sisters to me.. and.. today, I looked after Little L.. and.. you know what she asked me?"

"What?" Mikaris asked.

"She asked if Mikoto was dead like Mommy and Daddy.." said Wendy.

Mikaris bowed her head. During Ulquiorra's loyalty to Asgawrath, the Arrancar had murdered Mikoto's human parents without a second thought.. and while the loss had been heavy on Mikoto, it had been absolutely traumatizing on Little Lucy..

Luckily, she had people like her sister Mikoto, and godmother Lucy as well as Erza, Natsu and others to fill the void her dead parents left.. but the poor girl still had nightmares.. the same ones ever since that day.. 

Ulquiorra had once debated asking to join Fairy Tail, but it was for this reason that he kept his distance. He now understood what he had done.. and each day his guilt over it grew... (Accelerator used to have a similar problem, but it's wise to say that Fairy Tail healed him)

"We need to find her.." Wendy said. "Whatever it takes.."

Suddenly their thoughts were interrupted by a large portal erupting into the middle of the room with an explosion of light.

"Neh!?" Wendy stammered. "What is-!?"

"SCREE SCREE SCREE!!!!" Swarms of bats flew into the guildhall from the portal, shrouding the entire room in panicked flying mammals.

"AAAAAHHHHHH!!!" Usopp fell of his seat at the bar. "SINCE WHEN DID WE HAVE BATS!?"

"GRRR!!" Gajeel growled swatting at the bats with little Baby Gale in one arm. "THEY'RE BOTHERING MY LITTLE GIRL!!!"

And within the cloud of bats, Batman emerged, carrying a small device in his hand that emitted a small ultrasonic frequency, causing the bats  to follow  and crowd around the device in question.

He dropped the device in the middle of the guild hall as he strode through the building with deliberation and purpose... closing the portal behind him as he walked. He was about to make it to the front door when suddenly Gajeel's hand grabbed his shoulder.

"HEY!!" Gajeel growled, jabbing a thumb back in the bat infested guild hall, pointing at Levy who was holding his daughter. "Ya gonna apologize for freaking out my two main gals ya pranking prick!?"

Gajeel suddenly noticed the bat symbol on Batman's chest, then his eyes narrowed. "Oy... I know that sign.. you..."

Gajeel gritted his teeth angrily. "Nice, I've been waiting for an excuse to beat somebody senseless!!"

"Bad news.. so have I." said Batman, throwing a punch at Gajeel's jaw.

Gajeel looked at Batman, stroking his chin.. the punch having did next to nothing. "Wow.. I was expecting you to be tough with that intimidating  getup.. Geehee!"

Gajeel punched Batman in the gut, and he flew straight through the door, breaking it off it's hinges, and tumbling into the dirt.

Batman groaned as he staggered to his feet. This one.. his senses were good, he saw straight through the bat smokescreen.. and what's more.. he was tough enough to take on Batman without even breaking a sweat... that is.. in a regular one on one fight... but Batman's objective wasn't to fight.. for now it was information.. and he couldn't gather that in regular head on battle..

Batman threw down a specialized smokescreen. If his theory was correct, this man probably had a good sense of smell.

"AUUGHHH!!! GROSSS!!" Gajeel roared, covering his face with his hands. "IT SMELLS AWFULL!! WHAT THE HELL!!!? ROAR OF THE IRON DRAGON!!!"

Gajeel's roar attack shredded through the smokescreen, causing Batman to side step the attack, holding up his cape to shield himself from the powerful shockwave.

'He's not just strong, he's deadly'. Batman thought. 'Just like with Mirajane, he's tough, and I won't be able to beat him head on without some sort of edge..'

"Oy, Bat dude.." said Gajeel, cracking his knuckles. "There's something I need to know.."

"There's something I need to know too." said Batman. "And I think you know.."

Batman threw down a photo of Mikoto.  "This can end one of two ways.. The first way is that you tell me what I need to know.. the second, you don't want to know.."

Gajeel gritted his teeth furiously, a vein popping on his head. In his mind, he was furious, that this stupid bat freak would dare try to use his guild master.. a mother of two.. and perhaps one of the kindest people in the guild as leverage for some sort of information!

"That's it.." Gajeel growled. "I'm crushing your bones.. all except your jaw bones... gotta make sure you can still tell us what we need to know afterwards."

Gajeel activated his Dragon Born ability, and his two shields spun out of his wrists, beginning to glow.

"DEMON BUZZ SAW OF THE IRON DRAGON!!!" One of Gajeel's sharp edged shield's whirred and spun as he sent it slashing down at Batman

Batman barely dodged in time, as the shield slashed a fissure into the street with a tremendous shockwave that shook the entire area. But by that time, Gajeel was already throwing a kick at Batman.

Knowing that one hit of full strength would mean an ending blow.. Batman immediately threw down another stink bomb, and Gajeel's kick fell short, as he fell back, covering his nose. "ARRGHHHH!! WHAT THE!?"

'He's faster than me by a long shot, an extended fight would mean suicide..' Batman thought. 'Croc and others were always strong, but combining sheer speed with the mix, and it's a brew for disaster..  But if he uses Iron to attack, then I might be in luck.'

Batman reached into his utility belt and pulled out a disc which he threw at Gajeel. Metal bands shot out of the disc and wrapped around Gajeel's body, binding to him, and constricting tightly.

"What the!?" Gajeel growled.

"Magnetic Coil binders." said Batman. "These were reserved for Riddler's robot minions.. but they'll work well on anything made of an excess of metal.. and I suspect you've got a lot of iron in your body."

Now was his chance, if he stayed here, he definitely wouldn't win.. time for a tactical retreat, and to do what he came here for..

Magic was this world's power... and magic was what he needed..

Batman threw down a smoke bomb and grappled away, taking special care to use a stink bomb to hide his scent upon retreat...

Gajeel broke through the bindings, shrugging off the coils with ease. "Damn.. who was that guy!?"


Batman stopped in the middle of the forest just to the edge of Magnolia town.. he had just finished drawing a large chalk ritual circle in the shape of an ankh

"Asta, moca.. ZEN!" Batman called.

There was a golden light.. and a tall man, wearing a golden helmet, a blue outfit, and a long golden cape appeared, levitating before Batman.

"Just what are you doing in this world Batman?" Doctor Fate said. "How foolish can you be? Entering the domain of the Thunder Dragon Slayer herself.."

"Domain?" said Batman. "And at the moment I didn't have too much of a choice."

"There is always a choice Batman..." said Doctor Fate. "And.. I speak of a girl who is known very well throughout the magical community.. her name isn't widely known, but she has taken on foes that far surpass the ones we have faced.. The Lord of Destruction, the End Dragon known as Dravis.. Asgawrath.. a demon that makes Trigon seem quite trivial.. it isn't wise to intrude on her guild.. they have never been beaten..  even by foes more powerful than them."

"Then they're just lucky, and their luck is about to run out." said Batman. "I'm not asking you to fight me with them.. merely help me gain an edge.."

"Of course Batman.. knowing you, you always prefer working on your own.." said Fate. "What do you need before heading out on your suicide mission?"

"A Time Chamber that allows 2 years to pass within 2 seconds." said Batman.

"Just what is your intention.?" Fate asked curiously.

"This world allows  any human to grow pass their physical limits through continuous training of the body, I'm going to give that a try." said Batman.

"If you come out looking like that overpowered caped baldy from Dimension 113, I'm going to have a fit." said Fate as he waved his hand. "It is done.. go on in.."

A large golden room was conjured up in the middle of the forest, with a door that had a glowing ankh on it.

"This spell is inadvisable.. since you're pretty much wasting two years of your life in precious seconds." said Fate. "And people can change in 2 years.. so it's relatively dangerous to those who aren't in the chamber to see the change.."

"Noted.." said Batman as he opened the door and prepared to step in the chamber.

"And Bruce?"

"Yes?" said Batman.

"You had better find her.. I really admire that girl of yours." said Fate.

Batman nodded. "I won't rest until I do.. that's a promise.."

As Batman shut the door behind him.. Fate sighed. "You never were one to break any kind of promise.. "

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