The Assassin Is Yours

By TheAlbinoBlackbear

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The Assassin Is Yours

4 0 0
By TheAlbinoBlackbear

"No, Brenna! For the last time I didn't do it! Why would I?!" Ayoko yelled at Brenna, in the kitchen of Ashter's house. If there was one thing Ayoko hated the most, it was Brenna always asking her if the recent assassinations were by her. She thought she was her best friend, not an interrogator! "Because! I know you need to kill! I know what you are going through. Your Tainted Soul wants to kill! It just came back from weeks of being away and now it wants you to kill for it! I know you can't fight it. I know you enjoy killing. Especially when you have your Tainted Soul is up your ass about it." Brenna yelled, turning towards her. "It doesn't work that way Brenna. I can control my Tainted Soul. It's not me killing those people!" Ayoko yelled and walked into the living room.

Of course Ayoko couldn't control it, and she knew it. She just wanted to be done arguing, although she wasn't good at ending arguments so she stormed out of the room. She heard Brenna whispering to Ashter now. She rolled her eyes and leaned against a window. "They're all idiots Ayoko." She whispered her to herself. "All freaking idiots and I can't waste my sanity on them." She said and after a moment of staring, pushed away from the window.

"Ayoko..!" A voice yelled from outside. "Ay! Ayoko! Hey!" It yelled. "Hey asshole! I know you're there!" It yelled. Ayoko groaned and walked up the stairs into her room. "Ayoko!!!!!!" It screamed. She narrowed her eyes and looked out the window. "Wha-" She paused and stared at him. "What do you want? I thought you hated me?" She hissed out the window. "Why would you think that!!" He yelled. "Well.. Oh I don't know. You just barely saved me from the god damn Tainted shit then disappeared before I could talk to you! I looked for you for like an hour with my brother and his stupid friends." She yelled. "I...." He stopped. "Whatever. I'll talk you later. I have to go..." Ayoko said, slightly disappointed he couldn't explain his disappearance. "Ayoko wait!" He yelled, but she slammed the window shut and ran down stairs. "Ashter, Brenna? Let's get out of here. Someone found us." Ayoko said and ran out the back door. "Who found us? Is it the assassin!" Brenna yelled chasing after her with Ashter. "No." Ayoko said coldly shifting wolf and running into the woods.

"God damn it! I fucked up. I really fucked up." The boy yelled, leaning against the cold stone wall. "She hates me!" He yelled and threw his head back on the wall. "Ah... Shit..." He whispered, touching the back of his head, feeling the crimson red liquid oozing from his skull. "Hey you!" A female voice called. "Are you okay?" It yelled and he saw the figure of the girl a few feet away. His vision was going from blood loss already, he groaned. "Great." He said dizzily and ran off through the alley. "Wait! I'm not going to hurt you!" She yelled chasing after him. Cursing to himself he ran through the allies avoiding the main roads with people around. His vision was going in and out and he was staggering as he ran. "Shit." Was the last word he said before he passed out on the hard ground. {insert Taylor Swift, "Now Im lying on the cold hard ground!"}

"Where's Mai? I have a feeling something is going to happen to him." Brenna said, as they sat in the cave with a steady fire going. Ayoko shrugged her shoulders and her ears flickered. "I don't see him much... X-Five has him all up in leading the Tainteds training." Ayoko said, closing her eyes imaging Mai being forced to be trained as a killer leader.

After a few minutes of silence, besides the crackling of the fire, Brenna spoke up. "I'm going to look for him." She said. Ayoko's eyes shot open and she raised her head. "Hell no, you aren't!" She said, looking to Ashter. "Knock this girl to her senses." She said, Ashter, the only one in his human form at the moment, shrugged. "I don't mind if she gets herself killed. That'll just prove her stupidity. And everyone that ever stuck up for her not being stupid, will be proven wrong." He said plainly. Ayoko shifted human, and smacked him in the back of his head. "Back me up, you idiot!" She yelled.

"Imagine if you guys 'weren't' related." Brenna said emphasising weren't. Ashter and Ayoko stared at her with confusion at the sudden change of subject. "I mean... I think you guys would've like... Dated or something..." Brenna grinned. "A lot of people have asked me if you two were dating or ever did." She carried on. "Ok Brenna! But we're related! And even if we weren't I would never. Ever! Date him." Ayoko pointed at him. "Never." She said. Ashter smirked, listening to Ayoko defend herself. "You're ridiculous." Brenna said. "You most definitely would date him if you weren't related." She said. "No!" Ayoko shouted. "Yeah!" Brenna yelled back.

"Ok! What were we talking about? Oh yeah! Mai! Are you going to look for him Brenna?" Ashter interupted. "No." Ayoko said flatly. "Yes I am." Brenna said. "Not alone." Ayoko stated. "So you're going with me?" Brenna raised an eyebrow. "No. Ashter is." Ayoko stated and relaxed against the cold cave wall, again. "What!" He said. "Yep." Ayoko said. "No!" He yelled. "You're going." She said in a rough voice, as if she were groaning. "N-" "Ashter!" Ayoko yelled looking over at him. He groaned and rolled his eyes. "Fine." He said, shifting fox. "Let's go." Brenna stood up and shook her fur. "Related love birds." She muttered and stalked out of the cave smirking. Ashter followed her muttering curses under his breath.

"C'mon Mai! You need to be ready for the ceremony! And as being the furture leader of this powerful breed, you need to know how to win them over, so they respect you! Now, kneel and hang your tail respectfully. Then turn to the Arena and begin your speech!" X-Five yelled to him. Mai groaned and rolled his eyes, before walking up to the top of the cliff over looking his family's territory. He looked to his father and gave the fakest polite face ever, before kneeling and looking to the rock ground. He counted to five before turning to the empty arena and taking a deep breath. "Hello, fellow Tainteds..." He paused and thought how ridiculous he must look speaking to invisible wolves. "As you may know, I am-" "Stop! Mai, not as you 'may' know. They do know! Say, 'as you know'!" X-Five yelled. Mai snorted and began, "As you know, I am Mai. Your future leader. Once I am your leader and take my father's place. We will hunt after victory and defeat the worthless souls of the mortals." Mai flinched, those were harsh words, and Brenna was a mortal. "Keep going!" X-Five yelled.

"X-Five, sir. Not to be intruding, young Mai's lesson, but there is some trouble back at the main den." Lydia looked up at them from down below her ears flat. X-Five muttered something and sighed. "Bring me to this 'trouble'." He said and trotted down the cliff to Lydia's side. The she-wolf nodded and X-Five looked back at Mai, "Son.. I'll be back. Take a break." He said and ran off with Lydia.

Mai smirked, and lay down sighing. "Finally. Thank the lord, Lydia. You saved my life." He muttered. "Mai! There you are! Finally!" A voice called and paw steps could be heard nearing. Mai perked his ears and looked around, until he spotted Brenna and Ashter running into the arena below. "Brenna? Ash? What are you two doing here? You know it's dangerous for you guys..." He said sitting up. "Sorry... Ayoko didn't want to go and she forced me to go and I didn't want to go because it was dangerous! But anyway it's different, it's dangerous for you also now." Ashter paused thinking of how to put it. "Mai, there has been assassinations. Everywhere in the town, and around here. The assassin is a shifter, and can easily kill a few Tainteds. It's already proved that in Faitroy. All the Tainteds there were murdered. Human form and wolf both. And I'm afraid ths evil presence is nearing your territory. I know you wont want to do this but I'm afriad for your own safety, you should come with us. With me." Brenna said. Mai paused and flattened his ears. "Are you sure Brenna?" He questioned. "Very sure. You need to come with us. Or... atleast I want you to. For a friend's safety." She said and tilted her head looking up at him. Mai trotted down to them, "Well... better not wait here. Huh? Let's go." Brenna and Ashter smiled. "Yeah... let's go before your Tainteds tear us apart." Ashter said. "It was really easy to get you to come..." Ashter continued. "Yeah well I would much rather run from death or even die than train with my dad." Mai said.

There was a terrorous howl that sent chills through Brenna's spine. Ashter perked his ears and looked around, and Mai tensed. The voice was familar, and it bothered Brenna. Ashter widened his eyes and looked at them. "We have to go!" He shouted urgently and ran off. "What why? That was pretty far away..." Mai said. "I know why..." Brenna said and before taking off, she spoke again, "It's Ayoko..." Mai took a deep intake breath and sprinted after them.

"Hey! Hey kid! Yo! Wake up!" the girl yelled slapping him multiple times. "Wake up!" Another female voice yelled, and his eyes shot open. "What! Huh! Who are you two! Ah! Get away!" He sat up, and screamed, holding his chest before realizing the pain was in his head. "Ow! What happened!?" He yelled staring at the two. "Shut up! Don't wake up Lapis! She'll kill us for bringing you here, and eat you alive!" The first girl whispered urgently. "What!?!" The boy yelled. "I don't want to be eaten!" He spoke in a whisper now. "Who's Lapis? Where is Ayoko!" He said shooting questions at them. The other girl slapped him. "Slow down! You're gonna pass out again! You're paling." She hissed.

She had long white and orange hair and wore a weird top hat. She had black, finger cut, gloves on, and a short orange scarf around her neck tightly. She had a badly ripped at the bottom, shirt and an odd looking vest over it, with really, really white skin. her eyes were ringed, and had orange and blue in them. She also held a large cane with a big needle at the end of it. Her teeth were pointed, and she had two rows of them on the top.

The one who had chased him, was more normal looking. She had dark brown hair with blonde on the ends. She had black and navy headphones, and turquoise eyes. She had a black jacket with white stripes on the sleeves, and the Mage sign on the front of it. She also had a Tainted Star neclace, but the charm was in half. She had a tattoo on her wrist that said Kato, and blue jeans. She had multiple braclets on, and some-what reminded him of Brenna. But that was impossible. Brenna would've called him by his nickname, not 'kid', which pissed him off. Kid. How could she call him, a kid?!

"Ok. I'm going to answer your questions. Be freaking quiet." The one that was normal said. "Ready?" She asked, and he nodded. "I'm Kato the one that kept you from dying, and that's Foxxy, she bandaged you up. I'm guessing you got hit in the head really bad and made yourself pass out from running. Lapis is our master. I don't know where or who Ayoko is, neither does Foxx." She stopped and rolled her eyes sitting back in a chair. "There. Now be quiet and tell me about your self." Kato said. "Ok... well my name is..." He paused, "Wait a minute. I have to go get something to eat." Foxxy said walking into another room. "Just go, don't wait for her. She takes forever." Kato said. "Alright..." And he began telling them about himself before he slowly fell aleep during a sentence.

Ashter's mouth hung open, and he stared at the bloody sight. The dead carcass of a family member, ripped to shreads leaving only three legs, no tail, and half of a neck was all he saw. Blood still oozed from the animal, and the whites of her eyes only showed. "Damn..." Brenna said, slowing to a stop and staring at it. "I know right..." Ayoko said stepping out of the shadows, in her Tainted form. Her wings were torn and her eye was scratched closed. Her lip was ripped open and her ribs, and legs bled badly. Mai, looked up at her. "You got Shata good..." He said smirking only faintly. "I didn't mean to kill her it just happened. You know?" She smiled and looked at Brenna. "This doesn't mean I'm the assassin you know? I just really hate her. And she attacked me, so she kind of deserved it." She said, and Brenna grinned. "As long long as that's not you on the ground I guess it's fine..." Brenna sighed. "But... let's get out of here." Ashter said, "And next time you are coming with us when we go somewhere. No one stands alone until this is figured out." He said, and Ayoko rolled her eyes. "Whatever." She sighed.

As the four traveled a short distance through the woods, the sky darkened and light on-and-off rain began. The softened ground under their paws sunk in, causing them to slow down. It grew windier and windier, until the rain tore into a cold, steady, rain. Small, thin trees could be heard cracking and falling to the ground in the distance. It was only a few minutes, before lightning struck and lit a tree up in flames, blocking their path.

"Shit. What do we do now?" Brenna asked. "I don't really know. I suspect we get to shelter first. Usually these flash storms cause flooding." Ashter said. "No dip Sherlock, where we gonna find shelter though?" Ayoko snapped, the soft ground, and rain, irritated her, putting her into a pretty bad mood. Ashter snorted, "I don't know, why don't you find it?" He snapped back, Ayoko growled. "Don't start with me, Fox." She snapped the word 'fox' in his face and glared at him. Before Ash could say anything Mai interrupted. "I think I know where we are. If I'm correct there is a den around her somewhere." He paused. "C'mon..."

The den was small. But it would have to work until the storm passed. Ayoko had instantly taken advantage of the space in the back of it, and was drifting off to a soft sleep. Mai sat across from Brenna, who lay curled up in a ball. Ashter sat at the entrance to the den and watched the ran pour down. It didn't look like it was going to stop anytime soon, but what was he to know about the weather? His thoughts were only a quarter on the weather anyway. He mainly was thinking about how he and Ayoko weren't getting along to well anymore. It unnerved him, not knowing what was going to happen next with them. She could easily hurt, and kill him, as he was only a weak fox. They had been the best of friends and cousins, until 'he' came around. They began growing apart, and although she may not have noticed this, Ash did. And he was only slightly jealous of 'him' for having more attention from Ayoko. Although they were family and it would be utterly wrong, he had always hoped there would be something between them more than just cousins.

"Hey... Uh Ash?" Mai tilted his head walking up to him. "Y-yeah..." He cleared his throat. "Uhm. Yeah?" Ash repeated looking over at Mai. "Uhh tomorrow... I'm gonna go hunting ok?" Mai said, "Alright... Ayoko will go with you." Ashter said. "I think I know how to hunt-... Oh...uh.. Right." Mai said and smiled slightly. "It's getting late." Ash said after awhile. "I can tell..." Mai said. Asher stood up and walked towards the middle of the den laying down.

After a few minutes, everyone had drifted off to sleep, but Ayoko who now sat awake staring at them all. She narrowed her eyes, "Mai? Ashter? Brenna?" She checked, no answer. Relaxing more, she strode silently through the maze of sleeping bodies, and slid into the drizzling rain under the dark blue sky. The stars looked very small that night, and the moon was similar to a bear claw. The rain was cold, and rodents scurried around. She heard Brenna mumble something in her sleep, and froze in her path. Looking back she waited a few minutes just staring, before she snorted and rolled her eyes trotting off.

"He sleeps to much. He is like... A new born baby. That... SLEEPS ALL DAY!" Foxxy said, her feet up resting on the couch and she lay on the floor looking at the ceiling. "Fox. Shut. The. Hell. Up." Kato growled sprawled out on the floor. Foxxy shifted wolf and stretched. "Well.. It's raining. We can put him out in the rain. Then he'll wake up." She stated. Kato rolled her eyes, before pausing and looking at her raising an eyebrow. "Hmmmm...." She smirked. "Let's do it." "REALLY?!" Foxxy grinned and shifted human. "Yup." Kato stated and stood up, taking his feet. "Why do I get his face!!!" Foxxy yelled. "Wouldn't you rather his feet?" She raised and eyebrow smirking. Foxxy shook her head rapidly and took his wrists lifting him up. As they carried him towards the door he jumped awake, and began kicking and yelling. "Put me down!!! WHAT IS GOING ON!!!??? STOP STOP STOP STOP!!!!" He panicked looking at them with wide eyes. "Foxxy you got him?" Kato asked, and she nodded. Kato dropped his ankles with a thump, and opened the door. "No! No! No! No! No no no no no no no!!!!!!!" He yelled, as Foxxy picked him up bridal style and walked outside.

"Let my pups be, you evil demon! Go to hell!" The she-wolf screamed springing at the dark pelted wolf. The Assasin dropped the limp pup to the ground, and jumped at the mother, taking her neck and twisting it the other way. Blood gushed out and The Assasin rolled onto the ground dropping the mother. Pups whined and cried, one ran at The Assasin and bit her tail. The wolf snorted and flicked her tail quickly towards a tree, throwing the pup at it. It's weak body died instantly from impact. The other pups disappeared and only the father was left, guarding his older daughter, Sheira. She circled the two, baring her teeth pure hatred shone in her bright blue eyes that gave off a sick, glow. The Assasin snapped her large jaws at the daughter, earning a loud scream. The wolf jumped onto the father with all her weight, and the loud cracking of his spine put shivers through Sheira's bones. The wolf turned to Sheira and grinned devilishly. "P-please d-don't k-kill me- me..!" She screeched and cowards down to the 'ground shaking. The wolf snorted and lay down in front of her. "This will only hurt..... A lot..." She whispered in her ear, and Sheira screamed. "Don't do this. You do not need to kill that poor girl. Leave her be. She has a life a head of her." A pale green spirit appeared next to Sheira, glaring softly at The Assasin. The wolf raised an eyebrow, and then smirked. "It's already done." She said and Sheira screamed as she was painfully killed.

"I-I-I... C-cant belie-ve y-you d-id t-that." The boy shivered hugging his legs sitting on the floor. He stared up at the two girl in horror. They laughed, "Well you weren't waking up! And I have no patience!" Foxxy said. Kato threw a blanket to him and rolled her eyes. "There you go princess." She said, and smiled. "When are you g-going to let me g-..o?" He asked looking up at them, wrapped in the blanket tightly. "It depends if Lapis wants to let you go or not..." Foxxy said, "No. We'll let you go when your head is a little better." Kato said, glancing at Foxxy. "But Lapis said-" Foxxy started, her words spread out. "No. We'll let you go." Kato said looking to the boy. "You're nicer than we expected." He rolled his eyes and lay on the floor curled in the blanket. "Whatever." He mumbled.

"Just shut up you young retard!" Batron growled, baring his long yellow teeth. His breath reeked, and the female scrunched up her face, "Only if you take a mint." She said, with attituide and leaned back. "What the hell is a mint?!" Batron barked, arching an eyebrow. " Oh, right. You stupid sewer dwellers, don't know about anything that a shifter knows. You are all pathetic losers, who push around wolves, like me, that are smaller than you. And its not that I'm afraid of you its that you will control my body into killing 'them' if I don't do as you say." She paused, narrowing her eyes. "Although you put up with an ideal amount of my shit usually." She smirked, and phased at the dark stone wall behind Batron for a moment. "It's as if, you know, I can hurt you..." Batron growled lowly, "You couldn't even nic my skin, I don't think you could hurt me. And as far as sewer dwellers goes.. I dont think I am one." He sighed, and turned beginning to pace. The she-wolf snorted, and rolled her eyes, "May I leave, now? I don't plan on trying to hide from the rabids during the day. It's not as easy... Besides that it's raining so it'll be even less trouble than usual." She reasoned, cocking her head to the side, and shifting on her haunches."Yes, yes. You're excused, now leave before I change my mind." Batron growled, disapearing into one of the many tunnels around. The she-wolf rolled her eyes, and strode off the oposite way, past all the wolves in rusty old cells, with a cocky smile.

"Wake the fuck up, Ayoko. You fell asleep earlier than all of us! And yet you're still sleeping. You see I don't understand why I put up with your shut sometimes..." Brenna sighed, and shook her head. "Making me feel like the stupid one, eh? Says the fucking wolf who looks like she was playing with a balloon." Ayoko growled, lifting her head and groaning. Brenna's fur was a terrible mess, considering it was awkwardly long in the summer, and she slept on stone. "Shut up! If I could be shaved I would be." She growled lowly, Ayoko rolled her eyes, "You could be like one of those rat dogs, even. You have the face of one.." She muttered, she sat up and yawned. "Damn, girl. You really aren't the morning type huh?" Brenna sighed, and shook her fur, puffing it up even more. "Ashter, and Mai went out on the hunt, that you and Mai were SUPPOSED to go on.. You just wouldn't wake up, and the animals would be hiding by now anyway. You'd be lucky to get a hare." Brenna went on, walking to the opening of the small area. "Yeah, I'm not going to stress over it. I'll go tonight, for a hunt. Alone, by the way. Rather not be bugged by one of you fleas." Ayoko grumbled, flattening her ears out to the sides. "Damn... Remind me to not volunteer to stay with you in the morning next time alright?" She sighed, laying down, and closing her eyes. "Yeah whatever.." Ayoko muttered, curling into a ball and drifting off to sleep quickly.

"So, eh, Ashter?" Mai said, as he trotted along side the fox. "Eh, Mai?" Ashter said, a bit mockingly, and flashed a smile. "Shut it, Ash. I'm not good at starting conversations..." Mai gave a small grin. "Clearly..." Ash yipped, "Anyway, what is it?" Mai flattened his ears and his eyes flickered away, "Uhhmm... Well, you know Brenna... right? Well obviously you do. Scratch that. Ok... lemme start over..." Mai sighed, shaking his head. "Brenna, does she, uh... have a fear of Tainteds, or is she fine with them?" Ashter thought a moment, "Well, I guess she doesn't mind them... She is usually a complete asshole to the Tainteds she meets, that's why Ayoko can't leave her alone when there is a chance of running into one. She'd have her head off in a moments notice if she had no one but herself around, and everyone knows that... Truth be told, when I met Brenna through Ayoko, I couldn't believe Ayoko put up with such a...uh.. well Idiot, really." Mai laughed, and Ashter flattened his ears. "I pretty much just read you a book, didn't I?" He sighed, "Yeah, kind of..." Mai chuckled, and Ashter looked away. "I do that, a lot..."

"Can we just give him to Lapis? It's the easiest thing to do. It's not like we are just going to find another moron that knows Brenna. It's not that easy." Foxxy whisper yelled at Kato. "Lapis this, Lapis that. Fox lets just leave him here with Lapis, and run for it?" Kato crossed her arms. "Because Lapis has trackers on us." Foxxy grinned, and nodded pulling down the sleeve of her shirt, revealing the tracker. "Exactly. If we want these off, we need to bring that kid to Lapis tomorrow, alive. Stop bringing Lapis up and don't scare him away." Kato snapped, turning away from her and running up the stairs. "Great." Foxxy rolled her eyes, walking up the stairs also.
"Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit!" The boy said, with wide eyes, slamming his back against the wall. "I have to get out of here, now." He glanced up the stairs nervously, and bit his lip. He heard many whispers, deciding he should just book it, and run. He glanced at the door, and took a deep breath sprinting for it. As soon as he opened the door a little, a hand slammed it closed. The boy jumped, and turned around, before he could try and explain, Foxxy pushed his head against the door roughly knocking him to the ground. "Where were you planning on going?" She glared down on him, as he rubbed the back of his head. "J-just for some f-fresh air." He looked up at her, and furrowed his eyebrows. "Kato!!!!" Foxxy called crossing her arms. "Hmm?" Kato questioned meeting at the pale girl's side. "Pretty boy over here tried to escape." "I WAS GETTING FRESH AIR!"

Ayoko yawned, finishing the braid in Brenna's hair. "Your hair is fucking thick." She muttered, standing up to stretch. Brenna grinned, turning around to face her. "I know." Ashter and Mai walked in after having no luck in the hunt. They shifted human, and Ashter arched at eyebrow. "Who did that?" He pulled at the braid looking at them. "Ayoko.." Brenna said, and walked outside. "You can do that?" Ashter stared at Ayoko, who nodded lazily. "Mmhmm." And he grinned, "You should've done that to your brother's hair." He and Mai laughed, "He'd probably like it.. it's no fun if he likes it." Ayoko grinned, "That sounded wrong." She snickered, when the two boys cracked up. "Can we go back to the house? I really don't like sleeping in caves." Brenna muttered, and Ayoko shook her head. "No." "WHY NOT!?" She stomped her foot and shook her head. "Because if he comes around I'll kill myself. I don't want to see, hear, or speak to him. Even speaking of him makes me sick. That's is why this conversation is over." Ayoko walked away, leaving Brenna stunned. "And I thought she liked him." Mai stood next to Brenna watching her walk away. "Don't let her go alone you damn wolves!" Ashter shouted, and ran out of the cave but she was already gone. "We have to find her." He concluded. "No. She's being an asshole let her cool off we can't stop her and Mai doesn't have the power since he isn't leader yet." Brenna turned and stared at them both. "Lets go back to the house, she'll be fine and she will find us." Mai nodded, not exactly wanting to argue, Ashter opened his mouth to say something but only sighed. "Fine..." He turned on his heels beginning to walk, Brenna smiled in satisfaction following behind. "Im left with these two? Greeaaaat." Mai shook his head walking.

"I can't believe you would try and escape! You don't even have a reason to. We were so nice to you!" Kato let lies slip off her tongue without worry, and looked down at him. "What an actress." He muttered, not meeting her eyes but concentrating on a different way out. "I knew we should just finished this when we got him. Get Lapis now." Foxxy glared at anything possible as if she really care about the situation. "Lapis! We've got the boy and I know you wanted to wait but I'm afraid you need to come now." Kato called glancing at black door with a huge lock. A girl came through the door like a spirit, becoming a solid figure. The boy gasped at the sight of her. "Welcome Lapis." The two girls said in sync. Lapis flashed an evil grin showing many rows of sharp black teeth. "Thank you servants." Her full blood red orbs landed on the boy and she scoffed. "He isn't what I expected but it'll have to work." He stared at her in looking her up and down multiple times. She had an old school dress on with sleeves that stopped just above her elbows. It was black white and red with stripes through the white. It was ripped in multiple places, and blood was dashed about it. She had black and red stripped stockings and no shoes. Her hair seemed to go on forever and was ponytailed in three areas with bright blue pearls. She ha many piercings, and had dark teal streams from her eyes, that were surrounded by black makeup. She had big black scars on her arms, and her skin was pinkish.
Lapis arched a perfect eyebrow, staring at him. "Nothing to say about me hmm?" She smirked, "You don't have to you'll be dead soon anyway.."

Ayoko sat down on a stump and ran he fingers through her hair. "Shit.." She muttered, closing her eyes tight. "Why do they always bring this stuff up? Its in the past. No ones cares anymore, and I clearly don't want to hear it." She ranted to herself. "I've told her so many times it pains me to speak about everything in the past. Even that pup Kiriban that I took care of. She's a bitch now." She laughed humorlessly, "Im talking to myself..." She muttered, "Great." A soft scratch at her legs, caught her attention, and she looked down smiling. A small raccoon, looked up at her with big eyes, it squeaked and shook its head. She laughed, and set her arm down towards it. It jumped away startled, before squeaking again and curling around her arm. "At least someone understands." She muttered, "Maybe they can't talk but it works." She smiled, placing the animal in her lap. "I can talk though!" A small female voice called. Ayoko looked down at the animal startled. "Was that.. you?" She pointed down at the raccoon and it nodded. "Oh.. uh...mmmh...Hello." Ayoko said awkwardly, "Hiya! Im Faye." The raccoon said cheerily. "I-I'm.. Ayo-" "Ayoko Sato of course!" Faye hopped on her lap, shifting to a small girl, with blonde short hair in pigtails, and a pink dress with a cartoon raccoon on it. She had bare feet with light purple painted nails on her hands and feet. Ayoko jumped a little, staring at her. "Oh.. Umm. How do you know?" Faye jumped up and down, running off. "Follow me!" Ayoko stared at her running off, deciding not to move. "I'm not stupid. I will not put myself in danger." She stood up and turned on her heels beginning to walk the opposite way of Faye, only to hit something hard, and muscular. "Shit."

He ran as fast as he could, rain fell from the sky, fogging everything two yards away from him. He squinted, and widened his eyes, seeing the dark outline of three wolves standing in front of him. The white wispy spirit wolf chased after him, the large mouth on her side howling an eerie sound. He looked back, breathing heavily, "Here is goes.." He muttered, and shifted wolf stumbling a bit before sprinting towards the other wolves.
"You don't have to, you'll be dead soon anyway." Lapis turned to Foxxy, and Kato and pointed to a door, which they hurriedly went into. As Lapis watched them, and pulled out a big key locking the door. The boy ran up the stairs, and into a room holding the door shut behind him. Lapis screamed, and pounded on the door trying to open it. He looked around frantically, and spotted a window, but the pounding stopped. He waited a moment, and sighed. "Thank god.." He mumbled, just before Lapis slammed into the door throwing it open. "Spoke to soon huh?" He stared at her, standing in the middle of the room. Lapis chuckled, and pulled the beads out of her hair, which seemed to come alive when she did. Her hair moved towards him like snakes, and he narrowed his eyes. "Its no fun if you're just going to stand there.." Lapis chimed, as her hair curled around his neck choking him. "W-what am I supposed to do?" He coughed and she snickered. "You're right. You can just keep doing what you're doing and ignore all of that." She sung her voice out, smiling. He took a blade out of his pocket, and reached up at her hair slicing it off of his neck. Lapis gave a deafening scream, as her hair grew back. The boy took his chance, and turned smashing through the window 2 stories down. He revived him self after a few moments and ran off, listening for Lapis behind him.
*FlashyBacky over*
"Please help me... Ple-" "CINDERELLA!" Brenna shifted human and picked up the blue wolf. "Wait..." She dropped him, "Help with what..?" The boy growled, and she shifted wolf again, tilting her head. "I'll tell you later.. We have to hide." Ashter cleared his throat, "We can go the house.. whatever is after you cant come in. Mai has some weird force around it.." Brenna nodded and smiled, "C'mon!" The three wolves ran off, and the boy followed sighing. "Whatever..." He mumbled.

Ayoko growled and shifted human, taking the blade she had left out. "I'll kill you all!" She screamed, through the stone hallways. Her voice echoed off the walls, and she breathe in the damp, cool air. "There is no point in threatening them.. They dont care.." A rough voice cracked from the back of the room. She turned around, her eyes leaving streams of light behind that quickly disapeared. "Who are you? What do you mean wont care? Im not some dumbass who only threatens someone. I will kill them, and I plan on doing so." She snapped, staring at the small boy, in the only light there was coming from her eyes. "It doesn't matter. They don't show themselves until its time to kill you. They sometimes don't even show themselves then. Instead just poisoning your food. It happened to the last guy that was here with me." Ayoko grunted, and shifted her weight to the other foot. "There were others?" The boy nodded, "Although you don't have to worry about anything for a while. They will kill me next. Then you... I'm Luke by the way.." Ayoko sighed, and sat down in a corner, "Why do they take people?" She asked, and he shrugged. "Why do you ask so many questions?" "I need information. Now answer me." Luke sighed and shook his head. "I honestly don't know. The last person never spoke to me. so I couldn't try and figure it out anyways." Ayoko cursed under her breath, closing her eyes and began to pace. "No. no. no. no. no. no. no." She shifted wolf and whined curling into a ball. "Y-you're a shifter?" Luke stood up from the rusty metal bench he sat on. "Yeah, why?" She raised her head and looked at him. "So am I. But I was born a human so I shift differently." He sighed and shook his head. "Differently?" She flattened one of her ears back sitting up with big eyes. He nodded looking up. "I need to be holding copper to shift. I'm not sure why. I used to carry a copper charm but they took it." Ayoko smiled weakly, with charmed eyes. "I have a copper necklace. I'm not supposed to show you, but I guess if you kill me now or not I'll be dying." She shifted human once again, "What's your name, by the way?" Luke asked sitting on the floor next to her. Ayoko looked up at him from her hands. "It's Ayoko." He smiled and nodded. "Cool." She made a line with her mouth and nodded, beginning to take her necklace off. "It has sapphire diamonds.. I hope that won't effect anything." She handed him the necklace and looked down at her lap. Luke shook his head. "It shouldn't." He looked down at the necklace. It was an eight point star with a big blue diamond in the middle, and smaller ones at the ends. A cross went across the back holding it in the middle of a ring that circled it. "You're a Tainted Soldier?" He looked up at her curiously, "..Yeah." She muttered, "Will it work?" Luke nodded, "The charm I had was just like this.. but the diamonds were tiger eyes stones." Ayoko looked up at him and tilted her head. "Are you a Tainted too?" He shook his head, "Not possible. I'm not a wolf shifter." Ayoko arched an eyebrow, "What?" Luke shook his head and took the necklace standing up away from her. He concentrated on the necklace, and slowly shifted into a grizzly bear.

Thunder drummed through the house, as lightning cracked the sky, and rain pounded the ground. The lights were out in the house and candles were lit around the rooms. It was silent for awhile before Brenna had anything to say. "So Cinderella...? What were you running from?" Brenna sat in a corner of the living room watching him try to use the lighter. "Some crazy woman." He shrugged, trying once more, failing and throwing the lighter at the wall. "Screw that." Ashter sighed and walked over picking the lighter up and flicking his finger making flame. "It's simple really." He leaned over and lit the candle. The boy tilted his head, staring at the flame. "It's mocking me." Mai opened the door and closed it behind him, soaking wet. "It's hailing out there!" He pulled a piece of ice from his hair, before sitting down. "We shouldn't have left Ayoko. She won't be back for a while now that the storm blew in." Ashter said shaking his head. "Oh well. If there is any flooding, she knows how to swim. Everything will be fine." Brenna mumbled, laying on her side. The boy leaned back, pulling his knees to his chest, and watched the three talk. "By the way, that is Mai, Cinderella. Mai that is Cin- Anuriti." Brenna opened one of her eyes and grinned. Both of them just nodded, and Ashter stalked out of the room into the kitchen.

"Hello.. Avanche." Batron grinned, and stepped back giving way into the dark room, for the gray female. "Hi Batron.." She whispered sitting down, under the streams of light from above ground. "What is it you need me here for?" She sat up straight with her tail lined against her back. "We have gotten enough energy from the dead to revive your mangled, old body. You can finally switch over from this body to your old one." Batron sat in front of her, with his ears turned respectfully. Avanche's brown eyes lit up, and she smiled only faintly. "Finally," She stood up. "After 8 years of being dead.. I can show her what she started, is finally going to end." She hurried out of the room, calling behind her. "Batron tomorrow I will transfer over, and the next we will finally find justice!" Batron shook his head watching her leave. "She's nuts.." He sighed and stood up, straying through the damp tunnels.

A collie mix, ran through the dark dunes, closing his brown and blue eyes, letting a short howl out. His ears refolded as he slowed down to a walk. "Never, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be guarding." Batron growled, perking up his ears. "Im sorry, sir. But Impact, Scarle, and Rings sent me here. Another one has been trapped and they need a cell to put her in." Never looked up at Batron, narrowly backing up. "Alright.. Tell Scarle she shouldn't be there and if I find out again she'll be forced to leave or be killed." The mutt nodded, "What about the girl?" Batron shook his head, "Tell them to put her in any of them it doesn't really matter." Never nodded again, "Thank you sir.." He ran off, his claws clicking against the pavement under him.

"Do you actually expect me to get back in that god damn rock room with those two cowards?!" Rain shouted, her voice echoed through the halls and she true to pull her arms out of the grasp of Impact and Rings. "Don't call me a coward you insufferable asshole!" Ayoko slammed into the bars of the cells clenching her fists around them. "Ayoko! Calm down, she's just upset.." Luke tried to pull her away from the bars. "No! She's always like this! I can smell the cat in her gross feline blood." Ayoko snapped, her pupils formed into slits and her eyes faded from blue to yellow. Her wolf teeth grew in, and her nails grew sharp. "I'll kill her." She glared at Rain, and Luke turned her around by her shoulders. "Look she is coming in this cell and is going to be here for awhile whether you like it or not.." He wiped the droplets of blood from her cheek, when Rain scratched her. Ayoko closed her eyes and sighed. "Ok fine." She opened her once again blue eyes, and turned on her heels crossing her arms. "Now listen. You better not-" Impact started, but was cut off. "Save your breath, I won't touch her. Just looking at her burns my eyes like acid anyway. Can't imagine what would happen if I touched her." Ayoko muttered, and sat down in a corner closing her eyes. Rings snorted a laugh, and Impact elbowed him on the gut. Rings groaned and doubled over holding his gut. "I have breathing problems because of you." He growled, as Impact shoved Rain into the cell. She stumbled and nearly fell but Lucas caught her by her arms. "You ok..?' He asked after Impact slammed the door. "Get away from me, you beast." She said, hissing and shifting cat, scrambling under the bench. "Hey smart ass, go back to your little human school and take language or whatever. It's bear not beast." Ayoko glared at the cat. "And you can go back to your big perfect wolf family." Rain hissed back. Ayoko shifted wolf, jumping at Rain, snarling. "Perfect? Yeah fucking right. I don't even have a family you little whore." Rain jumped back, and hissed at her, opening her mouth to say something but Lucas stopped them. "Ayoko stop it!" He pulled her back by her scruff with all his strength. She let her self loose, stumbling back at bit, her fur still bristled. Rain scoffed, and with a flick of her tail she was curled in a ball. "Yeah Ayoko. Stop!" She said, closing her eyes. Ayoko growled, and shuffled her paws against the stone floor walking back into the corner. "Cats.." Lucas looked back and forth from the two girls and shook his head. "Women.."

Her red, brindle, fur bristled, and she crouched low to the ground, snarling. "What do you want from me, Aneigh? I killed who you wanted me to.. I can't do anything about your mate. He's dead already, for christ's sake!" Aneigh smiled, and sat down staring at the vulnerable assassin. She couldn't help but laugh a bit. The girl was so terribly evil while killing, but a complete coward in any other situation. "You're quite odd, y'know?" Aneigh's ears flickered, and she closed her blind eyes, when the assassin snorted at her remark. "Look, it's not my mate I want you to kill this time, because indeed he was killed and is dead." Aneigh paused, and the assasin snapped. "No shit. If he was killed, he is dead." Aneigh opened her eyes, and narrowed them. "Shut up you blood thirsty freak." The assassin flattened her ears, and stood up. "Sorry.." She looked away lowering her tail. Aneigh's eyes always gave her the creeps. They were all red. Not even a speck of white or black. No pupil. They were full red orbs, just because of some acid that got sprayed in them. "I need you to kill my brother. He is the one who killed my mate, so he deserves death.. Go." The assassin perked her ears, and stared at her wide-eyed. "Are you kidding me? I don't track fox-blood." She snapped, although lowering her head. "You can do it, it doesn't matter if he is a fox or not. I'm blind, not stupid." Aneigh growled, and the assassin sighed running off. "Fine..."

"Hey...hey...hey.....hey.....hey....he-" Anuriti pushed Brenna's finger that had been poking him away, and grunted. "What do you want..?" Brenna frowned, and dropped her hand, before taking a grin to her face. "Guess what.." Anuriti rubbed his eyes, and yawned. "Guess what..!" Brenna repeated poking him once again. He pushed her hand away, and narrowed his eyes. "Wh-" Brenna interrupted him, "I'll just tell you." He sighed, and closed his eyes in annoyance. "Go o-" She interrupted him again, not even phased that he'd spoken. "We have find Ayoko before Ashter comes back." He sat up and stared at her. "What do you mean find 'find'? And why before Ashter comes back?" She shook her head. "Oh. My. God. Ok, time to fill you in. Sorta.. I guess.. You know I don't think 'fill you in' is the right thingy I'm looking for. Or... is it? I don't know, this is why I'm not allowed to be alone because I forget things, and get confused, and I'll be killed or something.. At least that's what Ayoko says..." Brenna shrugged and tilted her head. "Ayoko is right for once... you'd be killed in a short time-span of being alone." Brenna's mouth shaped an 'o' and she pointed at him. "Are you saying Ayoko is never right? Oooooohhhhhh I'm telling her..." "Alright, whatever. Just tell me why we have to find her before Ashter gets back."

Ayoko crossed her arms and stared at Lucas blocking her view of the Raina. "Honestly, she deserves to be hit.." She said flatly, and Lucas shook his head. "No she doesn't!" Ayoko widened her eyes and stomped her foot. "She...! Ugh.." Lucas rolled his eyes, and sat down slowly, on the old wooden bench. "Look, I don't want to meet the face of Avanche again, so if you don't mind keeping your voice down?" Raina glowered at the other, crossing her arms also. Ayoko groaned, and turned on her heels. "Who's Avanche..?" Lucas looked up at her and tilted his head. Raina shook her head, "She's like the boss here. I would know so don't argue.. I've been here before, and worked for her before that." Ayoko snorted, and leaned into the corner of the cell watching them. "I knew an Avanche.. I killed her when I was fourteen." Lucas glanced over at Ayoko, "Fourteen..?" Raina rolled her eyes, "I killed my best friend.." Ayoko snickered, "Childish cat, this isn't a contest, but if you like competition.. Secrets and I wiped out 4 packs in a day."

"I cannot believe we lost him..." Foxxy kicked again, with a frown. She shoved her hands in her pockets, and Kato sighed heavily. "Yeah but now we can escape Lapis..." She grinned, and took a knife out, "Give me your arm, Foxx." "Um... Kayyyy~" Kato grabbed Foxxy's reache dout arm, and cut into her skin around the tracker, and picking it out with the blade of the knife. The piece of metal, and wires fell to the ground. "Ow..." Foxxy muttered, holding her bleeding arm. Kato rolled her eyes, "Be a man," She muttered crushing the tracker under her foot. "I can't." Foxxy said with a grin, looking around as Kato took her own tracker out and crushed it. "Let's go..." Kato muttered, walking off in the direction of the woods. "Mhmm..." Foxxy followed, putting her hands back in her pockets, and striding off behind her friend.

Ayoko pressed her face against the cold metal bars and sighed. Lucas and Raina were sleeping, and she couldn't help but be jealous because she couldn't fall asleep. She sighed again, louder, and turned her head to the side glancing at Raina. Crinkling up her nose, she gave an unlady-like snort, (but when was she was acting like a lady anyway?) and said, "You lucky cat shit." She closed her eyes and replaced her face against the bars.
"Language, my dear." A raspy voice ran through her ears, and hot breath stuffed Ayoko's face. She opened her eyes and wrinkled her face.
"Get a mint." She muttered, as her eyes focused on the being in front of her.
She was old, with long gray hair, and yellowing brown eyes.
"Now that's not the right way to treat your mother, is it dear?" The lady smirked, a fragile but heart stabbing smirk.
"You're not my mother. Mother is dead. I killed her." Ayoko narrowed her eyes, moving her hands to the bars around her face, she tightened her grip until all the blood in her fivers drained.
"Your mother was* dead, you mean." The lady now grinned, straight but yellow teeth. "and I recall giving birth to you 22 years ago was it already?"
Ayoko's dagger glare faltered, before she retook it and rolled her eyes. "Anyone could tell me that, if they knew my name." She said nonchalantly.
"But only your mother knows your middle name is Shante. And you only know one, Avanche." The lady said slowly.
Ayoko dropped all facial expressions, and her mouth shaped an 'o'. She stepped back releasing her hands from the bars. "I killed you! I know it, I made sure of it! No matter what I've told anyone, I know. I know that I killed you on purpose, and I made sure you were dead. I stayed at that den and watched your body. For months. Just.. making sure."
The lady chuckled, "Well I'm alive now sweetheart, and now you will die like I did. And I will watch you."
"You don't have the balls to do that!" Ayoko nearly shouted.
"Death changes people a lot. And gives you "the balls" to do anything." Acanche winked her old eye than seemed to have gotten more yellow, and walked off.
"Mom..?" Ayoko backed all the way to the wall with her fingers digging into the side of her skull, she closed her eyes and screamed, "Holy shitty fuck in the ass!"

"Ayoko... psst. Hey, wake up." Lucas shook her arm gently, frowning. "Please..wake up, we need to leave."
She grumbled, and opened her eyes, lazily pushing him away. "Whaaaaatt?"
"We need to leave,"
"I know,"
"Lets go then..." Lucas said, pushing her arm.
"The ground.. it's, it's only thin concrete and all under it is dirt. If we could break the concrete we can dirt under and out," He explained in a low whisper.
She narrowed her eyes, but nodded, "How do you know the other side is the outside though?"
"Uh, there's a window. Duh," He rolled his eyes pointing to the window.
Ayoko grinned sheepishly, "Whatever," she looked at the window, and at Raina who was sleeping on its sill. What's wrong with cats? She thought, and smiled to herself, "What about your girlfriend?"
"Uhem, excuse me?" He furrowed his eyebrows together.
"Your girlfriend, the cat." She explained, as if it was the most obvious thing.
"She's not my girlfriend, under any means." He frowned.
"You two act like it."
"I've only known her a day," He sighed, looking at Raina.
"Well...I met someone, and after two days, I think I loved him. I dunno though, love is weird." She frowned, before smiling at him, as they made eye contact. As realization washed over her she shook her head, "I've known him for five years now, though."
He grinned, and ran his fingers through his hair, "Oh.. Do you still like him?" Ayoko opened her mouth to say something, before he slapped a hand to open his own mouth. "Sorry, I don't mean to get in your business.."
She smiled, and shook her head, "No, it's fine. Anyway, how are we gonna break the concrete, and are you leaving that cat here? Because I'm not waking her up." He only laughed and looked around the floor near the window, for a way to break it. She crossed her arms, joining him, "I'm serious."

25..." Anuriti mumbled staring straight ahead, walking next to Brenna, he looked around at the dark trees around them, waiting for her to speak again.
"26," She replied, staring at the sky, her long braid hanging down the back of her head, she glanced at him and frowned, "Are you even looking at the them? Were supposed to be counting the stars, Cinderella. Come on man, get it together," She shook her head.
He looked over at her and frowned, "Its stupid," He shifted his eyes to the ground watching his feet. They were walking slow, too slow for his liking, wasn't Brenna in a hurry to find her?
"No it's not! Me and Ayoko used to always do it," She argued.
"Ayoko and I," He replied calmly.
"...What?" She frowned, and stared at the side of his face where his dumb grin took place.
"It's 'Ayoko and I,' not, "Me and Ayoko,' Duh," He glanced over at her, his grin transforming into a smirk and he winked.
"No it's not." She narrowed her eyes.
"Yes, it's grammatically correct to say, 'Ayoko and I,' not whatever you said," He stared at her waiting for her to argue but only got the blunt answer of,
"Grammatically correct, my ass." He rolled his eyes, and held his smirk, staring ahead.
Brenna furrowed her eyebrows, and smacked him upside the head, "Get that smirk off your face." She glowered. He snickered.

I glanced at the old watch I had, clinging tightly around my wrist. White had gotten it for me, for my birthday a few years ago. It was cracked and dirty, and the leathery strap was ripping... but it told the time and that's all I needed.
"12:47 a.m." I replied to Lucas, just a head of me, as we crawled through the small tunnel under ground. Raina was digging it so it must've been pretty short, but by the time Lucas got through it, I only had to hang my head low, as I crawled.
"Great, the guards shouldn't notice that we've fled for at least another hour, when they come to feed us." Lucas glanced back at me, and made eye contact.
I stared at him for a few seconds, then looked away never close to cracking a smile for him. I heard him sigh after I looked away.
I didn't really care if he was bothered that I wasn't polite and smile. I had too much on my mind to be able to care for someone I met just under 48 hours ago. My mind was stuck on Brenna, and Ashter, Mai, ... and even Anuriti. I couldn't seem to get the ass off my mind lately. It annoyed me to no end, because I hated him so much, .. I did! Not anymore though, I guess..
"Guys!! I found it! I found the surface!!" Raina exclaimed, she looked back and grinned at Lucas, then at me.
I stared at her for a moment then cracked a small smile, a bit shocked she would even cast the smallest curve of her lips towards me, never mind a grin.
"That's great Raina..!" Lucas replied.
"Can you keep it down," I spat, staring at her, rather calmly then the glare hiding behind my pupils.
Raina opened her mouth, to when I assume she was going to make a smart-ass remark about what I told her. Which in my opinion wouldn't even make sense because you would definitely want to be quiet in a situation like this. I don't remember much about my mother, but she had ears like an owl on steroids in the middle of a room with all mute wolves. Yeah, she heard that good. So with a big mouth like that douche-bag kitten up ahead, she'll most likely hear us. Unless, I silence her, more verbally than physically, too. Which is not my style of shutting people up, but with a dope like Lucas in the middle of us, I really can't help to hurt her. I know he likes her, and to see someone you love, or even like a little, pains you in the chest, A LOT, I'd like to add.
"Ayoko? ... Ayoko!" Lucas called, nudging me a bit.
I widened my eyes, a bit startled, and stared at him, "Huh..?" I crooked my head, and stared at him blankly.
"Let's go, they're gonna notice." He whispered.
"Yeah, c'mon wolf-iah bitch." Raina called from the surface.
I rolled my eyes, that didn't even make sense. Her dumb remarks, and insults of some sort, make me want to commit suicide, but on her.

"Great..." Ashter grumbled, ducking his head down in his hands. "What are we going to do? They're gone also now."
"They're probably fine.." Mai sighed, closing the door to the house gently.
"Maybe they are. Maybe they were taken too, by the people who took Ayoko. Maybe that kid took Brenna, maybe he killed her, maybe he is gonna kidnap her, and he has Ayoko too."
"I doubt that, he seemed like a pretty cool kid." Mai reasoned.
"Cool? Yeah right." Ashter rolled his eyes.
"Since when do you have the right to be an ass to people you barely know?" Mai crossed his arms, leaning against the door.
"Just quoting what Brenna or Atoko would say. He's definitely not cool. He hurt Ayoko's feelings. How do you hurt her feelings? I though she was a stone wall that didn't have feelings, and didn't care about anyone besides herself, and Brenna. Maybe that douche-bag kid too, but not anymore."
"She's human.. or at least half human, aren't us all?" Mai said, calmly, adding that she, and everyone else were just simple freaks of nature. "She has feelings.."
"But I can't even hurt her feelings! I've tried."
"We're getting off topic."
"Maybe that's what I need. To get off topic and leave all these problems a behind." Ashter muttered, staring at Mai.
"She'll be fine, she's a Sato, I think we know they take care of themselves." Mai responded.
Ashter stared at him blankly, "She can't take care of herself. She's took care of herself her whole life, and you know what? She didn't do a good job! Look at the way she grew up! She's terrible. An embarrassment to myself!! AND it's not even her fault, it's her DOUCHE-BAG BROTHER'S FAULT FOR LEAVING HER ALONE TO SURVIVE. NEVER EVEN CHECKING UP ON HER, EVER! FOR 17 YEARS MAI, THAT ASSHOLE NAMED AFTER A BLANK COLOR TO MATCH HIS BLANK HEAD, RUINED HIS LITTLE SISTER. AND NOW HE'S GONE AGAIN! And so is Ayoko...!" Ashter leaned against the wall, breathing heavily. He was glad to get it off his chest, he hated White so, so much. He didn't deserve to be Ayoko's brother. He ran his fingers through his hair.
Mai opened his mouth to speak, but sighed, "Whatever man.." He jogged up the stairs, calling to Ashter again, "Calm down.."
Mai strode down the hall, and went into his room closing the door behind him. He sat against the wall and groaned. "It's all gonna be okay, everything will be fine. I just have to be calm, and stay cool. Be the strong one here."
Mai was the only real adult that landed a foot in that house, all the others were just illiterate assholes, with a birth-date over 18 years ago, making them, by legal claims, an adult.

"So," Kato smirked, sitting on the forest ground, with her tail curled around her body, "You, are the assassin? Huh.." She looked the wanderer up an down, and arched a wolffish brow, "Would've never guess.." She said sarcastically.
The dark pelted mistress, rolled her eyes, "I'm not the only Assassin. There's... two of them." She cocked her head to the side, and looked behind Kato, instead of at her.
"Oh, and who's that?" Kato grinned, "Who's your little 'Partner In Crime'."
The Assassin rolled her eyes, shining like diamonds in the moon light, and sighed, "Ayoko Sato." She said quite proudly, and sat up straighter, perking her ears perfectly forward.
"That's not possible, Yoyo... You know that, even I know that!" Foxxy exclaimed, and grinned, pawing at the sky. "C'mon now, get it together, bro."
Kato rolled her eyes at Foxx, and made eye contact with The Assassin, "She's right though, it's definitely not possible."

"Batron!" The she-wolf growled, stomping her large paws towards Batron, and Aneigh who were talking with big smiles plastered on their faces.
"Uh-um, yes Avanche?" Batron frowned, staring at her.
"Where is that disappointment of a daughter and her cell mates?!" She hissed through clenched jaws.
"In their cell, I suppose." Batron arched an eyebrow, and smirked.
"Don't be a smart ass where are they?" Avanche snarled, taking an intimidating step towards Batron, who only barely flinched. He was used to Avanche acting tough, unless she really was tough, he wasn't sure.
"I don't know what you mean they should be in their cell." He shook his big, ratted, furry head, blinking at her.
"They aren't. Come see for yourself." Avanche left the area, with those blunt words, assuming Batron would follow.
Batron frowned, and glanced at Aneigh, before shrugging. He began walking but Aneigh stopped him.
"You don't have to go, Batron... She's not the boss, you are, my dear." She grinned, and blinked her blind eyes.
"I have to.." He muttered, and began walking again.
"You don't." Aneigh replied, her voice dreaded with more strength than a blind wolf's voice should be. Her words, that normally would be a simple invite, came out more like a command.
"Batron," Avanche interrupted, appearing again. "Is this little bitch, keeping you from coming?" Her words were like venom as she stared at Aneigh, who stared literally blindly, back at her.
"I'm not a bitch, you sewer scum." Aneigh replied, quite calmly, back to Avanche, "And yes, I am. He doesn't give two shits about your little prisoners, and daughters. Honestly I don't even bother to question why your daughter hates you, or why she killed you in the first place. You don't deserve to live, you deserve to die in hell." She growled, lowering her head.
Avanche scowled, and lunged at Aneigh, tackling her to the ground. The blind she-wolf, had no chance against Avanche. Avanche could see and was around ten times stronger than her. But Aneigh still took mighty snaps at Avanche, missing many but drawing blood when she caught her. Avanche, with the upper hand, ended the fight quickly, shredding the she-wolf's neck, and skin to bloody shreds of fur and bones. Batron just watched it all, he couldn't stop them, and he wasn't going to help Aneigh, he couldn't risk getting on anyone's bad side. So he just watched Aneigh die in front of his eyes, by the claws of Avanche.
Avanche shook her head, and cleared her throat, kicking the body aside. "Clean this up." She said blatantly to the guards, "Batron.. send a search for a black, and gray wolf, two different color eyes, and a botchy personality; an ugly old, scraggly bear; and a cat... Now." She demanded, and Batron ducked his head respectively, trotting off.

"Ugggggghhhhhh.." Brenna whined, swishing her tail, she flattened her ears and stared up at Anuriti, who was still human. Brenna thought that was weird but she didn't bother question it.
"What no-.." Anuriti squinted his eyes, and looked away from her, when she interrupted him.
"Where is she!? This is taking forever." She frowned, and stomped all four paws, almost doing a dance.
"Some forevers are shorter than other forevers." He replied, very bluntly. He wasn't sure why, but it seemed to fit the conversation, while getting off the subject of the girl who confused him beyond real life.
"What the fuck." She growled, but playful growl, and he only rolled his eyes at her. Of course, he thought, even her growls weren't intimidating. She was such a loser. He smiled to himself, and Brenna shifted human, furrowing her eyebrows and staring at him. "Why are you smiling, Cinderella?"
He shook his head and looked away, "Because, I'm giving thought into the idea that you're a complete loser," He responded, and looked back at her, with a smirk.
"Whatever, lets just keep looking." Brenna huffed, having had enough of his bullshit. Or at least the words he spoke, that she saw as complete bullshit, she could careless of his opinion of anything too. She just despised him in a way, that made her be friendly to him, but a harsh kind of friendly.
There was a long pause in the atmosphere, around them. It was more awkward to Anuriti, than to Brenna. She distracted herself in her thoughts, and argued with herself over if time travel would ever actually be possible, and if it was, would she be able to go back in time and kill someone would they be dead in the present, and nothing would've changed? Would it be like everyone already knew she killed that person, and if it was someone who died the next year in real time, and she killed them before that, would their real death date be the day she killed them when she went back to her own time. Or would it create, almost a new universe where that person would be killed by her a year earlier, but when she went back to her own time, she would basically go to a different universe of time, and that person never died a year earlier than when she killed he or she, which actually happened in the other universe. But after a long time of her thinking she just confused herself completely, and though about llamas.
"Do you think..." Anuriti spoke up, "Do you think that..." He frowned, and shook his head.
"What..?" Brenna spoke gently, her voice flooded with curiosity, she stared at him.
He put his palm over his face and drug it downwards towards his neck, "Know what, never mind. It's stupid." He glanced at her, then back a head of him, speeding up, "C'mon lets just go."
Brenna sighed, shook her head, and followed him, "You're weird.." She breathed, and smiled gently, taking a quick look at him. He just rolled his eyes.
"Whatever," He sighed.

All Rights Reserved

Ayoko, Brenna, Ashter, Mai, Foxxy, Kato, Anuriti, Lydia, X-Five, Secrets, and Roman are all my original characters from my role play on Facebook. I do not use pictures or character references from dA. I only use names that I find on dA sometimes, only to make my own character to go with the name. I give credit to who came up with the names. But the description in the story of the characters is my own.

A/N : I last updated this 7 months ago and tbh I'm probably never going to update it so if you do then comment & vote ~ TABB (Laurynnn :D ) - 11-27-14

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