Runaway Love[Completed]

By HolaaHovito

188K 6.5K 2.2K

In the midst of their traumatic personal issues and life problems, Shawn Carter and Beyoncé Knowles cross pat... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
New Story Alert

Chapter 36

3.4K 113 40
By HolaaHovito

Thursday, January 7th, 2016

Bey's POV

"Babe, I'ma go to the Burger King down the street." Shawn said when my therapist stepped out of her office. She looked at me and flashed a smile.

"Okay." I replied standin' to my feet.,He kissed my lips then left.

"Hi, Beyoncé." Monica greeted wit' a bright lovin' smile. Her smile could make anyone smile, no matter what their mood is.

"Hey, Monica." She held her door open and I walked in. I sat on the couch and she sat behind her desk.

"How are you?" She asked curiously. "How was your mini vacation to...where did you go again?"

"I went to New York City."

"Oh, yes!" She smiled. "The city that never sleeps, the big apple! How was that?"

"It was good. Really good!" I smiled remembering New Year Eve night. It was one of the best times of my life! We spent the entire day explorin' New York. When nightfall came we were in Time Square and it was so crowded. But it was fun nonetheless. We counted down as we watched the ball drop. For the first time, I had a New Year kiss. It wasn't any different than any other kiss, but we got to share that moment together.

We got back to the hotel room at two o'clock or something like that. And like we said, we'd bring in the new year havin' sex. It was good, but weird because I had to get used to the new position. Doggy style. It reminded of his birthday party when he playfully bent me over. I started laughin' in the midst of him slidin' in and out of me. He laughed, too, when he realized why I was laughin'. I think that position will be his favorite.

"Why really good? What did you do?"

"Uum." I smiled widely.

"You're smiling, very bright."

"Monica, can I ask you something?"

"I'm supposed to ask you the question."

"Well, what I want to ask.. the question is about me."

"Okay, ask me."

"On the way plane ride back to home, I was thinkin' about what I've been through and what happened in New York. Like thinkin' really hard. I was sexually assaulted for a while, but in New York... I had sex. Is that weird? Is that... normal?"

"Beyoncé, no two people are alike. Every man different from the next and so is every woman. No one reacts the exact same way as the next person. We all react differently to different experiences and situations."

"So I should haven't shut down and felt uncomfortable around guys?"

"There's no right or wrong answer for that. Some women do shut down and close themselves off from the world. Some women lose themselves and turn for the worse. And some women continue to live their life like it never took place. We're all different."

"That's me and I'm not sure why."

"Did you want yourself to shut down and trust no one?"

"I don't know, but I feel like I should have."


"Because that's what I've seen. I guess that's what they want me to see."

"Who is they?"

"TV, society, social media and stuff. That's all they really show, like Law and Order. Women that shut down after bein' assault or raped. They shut down and change their lives."

"That's TV, and this is real life. It's okay to be strong and trust people despite your assault. There's nothing wrong with that just like there's nothing wrong with shutting down. Both are natural reactions and you shouldn't feel bad for being a strong woman and a woman shouldn't feel for not being as strong."

"Durin' the time I was being assaulted, I was still attracted to Shawn and turned on by him. My body and mind had been through so much, but my body still reacted to him- all the time. And even before we had sex, we did some things."

"Things? Things like what?"

"Like.. oral sex. I was so nervous and scared because of what happened to me. But he wanted to show me the difference."

"Show you the difference between what?"

"Pain and pleasure."

"And did he?"

"Yes. It was so strange at first, like, I was uncomfortable. I guess that's because I was think actually thinkin' about John and Chico.. Shawn called my name while he was.. you know, but I just kept my eyes closed. I couldn't bring myself to open them."

"And why is that?"

"I was too afraid of seein' their faces."

"Did you ever open your eyes throughout the entire time?"

"Yes. He called my name again and told me to look at him. It was the tone of his voice. That's what made me open my eyes. I looked into his and I saw him. At the moment, I was able to actually feel. Slowly but surely, I let go. He told me that this is what pleasure was and that he wasn't goin' to hurt me."

"Did you believe him- do you believe him?"

"I do.. It felt completely different, and deep down, I knew that he wasn't goin' to hurt me."

"You've experienced things sexually with your boyfriend after the abuse and you want to know why you haven't closed yourself off?"


"Why?" She asked me lookin' for me to actually answer my own question.

"I don't know." I said shruggin' my shoulders. "That's why I pay you."

"My job isn't to tell how you feel or what to think. I'm here to help you open up and make you think for yourself, to help you expand things in different aspects. So, you met Shawn when?"

"When school started. We met at the gym."

"What happen?"

"He was kinda rude," I laughed rememberin' what Shawn said to me. "but that was because I was askin' so many questions. I couldn't help it. He was interestin' and I had a feelin' that he was dealin' wit' something heavy."

"And was he?"

"Yes. I could tell by the way he played that day. He was kinda standoffish, but I didn't care. It reminded me of myself."

"How so?"

"Basketball is my outlet. Whatever I'm feelin'; sad, mad, hurt, upset, disappointed. I take it out on the court. I can be really aggressive, or I'm really focused. I saw that in him immediately."

"How'd that go?"

"Days later, we met up and played ball again. Just shoutin' around, he helped wit' my form. After the game, we went our separate ways. I went home and.." I paused..

"What happened when you went home?" I just looked at her. She knows what happened.

"Beyoncé, in order to move forward you have to acknowledge what was done."

"I have. That's what we talked about last time."

"Yes, we did, but that was a different time. What we're talking about now is what took place the night you went to the beach. You have to face it before you can move pass it." I closed my eyes and sighed deeply. I replayed every single second of what Chico did to me that night. The look in his eyes, what he said to me, the sound of his voice, the way he smelled. I remembered it all. As tears formed in my eyes, Monica held out a box of Kleenex. I just grabbed the entire box I knew that I would need it.

"Afterwards, I went to the beach and he just happened to be there. He sat next to me and tried to talk to me. He knew that something was wrong when I wasn't respondin'. He didn't press it, though. We just...talked about school, basketball, and music."

"He just listened to you even though he hardly knew you. How did that make you feel?"

"I liked talkin' to him because he didn't press the issue. He never did. He makes great conversation. It's always funny- I didn't even think about it what happened to me when I talked to him. He made me feel.. He made me feel..." I tried to find the best word to describe what I felt.

"Comfortable?" Monica questioned.

"Yes!" I exclaimed. "He made me feel comfortable. Like my problems weren't... problems. They didn't really exist."

"Is it safe to say that he's an escape for you?"

"An escape..?" Beyoncé paused to think about what it actually meant. I nodded my head as I came to realization. "Yeah.. yeah! He's an escape."

"Your boyfriend allowed you to be comfortable with and around him. You could be a normal teenager regardless of bein' sexually assaulted. That is a miracle, Beyoncé. You were able to have fun and not worry about what happening to you. Your body reacts to him, and that's normal. That's natural. You want to feel bad about it?"

"I guess I should be happy?"

"You guess?"

"Well, I know." I corrected. "I'm happy that I was able to separate the two things."

"Good.. We didn't have enough time last session but we do now. Then men that abused you, they're in jail. How do you feel about that?"

"I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I know that they're not gettin' out so I actually feel safe at home. I can take a shower and not fear that when I get to my room that they'll come in." I grabbed a tissue as I felt the tears formin' again. I wasn't sure if I was cryin' because of my abuse or if I was happy that it was over.

"Last session talked mostly about our step father, Tim. About how you feel that he responsible for your abuse."


"Let's talk about your mother."

"Why? What about my Mom?"

"How do you feel about your her?"

"..I don't."

"You feel nothing for your mother?"

"I can't feel for something that I don't have."

"You don't like feel you have a mother?"


"Why is that?"

"She didn't check on me."

"What does that mean? She didn't check on you.."

"Ever since I could remember.. My mom would come into my room at night and check on me. She would make sure that I wasn't too hot or too cold. If I was cold, she'd get another blanket and cover me up. Or if I was hot and sweatin'. She would take the covers off me and leave me wit' a sheet. She would make sure that I was safe and sound. Even as a teenager, she would check on me. At the same time every night. But, she stopped."

"When did she stop?"

"Some months ago."

"Before or after the abuse began."


"So because she stopped checking on you at night, you feel as though she is no longer your mother?"


"Why? Why do you feel like because she stopped tucking you in at night that she is no longer your mom?"

"Because she's not."

"Everything that she's ever done is now canceled out because she stopped doing one thing?"

"Yes!" I answered. Damn, I'm gettin' frustrated.

"But she's kept a roof over you and your sister's head. Made sure that there was food in the fridge. She kept clothes on your back."

"She got pregnant! I didn't ask to be here! That's what she's supposed to do! She supposed to do those things! I'm not givin' her a cookie for doin' what she's supposed to do!"

"What didn't she do?"

"Protect me!!" I yelled as hot tears streamed down my cheeks quickly. My God, I'm so damn tired of cryin'! I grabbed more tissue to wipe eyes and face but it was pointless. I wanted to stop my tears from fallin', but it was impossible.

"From what? What didn't your mother protect you from?"

"John and Chico! They hurt me constantly and she wasn't there to protect me!! If only she had come to check on me.. she could have saved me. That's all that I could think about. I prayed that she would burst into my room and rescue me, but, she didn't."

"Why do you think that is?"

"She was too busy wit' Tim! Sniffin' up his ass all day long. She's not worried about me, my sister or my brother."

"I'd like to have your mother come next week."

"What? Why?" It's not that I didn't want my mom to sit in the session. I do. We both need it, but if she would ask who was payin' for it. I can't lie and say that my brother was payin' for it. I don't know if she would call him for whatever reason. He doesn't even know about my abuse. I'd have to tell him that after he asked me if they ever bothered me. That, and about the drugs because that's how I'm payin' these bills.

"Your mother should know how you feel."

"It's not like it will change anything."

"How are you so sure?"

"Because I know my Mama." Monica tried to encourage me to want to bring my Mama in. Honestly, I lied and said that I would think about it and try.

"I'll see you next week." Monica said openin' the door for me to leave.

"Yes, next week." Monica smiled at me and I returned one. I turned around to see Shawn standin' in the lobby waitin' for me.

"Hey," Shawn greeted as he grabbed my hands and pulled me into a hug. He placed a kiss on my cheek. A brief smile spread across my face. He pulled away and interlocked his right hand wit' my left.

"How was it?" He asked as we headed for the elevator. "You don't look too.. happy?" Shawn wasn't sure how to describe how I look. That was okay because I wasn't sure how I felt.

"She thinks that I should have my Mom come in." I said and Shawn pressed the button to call for the elevator. As soon as pressed the button the doors open. We stepped inside and stood in front of each other.

"What's the problem?" He asked pressin' floor one. The doors closed and we were on our way down.

"That's not a good idea."

"Why not?"

"Because my Mom doesn't know about this."

"You don't want to tell her?"

"No. I'd have to tell her how I'm payin' for it."

"Oh, damn. Just tell her that your brother is helpin' you out."

"My brother doesn't about my abuse."

"But your mom doesn't know that he doesn't know."

"What if she decides to call him and verify?"

"Do you really think she will?"

"I don't know. She might. I don't wanna take that chance."

"Well, babe. You have to tell your brother."

"Says who?"

"You don't think he should know what you're goin' through?"

"Yes, but he's already asked me about John and Chico while it was still happenin, and I lied to him. I can't just come out and say that it really did."

"Damn. Well, I'm sure your brother would understand, babe."

"Maybe but I'm still scared to tell him."

"There's nothin' that he can do, other than be bothered by the fact you didn't say anything. He can worry about you and your sister, but that's about it. I think you should really consider it because a session wit' your mom might do some good all of you guys."

"I'll think about it. I'll see how she's actin' over the next few days."

"Thinkin' about it is good enough. That says a lot." The elevator stopped and the doors opened. We exited the elevator, left buildin' then headed to the parkin' lot. I drove to Shawn's house. I wanted him to go home wit' me but he has to go to dinner wit' church members. I don't want him to go, but he has no choice.

"Thank you for comin'." I said softly when I parked in from of his house.

"Are you gonna say this every week?" He ask unbucklin' his seatbelt.


"You don't have to."

"You don't have to be here so I'm goin' to thank you each time."

"Aight, babe. I need a hug, so." Shawn unbuckled my seatbelt and got outta the car. I got out and walked around to the passenger's side. He immediately pulled into a hug. My head rested on his chest as my arms wrapped around him.

"What are you about to get into?" He asked.

"I'll be by my lonesome, so nothin'." Sadly, I shrugged my shoulders.

"Chill wit' Solo?" He suggested.

"She's probably not even home. She's never home, but I can't even blame her."

"Oh, maybe you should hit ya boy up?"

"My boy?" I frowned. "Who?"


"Bein' by myself isn't so bad. I'll see you later."

Shawn let go of the hug and looked at me. "I'ma go ask my Granny if I could skip this dinner."

"Isn't it for church, though?"

"Yeah, but I can tell her that you don't wanna be alone right now. I know that's why you look so sad."

"I'll be fine."

"Don't leave- I'ma go talk to her."

"It's alright. You don't have to."

"I think she'll say yes."

"Grandson," I heard his Granny call. Shawn quickly turned to face her. "I need you to come in here so you can get ready. We can't be late."


"Shawn," I stopped him. "Go. It's fine. I'll be okay."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

"I'ma FaceTime you tonight. That's coo?"


"Text me when you get home, aight?"

"Yeah." I nodded my head then leaned in for a kiss. Shawn kissed my lips like five times before turnin' to leave. I got in the car and headed home. My drive home was completely silent. I didn't feel like listenin' to music which is weird because I love music. But I just wasn't in the mood. Mainly because I didn't want to come home. I wanted stay wit' Shawn. I wanted to lay my head on his shoulder and fall asleep. As if I wasn't sad enough already.

I pulled into the driveway and there were no cars. That kids must have gone home. Thankfully, these parents pick their youngins up on time. My mama gotta be at her second job right now.

Walkin' in the house, I heard Solange's music and got annoyed instantly. I don't care that she's usin' a speaker, but this is obnoxiously loud. Like, call the cops loud. But I'm surprised that she's even home right now.

I opened Solange's door to find her kissin' Ingrid! I knew it. I knew it! I. Knew. It.... I KNEW IT! All along I had a feelin'! A gut feelin'. Solange... and Ingrid.. Kissin'.. Jesus Christ I fell out laughin', at their stunned facial expressions! Nothin' in the world should be this hilarious! Lil Lebso Lange!

No, it's not a dream. No, I wasn't seeing things. That was real life. Solange and her best friend Ingrid were indeed kissin', until I interrupted them. That was literally the most hilarious thing ever. I don't even know why I laughed myself into tears, but oh baby. That was some funny shit.

"Bey! Stop laughin'!" Solange said clearly getting upset.

"Jesus Christ.." I held my stomach. "I'm sorry!"

"You could have knocked!"

"Do I ever knock?" I laughed.

"What the hell is so damn funny?" Again, I laughed.

"One, your faces were priceless as fuck. Y'all was like." To the best of my ability I tried to imitate their facial expressions.

"Funniest shit I have ever witnessed in my entire life."


"What you want, Lil Lesbo Lange?" I died laughin' yet again.

"Lesbo Lange.." Ingrid repeated to herself, laughin' a tiny bit.

"Shut up!" Lesbo Lange shoved her.

"Aaaw!" I said.

"Sooo.. Are y'all like girlfriend and girlfriend or.."

"Girlfriend and girlfriend, Bey? For real?" Lesbo Ingrid asked.

"God, you're so embarrassin'." Lesbo Lange said, slightly embarrassed

"Well shit.." I shrugged. "I don't know. Are y'all girlfriends? Whatever the fuck.." I laughed so hard.

"Well yeah." Lesbo Lange. Jesus Christ.. Why do I keep laughin'?

"I already knew anyway. Well, I've always had the feeling anyway."

"Just keep embarrassin' me, why don't you?"

"Girl.. Why are you embarrassed? I don't give two shits about you eatin' the box. Bumpin' coochies-"

"Beyoncé!" I laughed once again.

"What?! I'm just sayin'. Whatever makes you happy, slappy. If scissorin' is your cup of tea, hey."

"You're so annoyin'." Lesbo Lange rolled her eyes, with a little laugh.

"I'm done messin' with you guys. I guess I'll really say guys, considerin' you like pussy. Anywho, carry on. Keep it down."

I closed the door and went to my room. Solange is a lesbo. Okay. That's fine. Cool. If she likes it, I love it.  Well, not quite, but yeah. I honestly don't care. She can be wit' whoever. Boy, girl. Black, Asian, Indian, Mexican. Christian, Catholic, Muslim. Whatever. That's my sister, and I love her regardless.

Most people care, and that's the problem. My only concern is her comin' out to everyone. I don't want people to be disrespectful. There's a double standard when it comes to sexuality. It may work in Solange's favor, but people are stupid nonetheless. And I don't mind fightin' a bitch if they try my little sister.

Her problem is tellin' my mom. Which is why Solange is never home! She's always with her girlfriend at her house. Aaaww! My sister has a girlfriend. Why did I just get excited? I'm happy that she isn't afraid to be herself. That's so cool.

But my Mom, though. She is gonna flip shit. Tina may have a heart attack and die. That woman is anti-gay/lesbian. I can remember a time when we were out and she was givin' this gay couple the stank face. She didn't say much, but it's obvious how she feels about it. If Lesbo Lange decides to come out to my mom, I'll be right there for support and all that good, mushy stuff.

After throwin' my bag on the floor, I grabbed my TV remote from my dresser and plopped on my bed. Relaxation! I pointed the remote to the TV, and pressed the power button. Wife Swap appeared on my TV. I love this show. It's so funny to me how upset the families get when they have to do what the new wife says. I should have gotten some snacks before I sat down on my bed.

When it went on commercial, I briskly headed to the kitchen. I got a strawberry kiwi Caprisun, fun size bag of sour cream and onion Lays, and a brown sugar Pop Tart. When I got back to my room, Solange was sittin' on my bed.

"I hope you brought something for me." Solange looked at my snacks like she was hungry and was never goin' to eat another meal. Greedy ass.

"Why are you in my room? Where is your girlfriend?" I giggled a bit.

"Do you like saying that?" By her facial expression, I know she wants to laugh or smile.

"I do, actually. Thanks for askin'." With my back against my headboard, I sat next to Solange.

"She went home."

"Why? You didn't have to do that."

"I know, but I wanted to talk to you."


"Stop playin'. You know what."

"Go ahead."

"Tell me how you feel, and be honest."

"Why does my opinion matter? You're happy, right?"

"Your opinion matters because you're my sister."

"I know but just because we're sisters.. But sometimes my opinion shouldn't alter your decisions or actions, good or bad."

"It matters regardless."

"Honestly.. Like I said before. I have always had a feelin' you were into Ingrid."


"I understand that our home situation sucked ass- and still does a little bit. Every weekend with your best friend? It was just fishy to me."

"Fishy? Wrong choice of word, guy." We laughed extremely hard. I didn't even think about it like that.

"You know what I mean, fooh. Nah, but for real. Girls can't take too much of each other for too long. We get annoyed with each other. That never seemed to be the case with you two." I shrugged.

"Make sense. Continue."

"It doesn't bother me. I'm not against it, at all. Love is love. Not sayin' y'all love each other, but it doesn't have an age- as long as y'all are both legal, sex, or religion. Just two hearts, so."

"That was deep."

"I know. I try, son. As I was sayin'. If bein' with a girl is what you chose, then I support you one hunnit percent, dawg." She smiled.

"That's good to know. Thank you." She spoke in a very happy and chipper tone of voice, as she hugged me. Playfully, I groaned.

"Get off! You're gettin' all mushy and shit. I don't have the time. I'm way too gangsta fa dis." She laughed.

"Okay, so tell me." I said, openin' my pop tart.

"Tell you what?"

"Stupid." I blinked. "The story, girl."

"About me and Ingrid?"

"Duh, nigga." I took a bite of one God's greatest creation, brown sugar perfection. Solange took the second piece. She's one of the only people I will share my food wit'. Her and Shawn.

"You sure you wanna know?"

"I asked, didn't I?"

"Okay. Well.. It's not much to tell, really-"

"How do you know that you like girls? It's not one of those 'girls know what girls like' or 'all guys are stupid, let me switch teams because I want attention?" I questioned.

"No, no. I just like girls. I know that I like girls because I've been in a situation where I was given the opportunity to have sex-"

"Wait a got damn minute!" I bit my Pop Tart, like I was like eatin' popcorn in the climax of a movie. Solange laughed.

"You're laughin'?" I asked. "Fast ass!"

"Technically, I'm still a virgin, dummy."

"Oh, you right, you right. Continue."

"Like I was sayin', because I rudely interrupted." She rolled her neck. "Boys just don't intrigue me. It wasn't like I liked Ingrid in the beginnin'. We were friends first, really good friends-"

"Apparently." I mumbled.

"Shut up.. It's one of those thing where it grows over time. You can't really fight it, or hide how you feel. Ya know?" She paused. I know she's tryin' to find the right words to explain it.

"So basically.. We were two friends that got close. Like, I understand her and vice versa. We have a connection deeper than friends, but didn't realize that we both like each other. Does that make any sense?"

"Uuh. Sorta, kinda."

"It's really hard to explain. I just know that I don't like guys."

"How? You haven't experienced a dick."

"Still. I don't want to."

"Then how do you for suuuuure?" I quizzed.

"How do you know for sure that you don't like girls?"

"I just don't." I shrugged my shoulders.

"But you haven't experience one." She mocked me.

"Okay, okay. I get it."


"Auntie Pat and Uncle David know?" Thank God they aren't really our aunt and uncle because this would be some white people shit, for sure.

"No, not yet."

"You gon' tell mama?"

"I'm scared to tell her."

"I don't blame you. I'll be there when you do, if you want."


"No prob, Bob. I have a question."

"Oh God." She rolled her eyes. "What?"

"What do y'all do?"

She laughed. "What do you mean?"

"You know.."

"Stop bein' weird, Bey."

"Ugggh!" I laughed. "...Sexually." I hesitated. I'm really interested, but I don't want it to be awkward. I mean, I know what girls in general do, but I meant these two in particular. I'm curious.

"What do you think, retard?"

"Hey! I don't know."

"God, you're so awkward! We scissor-"

"Who is in charge? Like who's...on top..?"

"Wow. You are so lame. We take turns bein' dominate."

"Do you like bein' dominated or dominate?"

"Dominated, but enough about me. What about you and Shawn?" I grinned.

"Nasty!" She said. "What them lips do?!" Jesus Christ.. She made her voice go extra deep, makin' it even more funny.

"Amazin' things." I raised my eyebrows up and down.

"Aaaah shiiieeeeet! He better! Wit' them bad boys."

"He really does."

"Does- wait. How was that for you? Was it weird for you?"

"I was nervous when he asked to do it. Deep down, I always knew that he wasn't them and he wouldn't. I don't know how, but I was able to separate the two."

"When you're wit' Shawn, like just hangin' out, does it feel like he's your escape from life?"

"That's exactly what he is. He's been through stuff, I've been through stuff. And when we're together we just make each other laugh."

"That's good. So! Back to them lips!"

"The best experience of my life! Literally! It was amazin'!"

"Ayyyyeeee! I'm happy for you!"

"Thank you, thank you." I smiled.

"Mm. What that mouf do?!" She narrowed her eyes at me.

"Something that you know noooooothinnnnn' about."

"You be slobbin' on the nob?!" She asked in a low tone of voice wit' wide eyes, once she sat back on the bed.

"The first time, so he had to tell me what to do."

"Hol'up! He coached you through suckin' his dick?"

"I had never done it before so I had no idea what to do."

"Um, put it in your month and suck it?"

I laughed. "Not quite. There's a technique to it. I didn't want to do something that he didn't like. And I definitely didn't want to scrape it wit' my teeth. I wanted it to perfect, so I asked him to teach me."

"Your boyfriend taught you how to suck his dick?" She laughed. "I really can't."

"It wasn't as bad or hard as I thought, actually."

"What does it feel like?"

"I don't have a dick, dumb dumb." I laughed.

"To have a dick in your mouth, stupid!"

"Oh! Honestly?"


"It's empowerin'."

"Suckin' dick is empowerin'? Girl, what?"

"Sounds crazy, I know. It's empowerin' simply because I have the power to make him weak. His everything weakens while I'm doin' it. He's not that cocky, confident person in that moment. He doesn't have any control. He just sits there. I'm pretty sure he would agree to anything I asked while I'm givin' him head."

"Wow. You are something else. You nasty lil freak. Did you gag?" I laughed.

"A lil bit. He was movin' his hips-"

"He fucked your mouth?!"

"Oh my God. I can't believe I'm really tellin' you this." I laughed.

"Bye, Bey. I'm basically more experienced than you."

"This is true."

"Did you spit or swallow?"

"I'm not tellin' you all of that."

"Your freak ass probably swallowed." I laughed.

"He didn't even cum in my mouth. It landed on my boobs."

"Wow. The first time! Freaks."

"Not even close."

"You've obviously been deflowered."

"So corny, but yes."

"Aaw! Did the baby cry?"

"No. It hurt but you know I'ma thug."

"True, true. You used protection, right? Because I told you that I don't have time."

"Yes, Mom."

"Good girl."

"Anyways. I'm watchin' snapped. You stayin' in here?"

"I guess I could."

For the rest of the night, I chilled with this blessed child. We started watchin' LMN once snapped went off. The junk food got borin', and we yearned for food. Neither one of us wanted to cook, so Papa John's was the best option. A large pepperoni and pineapple, fourteen piece hot wings, and a two litter Pepsi. Perfection. Pure perfection to our taste buds. Pizza and LMN? The life. At the end of the night I kicked out Solange. My Big Head FaceTimed me so, she had to go.

"Hey." He smiled. "You don't look sad anymore."

"I told you that I'd be okay."

"Yeah, you did. I'm happy that you're feelin' better."


"So what'chu been up to?"

"Just chillin' wit' my sister, talkin'. How was the dinner?"

"Borin' as hell. What'chu think?"

I laughed. "You survived, though."

"I'm tired of goin' them dinners wit' them old people. I just sit there, literally."

"No phone?"

"So I can get smacked when I get home? Nah, I'm good."

"You poor thing."

"Whatever, man. What time is your game tomorrow?"

"Five thirty. You're comin', right?"

"Yeah, no doubt." He said for a matter of fact, puttin' a smile on my face. Tomorrow will be an easy win for us. I can't wait.


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