Sucide Squad | BTS

By -candykook

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❝ So you think you can love me and leave me to die? ❞ ~Win and you get 10 years off your prison sentence, los... More

Character Description


615 28 28
By -candykook

Jin's POV

"Wake the fuck up!" I yelled. I chucked afterwords, I find their suffering slightly funny.

Slowly they all made their way towards me. I didn't handcuff them because it felt unnecessary. I mean if they try anything I'll just blow them up. That would be fun.

"It's training day!" I said with a happy expression while skipping away. Some people say i'm almost as crazy as Jimin but the difference is that i'm doing the world justice, and Jimin is simply polluting it.

As I skipped and they followed silently behind me, well almost silently. The two with cells across from each other, Yoongi and Hoseok seemed to chat happily while Namjoon and Jimin followed silently and almost awkwardly.

"Here we are!!" I said as we finally reached our destination. It was a metal room filled with guns, knifes, bats, hammers and everything else that was confiscated from the convicts.

"My Bat!" Jimin yelled as he ran across the room. He picked up the bat that had a mix of a smiley face and a death face carved into it.

"YES!" He said as he swung it left and right.

"My clothes!" Jimin said just as happy. Everyone stood by the door awkwardly as we watched Jimin strip off all his clothes and change into a white white tank top that has 'Daddy's Little Monster' printed on it and a pair of pink, shiny shorts.

After Jimin's little celebration I began to speak again.

"As you can clearly see, all of your confiscated belongings are here. You may go get them now." I said and they all made a fast break for their beloved belonging.

"Yes, I missed this so much!" Hoseok said as he got his boomerang.

"Don't throw it!" Yoongi yelled but was late as Hoseok had already thrown it in a random direction.

"Everybody duck!" Yoongi said as everyone got onto the floor, except Jimin.

"Oh where!? Ducks are so cute!" Jimin said as he turned in multiple directions, looking for a duck.

"Get down!" Yoongi repeated as he used his arms to pull Jimin to the ground, basically laying on top of him.

I quickly got my tablet and clicked on Hoseok's button. It didn't kill him, but it shocked him.

He violently fell onto the ground and twitched around for a few seconds until I turned the device off.

After he quickly got up and regained his composure everyone looked at me, obviously wanting to know what just happened.

"You see I told you not to anger of vex me. So if you get on my nerves, that'll happen."

They all just stared at me, starting to form a pregnant silence.

"Anyways, you. Boy in shorts and a slutty shirt, come here, it's time for your test."

"You didn't even give me time to fucking study!" He screamed. Honestly, I can't handle this boy.

"No- well. You know what just come here." I said as I motioned for him to follow.

"You see that door over there?" I said as I pointed to a door in the middle of the room. it wasn't attached to any walls.

"I want you to use your little hammer and knock it to the ground okay?"

"Okay!" Jimin said, returning to his preppy self,

"Okay in 5, 4, 3-" but he cut of my countdown, running towards the door before I finished. This boy.

He was crazy strong, he didn't even use his mallet, he just jumped into the door, the amount of force making it fall off its hinges.

"Oh-okay. Good job Jimin." I said, I mean it was impressive.

"Yay!!" Jimin said as he clapped his hands, sitting in the rubble surrounding the doorframe.

"Okay, Hoseok, your next." I said as I motioned for him to come towards me. He almost threw his boomerang directly towards me but Yoongi stopped him, and scolded him, telling him not to.

Once he got up to him I motioned to the ten dummies all lined up against one of the walls.

"Pick one, and hit it with your boomerang." I said, he should be able to follow those instructions, right?

"Sure, fam." He said which caught me off guard. Honestly, I don't know why he's in here, he seems like a normal person to me.

In one sharp move Hoseok threw his boomerang, but, in the wrong direction.

"That was horrifyingly terrible, Hoseok." I said but he returned by putting a finger to his mouth, making a 'shh' sound.

"Wait for it." He said and as soon as he said that the boomerang came back from the other side of the room, slicing off 4 of the dummies heads.

"You passed. Now go away." I said sternly, in hopes to just give them another scare.

"Lit." Hoseok whispered as sat down in a corner with Yoongi.

"Namjoon, it's your turn." I said and he stood up rather slowly, in an almost mocking way.

"What you want me to do, dollface?" He said adding emphasis on that nickname.

"First of all I would like you to stop calling me dollface, or else you may just get lit." I said as I shook the tablet in my hand.

"Lit!" Someone said from across the room. We both stopped temporarily to see who it was only to see Hoseok with his arm raised, in a sort of fist pump way.

I swear, he has the mentality of a teenager.

"Okay now show me what you got." I said redirecting his attention to the set of guns laid in front of him and the dummies that stand in the distance.

"So these are real guns?" Namjoon said as he picked one up, loading it.

"Yes, they are. I replied coldly.

"If would be a shame if I killed you right now, Dollface." Namjoon said and soon had the gun pointed towards my head.

"Namjoon, don't." A voice said in the distance making us both turn our heads, again.

At the corner of the room Yoongi sat with Hoseok in his lap, shaking his head.

"All this violence and hate has accomplished nothing. Do you know what will happen if you kill Jin?" He asked and waited for a reply, continuing when he received none.

"The police will just find you, and kill you. Then you'll end up rotting in the depths of hell." Woah, he seems like a deep person. It really has me wondering what made him snap and allegedly murder people.

"Fine, whatever." Namjoon said and started furiously shooting at the dummies.

Once he ran out if ammo the dummies didn't even look like dummies anymore, they looked like piles of scrap.

He then threw the gun down and walked away without saying a word.

"Yoongi, it's your turn." I said in a slightly softer voice, already knowing what his reply will be.

"No Jin, I'm a changed man. I won't." Yoongi said. I already knew he was going to complain.

Yoongi then started moving his hands back and forth, creating a slight spark which turned into a flamed that danced in the air.

After he finished you could clearly tell that he wrote 'LOVE' and then crossed his arms.

"Fine." I said, sighing.

"Yoongi you just proved that you can control yourself, I'll remove the cold water from your cell and give you a blanket and pillow like everybody else."

And for a second, he smiled.

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