Not Innocent

By _heartlessgirl_14

37.2K 540 43

Meet Gloria Rose Ramirez , she was known as being an outcast . An outcast who had a very abusive boyfriend... More

~Characters ~
Coming home
Mature Tessie
Off Limits
Times Up
Johnnys Date
She's Different
Excuse Me ?!
Your Blake ?
Rambling On
Truth or Dare ?
It's Okay
How I feel
Shaken Up
*** Authors Note ***

Mom Did What ?!

1.2K 24 3
By _heartlessgirl_14

Blake Knights POV

I hugged my mom as she continued to cry silently , I felt myself get increasingly more angry .

" Mom he doesn't deserve you ." I said .

" Blake let's talk now ." Marcus said .

" I'll be right back ." I said , Mary took my place in consoling my mom .

" What are we going to do ? " I asked as I sat down , all the other members were there as well.

" All the guys want him and Jason gone ." He said everyone nodded their heads as he talked .

" And yes Mary told me about what happened at school today , so now I really really want Jason gone ." He said .

" I know that I told you the other day about not wanting you to be involved with Gloria, but do you think you could talk to her and maybe have her convince her dad to meet up with us ? " He asked .

" To be completely honest with you she seems very private about her personal life and I don't know if asking her for a favor is really the best way to start a conversation. " I said honestly.

" I also don't want her to think I'm only interested in her because of her father." I said .

" And from what you said and I've observed it seems like her dad doesn't really want her involved in his business ." I said .

" Ok Blake I can see you might actually genuinely have feelings for her , you can get to know her but tread lightly ." He said .

I felt happiness spread through my entire body after those words left his lips .

" To be completely honest with you , the guys that she has with her are actually really chill." Nick said .

" She has a friend Johnny and he pretty much told me to go for it today." I said .

" I honestly think that her dad just hates Jason , I really don't think he has a problem with our club." I said .

" Well Blake, our relationship was left sour because dad was being an asshole to Gloria's father when it happened." He explained.

" When I became president, I tried reaching out to him and he didn't take it well . That's that's why I didn't want you pursuing Gloria " He explained.

" All right well putting that aside for right now we need to talk what we're going to do with Dad and Jason." I said .

" Well we're going to need to talk to mom and see how she's feeling obviously but regardless I want Jason gone."He said .

" Honestly Blake, you made a good point the other day the guy never comes to meetings and Dad's not in charge anymore. I am so I'm not going to have anybody I don't like in our club." He said , I smiled .

" Gloria's dad actually really helped us a lot and losing him was a big blow to our club and business." He said honestly.

" So I really want to repair that relationship . I was just told the other day that he actually has a bar he just bought out and he plans on letting Gloria and the members he has here run it." He said .

" Smith told me because Gloria's dad told him the other day and they are still on good terms." He said referring to one of our business partners .

" Hm interesting." I said .

" Ok well we're going to need to vote this tonight about Dad and Jason but right now I just wanna be with mom." I said before getting up and leaving the room , Marcus followed behind me .

" Hey mom how are you ? " I asked as we sat down next to her .

" I tried to put the past in the past and obviously I was a fool to do that because the entire time your father has been hooking up with that whore !! " She said .

" Mom who is she? " I asked .

" Blake, that is Jason's wife Gloria's mother." She said , her eyes held pain and anger .

I looked at Marcus who had the face of pure anger , well I guess I just met Glorias mom...

" That whore has been hanging around our club for a very long time before her, and Jason were caught together." She said .

" I'm assuming your father and Jason have been tag teaming her for years without even knowing it , hence why your father flipped out when he found out Jason and Gloria's mother were together." She explained.

" Years ? " I asked shocked .

" Blake, I'm your mother. It's my job to shield you two from mine and your father's relationship." She said .

" Honey, if you want the gods honest truth, me and your father haven't slept in the same bedroom since you were kids ." She said .

" What you and Jason saw today was just the tip of the iceberg, but I am most definitely done. I want him gone." She said .

" Mom if you want him gone, he's gone." Marcus said .

" Blake if you plan on pursuing Gloria know that her mother has put her through hell. Her mother is an awful person and aside from what apparently Becky has put her through , her mother was also a very big tormentor in her life."She explained.

" How do you know ? " I asked .

" We originally didn't even know that she had a child or a husband." She said ignoring my question.

" We only found out that she had a daughter when Gloria actually called her one day and she fessed up having a daughter, but she didn't fess up to being married." She said .

" After her and Jason were found sleeping together by your father might I add , It all came out because your father and Jason got into an argument. All of the secrets came out. Apparently she was more truthful with Jason than she was with your father." She explained.

" Now I won't say I forgave him, but we stayed civil because it was our job to stay civil for the club . We had to deal with Gloria's father, who was very heartbroken because of what his wife did." She continued to explain .

" Boys I've hated your father for years, and I am done pretending that I care for him." She said as she wiped her face with a tissue .

" I'm going to go take a shower . Do me a favor Marcus have Mary get my stuff from the house , I refuse to step foot in the house again." She said .

" Okay mom ." He said , she walked away .

" Did you know any of that ? " I asked .

" Hell no , do you really think that if I knew all that Dad and Jason would still be a part of our club ?" He asked .

" We have a lot to discuss at the meeting tonight." I said tiredly .

" I'm going to bed for a little little bit. Wake me up when it's time for the meeting." I said tiredly before walking to my room .

Gloria's Ramirez POV

I was playing a game on my phone when it was suddenly snatched out of my hand .

" You are never gonna believe what just happened." Johnny said .

" What ? " I asked .

" Your mom was caught in bed with Blake's father !! " He said

" Jesus Christ does she just spread her legs for everybody ?!" I asked .

" Apparently so." He said .

" How do you find out so fast ?" I asked .

" Becky made a post about it on her Instagram calling your mom out saying she's a no good whore and I'm not going to tell you the rest because you were mentioned..." He said trailing off .

" I don't care ." I said honestly.

" Does my dad know? " I asked .

" Cody told him." He said .

" I'm guessing his day is ruined now, you know what the sad part ? He still loves my mother , I mean he doesn't know half the shit she did to me because I never told him ." I said .

" I really think you should still tell your father about what she has done to you." He said .

" It's in the past my therapist knows , my dad doesn't need to know." I said .

" Gloria, don't you think it might help him get over her if he knew ? " He asked .

" It'll make him feel like shit because he wasn't there when it was happening." I said .

" How do you think he would feel if he knew that not only was I being bullied at school but being bullied by my own mother." I asked .

" Hurt , but if he knew then he would have no more love for her anymore. He'd finally get over her and actually move on and be happy." He said .

" I'll think about it , but I'm certainly not telling him today." I said .

" I hope Blake's okay , it's really shitty when you find out your parent was being unfaithful." I said , feeling bad because my mom ruined another family .

" Aw to someone feel bad for their Blakey " Johnny said jokingly .

" Ew shut up I do it better." I said .

" Whatever you say ." He joked.

" So real talk , are you going to pursue Blake ?" He asked smiling .

" I mean, do I even have a chance now my mother just slept with his father and ruined his parents marriage." I said .

" I don't know Tessie he seems to really have the hots for you." He said .

" And who wouldn't look at you, babe" He

" Johnny it's hard getting into an actual relationship after everything that Ryan's put me through." I said honestly, yes I go to therapy but it's still hard to let someone in emotionally for me still .

" Tessie you can't keep just hooking up with  guys , I know you want to settle down ." He said holding my hand .

" I need to talk to my dad about Blake ." I said .

" Yes that would be a good idea ." He said .

" I'll call him now ." I said I pulled him up on my phone .

" Go on I'll be fine ." I said , he silently it left as the phone rang .

~Phone Conversation~

Gloria- Hey dad .

Dad-Hey sweetie how's school?

Gloria- It's good.

Dad- Nothing you wanna tell me about your first week of school, sweetie ?

Gloria- Cody already talked to you, didn't he ?

Dad-Yes he did , I'm sorry that you have to still deal with this girl.

Gloria- It's fine Dad, but that's not what I'm calling to talk to you about.

Dad- Could this possibly be about Blake Knight?

Gloria -How'd you know ?

Dad-Gloria I have three bodyguards with you , I know everything that happens with you.

Dad- I want you to know what happened with Blakes club and my club has nothing to do with you, if you have genuine feelings for this kid then go for it . If he hurts you, I'm ripping his balls off.

Gloria- Dad that's a little brutal.

Dad- You're my daughter. I will be as brutal as I want.

Dad-I'm assuming there's something else you also want to talk about.

Gloria-I know that you heard about what happened with Mom today obviously and Dad I really think it's time that you just put her in the past.

Dad-I know you have a bad relationship with your mother, but I'll always love her. She just loves to find trouble.

Gloria- Dad there's a lot that's happened in the past with Mom that I have not told you because I wanted to spare your feelings and obviously that wasn't the right thing to do.

Dad-Gloria what are you talking about ?

Gloria-Dad , Mom was one of my biggest bullies she used to torment me the same way that Becky would torment me. She would say horrible things to me and about you. She's just not a good person .

Dad- Gloria why would you wait to tell me this now? What has your mother done to you?

Gloria- Dad it's in the past and I've gone to therapy for it , the point is you need to move on . She's not good for you , she's going to come crawling back to you because again she ruined her marriage and can't take accountability for anything.

Dad-I know you're right and I didn't plan on taking her back. I've actually been kind of nervous to tell you this, but I've met someone recently.

Gloria- Dad why would you be nervous , that's amazing!!

Dad-Because you're my daughter and you're important to me so your opinion about her matters .

Gloria- Dad I'm the kid , you don't have to have my permission to date .

Dad- Don't be a wise ass you know what I mean . All right I love you but I gotta go. We're about to have a meeting now. Remember you like this Blake kid go for it.

Gloria- Love you bye

~End of phone call~

" OK you can come out from behind the door now Johnny." I called , he appeared sheepishly

" Why didn't you just come in the room and listen to the phone calls with hiding behind the door?" I asked .

"I was giving you privacy." He said , I rolled my eyes .

" Yes you were giving me so much privacy that you had your ear pressed up against the door and we're listening the whole time , make it makes sense." I asked .

" Oh shush, I can send you to bed without dinner." He said .

" You'd never." I said dramatically.

" I just might if you keep testing me Missy." He joked.

" Speaking of dinner do you want Chinese food tonight ? " I asked .

" Sure ." He laughed as we left my bedroom .

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