I'm into you (Naegiri)

By katherine-isabel

74.5K 1.6K 4K

Kyouko Kirigiri and Makoto Naegi are best friends and they've always just been Best Friends. After Kyouko's l... More

Author's Note
1: A New Chapter
2: Date with Mukuro
3: What Am I Even Doing?
4: Driving To School
5: Health Project
Little Bitty A/N :)
6: The Break Up
7: W-what?
8: Telling?
9: The X-Files Bonding Session
10: School
11: Lunch With The Naegi's
12: Christmas
14: The Announcement
15: Present Day/Final Chapter?
Hey People!!

13: Packing

3.3K 70 106
By katherine-isabel

~ Kyouko's P.O.V ~

Makoto and I graduated from Hopes Peak Academy two and a half weeks ago and we're planning on moving in together as soon as possible.

Makoto looked at an two bedroom apartment last week and he hasn't gotten a call back. Hopefully the landlord calls Makoto back because he liked the apartment and I liked the pictures he text messaged me.

Dad doesn't terribly like that were moving in together because he thinks I'll get knocked up at 18. I don't plan on it and I tell him but he never believes me.

Makoto's parents don't mind that much  that were moving in together but they also hope that I don't get pregnant like Dad, obviously. Makoto and I are only eightee and it's not like we want kids right now or soon anyways.

I don't know about Makoto but I would like to have at least two kids. Possibly a boy and a girl. Makoto has never had an open conversation about kids with me in the whole time we've been dating but we talked about it a few times when we were kids and when we were in middle school, I think.

I even talked about having kids with Byakuya when we were dating and Makoto and I still haven't broke the surface on that topic.

Hell, we haven't had sex or done anything like that since we started dating. That isn't a major issue but Byakuya and I did shit like that six months into our relationship. Never to the point of sex but pretty damn close to it.

Why in the world am I thinking of Byakuya and I's relationship? Well, I'm not going to anymore because I have Makoto and he's a way better man and person then Byakuya could or ever be in his entire rich and spoiled life.

My phone chimes, drawing me out of my thoughts. I scramble to see what the notification was from and see that Makoto had texted me.

From: 💞 Makoto 💞

We got the apartment babe!! We can move in whenever we want to, starting tomorrow!! I love you.

Sent: 11:35 am

Finally Makoto and I can move in together and we can live our lives together! I love him so freaking much.

To: 💞 Makoto 💞

Awesome!! I'll start packing up my stuff!!

Sent: 11:37 am

I turn my phone off and drop it back onto my bed, ready to pack up my bedroom.

I grab the bunch of boxes from the corner of my room that I've been saving for months and start to pack up my room.

I pull the first picture of Makoto, Chihiro, Mondo, Kiyotaka, Toko, and I from Christmas from my mirror. We all look so happy, we were all happy.

Now Chihiro, Mondo, and Kiyotaka are living together in an apartment in town and Toko is god knows where. Everyone lost communication with her after Graduation, as if she just fell off the face of the earth.

I smile down at the picture and put it in the scrapbook that's been waiting to be used for years on my desk.

The next picture is of Makoto, Dad, and I from Graduation. Makoto and Dad both wore the standard black suit and I wore an ankle length lavender dress, a black elbow-length pull-over, and two-inch black heels to match.

The pictures after that are random ones with Makoto, Mondo, Kiyotaka, Chihiro, and Toko.

Once I'm done taking pictures off of my mirror I start to go through my clothes and they fill a box and a half, my shoes filling the other half of the second clothes box.

My bedding and pillows take up two and a half boxes. Everything else in my room fills up the last few boxes and I'm done packing up my room when Dad gets home for dinner.

He was out with Madoka all day at the beach or something for their year and a half anniversary or something else like that. She still hasn't been over for dinner more then six times.

Maybe Dad thinks I'll scare her away with my teenage weirdness or whatnot, even though she works at Hopes Peak and deals with not average kids basically every day.

I walk downstairs when I hear that Dada home and he's surprised to see me. He probably thought that I was hanging out with Makoto or someone else today.

"Hey, kiddo" He says and gives me a quick hug.

"Hey, Dad. Guess what?" I said, exited to tell Dad that Makoto got the apartment.

"Please god don't be pregnant" Dad says, half joking half seriously.

"Makoto and I got that apartment!" I basically squealed.

"Awesome, when are you guys planning on moving in?" Dad asks, sounding kinda sad because after I move out he'll be completely alone.

Unless Madoka moves in or he moves in with Madoka.

"By the end of the week but we San start moving stuff in tomorrow" I say.

"Cool, just..be careful" Dad says for the millionth time this week.

"I know I know. No unprotected sex" I say, completely casual.

"So you two are already having sex?" Dad asks, a panicked look in his eyes.

"No, Dad. We aren't that stupid" I reply, truthfully.

"Thank the lord baby Jesus" Dad sighs, obviously relieved that his only daughter isn't having sex.

I don't see why it would be any of his business if I am or not since I'm a legal adult and of legal consent age.

"Okay, now that we have that out of the way what are we having for dinner?" I ask.

"Pizza?" Dad asks.

"Sure, you know what I like" I said.

Dad nods before he whips out his phone and dials the best pizza place that's close by.

I leave the room and return to my bedroom, checking my phone once I reach my bed.

Makoto texted me twice while I was packing and talking to Dad.

From: 💞 Makoto 💞

Mom's wondering if you want to come over for dinner tonight? We're having meatball subs.

Sent: 2:37 pm

From: 💞 Makoto 💞

If you didn't want to come that's fine but you could've at least texted me after at least an hour

Sent: 5:45 pm

I groan and quickly type out a reply to both of Makoto's texts.

To: 💞 Makoto 💞

I'm sorry for not texting back sooner but I was busy packing my shit and talking to my Dad. I'm sorry but I can't come tonight.

Sent: 6:38 pm

I so hope that Makoto isn't seriously pissed off because I didn't text him right away, I did tell him that I was packing up my room so he should've known that I wouldn't check my phone for at least a few frigging hours.

The joys of dating.

Hey people!! A kinda well timed update!!

I hope you have all liked this filler type chapter and I swear that the end is nigh for this fan fiction, in less then ten chapters. I swear, unless you all want me to keep this going.

Don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Follow me for more kinda good shit like this that people of Wattpad seem to fucking like.

I'm Sorry If Any Characters Seem Out Of Character, I haven't watched DR for a long ass time so that's the reason why.

Thank you all for reading, voting, and commenting and I will see you in the next bloody chapter, my AmazeBalls!!

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