He's a Senior and I'm the Fre...

By writergurl95

570K 8.8K 1.2K


He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 1
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 2
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 3
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 4
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 5
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 6
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 7
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 7
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 9
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 10
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 11
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 12
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 13
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 14
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 15
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 16
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 17
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 18
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 19
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 20
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 21
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 22
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 23
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 24
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 25
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 26
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 27
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 28
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 29
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 30
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 31
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 32
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 34
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 35
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 36
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 37
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 38
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 39
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 40
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 41
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 42
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 43
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 44
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 45 (Epilogue)

He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 33

10.6K 190 20
By writergurl95

I snuggled closer to Tyler as I slowly began to wake up.

His arm was around my waist holding me closer to him. I felt so safe lying next to him.

I felt a smile come across my face as I moved closer to him. Tyler stirred a bit next to me. I rolled over and rested my head on his chest.

“Morning,” he said hugging me.

“Morning,” I said hugging him back.

He rested his chin on my head for a moment, before he pulling me on top of him. I smiled at him as he looked into my eyes.

I’ve never seen this part of Tyler before; the loving and caring side. I always assumed that he cared about himself and his best interest, but after yesterday and right now, there’s a lot more to him that meets the eye.

I leaned down to kiss him and he smiled as he raised his head to meet me in the middle. Our lips met and they moved together slowly. Tyler’s grip on me got tighter as we kissed.

I smiled and pulled away. “Chelsea will be here any moment”.


I smiled. “I should get dressed and clean the kitchen”.

“What’s the rush?” he asked pulling down my bra strap.

I smiled. “I’m hungry”.

“Fine, fine, ruin our moment”.

I’m sure there will be more, I thought as we got out of bed.

I grabbed a fresh pair of clothes and underwear and headed to the bathroom. I turned on the water and waited for it to heat up.

I sighed and looked in the mirror. Was I falling for Tyler? It wouldn’t surprise me, we were friends once, until he got cocky and obnoxious.

I shrugged and striped and stepped into the shower.

I let the warm water warm me up before I started to wash myself. I spent a good twenty minutes in the shower before I got out and dressed.

I headed down stairs and into a clean kitchen.

“Tyler?” I called as I looked around.

“In here, babe” he called.

My stomach filled with butterflies when he called me babe.

God, Ryan! Pull yourself together.

I walked into the dinning room and saw Tyler sitting at the head of the table eating. There was a plate next to him.

“Care to join me?” he said with a mouthful.

I chuckled and sat next to him. “Thanks,” I said watching him stuff his face.

He smiled but didn’t look at me. I shook my head and started to eat.

I didn’t realize how hungry I was until I started to eat.

Moments later we were full and I helped Tyler wash the dirty dishes.

“So, do you want to go out again sometime?” he asked rubbing the back of his neck.

“Is Tyler Stone nervous?” I asked.

“No!” he said quickly.

I laughed. “Sure you’re not”.

Tyler picked me up and threw me over his shoulder and spun me around. I screamed and laughed at the same time.

“Put me down!” I said hitting him.

“What was that? I’m sorry I can’t hear you over all this sexy!” he said spinning me around some more.

“I think you mean cockiness”. I said giggling.

“What? You want my cock?” he stopped spinning me and lifted me off his shoulder and into his arms, bridal style.

“I never said I wanted anything of yours,”

“Ouch, that hurt, babe,”

There was that word again, giving me butterflies.

I rolled my eyes. “You’ll live”.

“Not really, because my life, would suck, without you!” he sang loudly and off key which had me in a fit of laughter.

“Never sing again”.

“Hey now, I think I’m pretty good”.

“Whatever just put me down”.

“Magic word?” he sang.


“There we go!” he said putting me down.

“Thank you,” I said as he hugged my waist.

Tyler kissed me and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

“Oh hell no! I leave and what do I come back to? My best friend and my sister hooking up!” Chelsea stormed over to us.

“Way to ruin a moment,” Tyler said holding me closer to him.

“What the hell is this? Break it up, you two,” she said standing between us.

“Will you chill out,” I said. “I can kiss whoever I want whenever I want. And to answer your question Tyler, I would love to go out again,” and with that I walked out of the kitchen leaving Chelsea dumbfound. 

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