
By EternallyBlue02

2K 237 83

"Can I trust you?" Secrets are made to be hidden but others are not that good in hiding them. 'Miyamoto Nan... More

Secret #1
Secret #2
Secret #3
Secret #4
Secret #5
Secret #6
Secret #8
Secret #9
Secret #10
Secret #11
Secret #12
Secret #13
Secret #14
Secret #15
Secret #16
Secret #17
Secret #18
Secret #19
Secret #20
Secret #21
Secret #22
Last Secret
Special Secret
Thank you!!!!
Thanks a lot!
Ten Facts About Secret
News Flash!!

Secret #7

47 6 2
By EternallyBlue02

Michiru's POV

"Whatever you say." I said and he dragged me to a...what do you call this, a stall that sells apple candies? It is!

"Want one?" He asked me as he pointed at a candy apple.

"I want one!" I exclaimed and he chuckled.

"Okay, one apple candy, mister." He said to the guy and he handed him one.

"Here." He said and handed the candy to me.

"Thank you." I said and got the candy. I went to a stall that sells takoyaki. I bought some for Ikkun since he gave me a candy apple.

"Thanks, but you don't really have to." He said as he took the takoyaki.

"Its okay." I said and smiled at him, he smiled back. We sat on a bench and ate.

"You want some?" He asked while offering a takoyaki.

"No, thank you." I said and bit my candy apple. So sweet! >0<

If you dont get it, I’m talking about the apple candy not anything that you might be thinking about. Just in case you know...

"Hey Micchan, if I were to like you, will you accept my feelings?" He asked while looking at the starry sky. His voice was shaking as he said that.

"That's a weird question, maybe yes? Maybe no? I don,t know." I don't really know if that's a proper answer. Of course its not, duh.

"Will you ignore me if you didn't?" He asked again. Just why is he asking these things? Is he serious about this?

"I don't know why are you asking this, but I wont, since we can still be friends. And we have a contract." I said and smiled at him but he frowned instead.

"So friend zoned huh? Is it all because of the contract?" He said and looked down.

....friend zoned? What is that supposed to mean? Sorry, cause Im a bit slow about these kind of stuffs.

"Just why are you asking this?" I asked him while trying to look at his eyes but he just simply avoided it.

"I don't know, I just felt like asking something and that came out of my mouth." He said and looked the sky again. Just why is he not facing me?

"Really, huh....that’s weird." I mumbled and looked down on my feet. I noticed that he is looking somewhere far.

"I'm gonna show you something!" He said and he dragged me into tye middle of nowhere. Just kidding, he dragged me towards the place with a lot of people. Just why did he became suddenly so energetic? This guy really is not a human.

"Why here? We might lost each other!" I shouted for him to hear me but it seemed like he didn't hear me. I can feel his grip is beggining to loose.

"Ikkun?" I asked but then I noticed that his hand is no longer holding mine's. Where is he? That idiot, dragging me to a crowd....

"Ikkun!" I shouted as I ran out of the crowd. Sorry for saying that our adventure in this festival is going to be epic, cause this isn't going to be at all fun.

Ikumi's POV

"Dang, I lost her." whispered to myself as I looked around to see if she's anywhere near. That cute little kid got lost.

"Micchan!" I shouted her name as soon as I saw a figure and grabbed her shoulder. The person turned her head to face me but she's not her.

"Sorry, wrong person." I said and continued searching for Michiru. Just where in the world is she?

I just wanted to bring her to a place where we can see the fireworks clearly but now that I lost her, how can I show her that? I am now frantically running around the whole place but she is nowhere to be found. Just where in the world is she?

I am beggining to feel exhausted when I suddenly remembered the most effective and easiest way to find her.

Michiru's POV

"Just where did you go Ikkun?" I mumbled as I kept wondering this big place.

I am running really realy really slow.Its hard to move in a yukata you know? Even I am annoyed. And the most annoying part is I don't know where am I right now. My phone suddenly beeped. Just who is calling? I got my phone and saw who is calling, Ikumi. Why I never thought of this? Am I really that stupid?!

"Ikkun?"  I asked as soon as I answered the call.

"Micchan, where are you?"  He asked, I can feel that he's a bit nervous. Well if you were to lost someone in a big crowd you would be really nervous.

"I honestly don't know."  I said while taking a few steps back to get a better view of the surrounding. Lol, I really am lost.

"Eh? Now that's hard... Just how will I be able to find you?"  He said while laughing. I took a few more steps back and I had bumped my back on something. I turned around to see that it is a person.

"I'm sorry!" I said and bowed down.

"Micchan?" Ikkun called my name. So he's the one I bumped, oh.

"Yes?" I asked while tilting my head.

"I've been searching this whole place, you know? Didn't you know I'm worried?" He scolded me and I just hugged him.

"I know. I also got worried, you know?" I said and looked at his face.

"Look Micchan, the fireworks had started." He said and pointed at the sky, I broke the hug and saw the fireworks, its like the most beautiful thing I ever saw just forget about the loud noises and its perfect!

"Its beautiful!" I exclaimed. Honestly, this is my first time seeing fireworks.

"It is, but you are more beautiful." He said and smiled at me.

"What?" I asked. I cannot understand most of it because of the loud noises.

"Nothing." He said and looked at the sky again.

"Eh? Really? Im sure I heard you say something!" I complained.

"Its really nothing! Trust me!" He said while raising both of his hands and I playfully punched him.

"Common, tell me!" I said and he just laughed.

"It is really just nothing. Believe me." He said while raising his both hands pretending to surrender.

"If you say so." I said and he patted my head, is this his hobby?

"Hey, Micchan." He called my name with a serious tone in his voice.

"Yes?" I asked him.

"I think I li-" Before he could finish his sentence, He noticed that I am already yawning.

"What?" I asked him again.

"Your being sleepy, common, I’ll walk you home." He said and dragged me.

"Eh? That’s what you want to say?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"No, but I will tell you once I feel like it." He said and winked at me.

"Once you felt like it, huh...." I mumbled softly.

I really dont know what the heck I did in this chapter. But please keep reading ^_^ just what’s wrong with me today.

Thank you for reading!



And if possible,



Again, thank you!


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