Freshman Friday

By kelleh_

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Here is a countdown of ten reasons why I hate my high school, especially my freshman year. 10. The school is... More

Freshman Friday (Intro)
Chapter 1- I've Just Made The Worst Enemy A Human Could Possibly Make
Chapter 2- Have You Ever Been To Niagara Falls?
Chapter 3- Pathetic Principal, I Love You...Tube
Chapter 5- How Did I End Up In The Shower With A Half Naked Guy?
Chapter 6- Life Already Stinks Without Skunks
Chapter 7- Believe Me, I Broke Into Your Room To Steal Your Cupcake Boxers
Chapter 8- I Hate Him But Just One Percent Less Now
Chapter 9- Apparently I'm An Underage Jailbait
Chapter 10- I Just Imagined You Scraping Chicken Off The Ground
Chapter 11- The Guilt Is Eating Me Alive

Chapter 4- Once Upon A Time, A Douchebag Had A Fine Booty

1K 40 14
By kelleh_

Chapter 4- Once Upon A Time, A Douchebag Had A Fine Booty

I hate life.

That's the first thing that comes to mind when I wake up from the sound of my beeping alarm. Hate is indeed a strong word, but then again, my negative thoughts on school is extremely and passionately strong. There's nothing worst than waking up on a Monday morning to go to school, especially when I'm expecting something out of the ordinary, in the negative way, to happen. 

I quickly get dressed, this time making sure that I don't grab my 'big jugs' shirt, and run downstairs to the kitchen, yanking the fridge open. I scan the food options and my mood, if possible, gets crappier than before. I'm not a picky person when it comes to food, but honestly, who wouldn't be melancholy seeing only a nonfat vanilla yogurt in the fridge?

I sigh and grab the yogurt, deciding to eat it in the limo on the way to school. Just then, the housekeeper, Lola, steps in the kitchen with a scowl on her face.

"That's all you're eating for breakfast? Breakfast is the most essential meal of the day! Let me cook you something," she offers with a disapproving look, but I shake my head. 

"It's okay. Nonfat vanilla yogurt is very appealing to my stomach," I lie with a small smile. "I might mistaken you for my mom if you always lecture me like this."

"If you say so, child. I'm just worried that one day you won't be able to take it anymore. You barely eat anything! Even when you do, all you eat is yogurt, chips, granola bars, etcetera. Those are not considered to be full course meals," she shakes her head and I could see pity- which I despise- in her eyes. "It's my duty to take care of you, since your parents are busy."

Lola has been my family's housekeeper ever since I popped out of my mother's hole. She is a very close friend of my mother, who I barely get to see anymore, because of business trips and such. My father is also often quite busy, so I am often alone in the house with Lola and only Lola. My sister goes to a university a few states away, but she does try to visit me every month or so.

"Maybe if I eat very unhealthily, end up with an extreme bad eating disorder, and go to the hospital, they'll take some time off of their tight schedules to see their dying daughter," I say half jokingly. Honestly, I gave up on thinking that my parents care about me even the slightest bit, a long time ago. I learned that the hard way- after spending long nights crying my eyes out in the past, I realized that work will always be the most important thing to my parents.

"That is not something to joke about, Carla Rose!" Lola shouts, aggravated.

"I'm joking! I'm a strong girl," I assure her with a tight smile. "Well, I'm going to be late if I stay here any longer. Bye! See you later," I say as I brush past Lola, who is still frowning, and walk out the door to where my chauffeur is patiently waiting for me. He gestures me towards the limo which I enter, and we drive away. 

After the absolutely boring car ride, I reach my death destination. Okay, this will be a simple, normal, high school day- one that involves no crazy pranks and frightening encounters with the sadist, Chase.

Who am I kidding? I have countless of problems that I'm not even sure if I can handle.

1. I have to get rid of Chase's blackmail photo of the principal, probably not today though. I have a plan, but I'm not ready to take action.

2. I have to be aware of Chase's prank which is definitely going to involve cockroaches.

3. Because of Chase, now everyone knows who I am. As of now, as I am walking into school, everyone is looking my way and whispering to each other.

Is it just me, or is there some sort of pattern going on? All my problems seem to involve Chase. In other words, it is his fault why my life has become a complicated, twisted maze. It's just inevitable now.


My head spins around and I see Jay waving and gesturing me towards him. He is standing on the steps of the school entrance, alone, probably waiting for Angie to arrive. I walk towards him and he greets  me with an extremely tight friendly bear hug, which leaves me panting.

"Hey infamous-girl-who-got-on-Chase's-bad-side-so-he-locked-you-up-in-the-roof, or in short, Carla," Jay says with a slight smirk. 

"Hey yourself," I respond and roll my eyes, jokingly. "Where's your other half?"

"She should be coming in three... two... one," he answers with a knowing smile. As if on cue, Angie comes running towards us, or more specifically, Jay, with two Starbucks peppermint mochas in her hands. I have realized that Angie is a dedicated hipster with her love for tumblr, Starbucks, and photography. Jay embraces her in a hug and pecks her on the lips.

"Jay! Did you wait long? I'm sorry!" Angie says, breathless, but still smiling widely, eyes set on her boyfriend.

"No, I just got here. Don't say sorry!" Jay says smiling back. He points to the drinks in her hands. "Are one of those for me?"

"Of course." She hands one of the peppermint mochas to him. "Extra sugar, low caffeine, and extra foam."

"I have the best and loveliest girlfriend in the world," Jay exclaims, taking a sip of the drink with twinkling eyes. 

Feeling extremely awkward and like a third wheel, I turn around and begin to walk away silently, doubting that they would even notice my disappearance. Just then, Angie spots me.

"Carla, the infamous-girl-who-got-on-Chase's-bad-side-so-he-locked-you-up-in-the-roof! Hey!" She calls out.

Why am I not surprised that even the things she says matches with Jay? They actually are perfect for each other.

"Hey Angie," I say with a smile as I slither back next to Jay, casually. 

"Are you okay? You were stuck on the roof for hours on Friday! Everyone is talking about it- you're the talk of the school." She looks at me worriedly. Ironically, as she says that, girls walking by point at me and whisper to each other. 

"I'm okay," I say, not wanting to really elaborate further. "Well, cya guys!"

Before both of the love birds could say bye, I turn around and run towards to the school, not looking back. Like the luckiest girl I am on Earth, right at that second, my face slams into someones chest. It doesn't feel like one of those hard chests that belongs to buff guys; it feels really soft.

"Watch where you're going!" An annoying, shrill voice screams, piercing through my ear drums. The owner of the terribly high pitched voice shoves me and I stumble back, still not fully aware of what just happened.

My eyes travel upwards only to meet a pair of icy cold, glaring eyes that look very familiar. I can be almost one hundred person sure that I have met this person- dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, slim body, annoying voice. 

"Stop staring at me," she says impatiently, rolling her eyes. "Carla Rose. Freshman. Short tempered. Daughter of Samantha and John Rose, owners of large fashion companies, even in Malaysia. Chase Stunner's new enemy. I've heard all about you."

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion- how the hell did this girl know so much about me? Who is she? Then, it hits me. The person in front of me in no other than the notorious Megan Paramelo. 

"Megan Paramelo. Senior. Rumored to have an extremely nasty personality- not said by me. Surprisingly, not a cliche cheerleader. However, I'm guessing you're the girl that wants Chase so that your dreams of being the 'golden couple' in high school becomes a reality?"

"I can see why Chase dislikes your mouth," she nods, approvingly. "However, the last part is so off. The last thing I would want is some garbage like Chase."

I stare, taken aback by her words. "You dislike him?"

"No. I hate him," Megan states firmly, sassily flipping her hair over her shoulders. "-and, I hate you."

"If you hate him, and I dislike him, then shouldn't we be on the same side?" I ask, raising an eyebrow, to emphasize my lack of understanding. What is she saying?

"How does that make us on the same side? He is my arch nemesis. I'm the one who's supposed to piss him off. I'm the one who's supposed to ruin his days. I'm the one who's he supposed to try to ruin, not you. Now that you've appeared, my role as the enemy of Chase is being vanishing into thin air," she sneered, placing a hand firmly on my shoulder.

"That's the most ridiculous thing I've heard in my entire life. You hate me because I'm supposedly stealing your enemy? You could have him as an enemy anytime. Hell, I'll gladly hand him over. It's not like I chose to be his enemy! I just want a normal damn high school life!" I shout, shrugging her hand off my shoulder. 

She firmly holds tight on my shoulder and hisses,"No. Listen. The reason why you're never going to live a normal damn high school life is because of your annoyingly annoying mouth. As long as you're here, you're a threat to me. Chase is my toy to fuck with, and not in the sexual way. Therefore, you better watch your back, or be a smart little girl and get out of my way. Disappear."

With that, she struts off leaving me in confusion, rage, and most of all, disbelief. What in the world just happened? This school is full of complete morons who have no common sense whatsoever. Wonderful. I have just made a new enemy- one that I have never done anything to. 

I blame Chase for all of this madness.

I make sure to be the first one to arrive to my geometry class today. You know, to make up for the tardiness the previous day. I take a seat in the back, next to the window; back window seats are always the best. The second person to arrive catches my attention. Liz enters the classroom with her earphones in her ears. I wave and stop halfway, when I notice that she isn't even glancing in my direction.

She takes a seat on the other side of the room, to stay far away from me, I'm assuming. She's seated in the back seat next to the wall. I take out my books, awkwardly waiting for all the other students to arrive.

"Elizabeth, I'd appreciate it if you don't have earphones on in class," Ms. Jordan states with one of those  "authority" voices. 

Speaking of Ms. Jordan, I can no longer picture her as the same person as before. An image of her kissing Principal H- what was his name?- flashes through my brain causing me to shudder.

Liz doesn't even glance up as she says, "It's Liz," before yanking her earphones off.

Elizabeth? I could see why she doesn't like being called Elizabeth- it doesn't fit her at all. I'm a bit awed hearing her voice. After all, it is the first time she has spoken in front of me. Her voice is deep and firm, but under the firmness,I could sense a hint of fragile sadness. It's like she's just going to crack anytime.

Adam casually strolls in the room and hesitates when he sees me and Liz, sitting on opposite sides of the room. I study his face and it doesn't take a genius to know that he's making a decision. He smiles at me, and to my disappointment, walks towards Liz and takes a seat next to her. 

I see her stiffen as he does so, but maybe it is just my imagination. My curiosity surfaces as I wonder how Adam and Liz know each other and what their relationship is exactly. I sound like a clingy girlfriend right now, but don't get me wrong, it's just curiosity, nothing else... I think.

The rest of the students enter the classroom and take their seats. Ms. Jordan starts her lesson and I drift off into my own little thoughts as I stare out the window. The sky looks so serene and it makes me wonder when my life is going to be like that.

"Carla Rose!"

I snap back to attention as my eyes meet Ms. Jordan's. She raises an eyebrow and points to a question on the board. "Solve the problem."

"Yes, ma'am," I murmur as I walk up to the board. I easily solve the problem, since math has always been my best subject, and walk up to Ms. Jordan.

I fake a pained expression and mumble, "Ms. Jordan, may I please use the bathroom?"

She asks, "Is this an emergency or can it wait?"

"It's an emergency," I lie as I clutch my stomach. "I have really bad... cramps."

Ms. Jordan shoots me a sympathetic look and writes me a bathroom pass. I mentally pump my fist in the air as she hands me the pass and tells me to be back quick. As I leave the classroom, I look at the back of the room and see Liz and Adam glaring at each other, as though they have just had a heated argument. 

It's none of my business anyways. I take my time strolling down the hallway to the girls bathroom. When it comes to view, I notice someone standing in front of it- someone I would rather not see at this particular moment or any moment in my life.

"This is the girls' bathroom," I stated pointedly, arms crossing my chest.

"Well, clearly," Chase responds, a small smirk forming on his lips. "There's a sign with a girl on the door, after all."

"Then why are you standing outside here?" I asked, glaring, well aware that he's trying to start something.

"Am I not allowed to?" He questions, with no expression whatsoever. I feel as though he's a bit bipolar; one minute he's smirking, the next minute he's raging, and then the next, he's all serious.

I despise it when people answer my questions with another question. The point of asking a question is to get an answer. Question. Answer. It's really simple, but some people are just ignorant. 

"Is there a sign outside of the bathroom that says 'only girls could could stand here'? The last time I checked, there is fucking no such thing," Chase presses further, with a mischievous glint in his perfect, grey eyes.

I respond with the 'oh-i-admit-defeat-so-leave-me-alone-thank-you' word, not wanting to argue anymore.


With that, I step pass him and enter the bathroom, greeted by a horrible stench that literally punches me in the face. What in the world took a dump in here? Notice how I said what, not who, because I can't even imagine a human capable of creating this odor.

I begin questioning which one is worse; seeing Chase's stupid face or having to smell this malodorous aroma. I come to conclusion that there it is merely impossible for something to be worse than seeing Chase's face, unless, seeing two of his faces that is.

Like what if he has a twin? That would be a living nightmare. 

Just then, I hear the door close behind me and a 'click' sound that follows it. My eyes go wide and my heart beats faster as I turn the knob ferociously and it doesn't budge. I am not overreacting here. If my guessing is correct, Chase has just locked me in the bathroom, and I don't even want to think about what he has in mind to do.

"Let me out!" I scream madly as I kick the innocent door. I wince as I stub my toe, but I continue to kick.

"Fat chance, freshman," Chase says with a snort. I bet my box of Twix chocolate bars that there is a smirk on his hideous (who am I kidding) face right this instant. 

My brain wanders off to Adam as I pray that he happens to walk by the girls bathroom at this moment. I need my savior.

I scream deafeningly and leap back as cockroaches crawl into the bathroom from the ledge of the door. I dash towards a bathroom stall and jump on top of a toilet, shaking and petrified. The amount of cockroaches is astounding; they just keep crawling in, nonstop.

The size of the cockroaches is horrifying; they're a bit bigger than a quarter. Flashbacks of waking up to cockroaches in my bed when I was younger, appear in my brain. Tears streak my face, and my screams turn into loud sobs and I see the disgusting bodies approaching the stall I'm currently in.

I forcefully calm myself down as I take deep breaths- inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Although my body is still trembling, my brain is more focused as I ponder a plan to get myself out of this detrimental situation. How can I get out?

My eyes light up as I reach an epiphany- the perfect idea.

Rapidly, I dash out of the stall and jump onto the platform where all the sinks are. It stretches very far, occupying four, golden sinks. I wonder if the gold is true to itself- if so, I should steal it and sell it on eBay. I chuckle to myself, as I imagine the hilarious situation.


Oh right. Back to the plan. 

I turn on the faucet of one of the sinks, slightly, and splash water on my face to make it seem more wet than it is. I have to make myself look believably miserable, and so, I run my fingers through my hair messily. Then, for the final step, I lay flat on the area where the sinks are, and wait patiently.

Thank god the damn cockroaches aren't crawling up here.

Time ticks away and I mind you, I am not exactly the most patient person ever. Just then, I hear a knock on the bathroom door.

"Dude? You still there?" Chase asks, with a hint of worry in his voice. A small smile forms on my face as  I ignore his question. Faking to have fainted will definitely make Chase come running in. After all, based from his prank last time, I could tell that he doesn't want his pranks to kill someone. He has a bit of humanity left in that heart of his.

He knocks on the door, and when he gets no response, he kicks the door open and sees me, not moving at all.

"Shit..." Chase mumbles as he walks over to me, footsteps crunching, probably because he's stepping on the cockroaches, I'm guessing. He brushes the wet hair out of my face and curses under his breath.

"Wake up," he mutters as he shakes me gently, treating me like a fragile doll. "The cockroaches aren't even real, dude. They're just little cockroach robots that can be controlled with a remote... Fuck. I didn't think you would be this scared."

Wow. I continue to keep my eyes closes, letting him to suffer from concern a little longer.. He deserves it.

"I should do CPR," Chase says aloud, as he cups my face and leans towards me until I feel his breath on my face.

Wait, what? My eyes shoot open and instead of seeing Chase in shock, I see him smirking.

"I was afraid that you'd never wake up from that fake faint of yours," he rolls his eyes and snorts with amusement. Is it even possible to "snort amusingly"? I'm not sure, but that's the best way to describe that snort of his. Even his snort annoys the hell out of me.

"How'd you know it was fake?" I asked, clearly frustrated that my plan did not go as well as I planned. Dammit!

He points to the corner of the bathroom and I notice a small device attached to it. He says with mocking delight, "It's connected to my phone. I saw everything."

I hate to admit it, but he's a better actor than me.

The smirk on his face grows wider as he adds, "Besides, your eye kept fucking twitching when you were supposed to be unconscious."

Words can't describe the amount of rage I am feeling at this moment. It feels like my blood vessels are going to rupture any second. I wish they would rupture and my blood would splatter on Chase's face. Maybe that would wipe that smirk off his face.

Failing to come up with a comeback, I sigh and settle with a simple, "I hate you."

"Wow. I was really expecting you to love me," Chase replies with a fake pained look on his face and his hands over his heart. "I thought we had something going on!"

"Aw, I'm so sorry for the disappointment," I say sympathetically, playing along even though I really wanted to deck him across the face like fifty times or more. 

He pouts, although it looks more like a lip spasm, and wipes "tears" from his eyes. The sight of this triggers a muscle in my eye causing it to roll 360 degrees. Chase stops pouting and looks at me with a serious face, which honestly frightens me more than his pissed-off face.

"What?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows. 

"Why the fuck are you still here? Shouldn't you be in class or something, Freshman?"

"None of your business," I reply with a frown, honestly confused why he would suddenly be concerned with where I should be at the moment. He's probably just implying that I should get out of his sight. "Shouldn't you be in class too?"

"I'm a senior. We don't give two fucks about our last year here," he answers with a 'duh' kind of face. "Well, you wouldn't know, since you're a Freshman. Cutting class Freshman year won't do you any good."

"I'm not cutting... I'm just getting some fresh air, but with you here, I don't even know if this can be considered fresh air," I say, rudely. 

"Why are you always so rude to people? I'm just giving you advice," he scowls.

"Me? Rude? Well, I'm sorry I'm not generous to people who lock me up in bathrooms with cockroaches." I muster up my deadliest glare. He has the audacity to call me rude. Of all people, he should not be the one saying that.

"Whatever. I decided I'm only gonna prank you on Fridays from now on," he says, running his fingers through his jet black hair. "I'm not letting you off the hook. I just don't want to waste so much time and effort everyday on a bitch like you. I rather do a big prank on Friday, then a small prank every weekday."

"Oh, wow. Am I supposed to thank you?" I question, shaking my head and crossing my arms. "Honestly, I don't know if I should be glad or not."

He shrugs, smirks, and turns around, but before he is able to walk away, I grab his arm and shout.


He swivels his head around casually and raises his eyebrows. 

"I know that you're threatening the principal with a ridiculously scandalous photo of him and Ms. Jordan," I state, staring at him right in the eye.   


I stare at him taken aback. That's all I get? Isn't he at least a little bit shock or worried that I know what a horrid thing he is doing?

"What do you mean 'so'? It's illegal to threaten people like that!" I shout, my voice gradually getting louder. He's acting so calm even though this is not an 'easy breezy' situation.

"I honestly don't see what I'm doing wrong here. They violated my eyes by sexing it up in the school office. The principal did something wrong, and I'm punishing him for it. Adults need to take responsibilities for their actions," Chase states steadily. 

"While I do agree that the... canoodling between him and Ms. Jordan is extremely disturbing, I still don't agree with your way of punishing him. Keep the students of this school out of it. It's not moral to play pranks on all of us, weekly," I say.

"What is your point? To drop all of it? I'm not going to because you said so, Freshman," Chase scoffs. 

"Can you not with the Freshman? I have a name!" I snap, clearly annoyed. Honestly, I shouldn't be classified as what grade I'm in. 

"Freshman fits you."

"Douchebag fits you."


"You owe me because Megan Paramelo hates me all because of you! Apparently, I'm stealing her enemy," I mumble, using hand quotes on the word "stealing".

"I can't do anything. She's a nutcrack," Chase says with a snort. For once in my life, I agree with words that come out of his mouth. 

"Now if you don't mind, I'm gonna stop wasting my time on a measly Freshman like you," he says and turns around, once again, to leave.

However, I snatch his arm again.

"What is it this time?" Chase asks, his face beginning to look pissed.

I look straight into him, eyes piercing into his eyes, and say, "Look. I'm going to get that photo. And that's that."

He seems unaffected by my words- all he does his smirk. "I'll look forward to it, Freshman."

"I could say the same," I mumble with an exerted smile. "Game on."

He turns around and walks away, allowing me to admire that fine booty of his. Something is clearly wrong with me- I'm probably still recovering from the cockroach incident. 

What I learned today? Douchebags can have nice buttocks. That is all.



Thanks for reading! I'm on winter break right now, so I'll have time to write more. I'm looking forward to that and also Christmas! Honestly, who doesn't love Christmas? Pretty lights, snow, hot chocolate, no school? -Screams of joy-

Anyways, here are some questions you guys could think about. Drop a comment below if you'd like!

1. Thoughts on Megan?

2. What's up with Adam and Liz?

3. Do you like the development of Chase and Carla's hateful relationship so far?

P.S. There is a high possibility that I'm going to write a short story- a Christmas special. Check that out if you'd like!

P.P.S. Happy holidays! Feel free to comment what you're doing over the break or for Christmas! :D

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