
By KyouyaOtori

124 9 8

A Hikaru x Reader Fluff Fanfiction More

Hi, I'm Stronger Than Honey

Damned Twins! They're Too Cute!

35 3 2
By KyouyaOtori

"Can I borrow some clothes? And deodorant? My shirt is wet and I reek of B.O.," I mumbled under my breath, just loud enough that only she could hear me.
"Sure, come with me," she grasped my arm and dragged me to her room. Haruhi got a dress out of her closet, tossed it at me, then shoved me into the bathroom, "Go change."
I took off my shirt and threw the dress on over my head, then realizing something that I hadn't before.
"Haruhi!?" I shouted.
"Yeah?" She came walking around the corner of the door, which was slightly ajar, and her mouth gaped.
"Is this your mother's?"
"Yeah, and it looks good on you. You wanna keep it?" She asked me while my face went from questioning to shocked.

"Haruhi! Why? It's your mother's," I forced.
"Well, I'm not a huge fan of dresses, plus I know you'll wear it and rock it! It looks better on you than it ever would me anyways," she smiled as tears rose to my ocean blue eyes. It was silent for a moment and I began to feel uncomfortable.
I broke the silence, "So, where's my deodorant I asked for?"
"In the cabinet... Which just so happens to be the only cabinet in my room," she face-palmed as anime 'irk' marks started to circle above her head.
"Oh, sorry. Thanks Fujioka!" I opened the cupboard and grabbed the deodorant, put it on, then put it back in the cabinet with the cover in the edge of the sink.
"Let's get goin' before Hikaru and Kaoru start to whine," she picked up the cover, opened the cabinet, put out back on, and slammed the cabinet shut. Haruhi took my hand and dragged me to the dining room.
"Yay! It's times to go to the commoner's supermarket! We get to go to a popular commoner's place with Kayano and Haruhi!" They said in their unison singsong voice.
"' Commoner's supermarket '? And what bloody hell is that supposed to mean?!" You started to get aggravated with them before you even took a single step out the door.
"They're not trying to offend us, so don't worry about it Kayano," Haruhi leaned over and explained reassuringly.
"Let's go already!" Hikaru pouted like a little kid with his lip out slightly.
"I wanna get to know Kayano!" Kaoru had a stupid and childish little grin on his face.
"Same! Haruhi tells me about you guys all the time, so I wanna know the guys so close to her that make her happy," I replied. Everyone stared at me. I grabbed Haruhi and rushed out of the doorway.
"Hey! Wait for us!" Hikaru shouted and raced out the door with Kaoru after us. I released my grip on Haruhi's wrist as we both ran down the stairs. Well, her running, me sliding down the railing with my my dress flying up to show my booty shorts. I had one hand on the railing and one on the dress to hold it down, oh yeah baby, I was Betty-Booin' it like a boss! Haruhi lost her footing and started slide down on her ass. I reached the bottom before her and tried to catch her, but it didn't work out and she landed on me.
"Haruhi!" Kaoru shouted.
"Kayano! You okay?" Hikaru started to freak out as a faint pink brushes over his cheeks. Haruhi coughed then turned over slightly to look at me.
"That really hurt, how about you Kayano?" She plastered on a weak yet cute smile.
"I'm fine, but can you get off of me please? You're slightly heavier than you look," I joked as Haruhi punched me in the shoulder playfully.
"Are you guys alright? Do you need help?" Kaoru got to us just as we started to get up.
"Nah, we're fine," I looked up at them as I felt something warm run from my forehead, across my eyelid, and down my cheek. The horror painted upon the twins faces made me curious enough to bring my hand to it. When I pulled my hand away I could smell iron, a hard object, and see the red begin to stain my fingertips. I pulled out the object and that's when I realized my glasses had shattered and a piece went into my forehead. 'Shit! Mom's gonna kill me if she finds out! And so will dad! Whatever' I thought to myself as I spat in my hand and rubbed what was on my face. The bleeding stopped after a second so I got back up and brushed myself off. I threw my glasses , frame and all, into the trash and looked at Haruhi. 'I'm not gonna be able to get another free pair until next year, shit!' I shouted in my head, 'in the mean time I'm about as blind as a bat with two eye patches'.
"Wanna piggyback ride Fujioka? Your leg mustn't be doin' too well," I leaned down in front of her so she could get on my back.
"Sure. Hikaru, can you help me?" Kaoru lifted her and started to place her on my shoulders.
"Um, Kaoru? Haruhi asked Hikaru, not you," I said while she got settled.
"How did you know I wasn't Hikaru?" Kaoru stared at me, semi-shocked and semi-impressed.
"I have an identical twin of my own, but even if I didn't I would still be able to tell you guys apart. You two aren't exactly the same you know, you completely different people. I know the pain of being called Kisami and it really burns, but people only so it because they're blind and don't know any better," I stopped for a moment, "but if you want people to tell you apart stop try into act so symmetrically! Do something the other half may not be a fan of, that's what me and Kisami do to try and show individuality but people still mix us up!" Tears of raged started to form in my eyes. It hurts being called by my twins name. It hurts when someone asks you out but uses the other's name. Really though, what especially stings, is being your twin being called by your name and her yelling at you for it. Whenever Kisami screams at me, saying stuff like:
"If you were never born I would be so much more popular" or "I wish I was born an only child! Whether or not Kayano's my twin sister I still hate her guts!"
"It hurts Kaoru, that's how I knew," I wiped my eyes as a tear started to travel down my cheek. Haruhi hugged me as the twins stepped closer to try to hug me as well. I shot them a death glare and they changed they're minds quickly.

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