House of Anubis: Wadjet's War...

By KurtDestin

732 40 19

Completed? [✖️] #77 under House of Anubis (Since 8/14/16) #1 under House of Anubis: Wadjet's Warning (Since 8... More

I. House of a New Beginning
II. House of Worry/House of Warnings
III. House of the First Mystery
IV: House of the Ring
V. House of the Book
VII. House of Sides
VIII. House of Mara
IX. House of Sibuna/House of Joy
X. House of Sands
XI. House of War: Part 1
XII. House of War: Part 2

VI. House of the New Osirian

35 3 0
By KurtDestin

House of Anubis: Wadjet's Warning
By KurtDestin

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VI. House of the New Osirian

Nina hurried to Eddie's side. He was unconscious, but he kept breathing.

"Eddie! Wake up, Eddie!"

His breathing suddenly stopped.

"Eddie . . ." Nina gasped.

She felt for a pulse, but he didn't have one. Before she panicked, her locket began glowing. She took it off and pushed it against his chest. A red glow went through his body and he inhaled deeply. He was awake.

"Nina!" Eddie hugged her.

A tear fell down Nina's face and she held him tightly.

"I thought I'd lost you." Nina whispered.

They began to break away, but it ended in a kiss. A few seconds after realizing what was happening, they broke it off and stood up.

"That was—" Eddie began.

"A huge mistake."

"I couldn't agree more!"

"Oh my god! Amber!" Nina gasped "She's gone."

"Where did she go?" Eddie asked standing up.

"That man in gold struck her like he did me, except she vanished. We have to go back up."

"What about Amber?"

"We can't help her without the Osirian. And honestly, it could be any of us. It's not either of us, or Amber. That narrows it down to Patricia, Jerome, Joy, Alfie, KT, or Mick. "

"Let's just hope that it's not too late for Amber . . ." Eddie sighed and headed towards the exit.

Nina unlocked the way and as she began to crawl out, she heard snoring. She glanced to notice that she was in Jerome's room. Nina crawled back down, shutting the hatch, and turned back towards Eddie.

"We need to do more research. And the only place with accurate answers is here."

"What about sleep? That's sort of necessary."

"If you want to go up into Jerome's room, go ahead. Like I said, let's get to work." Nina sighed and pulled out her locket.

~ § § § § § ~

It was the next day and Mick walked downstairs. Joy sat on the couch humming a song in a foreign language.

"What are you singing?" Mick asked sitting beside her "Also, why are you awake? It's like 5:30 in the morning! The sun is barely showing."

"When I was a little girl, I spent the summer at my grandparents house. I'd look forward to it every year. They actually lived in America. They had a farm in the state of Alabama. I'd get to pick strawberries, play in the cotton fields, swim in the creek, everything an average farm girl would do. I stopped going when I was six years old. They died in a car accident. But before my grandmother died, she'd always sing this song to me. She said it would untangle me from all my worries."

"Can you sing it for me?"

"I suppose, but I'll warn you, I can't sing."

"Try me." Mick smirked.

"Wadjet ، يا Wadjet
حمايتي من الآلهة
و خططهم سيدمرك
أوزوريس ، الرجاء تشغيل
لا يمكنك حفظ لنا من
لدينا آلهة أو خطايانا
بدون حزام حماية
الذي اختبأ أوزوريس

أوزوريس وأوزوريس
أوه ، ماذا فعلتم
لأنك قد هرب
يتم الآن حياة Wadjet ل
حتى يعود
حلقة حماية Wadjet ل
والذي سيوفر لنا جميعا
".من الملك الشرير الحقيقي

"Woah! I didn't know you could speak . . . Whatever language that was! I'm impressed, Joy."

"Thanks." Joy smiled and started singing once again.

~ § § § § § ~

Eddie sat on the floor while Nina read the book.

"I found him! I know who took Amber! His name is Horick. He is said to be Wadjet's  most-trusted guard. According to this, he is guarding the . . ."

"The what?"

"The Fountain of Youth. There's not much of importance after that." Nina sighed.

"The Fountain of Youth? I thought that was just a silly myth."

"Egyptian Mythology was suppose to be a myth too, but we know that's not true."

"So if we beat the Game of the Gods, we will gain access to the legendary Fountain of Youth?" Eddie questioned.

"If it's as clear as it sounds, yes. If we can beat the gods at their own game, we can control the Fountain of Youth."

"That's insane . . . Who on earth would want to live forever?"

"Don't forget that Victor and Rufus fought for eternal life for almost a century! Who knows who else would want to harness that kind of power . . ." Nina sighed, recalling the trauma the name 'Rufus' once brought her.

"Perhaps someone who isn't technically on the earth anymore?"

"Possibly, but we can talk about this later. For now, let's focus on getting out of here. I'm exhausted."

"Me too." Eddie sighed.

They went to the secret door and Nina climbed up the small stone ladder. She opened the door to notice the closet door was barely cracked open. Nina backed against the wall and once Eddie was in the closet as well, the door shut.

"Jerome, I can't thank you enough." Alfie smiled.

"Look, Alfie, you don't have to keep thanking me. It's starting to get annoying."

"How about you, Amber, Joy, and I all go on a double date? After all, Alfie's got himself a date!"

"Only if you'll stop bugging me about this Amber stuff."

"Deal." Alfie smiled and left Jerome's room.

Jerome followed minutes later and the two came out of Jerome's closet.

"I was a little nervous there." Eddie sighed.

"I guess we're both a little out of it." Nina grinned "Sibuna is pretty—"

Nina froze as the door handle to Jerome's door twisted and began to open.

~ § § § § § ~

KT sat with Patricia in the living room eating chips and talking about random things.

"So you're saying that you'd kiss Alfie, marry Mick, cheat with Eddie, and kill Jerome?" KT laughed.

"Yep. What about you?"

"I'd kiss Jerome, marry Eddie, cheat with Mick, and kill Alfie."

"That was a fun round of Kiss, Marry, Cheat, and Kill!" Patricia smiled.

"I'm just glad that we finally got to chat. It's like I've only spent any time with Mick. You're the only one I've reconnected with recently."

"I've got Joy and Eddie, but that's it. Jerome, Alfie, and Mick seem to be a pair also. And you can't forget about Amber and Nina."

"You're right. Well, all we can do is try."

"Yep. Now let's get another bag of chips and we can play another game!" Patricia smiled and went into the kitchen.

~ § § § § § ~

The door opened revealing Joy. She gasped and immediately saw the ring.

"Nina! Eddie!"

"Hi, Joy." Eddie said nervously.

"Is that my ring?" Joy crossed her arms.

"Yeah. You gave it to us last night. You were really drowsy though."

"Did I?"

"Yes. Amber let me take over due to one of her . . . Family members falling ill. Her father went into cardiac arrest earlier and she went to go check on him. You won, though. Your prize is in my room."

"It's fine. I'll just take my ring back." Joy said snatching the ring from Nina's hand.

She left the room and Nina grew sad. She knew that getting the ring back would be much harder then before.

~ § § § § § ~

It had been a few hours since Joy caught Nina and Eddie in Jerome's room. She made her way through the mob in between her and Patricia made up of Alfie, Jerome, Mick, Nina, KT, and Eddie. She slipped through them all and pulled Patricia into her room.

"What was that for, Joy? I was talking to my—"

"I got my ring back!"

"You did?"

"Yeah! It's right—"

Joy reached into her pocket, but there wasn't a ring inside.

"Oh my god . . ." Joy gasped.


"The ring. It's gone!"

"Okay, okay, we'll find it again. Who all did you pass before you came here?"

"Everyone in the house."

"This is going to be interesting." Patricia bit her lip and began discussing further options with Joy.

~ § § § § § ~

KT invited Joy, Alfie, Jerome, and Patricia into her room for a brief discussion.

"Hello, everyone." KT smiled "Welcome to our first gathering."

"What?" Patricia asked.

"Yeah, why are we here?" Jerome asked.

"We are here because I wanted to ask if we can tell Nina the truth about Fabian, Mara, and Willow."

"No!" Alfie barked "Nina will hate us if she knows we were keeping something this big from her! She can't find out. Ever."

"Alfie's right, KT. We can't have Nina finding out. It'll cause too much chaos."

"Hey guys, I need to step out." Patricia blushed and left the room.

"So we aren't telling Nina?" KT sighed.

"Never." Alfie nodded.

The group talked a little while more and went to bed.

~ § § § § § ~

The hatch to the closet opened and ________ crawled inside. The torches lit up the room and ___ stepped forward. After slightly acknowledging the book, _______ stepped to the alter.

"This is crazy . . ." _______ muttered.

The ring was inserted into it's slot and _______'s hand followed. It glowed bright blue and ___ stepped back.

The man in gold appeared and he smiled "Welcome, Osirian! You have completed the first task in the Game of the Gods. If you pass the next test, you shall receive back a life. Choose wisely."

~ § § § § § ~

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Authors Note:
Hey guys! I wrote on my wall about this and I'm going to inform you on here as well! The releasing of this book will reflect similarities of a TV show. I will update the first 12 chapters and then take a break (like how TV shows take mid-season brakes) and then add another bunch of chapters. Just thought I'd make that clear. Now onto the Chapter Questions:
1. Once again, where is Amber?
2. Can you believe Eddie and Nina kissed? Do you think it meant anything?
3. What song was Joy singing to Mick?
4. Why did Nina and Eddie end up in Jerome's room when they evicted the tunnels?
5. Can you believe Joy caught Nina and Eddie with Wadjet's ring?
6. Who stole Wadjet's ring from Joy?
7. Do you think Nina's good g to learn about what happened to Mara, Willow, and Fabian soon?
8. Who is the New Osirian?
Comment your answers below!

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