Games // Sidemen

By dixonhemmo

1.8K 11 6

"It's just a game to you." I said quickly, lowering my head. "If you think that there is definitely somethin... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12

Part 9

112 1 0
By dixonhemmo

"Emily, come here a minute," I heard Josh say, his head popped out of his room door as I walked down the light yet colourful corridor, "I need to talk to you about something," my breathing hitched in my throat. Is this something about me and Simon? Has he found out what happened? I rolled my eyes and proceeded into Josh's room. I looked around and noticed Freya isn't in here. There room is very similar to mine and Simons, except the balcony seems to be a lot smaller and out of their window you can see the carpark, whereas out of ours is the pool area.

"Where's Freya?" I asked. Nearly Everyone else is still down at the pool, after I had dried off from JJ chucking me in multiple times, I realised I didn't have my earphones or the book I was planning on reading.

"She's gone down to the pool with Ethan and that, I said I'll go down in a minute. I thought you were there?"

"I came up to get my earphones," I spoke, taking a seat next to Josh on his bed.

"I've been thinking," Josh began. "Obviously I have already spoke to Freya's parents but I wanted to run my plan around you first seen as you're the closest family," is he saying what I think he is? "I want to ask Freya to marry me. Her parents have given me consent and I've thought of a plan to ask her, I want to run it by you because I want it to be perfect,"

"Oh my god Josh!" I squirmed, putting my hands over my mouth. "This is going to be so perfect no matter what it is," I gave him a hug. Josh's face beamed with a big smile.

"We're going out for a meal one night that were here. Just me and Freya. And it's this really nice restaurant on the sea front. The tables are outside and they are surrounded by really nice fairy lights and silky white curtains and things like that. I was thinking that that would be the perfect place for me to ask her. I've even got a speech set out if you want to read it?"

"Literally Josh this is going to be so so perfect. She will love it!" Josh handed me and piece of paper, I opened it out before reading it.

"Freya, I honestly can't imagine my life without you. That last 4 years have been the best years of my life and I wouldn't change them for the world. I've been thinking of ways to tell you this for months, I wanted to make this perfect so it's a day we won't forget. As soon as I found it we were going on holiday I knew that it would make my plans so much easier. Basically, what I've been trying to say is, I can't imagine my life without you and I don't want to imagine my life without you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you Freya. So what I'm trying to say is, will you marry me?"

"Please record this!" I groaned. "I'm begging you. This is so so perfect man! Does anyone else know?"

"I'm going to tell and few of the lads and you can too, just don't let Freya know obviously," Josh said folding the price of paper back up and putting it in his pocket.

"I won't don't worry," I spoke. Josh leaned forward and gave me another hug, placing a kiss on my forehead aswell. "Right I better go and get my things until people start to wonder where I have gone," I smiled and made my way back out of his room and into my own.

"Emily where have you been?" Simon spoke, placing his hand on the shoulder as I pushed the bedroom door closed.

"I went to talk to josh about something, he grabbed me as I was walking back up here," I turned around to face simon, he smiled at me lightly.

"Everyone was wondering where you had gone, they told me to come and check on you,"

"Why you?" I asked, pushing myself down onto the bed, that somehow I'm going to have to share with Simon.

"I guess it was either because we're sharing a room and I have the other key, or because, you know," he shrugged, pushing his hand through his hair, leaning against the black counter near the tv. I watched his arms as he leaned back, flexing his muscles, okay this needs to stop.

"I have no idea what you mean,"
I giggled, rolling over onto my belly, pulling the pillow over my head. "I'm so tired," I groaned.

"We'll probably go for some tea at about 7, it's 5 now. Then we'll most likely be going to bed," Simon spoke, I felt one side of the bed move down, noticing that he joined me.

"Well If we're going out I'm gonna go for a shower first,"

"I'll text JJ now and ask him what the plans are because I really can't be bothered to go downstairs," Simon groaned, flipping over so he could get his phone out of his pocket. All that can be heard is the sound of the clicking iPhone keyboard and our breathing. I groaned and rolled over on to my belly, taking up the majority of the room on the bed, and I'm not even sorry about it.

"I swear if you sleep like that at night there will be trouble," Simon chuckled, digging his fingers into my ribs, tickling me lightly. I squirmed under his touch and moved to the side a bit more.

"Oh my god have you spoke to josh," I said quickly, remembering what Josh had told me. Simon raised his eye brows at me and looked at me weirdly. "I take that as a no, well one night we're here him and Freya are going out for a meal at this restaurant where the seating is outside, it's right next to a lake as well, there is fairy lights and all light colours and everything. And basically if Freya Says yes then they're getting married,"

"FINALLY!" Simon shouted, raising his hands up into the air. "How's he asking her? Swear it better be cute"

"He's got this speech wrote out, its so so cute I can't even explain, they're so goals," I groaned, wishing I could be like them two. "I could have that relationship with my bed but JJ took my away from it,"

"We should go out one night," Simon said quickly. Locking his phone screen and putting it on the table next to the bed. He laid down a little bit more and rolled over to face my direction.

"What do you mean," I asked, trying not to stumble on my words, making sure I'm not going red yet.

"As in we," he pointed to me and him, "should go out one night, just us," i smiled uncontrollable, pushing my head into the pillow. "And this, will be a proper date i promise you. Not like them shitty ones we had at Nando's when neither of us new what we are,"

"Well I don't know what we are," I giggled. "One minute were awkward as fuck, next we're laughing together, then you're kissing me on the kitchen counter, I mean come on what do I do with my life," he chuckled, copying my actions and putting his face into his pillow.

"I have no idea what to say about that," Simon emerged from the pillow, red face and still laughing. "But I'm not complaining,"

"You confuse me," I said quickly looking at him. "Like I don't know what to make of you at times. But all I know is that you've got me coming back all the time likes it's a game," I spoke.

"But it's not a game," he replied, placing a hand on my waist, pulling me closer ever so slightly.

"Yet I'm willing to play it," I said lightly, looking down at my hands, messing with my finger nails. Simons fingers came underneath my chin, raising my head up. I kept my eyes closed. Refraining from eye contact.

"Em, look at me," he spoke just above a whisper, yet I still kept my eyes closed. I felt his lips connect with mine, making me jump slightly as I didn't realise how close he actually is. I kissed him back, moving my arms to the back of his neck, him pulling my closer to him by the waist. He groaned quietly as my hands made their way to his hair, which I have found is something he loves. Simon moved forward and pushed me onto my back, his body now coming to hover over mine, our lips not disconnecting at any point. His hands now on either side of my head, mine still wrapped around his neck, our lips are moving in perfect sync, fitting together perfectly. Simons tongue traced against my Bottom lip, asking for entry but I repeatedly declined, his hand made their way my waist, ticking me slightly causing my to let out a giggle, Simon took this as his opportunity and he slipped his tongue into my Mouth. Simon pulled away, laying kisses down my jaw line and down to my neck, sucking on my skin, making my skin shiver. I let out a small moan, trying to refrain myself from losing it.

"Si," I breathed out, "your phone just went off," I chuckled remembering he had text JJ.

"For god sake," Simon groaned, his hair is standing up on end, my tops rolled up lightly, my top slightly damp from my bikini top. I let out a deep breath. What the hell just happened. It gets too carried away before I could even make sense of what was happening.

"Yeah we're going out at 7, it's half 5. Are we having showers before we go?" He asked, turning around to face me.

"I need a shower, I stink of sun cream," I groaned. Pulling myself up off of the bed. "My legs are like jelly," I groaned realising I had just said it out loud.

"Yeah you're welcome," Simon winked my way, I rolled my eyes.

"Well are you going for a shower first or can I?" I asked.

"We could save time and go in together" he winked again

"You pig," I scoffed.

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