Carvings of Gods | Emmett Cul...

By -hopscotch

1.3M 37.4K 7.4K

❝My people are different, hidden. I have even become a master at staying secret. It's really a miracle that y... More



35.7K 1.1K 41
By -hopscotch

"Stop moving!"

"I haven't moved!"

"Are you dense? I can clearly see that you moved it!"

The large man grumbled under his breath, shooting his mate the occasional glare.

"What are you saying?" Aleida turned on him. "Would you like to share?"


"Then shut up and hold still!"

Emmett sighed before freezing on his spot at the top o the ladder. The couple had been at it since they returned from shopping yet still couldn't manage to hang the potted plants to Aleida's satisfaction.

"No! more to the side!" She told him. "Emmett, no! Not that much!"

He huffed in annoyance before looking to his mate. " Where would you like me to put it?"

Aleida glared at him before spinning on her heals and leaving the room.

"Alice!" She faintly heard her soulmate groan from inside their room. "We need help!"

"I knew you would," a twinkle of a laugh was heard as she appeared beside her.

"Then why didn't you come sooner?" she asked, rolling her eyes at the vampire.

Ignoring her, Alice glided into the room and gave it an approving nod. Aleida, Alice and Rosalie had spent many hours trying to put together a beautifully designed room that gave an earthy feel. Alice apparently approved.

"I see what you mean," Alice spoke to Aleida. "He's getting it all wrong."

"See!" she stressed to her man. "If it isn't right it'll mess everything up. You'll kill the poor plant!"

"Then where is it supposed to go!" Emmett whined.

Grumbling, she stepped forward and began tugging on her partner in an attempt to pull him down from the ladder. Finally succeeding, she climbed up herself with the plant in her hands and a pencil tucked behind her ear.

"We didn't agree to this!" Emmett scolded. " Get down! Your stitches are still healing!"

"How does this look?" Aleida asked over Emmett.

Together, the two females correctly positioned all the plants,. Aleida marked each spot with a pencil before moving to the next.

Making the last marking, she turned to get down before slipping and landing in the familiar arms of her mate.

"What would you do without me?" He grumbled as he continued to hold her in his arms.

"Nothing important," she said as she looked up at him lovingly. She felt her veins hum at the proximity. Everything about him drew her in, and despite the initial disgust she felt towards him and his family she felt like this was where she belonged.

Leaning up she felt his lips brush gently against hers as she met him half-way. Reaching, she gripped the back of his neck to pull him down in for a firmer kiss.

A cough was heard from the door and the couple broke apart.

"Phone," Rosalie explained awkwardly as she held the device towards Aleida.

Sighing, she tapped Emmett on the arm so she was placed to the ground. She made her way over and took the phone from the blonde vampire and glanced at the number.

"Sam," Aleida questioned in confusion. "I was just there the other day, what's wrong?"

"Jacob's gone," The alpha told her, the pack shouting from the other end was clear in her ears.

Aleida felt dread run through her. "I'm on my way."




so that's the end of this. What is happiness because idk.

I'd like to thank everyone that actually read this because it means a lot :)


yes there will be a sequel BUT i would like to mention that i start another semester of college next week and might not have the time to post/work on it for a while so bare with me on that.

That's all folks !

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