Endless Love (Camren)

By 5Hhero

13.7K 590 184

Lauren Jauregui, the school's nerd, and Camila Cabello, the popular cheerleader, have been best friends since... More

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

6.3K 316 143
By 5Hhero

"Come on Cabello, are you scared or something?" Kendall and the rest of the popular kids teased the petite twelve year old.

They had all snuck away from their campsite where the rest of their classmates stayed for the overnight field trip. It was initially Kendall's idea to explore the woods, where they then came across the small river with rocks high enough to jump off from and into the water.

"I-I just don't want to go first," Camila's nervous voice stuttered as she looked at the dark water below. It was almost midnight, and the only source of light they had was from Kendall's flip phone.

"Cabello's a little baby," Brad mocked.

"I am not!" Camila narrowed her eyes at the boy.

"I told you guys she couldn't hang out with us. She's too scared to do anything fun," Gigi added. "Cabello's still the little nerd she was in elementary school."

"Camz-" Lauren climbed up the rocks with ease, scaring the group of kids near her best friend, "What are you doing up here? We're supposed to be back in the tents."

"Oh look, Jauregui's here to save the day." Brad nudged his friends, "Camila's hanging out with us. So either you jump the cliff with her or you go beat it."

"Shut up, Brad." Lauren rolled her eyes, "Camila let's go. You don't have to do this- You could get hurt."

"Back off Lauren," The smaller girl's harsh words struck through her like a knife.

The other kids laughed away as Lauren's eyes watered. Without another word, the angry Jauregui walked away from the scene.

She made it back down onto the flat surfaced land, about to walk back to the campsite by herself before a bunch of screaming and running came right towards her.

"Wh-What happened?" Lauren asked as Kendall and all their friends ran by her. Brad was in the back of the group, close enough for her to stop.

"Why is everyone running?" She asked worriedly while holding onto the boys arm tightly. "What happ-"

"Help!" She heard the familiar voice scream from the water.

"C-Camila jumped," Brad said full of fear as he yanked his arm away from the girl to continue running away.

Lauren didn't think twice about it; she ran to the water and started swimming. It had gotten deep but she was just lucky that her mom taught her how to swim, as opposed to Camila who had no clue how to do anything but doggy paddle.

"Camz!" Lauren called out as water splashed on her face. She noticed there were little islands of rocks and that Camila may have landed or hit one of them.

"Lo!" Camila cried out, half drowning. "Lo- Help me!"

Lauren ran towards the sound of her best friends voice. The top of her head was peeking out of the water from time to time, and Lauren knew that her best friend was in serious trouble.

"My leg," Camila cried again as Lauren wrapped an arm around her. "I thi-think my leg's broken. I jumped-I-I'm so sorry." She clung onto her best friend tightly.

"It'll be okay, Camz." Lauren swam towards the shore, "I got you."

Teachers had called the ambulance thanks to Brad and his friends, who were worried that Camila was dead. They had confessed to almost everything in hopes to not get suspended, but they twisted the story and said that it was Camila's idea to bring them all up to the rocks to jump.

A large crowd surrounded the two best friends, where Lauren was named a hero for going back to save Camila who had broken her bones. The ambulance shined their car lights towards the water, showing the spiked rocks coming out from various places. It was a blessing that Camila didn't land on any of those.

"Pl-Please don't leave me," Camila held onto the cold green eyed girl as she was put onto the gurney.

The EMT's looked at each other with warm hearts as they let the green eyed girl ride in the back of the ambulance truck with them.

"I won't ever leave you, Camz."


"So you're telling me that you were in love with this chick since you were kids, and she fucked you over before you guys went to college?" Zayn laughed sarcastically as they rode up the elevator of their company building.

Their office was on the 52nd floor of the skyscraper, where most people aspire to be. They had models continuously walking around half-naked, with photographers always doing photo shoots for their newest clothing lines.

"We were best friends," Lauren rolled her eyes. "She left for Michigan with her asshole boyfriend a week earlier than planned. I bought us tickets for Disney World."

"Wow," Zayn chuckled. "Who knew that Jauregui was once a hopeless romantic?"

"Those days are long gone, trust me." Lauren stated as they exited the elevator, and entered their chaotic floor.

Girls flirtatiously greeted the infamous duo, who were technically their bosses. The only person above them was Simon Cowell, the asshole who criticized their every move for the company.

"Miss Jauregui, you have a meeting in ten minutes with Cowell and the rest of the board." Her assistant, Alycia, had informed while handing her a cup of coffee. "Also you have a missed call and a voicemail from some 'Camilla Cabello'?"

"Camila," Lauren corrected. She had gone most of her life correcting people on how to actually pronounce her name.

"Right," Alycia agreed instantly.

Lauren walked into her office which had all glass windows for the four walls. One had the best view of New York City's skyline which used to calm her down, but with Camila suddenly back in her life, it was nothing but a nightmare.

She pressed the button on her desk phone to play the voicemail as she sat down impatiently at her desk.

"Uh-Hey Lo, it's Camila. I think you gave me your office phone instead of your cell phone but anyways, I was wondering if you were still up for hanging out? I moved here about two months ago and still haven't been around the city. Maybe we could find a place to meet up? Just call me back at 305-727-0307. I would really love to see you again."

The voicemail had ended and Lauren was filled with conflicting emotions.

If she saw Camila again, she would either yell and scream at her for leaving her so messed up several years ago, or she would have a nervous breakdown in front of her and cry because of how much she's missed her over time. The third option was to see the beautiful face again, and show her how good her life has been ever since she's left.

Of course, being the petty girl she is, went with option number three.

"Alycia," Lauren pressed the button on her phone to connect with her assistant. "Call Wesley and see if we could rent out the party house in the Hamptons again. I feel like we need another party this Friday."


The entire work week has gone by faster than ever. Lauren made multiple deals with different companies, and even pitched a new idea for a magazine cover to Cowell. She was living on cloud nine.

Lauren built up the courage to call Camila on Wednesday, saying she will pick her up on Friday from NYU for lunch, then they could go to the Hamptons together for a work-related party.

Today was the day and Lauren couldn't be any more nervous. She had changed her outfit at least seven times, brushed her teeth about three times, then forgot her car keys in her apartment before being able to actually leave the building.

Lauren ended up taking her one of a kind Aston Martin for the day. She navigated through the streets of New York and finally ended up back at her Alma mater.

Instead of going up to Camila's door of her apartment styled dorm in which she shared with two other girls, she waited downstairs in her car and texted that she has arrived.

She noticed her ex-best friend wearing casual jeans and a tank top as opposed to Lauren's upper class business suit. She didn't even know why, out of all the clothes she had, she had to wear a business suit.

"Are we going out to eat or are we going to a meeting?" Camila joked as she got in the car.

In a snap of a finger, Lauren turned the car around and brought them straight back to her apartment building.

"You can wait in the living room if you want. The drinks are in the fridge," Lauren shooed Camila away as she left for her bedroom.

Camila was amazed with the high-class modern apartment. She'd only seen places like it in the movies, and she'd never expect Lauren to ever be living somewhere like it. The old Lauren had band posters hanging on the walls with her graffiti art as a mural, with tapestry flowing down as drapes and clothes all over the floor.

But now, everything was plain and simple.

"Whoa," Zayn said out loud, scared to see a stranger in his kitchen.

"Oh-Yikes," Camila covered her eyes at the shirtless boy.

"Sorry," He chuckled out as he put his shirt back on. "I didn't think anyone was home. Lauren said she left a while ago to pick you up."

"She brought us back to change," Camila chuckled as she shook the boys hand. "I'm Camila."

"Zayn Malik," He smiled sweetly. "I've heard a lot about you, you really took a toll on Jauregui a couple of yea-"

"Alright I'm ready," Lauren came back with skinny jeans, boots, a band-tee and a leather jacket on. "Please tell me you weren't saying anything embarrassing?"

"No promises," Zayn smirked as the two girls left.

"He seems nice," Camila brought up.

"Yea, it's whatever." Lauren shrugged, "He's my best friend."

They exited the elevator and went through the lobby, where Lauren kept getting flirtatious greetings. Camila gathered that the green eyed girl may have hooked up with more than half of those girls who lived in the same building.

"Where do you want to eat?" Lauren asked, sounding annoyed.

Camila chuckled, "Uhm, how about pizza? Remember our movie nights? We used to eat like five boxes of pizza every time-"

"Sure," Lauren deadpanned. She did her best to keep up the appearances of her new self, completely blind to how she was actually treating the smaller girl.

"Well, how've you been?" Camila asked, hoping to change the mood. "It looks like you're well off. You're driving an Aston Martin and living in a high-rise apartment, I remember when we were kids and your dream was to live in a lake house in Georgia because of their relaxed lifestyle."

"Yea, I was a stupid kid back then." Lauren shrugged, "But now I make six figures and I get to hang out with models every week. You think this car is nice? You should see my Lamborghini." She boasted obnoxiously.

Camila stayed quiet as Lauren continued talking about herself.

They eventually made it to a pizza parlor full of screaming kids and routy teenagers.

"You look conflicted," Camila noticed Lauren's disgusted facial expression.

"No- I haven't been around this kind of chaos for years. Usually I eat at actual restaurants.. You know, with more disciplined kids or no kids at all."

"You used to love playing with kids. They would always listen to you- I know Sofi adored you." Camila nudged her, but Lauren shrugged again.

"Can I get one large pepperoni pizza with two strawberry lemonades?" Camila ordered for the both of them.

"Can I actually get a small salad and a water please?" Lauren was quick to intervene. "I'm on a strict diet. The ladies love this body for a reason."

Camila rolled her eyes as she sat down in a vacant booth. Lauren was at least generous enough to pay for their food, but had an employee bring it over instead of her.

"So, how's your family?" Camila cautiously brought up. There was no way that Lauren could ruin this topic of conversation.

"Good probably. My mom's still annoying, my dad is still an asshole, and Chris is in California while Taylor's about to graduate high school." Lauren deadpanned.

"Sofi's about to graduate from elementary school," Camila smiled. "Are you planning on going to see Taylor's graduation? It'll be around the same time as Sofi's. Maybe we could go fly back together-"

"Maybe." Lauren shrugged as she ate her food, staring at different hot girls in the restaurant.

"Alright," Camila sighed out and grinded her teeth together. Lauren has completely disregarded every conversation she has tried to start up and she couldn't help but hate the green eyed girl who was once her best friend.

The rest of their meal had Lauren constantly talking about how good her life was, again. It's as if she had nothing else to talk about. To make things even worse, she didn't even care to look at Camila who was seemed like she was about to explode.

"Okay, well-" Camila stood up from the booth and put on a fake smile, "Thanks for the meal Laur. I think I'll get a taxi home or something."

"Wait- That's it?" Lauren followed the girl out of the pizza parlor and onto the streets.

"Yep," Camila shrugged. "I didn't know what I was expecting, but it definitely wasn't this."

"Wasn't what-"

"Nothing," Camila composed herself. "I don't know what happened to you- But I hope you continue living your high life. It seems like you're enjoying yourself."

"I am," Lauren scoffed out. "What about the Hamptons later?"

"I-I think I'll pass on that." Camila hailed a taxi, "Thanks though."

"Are we going to do this again sometime?" Lauren sounded almost as if she was begging the girl, "Camz?"

The smaller girl sat in the yellow car before rolling her window down.

"You've changed, Lauren Jauregui."


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