Partners In Crime (erisol)

By erisolshipper

17.3K 817 1.6K

Erisol Criminal!Stuck AU After both Eridan's and Sollux's father disapprove of their relationship, Sollux co... More

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20 The End

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734 39 57
By erisolshipper


The chief of the Police Station walked into the room and made everyone quiet down. He played the security footage of the robbery that took place.

"This is the only footage we could catch, so pay close attention.." He used a laser pointer and pointed it at the top left square, "This is the footage of the outside of the bank where the parking lot is. As you can see over there there is a car. It's too far from the camera to pick up on the license plate, but we can see on the bottom camera that the car drives out to the street as a passenger comes out. The car goes back to the original parking spot."

He pointed at the passenger standing by a building, "Does this character look familiar?" He zoomed in a bit.

"He fits the description of the missing case only a few towns down. Ampora I believe." A female officer stated, and the others nodded.

"Yes, we believe this is him. It fits the description almost perfectly. When he walks towards the bank, we can confirm that this is indeed Eridan Ampora. He bumped into one of the employees at the bank while closing up and if we really zoom in here, we can see him snatch their ID card, which has a barcode to unlock the doors. He walked back to the car and got in. A few hours later and two people come out of the car, wearing masks. Of course, one of them is Ampora but we cannot identify the other-"

"Do you believe that other person could be his boyfriend, from the missing Captor case?"

"We believe so, but there's no evidence of it. For all we know, it could be Ampora's kidnapper forcing him to do these things. We just have no clue. Anyways, the unknown figure somehow covered the cameras with socks." He pulled out a plastic bags with socks in them, "Investigators took them off and tried to get samples, but these were washed. But then, they discovered the ID in a dumpster out back from the bank. It had Ampora's finger prints on it, and if the other had used it, he must have used his shirt our something to hold it because there are no other prints. The cameras inside that captured any footage aren't exactly helpful. It just shows them getting the money, sounding the alarm, and getting out."

"Any lead on where they might've gone?"

The chief put a map on screen. "If Ampora lived here."
He pointed to a red star, "And the bank is here." He pointed to a blue dot, "We believe they're heading to another state. Based on all the possible roads that lead to this direction, we've set out a search for anybody who might have seen Ampora and we got one lead from a man who was operating a gas station a few nights ago. He said Ampora came in to put gas on his car while he was watching the news. Ironically, he was watching news about his missing case. We asked him if he knew anything of another person in the car, or a vehicle but he couldn't remember so we checked the footage at the gas station."

The footage played on screen, "Obviously, we see Eridan Ampora again but this isn't the same car from the bank. Checking this license plate, it belongs the the recently deceased Captor, which is the father of Sollux Captor." 

"So the other person IS Sollux Captor?"

"Most likely, but we can't identify the figure in the car on the passengers side." The chief turned it off. "We're going with the idea that this is in fact both of them, so we need all information we can on the area that they've been in, find out where the other car came from, and see if they have any family or friends that might have helped them."

Eridan's POV:

I felt him poking my cheek, so I opened my eyes and looked over at him, "Wwhat, Sol?"

"I'm horny."

I blushed and sighed, "Sol, fivve minutes ago you just said I could go to sleep. I'm exhausted, and you should be too. Park the car somewwhere hidden so wer can get some shut eye."

"But Eridaaaaaaaaaaaan~" He groaned, as he continued driving. "I have neeeeeeeds!"

"You also have twwo hands." I giggled, "Either jerk off or go to sleep. I'm too tired right noww."

He groaned, "No!"

"Sol, stop it and go to sleep-"

"I said no!!" He growled.

The rise of his voice scared me. I really didn't want to do anything and he's refusing. "Sol, are you fuckin' serious?"

"Yes I am. Now fucking get up and do something about it." He glared at me, "Before I MAKE you."

I sighed and sat up, "I'm not being fucked by you. I'm too tired, so howw about a simple job and wwe're done here for the night?"

He sighed and parked in an abandoned parking parking structure, "Fine.."
I rolled my eyes and unbuckled my seat belt. He glared at me, "What was that?"


"That!! Did you just roll your eyes at me?!" He was pissed now.

"N-No!" I shook my head, "I didn't! I wwas just-"
"You did, didn't you!!" He grabbed me by my hair. 

I shrieked."Sollux!! Stop it!! You're hurting me!" I tried to pull away but he slapped me across the face, making me shut up. I whimpered and prayed he wouldn't do anything like last time.

"Don't you ever roll your eyes at me again!!! Do you hear me, bitch?!"


"Anthwer the fucking quethtion!!" He tugged at my hair more, pulling me closer.

"Ah!" I winced and felt tears coming from my eyes, rolling down my cheeks, "Y-Yes! I'm sorry!!" I cried and he finally let go. I sat back in my seat, sniffling and wiping the tears away. I shook a bit as I watched him turn away, putting his seat down. I just watched him until I heard soft snores coming from him.

I let out a shaky sigh and completely calmed myself down. I put the seat down and laid with my back to him.
I closed my eyes and let darkness take over my vision.

But it began to light up with a dream.... No, it was a memory...

I looked up from the desk and saw him walk in. He adjusted the strap to his backpack, which was as flat as a paper. Probably only a single notebook and some pencils were in there. He had headphones plugged into his ears, and he looked at the teacher in disgust.

It made me giggle a bit.

The teacher looked over his schedule and instructed him to sit in the empty seat behind mine. As he walked closer, I noticed his facial features; of how beatific he looked up close. I couldn't help but feel my face get hot as the stranger walked closer. He walked past me without taking a glance.

I sighed and chewed on the pencil, a bad habit I had picked up. I waited for the bell to ring and class had begun.

I was always the quiet student who was the teachers pet as some would say. I raised my hand to answer, I studied, I had the perfect grades any kid could ever dream of getting. I had my eyes set on a four-year university... To study abroad...

It all changed when he tapped my shoulder during a lecture.

I froze when I felt his hot breath against my neck when he tapped me. He whispered, "Hey, do you have a sharpener? My pencil broke."

I turned slightly to look at him, but immediately turned back when I knew the blush on my face was visible. I nodded and reached into the front pocket, where I kept my pencils and pens. I felt around and realized I had let Cro borrow it.
I groaned and looked to my pencil on the desk. I grabbed it and handed it to him, "Here.. You can use mine for the day."

"Thanks." He took it and I used a pen.

Later on in the day as I went to my locker, I noticed him standing at one only a few feet away from mine. I sighed and went to my own, opening it. I exchanged the books for my next one for class. I looked down and noticed a pair of feet next to me. I peeked from out of my locker and saw him there. "Hey, here's your pencil back." He held the pencil out to me.

"Oh, uh.. Thanks..." I took it.

"You bite your pencil too?" He smiled.

His smile... It made me melt. I wanted to see him smile 24/7. The way his different colored eyes stared into mine, if made me feel like I was staring into the eyes of a god. I wasn't worthy of looking at him.

"I-I... Uh.." I blushed and looked down at my pencil, examining be tooth marks, "Y-Yeah... Sorry.. I usually do that wwhen wwe havve an exam coming up.."'

"Really? Me too!" His smile grew.

I realized that I had made him smile... It was the best feeling in the world.

"Oh, uh.. I'm Eridan by the wway... Eridan Ampora." I held out my hand.

He looked at it before taking it in his own, shaking it, "Sollux Captor. Nice to meet you Eridan..."




I opened my eyes and saw Sollux looking down at me. It was sunny and the seat felt hot. "Finally.. I've been trying to get you up for like the past two minutes! You were smiling creepily in your sleep and mumbling. What was that about?"

"Oh.." I sat up, "Nothing, I wwas just... Havving a wwonderful dream... I just wwish it wwas longer..."

"Well we have no time for dreaming." He got back in his seat, putting on the seat belt. "I was listening to the radio and apparently they caught your face on camera. We have to fucking go.."

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