Napkin Letters

By cacthingfireflies

5.9K 215 15

Sequel to Head Over Boots Not friends, Not enemies, Just strangers, With some memories ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ All Right... More

T W E N T Y - O N E


222 8 1
By cacthingfireflies

"I'm just not sure." Courtney said as she looked out the window.

It was exactly two weeks before the wedding and Courtney was have cold feet already. Not about Tate. About the whole wedding we had pretty much taken two weeks to plan.

"I think it looks big enough." Jane said trying to persuade her.

I mean it was a huge deal.

Courtney didn't think that Tate's backyard is going to be big enough for everyone.

"The Clarke's have a bigger back yard." I added.

"They do don't they!" Courtney said her eyes lighting up. "Oh do you think Chad and Halsey will allow it?"

"Of course they will Tate is like a son to them." Jane waved her off.

All we would have to do is block the road leading to Tate's house the day of the wedding. So people would continue down the dirt road up to the Clarke's house.

"It isn't that big of a deal, is it?" Courtney asked turning to me.

I bite my lip.

"Not at all. We will just block Tate's lane."

She smiled.

"I'll have my mom make the sign." She volunteered.

I nodded heading back inside the house.

"Oh!" Courtney said turning to face me. "And about Tate's mom and sister."

I bite the insides of my cheeks.

"Have you talked to them?"

"I haven't but I will." I told her.

She smiled.

"Great, I think that's everything for today."

"Good I'm exhausted." Jane said falling down onto the couch.

"I'm going to call my mom right now before I forget." I told them. Grabbing my phone from the charger and walking back outside.

It rang three times before she answered.

"Glad you have finally called." She said bitterly.

"I'm sorry, mom but everything has been so busy."

"I know with the wedding and everything. I would know because I've planned three." She mumbled.

"Right." I dragged on. "Anyway Tate and Courtney were talking-"

"Who's Courtney?" She cut me off.

I groaned.

"The girl Tate is marrying."

"Right. Carry on."

I rolled my eyes but did.

"They want you and Navy to come."

She was silent on the other end. It was silent for a long time I even checked to see if she had hung up but she didn't.

"Tate wants me to come." She said quietly.

I bite my lip.

"Yeah, he asked me to ask you." I lied.

More silence.

"Well I wouldn't go to his wedding even if someone paid me." And with that she hung up.

I stared at my screen shocked.

Quickly recovering I dialed Navy's number she picked up fast, but she always had her phone on her so it didn't surprise me.

"Hey what's up?" She asked.

"Just wedding planning, what about you." I sighed.

"Dropping the kiddos off at daycare." She replied.

"I miss those kiddos." I mumbled.

She laughed.

"They miss your cheesecake gifts."

I laughed this time.

"Well I called because Tate and Courtney want you and mom to come down for the wedding. I'd pat for your flight and everything." I added.

"I don't know, I haven't seen him for a long time." She said slowly.

"But it's his wedding, he was there for yours." I begged.

"That's true."

"So what do ya say? You and Derek and the kids come down?"

"I guess it couldn't hurt." She sighed.

I smiled punching my first into the air.

"Is mom coming?"

I frowned letting my arm fall limply to my side.

"She said she wouldn't go even if she got paid to."

"Ouch." Navy said.

"I know."

"When is it?" She asked.

"Aug 1st." I replied.

"They are wasting no time are they?" She laughed.

"They aren't, but they are super cute together. And you can just tell that they love each other." I rambled on.

"You know sometimes I wonder whether it was a good idea to listen to mom. I mean ya my life turned out pretty okay but I always wonder what would have happened if I did what Tate did. Because his life turned out better then mine."

"Don't say that Navy, your life is perfect."

"It isn't." She said and I could just picture her shaking her head.

"What's wrong?"

"Derek and I had a fight last night."

My heart sunk.

"I'm sorry, Nav." I said frowning.

"It's good we will work it out." She reassured me.

"Okay, well I'll let you go then."

"Okay, I'll talk to Derek about going and let you know for sure."


"Bye." I said hanging up.

I let out a long sigh and walked back into the house.

"So?" Courtney asked with a hopeful smile on her face.

"Navy is coming, but I'm still working on my mom." I sighed.

"Well what did your mom say?" Courtney asked sitting up straighter the smile had faded away.

She really cared.

She honestly cared about her coming, when even Tate could careless.

"She is shocked really they haven't talked in years and now he wants her to come to his wedding. I think she is just confused." I replied plopping down on the couch across from her. "Just give her some time."

She nodded a small smile coming back to her face.

I smiled back glad I left out the whole 'I wouldn't go even if someone paid me' thing.

"Let's go do something." Jane said standing up.

"Like what, there's nothing to do here." Courtney whined.

"Sage is still in town isn't she?" Jane asked.

Courtney nodded.

"Why don't we got check out the new little movie theater?" She tore her gaze from Courtney to me.

I shrugged, not really caring.

"Alright I'll call her on the way up." Courtney agreed standing to her feet.

We all piled into Jane's car and Courtney called Sage who agreed to meet us there. I was glad that no one mentioned inviting Mollie. Then again I felt guilty that I was standing in the way of them all reuniting again. I didn't even really belong her in this town yet here I was making a daily routine with these girls that in two weeks I was going to leave and not see for another year. Honestly I didn't want to go back to my lonely, cold apartment in New York. Sure I had good friends there April and Troy. But I couldn't get the nagging feeling to leave that I was missing something. Something very important that people in this town had and I didn't.


Everyone cared for everyone in this town. You walk down the streets and you could name almost everyone you past. Or a house you drive by you could easily name off everyone who lives there. Maybe even can describe the floor plan to the house because they have welcomed you in so many times before.

In New York, however, people shove each other as they walk down the streets not even bothering to apologize if they shoved a little too hard. Heck I didn't even know the name of most my employees. How awful was that?!

"Don't look so grumpy." Jane said to me taking one hand off the steering wheel to shove my shoulder.

"Sorry, I'm just so-" I sighed shaking my head.

"Something bothering you, Em?" Courtney asked popping her head up between the seats.

"Don't tell me it's Cody again." Jane sighed.

"No." I shook my head with determination that Cody -for once- was not the root of the problem.

"I just have a lot going on. With the wedding planning, and the whole business." I waved them off.

"That's why we are going to watch a movie, help clear your mind for a while." Courtney said patting my shoulder as she sat back in her seat.

I gave her a small smile and looked to Jane, who frowned. She knew me too well. And although I love Courtney and I'm excited for her to be my sister-in-law and everything. We will never have the same relationship that Jane and I have.

Maybe it's the fact that Jane has known me longer, or maybe Jane and I are too much a like for our own good. Whatever it is Jane could read me easily, while Courtney believes my fake smiles and lame excuses. Or maybe she doesn't but she doesn't want to get involved. Now I was just thinking too much.

I rip my gaze from them both and forced myself to watch out the window as the town of Kelton came into few. Soon shops filled my view. People busily walking around on this lazy Monday morning. 

Once we pulled up to the theater, Sage's car was already parked on the curb and she was sitting on a bench waiting for us. Although she wasn't alone -which didn't surprise me- in New York I would have seen many people sitting alone on a bench but here. That you be rare.

We stepped out and I instantly recognized the guy as Colten. Who April has been talking to.

"Hello ladies." He said curtly nodding to each of us.

"Hey Colten, what are you up to?" Courtney asked.

"Just getting some parts, but I wanted to catch up with Sage." He said looking down and nudging her shoulder. "See how Dixie was treating her."

Sage smiled.

"Thanks Colten."

He smiled back with a huge grin.

"Well il leave you four to your girls night." He paused. "Or day, I guess. Really morning." He mumbled as he walked down the side walk.

We all laughed as we gathered in the small theater deciding what to watch. I let Sage chose since we weren't going to see her often. She of course chose some cliche chick flick.

We all bought our popcorn and drinks and went into the theater. There was hardly anyone in here except for a couple other groups. One of older women about the age of thirty. And a couple in the back.

Other than that we had the theater to ourselves so we kicked our feet up onto the seats in from of us, leaned back and enjoyed the show.


Courtney was right the movie did help clear my head. I was almost disappointed when it was over and almost suggested we buy tickets to watch another. But Courtney was comparing she was hungry. I checked the time and it was a little after 1 so we all gathered in Chick's cafe and for nice this place held a good memory and not more bad ones.

We all order something different and shared what we ordered. Even though I'm sure the other three have had everything on the menu already. I loved trying the new food here because it was by far better than any restaurant in New York.

Sage told us stories about her new collage life not forgetting to mention all the cute guys there. I added in some good parts of New York like time square at Christmas. Courtney was jealous of that and insisted Tate and her come visit over the holidays. That made me smile. To know that I wouldn't have to spend one more Christmas all alone. Because although I love Navy and her family I felt like I didn't belong. That I was a stranger in there family so I insisted in not spending the night over at her house.

April of course went back here for the holidays and I almost wish I came back with her. I've never met her family I know she has two brothers one older and one younger. I haven't even ever been to the town she lived in which was suppose about we think minutes from Kelton.

We talked about everything and nothing and it felt good. I didn't once think about Mollie, or Tate or even Cody. And that right there was an accomplishment. From that moment on I was glad Tate made me come because if he didn't I never would have fully gotten over Cody. And even though I'm not yet I know by the end of this trip I will be, because seeing him with Mollie makes it all real. Some,thing I could never do in New York. So it felt nice.

"It's already 9." Courtney said shocked as she looked at her phone.

I looked around the restaurant noticing we were the only people left.

"Guess that means it's time to head home." Sage said standing up as she threw a five dollar bill down on the table.

We had already paid a while ago. It felt like ten minutes ago but now I was thinking it was about two hours ago.

Just as we were about to all call it a night Jane spoke up.

"What not yet."

"It's nine, Jane what could we possibly stay up and do?" Courtney asked.

"It's Wednesday." She said a smile spreading across her face.

"Oh no." I said shaking my head.

"Oh yes." Sage cried.

I was not excited for another round of swing dancing and if I would have drove I would have drove right home. But I had no other choice but to go.

So now we were gathered in front of the Old Barn. Not much had changed. There was still white Christmas lights hanging around the front and also the perimeter inside. A little drink bar in the corner. A small stage set up towards the back for local bands to play or just were the DJ stand was. With a few tables set out to the sides then a huge group of people gathered in the middle dancing.

This place held so many great memories it hurt. This is were I got Courtney and Tate to finally dance with each other. This is were Cody and mines relationship really started. I put on a fake smile as I greeted people I had met long before this as Sage led the way through the crowd of people to a table.

"Alright when the boot scoot boogie comes on we are all going out. Not buts." Sage said pointing to us three.

"I don't even know it." I said sighing. "I kind of forgot how to swing dance." I mumbled sheepishly.

"That alright I'm sure there's some guy in here who would love to teach you." Courtney waved me off.

I shook my head as Sage and Courtney stood up scanning the barn floor for someone. I secretly hoped they would just give up. Pretty soon though some guy came up and asked Sage to dance.

"I'm keeping my eyes out." Sage said pointing at me as he guy dragged her off to the dance floor.

I rolled my eyes resting my head in the palm of my hand.

"Oh, Johnny Judkins." Courtney cried. "His a good teacher."

Jane nodded confirming.

"A really good teacher." She winked at me.

I laughed shoving her shoulder causing her to laugh too. But as I turned around I was met with sparkling green eyes to a very tall framed guy. He cleaned up nicely wearing a button up red plaid shirt, and a dark blue almost new pair of blue jeans.

"This." Courtney said beside him. "Is Johnny Judkins."

He gave me a small wave with a goofy smile. That caused me to smile too.

"Johnny this is Tate's little sister -Emma Hansen-"

"Well Emma would you care do dance with me?" He said holding his hand out.

"I am terrible but I never turn a dance down." I laughed as I placed my hand in his.

He smirked pulling me out into the dance floor. He started doing the moves that everyone else was doing and things were slowly coming back to me. Like the pretzel and the window.

"See your getting the hang of this." He smiled at me as we continued to dance even when the song ended and another played.

"Yeah I guess I was just a little rusty. Don't do much swing dancing in New York." I shrugged.

"Oh that's where you live?" He asked.

I nodded.

"It's a lot different then down here, huh?"

I nodded again.

"Have you been there?"

"Yes ma'am I have. I've been to multiple states and countries."

"That's cool, I've never left the country that's too much of a risk for me." I laughed.

He laughed to. I instantly loved his laugh it was deep and contagious.

"Alright, so you remember the window." He said as we did it. "And the lift."

Then he spun me around a couple times and soon I was in an all too familiar one.

The cuddle.

My back was pressed against his chest as his arms wrapped around me.

"This is." He started whispering in my ear. "The-" but he got cut off when the music instantly stopped playing and everyone's attention went to the stage. All wondering what happened to the music.

I froze at the sight I saw. Utterly confused but still I was frozen in place. My mind was racing with a million other situations but I knew it was coming.

Cody stood atop the stage and a light from somewhere in the loft of the bar was pointed at him another at Mollie who was only a few feet away from the stage.

Everyone around Mollie backed up giving them space and it just so happened that I got a front seat to watch it all.

"Ladies and Gentleman may I have you attention." Cody shouted even though everyone was already quiet.

We all knew what was coming and I quickly untangled myself from Johnny letting my arms fall limply to my sides as my eyes never left Cody. But he didn't even know I was standing her watching.

He didn't understand the pain it brought me as he got down on one knee with a smile on his face that I knew all too well.

I couldn't stop them the tears came down, and they came down fast.

"Mollie Jo Carter." He paused for dramatic effect but really the pause just stabbed me more.

Mollie's hands flew up to her mouth in shock, as tears ran down her face also. Except for hers were the opposite of mine.

"Will you marry me?"

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