When You're Strange: Never Fo...

By insertwittynamehere

312K 6.7K 3.8K

Sequel to 'When You're Strange': Alice Rhowen, ex-fiance of Draco Malfoy, ex-Death Eater, is sentenced to lif... More

When You're Strange: Never Forget {Harry Potter}
Two: Detained.
Chapter Three: For Argument's Sake.
Chapter Four: Rising Tensions.
Chapter Six: Difficulties
Chapter Seven: Larger than life.
Chapter Eight: Hiding Places
Chapter Nine: New Help?
Chapter Ten: Future Plans.
Chapter Eleven:
Chapter Twelve: Suspicion.
Chapter Thirteen: Tortured Thoughts.
Chapter Fourteen; Defeat.

Chapter Five: Departures.

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By insertwittynamehere

                                                             Aaron's POV

I woke up with a very clammy feeling all over. I sit up, my back cracking as I do so. The bright light streaming in from the window forced me to look around with my eyes squinted.

On the floor, in a sleeping bag next to me, was Jake, still sound asleep. He looks exceptionally exhausted. His usually trim brown hair has turned into a shaggy mess, stuck to his head. This damn summer heat...

"Aaron, are you awake?" I hear someone hiss. I realize that the light was not coming from the window, but instead was shining out the end of a wand. I shield my eyes with my arm.

"I am now," I croak out, my voice just proving how crappy I feel.

"Sorry," The person whispers and the light from their wand dims to a dull light. It illuminates the face of Hermione, her hair all unkempt and all over the place. She scurries into the living room, where Jake and I have been shoved into, to sleep.

" 'S'okay," I mumble, rubbing my eyes and getting out of the sleeping bag that has turned itself into a make-shift oven.

I get up, my knees cracking in addition now. I take a seat at the end of the couch, where Hermione sat herself not two seconds ago.

The tension between us has been high lately. I made sure she was asleep when I went out to get Jake, and she was still asleep when I came back. She still doesn't want to believe that we're leaving today. It's as if she is in denial. Whenever Molly Weasley would bring it up, she would pretend not to be listening.

Now I watch her as she picks at the sleeve of her thick robe, nervously. Gently as possible, I place my hand on top of hers and give it a squeeze. She looks up from her hands, and into my eyes. I take notice of her bottom lip starting to quiver, as if she were fighting off tears.

" 'Mione," I whisper, wrapping my arms around her, pulling her into a tight hug. "Everything is going to be alright," I assure her, rubbing her back, in comfort.

"But what if it's not? I can't lose you and Ron... You're two of my best friends." She says, her voice starting to falter. I can tell that she's practiced these words many times over in her head, promising herself that she won't cry. That's something she would do.

I didn't like the idea of leaving Hermione. We've became so close this year. It's strange to think that this time last year, she was just a girl in my sister's year, that was friends with the Chosen One. I didn't know her at all. But now, she's my best friend. I... I love her, even though I haven't had the guts to say it to her face.

"Don't think like that." I shake my head, taking her cheeks in my hands. I take a deep breath, "She's my baby sister, I have to protect her. It's my job," I try to explain, for the millionth time, to her.

"You don't think I don't know that?" She speaks, raising her voice slightly. But, she shrinks down when we hear Jake stirring from his sleeping bag, letting out a soft snore. "But, it's Azkaban. It's nearly impossible for anyone to escape. Not only will you all die, but you could be putting Alice in even further danger." She tries to rationalize with me.

"I've thought of all the consequences, I really have." I nod, mentioning the thing that Hermione is always trying to drill in my head. 'Think of the consequences, Aaron'. She said it about everything. School, pranks, outbursts. I can't help but to let out a small smile. "This is the one thing I'm willing to risk it all for. I haven't been there for my sister her entire life. Now it's time for me to redeem myself. I need this. I need to prove to her that I'm not some dead-beat brother that doesn't care." I explain, my throat starting to tighten up.

I imagine all of the things I've missed out on in Alice's life. I wasn't there to give Draco the 'Big-Brother-Talk' when they started dating. I wasn't there to tell her that she looked pretty at the Yule Ball. I wasn't there when was turned into a Death Eater. I wasn't there when she was being tormented by her own dreams. But, that's all going to change from now on.

I'm making it my mission to help her live the rest of her life, and be there for it. I'll be there when she argues with Ron and needs someone to listen. I'll be there when she graduates from Hogwarts. I'll be there at her wedding. I'll be there when she has her children. She won't ever feel alone again.

"She knows that you care," Hermione tries to comfort me now.

"Why should she? If I were Alice, I would want nothing to do with me." I shake my head, my lips turning into a nasty scowl. Hermione lets out a loud sigh.

"I know that whatever I say, isn't going to change your mind. You're the most stubborn man I've ever met." She frowns, "But, I'm just... I'm going to miss you." She says, speaking quietly and nervously.

I brush her wild hair out of her face, and tuck a strand behind her ear.

"I'm going to miss you too, more than you can imagine," the corners of my mouth turn up. I lean over and rest my forehead against hers, letting my breath mingle with hers.

Very suddenly, she crashes her lips against mine. I can feel her breath being whisked away, and I can't help but to smile. This is very spontaneous, especially for Hermione. She wasn't known for her romanticism, but that didn't mean that she didn't have a huge heart.

I hold her face tightly in my hands, and she wraps her fingers in my hair that is starting to curl up at the ends, for being to long. I want this moment to last forever, but unfortunately, it doesn't. She takes her lips from mine, and sits there, with her eyes closed.

I can see, even in the dim light, her cheeks reddening by the moment.

"Hermione, I love you, and I don't want you to forget that while I'm gone." I speak very softly. Her shy eyes peek up through her eyelashes, and I see the corners of her lips turning up.

"I love you too, Aaron. I'll never forget you; I couldn't even if I wanted to," She smiles and grips my hands tightly in hers. "Sorry for waking you up," She mutters, embarrassed, "You need your sleep," She advises me.

She gets to her feet, but I keep her hands in my grip. I stand up as well, towering over her small frame.

"I'll see you in the morning," I whisper and walk her to the stairs, so she can go back to bed herself. She just flashes me that sweet, sweet smile of hers, before disappearing up the staircase.

I shuffle back to the living room and weasel back into my sleeping bag. I can't help but to relish over the feeling her lips have left on mine. It's not a feeling I'm likely to forget soon.

"You two make me sick," I hear Jake mutter beside me, his eyes still shut. But, the corners of his lips turn up, before he snuggles deeper into the sleeping bag, despite the monstrous heat.

I just let out a small laugh and close my eyes. Looks like I'm not getting any more sleep tonight...

* * * *

                                                                               Ron's POV

It's barely even light outside as I pull on my leather rucksack that Hermione has packed, and charmed for me. It's an expandable bag, that has a limitless amount of space. I watched as she stuffed sleeping bags, potions, food, and other things. Mum had watched over her shoulder, being sure to add anything that she thought we would need.

Now, I pull on my sweater, even though I doubt I will need it in this bloody summer heat. Heading downstairs, I hear the room already full of chatter. Fred, George, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Mum and Dad all laugh nervously at something Jake had said.

"You ready, mate?" Aaron turns his attention to me, looking like hell. He has bags under his eyes, and his usually very neat hair is uncombed and all over the place.

I just nod and fix the bag on my back. The family rush over to me, Mum embracing me in a rib-shattering hug.

"Please, please, Ron, Be safe." She speaks quietly in my ear, petting my head. I feel my throat starting to close. I'm going to hate knowing that Voldemort's out there, and I'm not here to be sure that everyone is going to be safe.

I nod enthusiastically as Mum takes my face in her hands. She gives me a kiss on the forehead and a pat on the head before letting me go.

"Don't go and get yourself killed, you hear? Because then we'd have to sit here listening to Mum cry all the time." Fred tells me, pulling his arm around me. George follows his suit, but saves the dumb comment.

Ginny lets out a whimper before throwing her arms around me.

"You brave twit," She says, before smacking the back of my head. I give her a small smile and a reassuring squeeze.

"You watch over everyone, okay?" I ask her, holding her shoulders tightly. She nods and wipes a few tears that have escaped over her cheeks. She takes her spot beside Harry, again. He looks at her with complete adoration. I pretend not to notice.

Hermione snags me by surprise, wrapping her arms around my waist, tightly. I rest my chin on top of her head, feeling my stomach twist. Hermione, Harry and I haven't been separated in years. I associate them with as much love as I do my own family. Because that's what they are; family.

"Be careful and be smart." She demands of me. "And, hurry back?" She asks, looking up at me. I kiss the top of her head, before letting go of her.

Dad comes up to me and gives me a firm hug, holding me tightly.

"I'm proud of you son," He tells me, keeping a smile on his face. "You've got a big heart, just like your ol' Dad." He claps me on the back. I bite my tongue, trying to keep from tears from falling. I know how much strain this is going to put on my parents... It puts them in a lot of danger.

As Dad takes his spot beside Mum, I turn to look at Harry. With everyone's eyes on us, Harry scratches the back of his head, shyly.

"Why don't we see Aaron and Jake out?" Mum asks, ushering everyone out, giving Harry and I our privacy.

I give Mum a grateful smile and watch as my family and Hermione walk outside, trying to be cheerful with Aaron and Jake. Hermione smiles at us over her shoulder, as she takes Aaron's hand.

"So, I guess this is it," I clear my throat, running my fingers through my messy hair.

"Yeah, guess so." Harry nods, looking down at his feet.

I can't remember when this tense atmosphere placed itself between us. Had it been there this entire year? I look at Harry; my first best friend, and the one that I've stuck with after all these hard years. But, yet, here I am, leaving him when he needs me most.

"I'm sorry that I can't be here with you... I should be." I frown, shaking my head, "I'm not being fair to you or Hermione," I add, just barely being able to look at him.

"No, you have no obligation being here. You've already saved my life too many times." He looks up, insisting, "If you could see what I see with you and Alice, you would understand. I would be an awful friend if I kept you two apart," He explains.

I can't help but to be speechless. Harry has never voiced his approval for Alice and I. He's always tried to be the voice of reason for me, trying to get me to be smart. It made me feel immensely better knowing that I have Harry's support. Without it, I don't know how far I could make it.

I've always been second string to Harry; a position I've gladly accepted. So, as Harry sits here, watching me go off, it's almost as if the entire universe has flipped.

"Thanks, mate. That... That means a lot." I choke out. I reach out and embrace Harry in a hug. He claps me on the back. I choke back tears at the best of my ability. "Keep everyone safe. Especially Ginny and Hermione. They're going to need it the most. Just don't tell 'em I said that," I try to crack a joke. A pathetic attempt.

"You too. Just worry about keeping yourself safe. Don't worry about us all here." He tells me, keeping me embraced in a tight hug.

"I'll write as often as I can," I promise as I let go of him. And he nods, leading the way out the doors.

"Thanks for all that you've done, Mrs. Weasley. I can't thank you enough," Jake says, being his usual charming self. He was known around Hogwarts for being very flirtatious. He had the entire female student body, and the teachers, around his finger.

"No worries, dear." Mum assures with a wave of her hand.

I take a stance besides Aaron, shoving my hands in my pockets. Everyone watches me eagerly, waiting for me to speak and take initiative.

"Well... I guess we'll be off?" I try to state, but it comes out more as a question. I keep my eyes down, kicking around a rock with my shoe. I only look up as I hear someone hiccuping.

I meet eyes with Hermione, who has hid her face in Harry's chest.

"Bye, all." I say quietly, not being able to bear being here any longer. The sooner we leave, the sooner I can be back, Alice with me.

Aaron and Jake flank me, waving over their shoulders as they do. No one says a word, they all just watch us making our way out towards the road, solemnly.

As we get out of sight of the house, I take Aaron and Jake's hand. Squeezing my eyes shut, I think hard about the place Hermione described to me. She had looked it up and found much information about it.

As I disaparate, I can't help but to think one thing:

Alice, it won't be much longer.

                                                                        Alice's POV


Cold. Cold and wet. I lay there, trembling on the slick-with-rain pavement.

Too late. Too late.

I try to close my eyes and think of happy thoughts as Dementors fly above me, but it's no use. The cold that had already taken over my body, physically, now travels to my insides. As if the cold rain was seeping through my flesh.

"Alice," A familiar voice hisses. I try to keep my eyes closed. If I don't see him, maybe he's not there. "Alice Rhowen. It's so nice to see you," He taunts, hissing like a snake.

I force my eyes open, to see his face, merely inches away from my own. I can't help but to let out a little whimper. My breathing is staggered as I try to suppress my sobs.

"Thought you could escape from Azkaban, did you? That'll teach you then..." He says, showing me his rotten and grotesque teeth. "How does it feel, knowing you are all alone? Your love; dead. Your brother; dead. The only people that care for you; dead." He asks, his cool breath causing me to shiver even more severely.

I start to cry even more, as I imagine their dead bodies in my mind. They died trying to save me; it's all my fault.

"Kill me," I plead with him, my tears streaking my face. "Please, just kill me." I speak softer this time, less demanding and more dignified.

But, he lets out a low laugh, that travels from his chest and rings out clearly. It's the only thing to be heard over the fierce wind. It takes what little hope I had of finally ending all of this mess, and crushes it until it doesn't exist anymore.

"Kill you? Why would I do you that favor?" He asks, still floating above my immobile body.

He grabs hold of my arm and looks at it, with intensity. The Dark Mark that is permanent on my forearm stares back at him. I watch the bitterness take over his features. He grits his teeth and tightens his grip on my arm, digging his nails into my skin.

I let out a small whimper, involuntarily. I cringe as I watch the blood being drawn from my arm and starts to drip on the ground beside me.

"You'll die; in time. Don't worry about that. But, I think you deserve something more extravagant." He taunts me, still clutching my arm tightly.

He gives it a final squeeze, filling my entire body with pain, before he lets go and floats away. Completely broomless, I'm forced to watch him just disappear. The fog swallows him whole and continues to challenge me.

More extravagant? He means not so quickly and not as painless.


I look over and the fog continues to get closer and closer, as if it wanted me dead just as much as Voldemort does.

"Alice," it repeats.

I close my eyes tightly, feeling my arm throbbing in pain.

"Alice!" It now shouts.

I feel my head being smashed against something jagged and sharp. I let out a loud shriek of pain, before dropping down to my knees. I clutch my head with one hand, and my arm with the other.

In front of me, I hear someone panting, as if fatigued.

"Alice," They speak.

I look up, not realizing I had been panting myself. I give myself a minute to catch my breath before I look up to see Julia.

She has blood on her hands, and she's bleeding from the side of the mouth.

"What... happened?" I ask, my voice feeling hoarse.

Her eyes widen and she slumps down on the ground, beside me. She wipes the blood that has been trailing down the side of her mouth with the back of her hand.

"You were hallucinating again, but this time you got to your feet and were screaming at someone. I tried to wake you up, but then you started to hurt yourself." She points to my bleeding forearm, where my Dark Mark is.

Just like I had imagined, my arm was bloodied up, as if fingernails dug themselves in the skin. Memories of my dreams during the school year, when Voldemort tried to control me within my own mind, come surfacing up. Is he doing it again?

"I tried to stop you, but then you turned and started to fight me off." She continues, explaining the blood on herself, "I had to wake you up somehow, so I hit your head against the wall," She finishes, her breathing returning to normal.

The sharp pain on the back of my head makes me wince in pain.

"I saw your- uh- your mark," She speaks very softly, as if she didn't want to anger me. I look down at my bloody arm, ashamed. "So, you were one of- of his followers?" She asks, fear rippling throughout her words.

"Was." I insist, "I was,"

I see relief take over her body, letting her shoulders fall and her body relax. But, she holds a strange expression on her face. One that makes me wonder what else my new friend is keeping secret.

"I've heard of cases like this. People that were associated with 'You-Know-Who' would have hallucinations and dreams of him. It would ultimately drive them mad." She says, making my heart thump in my chest.

"What ever happened to them?" I ask, unable to hide my concern and worry.

She turns away from me, hiding her face.

"They died,"

Chills form on my skin as I hold my breath. Die. They died. How long did it take them to eventually kill themselves? Was it after years and years? What's the difference between me driving myself mad, and those harmless hallucinations she spoke of? Is there a fine line, that I may have just crossed?

I have so many questions, but I don't voice them. I close my eyes and recall Snape's letter over in my mind. I can hear him saying those words to me. Then, I can picture the last time I saw Ron. He promised me he'd get me.

But, will there be any of me left when he finally gets here?

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