Love, Ann Marie

By LolitaAngel

63 2 0


Love, Ann Marie

63 2 0
By LolitaAngel

{I wrote this in a matter of five minutes in rememberance of a time that once was.}

A hot, dark red liquid ran down virgin skin. She stared disbelievely at her work, tracing the words carved into her flesh. In a steady-handed cursive read the phrase "In Hell". A precious smile graced her lips. She had never felt more alive. 

Anger boiled in her heart. They had seen it. The scars she had inflicted. Worry and concern flooded their eyes. Those pitiful looks they gave her were tighter than a noose around her neck. Guilt pounded at her doorstep, begging for her to pray for forgiveness. The girl broke down in tears. The only thing bringing her any joy was still the exact same thing that was tearing her apart.

Please, forgive me.

Love, Ann Marie

Please, believe me.

Love, Ann Marie

Please, believe me when I say I loved you.

I'm sorry, Ann Marie

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