There Will Be Blood (not mine)

Door turntojelena

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*YOU HAVE TO FOLLOW ME IF U WANT TO READ SOME OF THE CHAPTERS!* Justin Bieber, 25, the son of a Chica... Meer

There Will Be Blood
1. Prologue
2. A World Ruled by Men
3. Purity
4. Gangs of Chicago
5. Plasma and Transfusions
6. Directly From Venus
7. Shades of Brown
8. La Forza della Tigre
9. Sin and Punishment
10. Jungle Chase
11. War of the Roses
12. Master and Commander
13. Power Pleasure and Pain
15. Joie de Vivre
16. The Weight of One Choice
17. Heaven Hell and Purgatory
18. Chaos and Order in Russia
19. Strategy for the Demise
20. Russian Porcelain
21. Blood Oath
22. The Tale of Two Justin.
23. The Definition of Rage and Love
24. Bulletproof
25. Inferno
26. Music of the Heart
27. Poison
28. Horn of Amalthea
29. Apples Diamonds and Ink
30. Indiscrezioni del Passato
31. Paradise Lost
32. The Revolutionary
33. Cinders and Ashes
34. Valentine's Day Massacre
35. Meeting of the Minds
36. Gargoyle
37. Pyscho-Chemical Torture
38. The Old Man and the Wheelchair
39. Obedience and Authority
40. Marine Biology
41. Helen of Troy
42. News and Return
43. The Races
44. The End of Madeleine Fell
45. The End
46. Epilogue 1- A Single Rose
47. Epilogue 2-Always and Forever

14. La Pura Verita

19.8K 274 141
Door turntojelena


For the first time in nearly ten years, I had slept.

I didn't even know what was really going on in my subconscious the whole time my eyes were closed but for some reason, my mind and body were both shut down at the same time. That never happened and it certainly didn't happen anymore now that I was in this business of crime.

As my brain started to come back from a dream state that was so deep, I didn't see anything but black, I suddenly realized that I had just experienced the most intense sexual experience of my life and that was saying something.

It was just one time and it was enough to make me forget any pain or any idea of the outside world. I could usually fuck all night but with Maddie, I was so worn out, I almost couldn't even stand up. Of course I played it off but I was seriously considering going to the doctor last night because my whole body was shocked into a state that I had never felt before. One time and I was done? What the hell was up with that?

Maddie made no sense to me and as much as I wanted to appear like I knew what was going on, nothing was going according to plan when it came to her.

Even in my sleep, I could tell that one fuck wasn't enough. I needed more, I craved more, I wanted more. As much as I wanted this to be like every other time, it wasn't.

Usually, I just fucked and then dropped. It took once before I was able to bounce back and get on with my life. Girls never stayed in my head, they never took over my dreams, they never tried to bore their way into my brain. Well, some of them did but I never let them get past my mental barriers. With Maddie, it was all different.

My body felt like it was still a parched man in the desert and I could have drank five gallons of water, but I was still able to feel the pain of a dry throat. I had to have more of her.

I didn't know what exactly I was going to do about her but I was going to fuck until I couldn't anymore because I had to get her out of my system.

If I had to keep her tied up and play a sub/dom game, then that's what I was going to do. Damn it, I wasn't going to let her beat me but at this point, I don't think I was playing games any more. Maddie seemed too special to play with and treat like this was all some kind of trivial pursuit.

That being said, last night was one of the most sensual and... natural experiences of my life. I was used to having sex just to feel good but with Maddie, it was different.

I invited her up and didn't immediately jump into bed with her. I wasn't even really thinking that far as I watched her walk around my penthouse. I don't think I had ever even wasted time showing a woman around my apartment before. Most of it was because I didn't want people touching things in my house but another part of it was that I didn't really care once the panties were dropped.

With Maddie, I wanted to take my time. I felt like I should take my time, more time than I already was.

I didn't feel right with just laying her down on my bed and having my way. It didn't seem appropriate . She deserved more so I tried to take a breath before I went straight into the sex portion of the night. Unfortunately, my libido had other plans and I blurted out some pretty inappropriate things when we were sitting on the balcony but before that, I was doing well.

I played some music, granted it was Prince but it was on my shuffle. I brought her some brandy and just let the night progress as it might. She was the one who initiated coming up and if she hadn't pushed, I would have been happy to just take her back to her dorm. Once she was in my house, I couldn't help myself.

I had to have her under me or I was about to explode. Just sitting next to Maddie without touching her was torture so I took my chance but I didn't want this to end like any other fuck that had occurred throughout my life.

I warned her, I tried to warn her. Of what, I wasn't sure but she needed to know that I couldn't give her more than what was about to happen. Maddie didn't seem afraid of me like she should have been. I wasn't a normal, loving person so it was hard for me to even be this open with a girl but Maddie just made me feel...strange. I didn't know what was going to happen with us but I had to warn her. She needed to know that she would be hurt by me once I dropped her.

And then I was shaken to my core by the most sexual adventure I had ever been on. The weird thing was, it was just once. I was acting like Maddie and I had fucked well into the midnight hours but we didn't. It was just once, like I wanted, but suddenly I wanted more.

The way she said my name, the way her body looked while I was pounding into her, the way her eyes rolled back into her head because of me, the way she dug her nails into my shoulders, it was all driving me insane. She had basically disintegrated me to ash and to bury myself inside her was the most fulfilling feeling I had ever had.

Maddie was making me crazy.

As soon as I pulled out of her, I knew I was in trouble. I didn't want to stop and that was a problem. She was my drug, my addiction and I needed more. Thankfully, I was able to persuade her to shower with me and that was another sexual trip on its own.

The way the water dripped over her body and curves was enough to give me a permanent, rock hard cock and my Maddie tried to take care of that. She wanted to suck me clean but for some reason, I didn't feel right letting her do that.

What man turns down a blowjob?

I had seen women on their knees before me countless times and I never picked them back up. There was no doubt in my mind that Maddie's lips on my dick would have been incredible but she didn't look right down there. I never wanted her to kneel again whether it was giving a blowjob or just cleaning a fucking floor. She was better than that.

Another abnormal thing that happened last night was the fact that Maddie stayed over. I tried to make it clear when I first met a girl that this was just sex. Last night, Maddie did that for me but there was a hint of sadness in her voice. She acted like she didn't want to go through with it and to be honest, if she asked, I would have been more than happy to just sit and drink with her.

I didn't like sleeping with people. Not as in a sexual way but in an actual way. I didn't like having women I my bed while I tried to rest. With Maddie, once she asked, I couldn't refuse her and I actually didn't mind. I didn't want to throw out my sheets and I didn't have the compulsive nature to burn them. I wanted to disgustingly roll around in them for some reason like a filthy animal.

She made me do that.

I decided that it was time to make my body come back to life so I could get more of Maddie this morning. I had to have more of her.

I started with my feet and after what felt like years, felt electricity through the rest of my body. I had never slept so well in my entire life and I didn't even know why. It was like I was dead.

I raised my hand to my face and wiped my eyes. My neck had a crick in it and my entire spine finally felt set in the correct position after all these years. I didn't know how long I slept but I figured it was a couple more hours than I was used to getting.

I was finally able to open my eyes and turned my head to the left and felt the bones crack as I readjusted myself. Last I remembered, Maddie's naked body was on top of mine as we went to sleep and I wasn't complaining at all. She was soft, molding to my body from the first time we touched.

My eyes squinted in the light that was trying to peek through the curtains and I tried to see the digital clock on my bedside table. Once my eyes adjusted I almost sat straight up in bed when I saw that it read noon.

"What the fuck?" I muttered and swung my legs over the side, my head spinning from the quick change of position.

I never slept this late, ever, and if I wasn't so mad at myself, I would have reveled in the fact that I had probably slept a good eight hours. I would have to tell my therapist the good news.

I suddenly remembered that I wasn't the only one in the apartment, or so I thought.

I let my hearing travel out to see if Maddie was still here. I didn't hear anything in the bathroom and was secretly thankful because I didn't feel like doing a full sanitization today although something about Maddie didn't repulse me like normal women did with their germs.

I was out of bed and stumbled a little but was able to correct myself easily. I walked around the room, not caring that I wasn't clothed and was surprised when I didn't step over anything. All of my clothes were neatly folded on the chair near the door but I suspected that Maddie's would be around here somewhere. My floors were clean of any scrap of clothing.

I went to the bathroom and knocked on the door but got no reply.

I pulled on a pair of boxers out of my drawer and then went downstairs, trying to find any trace of Maddie.

I quickly found out that she was gone, disappeared like a thief. There was no trace of her. No letter, no note, no call, no message. If I didn't know any better, I would have said that I spent a night alone with nothing but my TV but I knew the truth.

Where the hell was she?

It was inconceivable to me that she would just up and run because no woman left me, no matter how hard they were fighting. I didn't care if Maddie was immune to my tricks, she couldn't have just left without a...goodbye.

Over the next hour, I realized that Maddie did exactly what I would have done if I was in her situation and that made me mad as hell.

Who the fuck did she think she was?

This wasn't supposed to happen this way. She just left in the middle of the night without one word and that didn't bother as much as the fact that she flipped the roles on me so seamlessly that I didn't even realize it. Maddie treated me like a common whore and I didn't know if that was her intention all along but I didn't like it. I was man enough to admit that I made women feel the same way over the years but that's not my problem. I always warned them but never had a woman walkout on me. Never.

I sat on my couch in my boxers and drank bourbon from the bottle as I watched the sun rise over the city.

It had been three hours since I woke up and I was thinking about calling Maddie to vent my anger. I was gripping the phone so hard that I thought it was going to shatter in my hand.

I laboriously took another drink of bourbon that I wasn't even feeling and thought about how fucked up Maddie just left me. Did she really think that I was going to let her get away with this? As much as I thought about it, the more I wondered why the hell she was affecting me this way.

So what if she left without saying anything? Isn't that what I wanted? It was better than having some clingy bitch around all the time, right?

I answered the questions in my head with a hearty round of 'no'.

The reason I was so pissed was because I never expected this to end so abruptly. I was supposed to have more time with her, if even only an hour, it would be more time. She was quickly becoming an obsession for me and I didn't know at what point it became more than lust but my body wasn't matching up with my brain...or was it my heart?

"Stop being a pussy." I ran my hand over my eyes and sat the bottle down on the glass table in front of me.

At this point, it wasn't even the fact that I was playing with her anymore. Something in me had changed, that was for certain but I didn't know what. Something in me was calling to Maddie and it was making me want to just spend time with her like some...boyfriend.

I cringed at the word.

Boyfriend implied more than I was ready to deal with. For one reason, I wasn't in any position to give Maddie a normal relationship even if I wanted to. She was a young woman who needed to be out there with someone else. The only problem was that I didn't want her to be out there with some other dude.

She was mine.

I had never been so possessive over a woman in my life and I couldn't stand it. Maddie was mine and there was nothing I could do about it. No matter how hard I fought, she pulled me in.

What Maddie and I had wasn't sex since we had only fucked once even though I would have loved to have some kind of schedule with her if she would let me but I doubted she would. I wanted to spend time with her outside of the bed as well, which scared the living hell out of me.

We spent time together, we kissed on occasion and we seemed to get along well. I took her out to dinner, I brought her fucking lunch. I was so pussy whipped, I didn't know what was wrong with me.

What did the word boyfriend mean anyway?

There was a knock on the door that could have been an oil drill in my head.

I jumped up so high off the sofa, I nearly flew through the air.

"Justin..." I heard my mother's voice from the other side of the door, "Your father and I are here."

"Ma, you scared the shit out of me!" I yelled back, not moving from the family room and trying to calm myself down.

"Don't curse at your mother." Jeremy said sternly.

I went to open the door where they stood, the perfect look of 1950s cookbook, complete with smiles and neatly pressed clothes. My mother had a casserole dish along with her cheery disposition.

"Put some clothes on, boy." My father hit the back of my head and walked in. My mother kissed my cheek before skipping past.

I shut the door and went upstairs. I dressed in a simple pair of black slacks, Armani of course, and a yellow button up shirt that Pattie bought me so I decided to wear it to make her happy. I hated yellow.

I was downstairs ten minutes later with my father sitting at the island in my kitchen, reading and my mother going through my non-existent stash of food.

"Justin, I'm starting to worry. I don't know if you eat or not." She poked through my naked refrigerator.

"I'm fine, Ma." I sat next to Jeremy.

"You're not fine." She looked me over, "You're skin and bones."

"He's fine, dear." My father said without lifting his gaze from the newspaper.

In their presence, I felt like a child and all I could do was sit while they went on.

"What are you going to eat?" Pattie went through the cabinets and I got a slight chill from her touching things but she was my mother. I had learned to control my uneasiness with her.

"At least he has coffee." Jeremy raised his cup gladly.

"This isn't funny. I'm worried about my boy." Pattie came to hug me and I just let her.

"You have two more downstairs." I reminded her.

"I've already dealt with them." She went to go heat up whatever she brought in, "Finn said you left Carmel last night with a girl."

"As I always do." I sighed.

"The same girl you've been seeing all week?" She raised an eyebrow.

I ran my hands through my hair, "Who told you?"

I knew something was bound to get back to my mother. This was an Italian family we're talking about. Nothing stays silent for long. The only problem was, I didn't have any answers for the questions Pattie was going to ask. It wasn't like they knew their son was a goody-goody when it came to women. Many of my stories had gotten back to them through church, people in their circles, whoever, but they knew I was usually up to no good.

"No one told me. I have eyes Justin. You've been...different these past couple of days." She beamed, "I like it."


"More docile and I actually saw you smile the other day." I think my mother was actually bouncing at this point.

"I always smile."

"No, really smile." She corrected me, "Like you used to do when you were younger."

I looked at my father but he was still reading, more like hiding, behind his newspaper.


"What's her name?" Pattie rested on her elbows.

Maybe I could actually use my parents to my advantage. I didn't know what I wanted from Maddie anymore but I wasn't going to let her go.

"Maddie." I answered simply.

" she Italian?" My father suddenly found his voice.

"Yes." I answered without even thinking. Truth was, I didn't really know but if she wasn't we had a problem. Then I reminded myself that I would probably never see her again anyway so it didn't really matter.

"You know the rules, Justin. You can't be with just anyone." Jeremy chastised and my mother glared at him. It was almost as if a silent conversation was going on between them.

"Yes, I know the rules of our mafia hierarchy." I almost rolled my eyes but he would have snapped my neck if I did.

"Maddie is she beautiful?" Pattie's eyes glowed, "Keegan says she is."

"She's okay." I shrugged, completely lying.

"How long have you been seeing her?" Jeremy asked.

"We...don't really see each other in that sense."

"Oh Justin, are you using this girl? I knew it. Maybe I should have sent you to military school when you were younger. That would have solved this obsession have with breaking womens' hearts because it's not appealing..." She started to ramble.

"I didn't break her heart." I stopped her.

More like she broke mine!

Stop being a pussy!

"Where is she? I want to meet her." Pattie said.

"I don't know if I'll see her again." I ran my hands through my hair again, "She's...complicated."

"What's complicated about her. Do you like her?" My father asked simply.

" don't know..." I stammered.

"Oh, Jeremy," My mother began, "I think our Justin has his first crush."

"I do not."

"It's okay, son. Do you want some coaching?" He clapped my shoulder with a joking touch. I pushed him off.

"I can handle things."

"Really? Bridget said you asked her for help." Pattie pulled the casserole out of the oven that had been used maybe once since I moved here.

"I knew I should have never went to her." I grumbled.

"I want to know more." Pattie put herself on a stool and pushed me a heaping plate of her famous lasagna, "When and where did you meet?"

"At Plasma maybe...three weeks ago."

"Oh no, she's not a slut is she?" My mother didn't bother hiding her distaste for my past preferences.

"No, she's...exceptional." That was the only word I could use to describe Maddie.

Nothing was said for a long time and soon, my fork scraping the plate was the only thing filling the silence.

"How old is she?" Pattie asked.


"That's young." Jeremy said, a hint of trepidation in his voice.

"Just four years." I admitted.

"Finn said you two go out almost every night. What does that mean?"

"I don't know." I groaned.

I kept my head down without saying a word.

Jeremy got up from his seat and fixed his tie, "I'm going to go see your brothers." He patted my back before leaving the room. I heard the door to my apartment open and close.

He knew that I wasn't in any position to talk with him about my private life. We walked a thin line between father, son and business partners. It might sound strange but it was the way things worked. With Pattie, I felt a little more comfortable letting out my feelings, if I had any. I guess you could call me a mama's boy but I would kill you if you did.

As soon as Jeremy left, my mother got up from her seat, took my plate to the sink and then came back to stand next to me. She was so small that I was still taller than her while sitting.

"Cosa c'è di sbagliato?" She asked sweetly.

What's wrong?

"Non lo so." I answered.

I don't know.

I could feel the crooked smile of my mother without even looking at her. That's where I got it from.

"Tu hai incontrato il tuo partner."

You've met your match.

"What does that mean?" I raised my head.

"It means, young man, you're growing up. Was this Maddie here last night?" She eyed me.

"No." I lied.

"I bet she left before you even woke up." My mother made another bulls eye, "No note, nothing."

"She was playing me the whole time." I growled.

"Like you were doing her?"

"It's...not the same."

"Why, because she played your own game better than you did?"

I had to half laugh at how right my mother was, always was.

"You like her."

"No I don't. I just wanted sex."

"And I suspect you have that so now what? She's still under your skin."


"You're smitten with her."

"People don't use that word anymore." I chuckled.

She hitched her shoulders, "It explains your problem."

"I...I don't know how to do this." I pulled at my hair, "I can't be what she wants."

"How do you know what she wants? You've never asked her."

"She's too good for me. I can't hurt her so this is what's best." I sat up straighter, trying to convince myself, "Just sex."

"Just sex or did you make love?" She tapped her fingers on the marble counter top, "That's a very powerful thing Justin."

I didn't even want to think about that. Making love connoted that I had feelings for Maddie, feelings that ran deep. The only problem was that I couldn't find any other logical explanation for what was going on with me.

"I can't deal with this." I stammered.

"Did you really think you could live the way you have forever?"

"Yes. Hugh Hefner does." I spoke seriously.

She stopped herself from laughing, "Oh Justin, you're so cute. You and your father might have to act tough for everyone else but you won't ever be able to fool me. I miss my boy."

"He's still here."

"No he's not, Justin." Pattie sighed, "I haven't seen the real you since you were thirteen."

"I have to change, you know why."

"As much as I've tried to change you over the years, I knew I wouldn't be able to. You have your life and I've learned to let go but this Maddie seems to have a hold on you that I have never seen."

"No she doesn't." I said shyly. I felt like a fucking pussy.

"You can't get her out of your head and you never will unless you do what you feel is right, not what your head says but your heart."

"Come mi conosci così bene?" I looked at her.

How do you know me so well?

"Lo sono tua madre." She said simply.

I'm your mother.

"I can't give her what she wants." I repeated.

"Devi crescere e agire come un uomo." She kissed my forehead in the all-Italian, motherly sort of way.

You have to grow up and act like a man.

That was all she said before she flitted around the kitchen, cleaning the already immaculate space.

Half an hour later, I was sitting on my couch with my mother humming to herself, still in the kitchen.

The door to the penthouse banged open and I heard Keegan's booming voice followed by Finn and then my father.

I just wanted a day by myself to sort through my thoughts but of course that wasn't an option in this family.

"Justy, come on. We've got work to do." Keegan jumped over the back of the couch and landed next to me, shaking the entire thing.

"I don't feel like it." I grumbled, crossing my arms like a child. I had been acting like one since I woke up so why stop now? I was still pissed at Maddie but now, I had a better hold on what I was thinking all thanks to my mother.

"Dad needs us today." Finn copied Keegan's actions and landed on my other side. Jeremy and Pattie were still in the kitchen.

"With what?" I asked.

"Gianini." Keegan answered with one word.

I let my head fall back onto the sofa.

"Gianini." I whispered harshly with acid dripping from my voice.

Figaro Gianini was one of my father's oldest confidants. They had known each other for years and even though Jeremy was twenty years younger, Gianini looked up to him. They had been working together basically all his life, dealing with everything under the sun that was illegal.

The only problem with Gianini was that he was weak. At the first sign of trouble, he would run until things had calmed down. Long story short, my father was tired of him and he had to be taken care of. Friend or not, there was no place for bailouts in our world. He had to be dealt with. Jeremy wasn't going to spend his time putting up with people who tried to screw him over.

There had been evidence that Gianini was leaking information to the police. Therefore, it was over for him. Currently, Figaro was sickly and in the hospital, recovering from knee surgery so this would be an easy day. Nowhere for him to run.

The man had almost practically raised us and I still remember Uncle Figaro trying to teach me how to shoot a hunting rifle when I was young. He would be missed.

"Can't you two just handle it?" I closed my eyes.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you so moody?" Keegan hit my shoulder.

"Maddie." I didn't want to say it but couldn't help myself.

"Did you bang her finally?" Finn asked.

"Yes." I cringed at the word 'bang'. It didn't seem right for Maddie and I.

"Was it as good as I think it was? I'm not asking because I care but I want to tell Olivia."

"Olivia?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, we're going out tonight." He smiled a genuine smile that I hadn't seen in a long time, "Was Maddie good?"


"Are you satisfied?"


That was the first and only time I had answered that question with that answer.

My father, Keegan, Finn and I left the penthouse an hour later after my brothers laid into me for acting like a little bitch as the put it. I was in no mood to fight them so I just took whatever they dished out. My mother was the only one who came to my rescue but that made them only rag on me harder.

Jeremy drove his new BMW M1 that he had gotten for his birthday across town as little drizzle began to fall. He was talking about something but I wasn't really listening. I was in the back with Finn, thinking about Maddie and what I wanted to give her in comparison to what I realistically could. No matter what I thought, my mother was right. I had to man up but I didn't know what to do about it.

We pulled up to the underground parking garage of Northwestern Memorial Hospital and I sat up in my seat, trying to seek out Maddie but I knew it was stupid. The campus was huge, it was raining and what would make me think that she would be around the hospital anyway? This was stupid and I was going insane.

Jeremy parked on the second deck and got out of the car. We all followed.

"You can leave the firepower in the car." My father instructed us, "There's no need." He said cryptically.

Keegan, Finn and I looked at each other with a strange gaze. I kept my Eagle just in case.

This was the father in Jeremy that scared the hell out of me. He was calm and collected, without a hint of anxiousness. That was why he was the best. I was good but I had a lot to learn.

"Do we really have to do this to Uncle Figaro?" Finn asked, almost pleading.

Instead of answering, Jeremy just shut his door and started walking through the garage. We followed quickly.

We got into the elevator and he hit the correct button before pulling on a pair of leather gloves. No fingerprints.

We put on our gloves as well and rode the rest of the way up in silence. We looked like a serious bunch of mobsters but no one was going to stop us.

"Brown's been watching us." Carlisle mumbled under his breath.

"I'm sorry?" I said.

"Robert Brown, the investigator, he's been following us."

"Oh, is there a problem?"

"No, he's being sloppy and I spot him everywhere but I just wanted to make you all aware."

"I saw him at the gym the other day." Finn nodded, "He was trying to outrun me on the treadmill, five machines down. Fucker."

"He's starting to get too close." My father adjusted his glove, "I think he was following your mother to the grocery store. She told me this morning."

"I'll do a background check, dig up something on him just in case he tries anything." I sighed. Just another thing to add to my list.

"I'm sure he has something we can hold over his head. Gambling debts, school loans, a sick uncle that needs insurance. He won't be too hard to take care of if he gets close." Jeremy was basically speaking to himself.

We arrived on the sixth floor of the hospital and flooded out of the elevator into a brightly lit corridor. It was the same clinic scene in every movie or hospital with doctors and nurses scurrying around, trying to help patients.

We all walked confidently up to the reception desk where a young looking woman eyed us with a hint of lust. It was the same way everywhere we went especially if it was all four of us together.

What surprised me the most was the fact that I didn't feel the slightest bit of anything for the nurse behind the counter. Her face was replaced with Maddie's and I almost did a double take but quickly pulled myself together.

"I'm here to see Figaro Gianini." Jeremy spoke nicely.

"Are...are you family?" The woman batted her eyelashes.

"Yes, I'm his nephew."

"Well..." She twirled a piece of her hair around her finger flirtatiously, "...he's not supposed to have any visitors but I guess I could let you in. Room 609." She winked at my father and I almost vomited.

"Thank you, sweetheart." He replied and smiled before going down the hall.

Keegan, Finn and I hung behind our father as he sauntered through the hall without a lick of hesitation or fear. I had Il Freddo running through me but he seemed to be fine.

We arrived at room 609 and my father pushed the door open softly.

Gianini was sleeping in his hospital bed, in a gown and IVs hooked up in his arms. His wife Gina was at his side, sleeping with her head on the bed.

Figaro was only about seventy but looked a whole lot older due to all the stress and hell that this job put him through. He had deep wrinkles, an almost completely bald head with whips of white hair coming out in different directions. Gina was his new wife. They married maybe ten years ago but she knew what was going on.

I always that it was funny that her name was Gina Gianini but I kept that to myself. Gina was slightly younger, at fifty and still had her bright, short read hair but she too had deep wrinkles.

"He was a mentor to you, Dad." I said as my father sat in a chair near Gianini's bed, on the other side of Gina.

"He was a mentor." Jeremy agreed, "Don't ever get too attached." He repeated a lesson that he taught us, "I don't trust anyone except for your mother."

"Not even us?" Keegan asked.

My father thought for a second but decided not to answer. He gave a low whistle that woke Figaro up with a start. Once he realized the situation he was in, his eyes darkened and his face paled.

"Jeremy, boys." Gianini nodded to us and the thick Italian accent was making me think of the old days. His voice sounded like sandpaper. The beeping machine he was hooked up to started to tick quicker. His breathing was more shallow and he sat up as much as he could in his bed. The movement shook Gina awake and her lip quivered slightly.

"Are you scared Figaro?" My father asked in the most menacing way that was as a still ocean.

"Of what? I have nothing to be afraid of." He answered.

"Do you think I would bother coming down here if I didn't have a reason?"

"Maybe you wanted to bring flowers." He tried to laugh but it came out in a gurgle.

"Figaro, I don't really have time for this."

"I don't understand."

"La pura verita." In essence, my father was asking for the simple truth, the real truth.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Gianini scrambled to sit up. Gina helped him as much as she could but her hands were shaking so badly, she wasn't much help.

Keegan, Finn and I just stood near the door without saying anything, our heads bowed.

"Don't play with me Fig. We don't have time to deal with your lies."

"I've been nothing but a friend to you since you were born. I was there when your father died, I was there when your mother died and this is how you treat me?" He pleaded with anger in his voice.

He moved to hit the nurse alert button but Finn stopped him before he could move.

"I'm sorry." I heard Finn whisper and Gina started to cry.

"Gina, why are you so sad?" My father asked.

"I don't want to lose him." She whimpered, "He never meant to do anything."

"Shut up." Figaro growled.

Jeremy's patience was wearing thin and things were about to get serious.

"How long have you been leaking information and to whom?" My father sat back and fixed his jacket.

"I don't have to answer to you." Fig snarled back.

Jeremy nodded without words and pulled out a small bag from his pocket. I shuddered when I saw the long needle filled with a pale, viscous liquid.

"I never betrayed you Jeremy." He was scrambling for excuses.

"I flushed the information out the back. You don't think I have people in the police department? I'm not stupid Fig." My father spoke low and viciously, "You've been spilling information for months. It was only a matter of time before it all caught up to you."

"They're wrong. They're trying to take me down."

"As they should have. You've never been true to me."

"I have..."

"No, you leave me out to hang while you skip away to some Caribbean island when things get rough." My father interrupted and stood up, moving towards Gianini's IV.

"No, Jeremy, please." Gina pleaded, tears in her eyes. When that didn't work, she was suddenly on her knees, her hands clasped in front of her, trying to grovel at my feet by the door.

I kept my stone cold eyes on here without flinching.

"Jutin, your Uncle Fig was at your christening. He always loved you, please find it somewhere in your heart to help him. Please." Her Italian accent was peaked out through her crying, "Please."

"I can't help you." I barely said, "You have to suffer because you broke the rules."

"I didn't do anything, please." Figaro begged but I think at this point, he knew it was over.

He started thrashing around but Finn held his hand over Figaro's mouth as Jeremy emptied the needle into the IV.

Potassium chloride is one of the most common ingredients in many prescription drugs. It's known as Klor-Con or Klor-Con 8 or Klor-Con 10 or Klor-Con 5. Whatever it was called, it was deadly.

The resultant heart attack that was to follow in Gianini's case was going to have no known cause. Too much potassium in the body causes tachycardia or fast heart-rate, which then leads to something known as ventricular fibrillation; one of many types of cardiac arrest.

Simple, deadly and clean.

It took less than an hour and we all said the rosary with Gianini as he yelled and pleaded under Finn's grasp the whole time his heart was shutting down. I had to grab Gina and nearly pin her to the wall when she started screaming. I held a gun to her throat so that she would stop her yelling.

Keegan plugged the machine up to himself so that the heart-rates wouldn't alert a doctor and I locked the door.

By the time we left room 609, we were another family member down.

johnnyboy7 and dreamofsparkle owns everything There Will Be Blood related.


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