There Will Be Blood (not mine)

By turntojelena

1.1M 16.1K 9.7K

*YOU HAVE TO FOLLOW ME IF U WANT TO READ SOME OF THE CHAPTERS!* Justin Bieber, 25, the son of a Chica... More

There Will Be Blood
1. Prologue
2. A World Ruled by Men
3. Purity
4. Gangs of Chicago
5. Plasma and Transfusions
6. Directly From Venus
7. Shades of Brown
8. La Forza della Tigre
9. Sin and Punishment
10. Jungle Chase
11. War of the Roses
13. Power Pleasure and Pain
14. La Pura Verita
15. Joie de Vivre
16. The Weight of One Choice
17. Heaven Hell and Purgatory
18. Chaos and Order in Russia
19. Strategy for the Demise
20. Russian Porcelain
21. Blood Oath
22. The Tale of Two Justin.
23. The Definition of Rage and Love
24. Bulletproof
25. Inferno
26. Music of the Heart
27. Poison
28. Horn of Amalthea
29. Apples Diamonds and Ink
30. Indiscrezioni del Passato
31. Paradise Lost
32. The Revolutionary
33. Cinders and Ashes
34. Valentine's Day Massacre
35. Meeting of the Minds
36. Gargoyle
37. Pyscho-Chemical Torture
38. The Old Man and the Wheelchair
39. Obedience and Authority
40. Marine Biology
41. Helen of Troy
42. News and Return
43. The Races
44. The End of Madeleine Fell
45. The End
46. Epilogue 1- A Single Rose
47. Epilogue 2-Always and Forever

12. Master and Commander

22.6K 382 202
By turntojelena


I closed the door of my penthouse after returning from delivering Maddie's orange roses to her dorm. It was still really early in the morning so I knew she would get them in a couple of hours.

I basically just sat back in the chair in my office, gloating.

I was winning this war and it was actually kind of pathetic from her point of view. I was playing her like my baby grand piano and there was nothing she could do about it. I pulled out all the stops, sparing no expense to show Maddie that I wasn't such a dick.

I actually called Maddie, with Bridget at my side but she wasn't helping so I got rid of her. After Maddie rushed me off of the phone the first time, I was relentless. She would fall and fall hard because I wasn't giving up on her. When she finally picked up that night, I was more determined than ever to romance the hell out of her because I wasn't loosing this.

I did a great deal of research that night as to what I should do to show her that I was serious about this. I found a site that was all about roses and their different colored meanings. That was a surprising discovery that I couldn't pass up. I ordered two dozen yellow ones for Maddie and took them over to her dorm myself. I paid the night person there to find out what room she was in and he took them up because he wouldn't let me go by myself.

I thought that I had conquered her with the simple gesture but I should have known better. Most women would have already jumped my dick but she made up some excuse about having a test the next day. She sounded like she was telling the truth so I gave her a reprieve but that meant that I had to work even harder the next day. I didn't call her but just sent yellow roses again the next morning.

They all came with a sly note of something I had thought up but that wasn't the point. I wanted her to see that I was trying. Even though I knew it was all a rouse, Maddie seemed to soak up my romantic signs and I knew I was getting closer to cracking her.

She finally called me back and accepted my invitation to dinner that night and the real planning began. I decided that I had to do something that would knock her socks off. I wasn't going to be compared to some college kid who didn't know what he was doing so I created a date that I knew she would never forget.

I decided to take her on my boat that I hadn't been on in years. I hired a full outfit of staff to serve us and then just had to wait for Maddie to fall into my web.

Throughout the whole date, something in me changed.

She was fighting me, that was obvious but my end goal changed as we ate dinner on that boat. It wasn't about trying to get her into bed because that seemed too trashy. Maddie wasn't like that. Don't get me wrong, fucking her was still in my head but I didn't want her to assume that I was just there to touch her body.

It felt like Maddie was better than that and I should be treating her with more respect.

That was when I knew I was in trouble. I had never had this feeling towards a woman in my entire life so these were uncharted waters for me but I played it all off well. I realized that I was actually talking to Maddie, not putting up a mask and it felt good to let my guard down somewhat.

I realized in the back of my mind that I liked Maddie. I really liked her and not in a sexual way. She was a woman who could hold her own against me and threw back conversation like it was programmed in our blood. We were talking like we were old college buddies.

I decided to just let the cards fall where they may as I drove Maddie back to her dorm.

I would let her make the moves sexually and wouldn't push her like I had originally wanted. To me, this was still a game and I planned on winning but would it really be bad to spend some extra time with her? No it wouldn't so I should enjoy my time with Maddie while I could. I figured that after we fucked, the appeal would dissipate so I wasn't in any hurry to get rid of her.

On a whim, when I dropped her off, I decided to just go in for the kill. I kissed the hell out of Maddie and in a world where I was always the predator, I suddenly felt like prey at her lips. The way she gripped my hair and the taste of her tongue was enough to spur me on. I would have laid her down on thepavement and pounded into her right there if I didn't have any class. She was so sexy and didn't even know it. That was the most intriguing thing about her.

Spending time with Maddie had suddenly went from a chore to a desire.

Of course that didn't mean that I didn't have needs. I called one of my favorite girls over last night so that I could have a roll around but it surprisingly wasn't enjoyable. She left an hour after she stepped into my apartment and I sat on my couch, smoking a cigar with a raging libido that hadn't calmed down since I met Maddie. I knew it would never be truly satiated until I had her.

I made it a point to just be with Maddie and not think about having her. When she was ready, she would tell me and then the experience would be even better. The only problem was that I had never done this before. I didn't have friends who were girls. Is that what we were, friends?

Friends didn't kiss like we had last night. Friends don't fantasize about each other.

This posed a problem for me. I had never actually wanted to spend time with a woman outside of bed but Maddie's siren call was too much for me to ignore.

I decided to keep up my romancing. If nothing else, I could show her that I wasn't a complete jackass like I had been the previous times we met. Something about me wanted to make her see that I could be nice even though I usually wasn't nice. I had never acted this way towards a woman and it was slightly unnerving but I just decided to not fight this. Being romantic would obviously get me the best fuck of my life so that was what I was going to do.

After I took Maddie's roses over this morning, I came back to my building and worked out downstairs for a good two hours to burn off the frustration in my body. By the time I made it back up to my penthouse, showered, shaved, dressed and drank a cup of coffee, it was nine. Maddie should be calling any second.

I tapped my fingers in rhythm on the granite countertop with my cellphone next to me.

I waited, just staring at the thing for half an hour and debated to call her or not. I had made the first move so now it was her turn.

A sharp ringing sounded through the kitchen and a sly smile appeared on my lips. I waited as to not appear too eager.

"Hello." I answered.

"Hello." Maddie's sweet voice came over the other end.

"I was wondering when I was going to hear from you." And I found that I was actually glad to hear from her.

"I had to figure out how to thank a certain man for sending me the most beautiful roses...again."

"Really? More competition for me to deal with?"

"Yes, you might need to up the romance factor. I'm hot stuff."

"You have no idea." I spoke softly and pointedly.

She was silent for a couple of seconds, "I looked up the color orange when I got the flowers."

"And what did they mean?"

"Desire and passion." She answered simply.

"Can you blame me for jumping the gun? You were absolutely stunning last night and it was all I could do to not..." I couldn't even finish that sentence.

"Thank you. That means a lot coming from a man who's probably had sex with over a thousand women in his lifetime."

I suddenly felt ashamed of my number. Did she think I was a man whore?

"Uh...well that might be on the modest side of things." I decided not to hide behind my sins.

"So, I was calling to say thank you for the flowers."

"You're welcome. Expect more soon."

"I think you might need to stop with the gifts. I'm not a big fan of being fawned over."

"Really?" That actually did surprise me. Most women liked expensive gifts and I had just given her flowers. What would she think when I pulled out everything I had.

"Yes, really. I hate people spending money on me."

"Well you better get used it."

"Used to it? You make it sound like you're trying to court me."

"For now." I said, trying not to give away my true goal of just fucking her, "May I take you out to dinner tonight?"

"I guess so."

"You guess? That doesn't sound very promising."

"Well as I recall, you said you would be calling me."

"Now you're just getting into semantics." I joked.

"Maybe I should be the one asking you out?"

"Absolutely not. I'm the one romancing you, remember?"

"I guess." She replied and I could almost see her shrug her shoulders. She was mockingly being nonchalant but I knew she wanted to laugh her ass off at our back-and-forth.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?"

"If you're asking if I like watching you squirm, then yes."

"I would like to see you squirm as well Maddie, don't forget that." I was trying to warn her. I was trying to make my evil thoughts known, that way it was her fault if this didn't end like she wanted it to.

"I know you would Justin but you still have some work to do."

"I'll have to step my game up." I chuckled.

"Last night was amazing, thank you for that."

"It was my pleasure. So, what about dinner tonight?"

"Sure, can we go back to Carmel? I need to redeem myself from that last horrible disaster and Olivia has been bugging me to take her there so she can apologize to Finn."

"That would get me some brownie points with him. He's been asking about her."

"I'll meet you there?"

"I can't pick you up?"

"I want to make it alive and your driving is less than suspect. I can't risk my life like that again."

I laughed, "Okay then, beautiful. I'll meet you at Carmel at seven."

"Sounds like a plan."

"You make sure you look as amazing as always."

"I'll do what I can."

"Bye, beautiful."

"Bye, yourself."

We hung up and I felt a certain calm wash over me.

I tried to ignore the bounce in my step throughout the whole day as I went about my business.

I didn't have much to do besides go down to the docks and review over a shipment of cocaine that was stored in baby formula cans as they crossed over the border from Mexico. I know that might seem strange but you'll soon learn that drug smuggling wasn't as flashy as it seems in the movies. There were hundreds of ways to get drugs into the country and the old baby formula trick was just as simple as the next.

Baby formula was viscous enough to mask the scent of cocaine from dogs at the border and easy enough to melt down once we got it. We could easily extract coke from the formula and then package it ourselves. Of course we had to be careful that none of our shipments got mixed with the normal formula but we hadn't had any problems yet.

I basically just stood on the docks and watched some lower level guys unload a shipment that had just came in, while checking off the crates. We stashed them in the warehouse where my father's "scientists" would do the rest. .

I went home that day, still on a high from this morning and felt like I needed to do something so I cleaned. I usually didn't feel the need to clean but today, I was nervous for some reason.

I scrubbed down the toilets, showers and sinks, which were already spotless but germs were sneaky motherfuckers and could hide in plain sight. I made sure that everything was in order in my office and felt the sudden need to reorganize my CD collection, which took hours. By the time I looked up, it was six-thirty and I was like a school boy, climbing over the sofa to get out of the door.

I decided to just walk to Carmel since it was close and then realized that I was in the same vicinity of Northeastern. It was outside of the city but still close enough to be housed in Chicago. I could walk to Maddie's dorm in ten, fifteen minutes easily.

I put my hands in my pockets and strolled down the crowded afternoon streets of the city as I looked around behind my sunglasses. I got the usual looks of lust from some girls who were incredibly hot but over the past week, I had found that they held no fascination for me. Not until I conquered Maddie, would I be able to get back on the train of world domination.

I made it to Carmel right on time and waited a few minutes before I saw a cab pull up with Maddie steeping out, followed by Olivia but I didn't really notice her.

Maddie was dressed casually in a nice pair of dark jeans that fucking hugged her long legs like I wanted to and a white corseted top that pushed up her chest but not in an obscene way. Her hair was thrown over her shoulder as soft curls flowed throughout and she had on the same white pumps from last night that I jacked off to this morning while I was in the shower. This night, she had an orange flower in her hair that was rivaling her beauty. She looked... luminescent.

She approached me cautiously with a side grin and Olivia bounded over with a seemingly endless amount of energy.

"Hi, I'm sorry about last week. I just came to apologize." She began, "I'm Olivia." She held her hand out for me.

I was about to say something but she cut me off, "I know you probably think I'm some crazy person but I'm not, I swear. I was just trying to help my friend out and I know that the taser was a little much. Is Finn inside? I need to go find him." She skipped towards the door while my mouth hung open, "Love the suit by the way." She said before going inside.

"She never quits." Maddie came up to me with her lips twitching in laughter.

"Wow, I feel like I need a nap now."

"Welcome to my life." She rolled her eyes.

I leaned in to taste her but then thought about what the gentlemanly thing to do would be in this situation. Of course, with my smooth brain, the first thing that popped into my mind was to quote Shakespeare, "May I bestow upon your lips a kiss...?"

"...a kiss of honey or wine or blood?" She quoted back and to say I was impressed would be an understatement.

I couldn't help myself as I melded our mouths together, my hand on the lower part of her back, pushing her towards me.

Just like last night, her hands went into my hair, causing a growl to erupt from my throat and her body just seemed to fold into mine. Our lips moved seamlessly as our tongues inched their ways together. A jolt of electricity was constantly flowing through my body but I didn't mind the tingling sensation one bit.

"Justin, we have to stop." Maddie bowed her head, effectively ending our kiss.

"I'm sorry. Was that rude?"

"No, it was fine. People are just staring." She whispered and her eyes darting to a creepy looking dude smoking a cigarette on the corner.

"Let's go inside." I opened the door for her and scowled at the man who was wagging his eyebrows at me, "Fuck you." I said loud enough for him to hear but not Maddie as I went inside.

The waiting staff knew me here so a hostess led us to my normal table near the waterfall, the same place I was seated when I met Maddie on her fate.

She slid into the booth opposite me and I unbuttoned my jacket as I sat down.

"So, how was your day?" I asked and folded my hands on the table.

"Good. I made a one hundred on a test I took last week so that brightened up my spirits." She smiled, "You look very nice by the way."

"You do too but when don't you?" I said.

"True. It's a curse." She said arrogantly but she was just joking.

We ordered a couple rolls of sushi and sake. While we waited for our meals, I noticed Finn and Olivia sitting in a corner at another table, laughing like they were old friends.

Maddie and I talked about everything but seemingly nothing at the same time. I had to remind myself that I was a boring, twenty-five year old, real estate agent on more than one occasion when I slipped up but I guess that was all part of her charm. Maddie made me seem like I could talk forever and that never happened.

She was younger than I was, twenty-one, but that was only four years. Not too bad. Even though she was younger, I could have sworn that I was talking to a thirty year old. She was so wise and mature, nothing like the other girls I met and tried to pick up.

"So, what's your secret?" Maddie leaned in as we sipped wine after our meals were over.

"What secret?"

"I don't know, you just seem so mysterious and I can't put my finger on it..."

"Sorry. I'm a closed book." I laughed.

She moved her leg under that table so that it was rubbing mine and I raised an eyebrow.

"Don't get any ideas." She shot me down.

"Are you one of those girls who have a time limit on how long it is until we finally have sex?"

"You're so sure of yourself."

"Oh come on, you and I both know it's going to happen. I can feel the tension in our bodies." I whispered lowly.

She shuddered as I brushed my leg against hers, "Be that as it may, I have rules and I don't think you want any kind of relationship with me so..."

I was tempted to say yes just to see what she would do. Did I want a relationship with this girl? Of course I didn't. Just one fuck.

"So...what?" I prompted.

"You're going to have to wait until I say you're ready."

"Until you say? That's rich."

"You're one of those men who are used to getting everything you want but I don't give in easily."

"Don't I know it. I've tried everything with you."

"I know and it's been fun watching you work for it."

"Work for you? I'm willing to do that." I said seriously.

She looked at me with penetrating eyes for a second and then took a lazy sip of her wine.

Our date ended two hours later and we practically closed down the restaurant. Maddie complained that she couldn't walk in her heels so I hailed her a cab and put her in the back after a long kiss that left me breathless. She smirked her way into the cab and then left me alone on the sidewalk.

I walked home slowly and thought about how this girl was basically just playing me like I was playing her. I thought I was master and commander of this thing we had going but she was obviously in control. I would let her take me if she wanted because I just wanted to feel me inside of her. That was my goal and I had to keep my head straight.

The next morning, I dropped off another bunch of orange roses to signify the same thing that they did the morning before. Throughout the day, I was thinking about what I could do for a date. She didn't have that many classes so instead of dinner, I brought her lunch and we ate on the quad near her dorm.

It was the most laid back I had ever felt in my life and I quickly found out that she was making me let my guard down. That, I didn't like but there was nothing I could do about her.

She read to me from The Jungle as she laid on the grass and I had the urge to lay next to her and not do anything sexual, so that's what I did. I just watched her lips move around the words, I watched her fingers turn the page, I watched her hair blow in the breeze and something in me changed...again.

Who was this girl?

I went home after lunch and she couldn't go out to dinner because she had to study so I spent a lonely night eating greasy pizza that I worked off in the gym afterward.

The next morning, I carried a huge vase of pale and dark pink flowers to her dorm where I dropped them off like I had done every morning. I had found out that pink was a good way to describe Maddie in terms of color.

The roses symbolized gentility, femininity, elegance and refinement, the pink rose also carries additional meanings depending on its hue. A deep pink conveys gratitude and appreciation, while pale shades connote grace and gentleness, admiration and happiness. Both dark and light were perfect for Maddie.

The next night was dinner at Carmel again and she smiled the whole time, meaning that I was close to my end goal and I think tonight was going to be the night. It had been a whole week of nothing but romancing.

I had played all my cards right by sending her flowers, taking her out to nice places, showing her my fucking yacht that I never showed anyone and she was crumbling or maybe I was crumbling but in any case, I needed to get laid.

We ate slowly and things just seemed to flow between us in a way that I hadn't felt in a long time.

"So, where to now?" Maddie asked as we stepped out into the night after eating.

"Can you walk?" I pointed to her heels that she was dominating in.

"I'm fine." She said and we kept a slow pace as we went through Grant Park and crossed over the now infamous fountain of our second meeting.

"I always thought you were a jerk." Maddie said suddenly, "I still think you're a jerk." She nudged me with her tiny body.

"Then why did you agree to go out with me?"

"Believe it or not, I kind of like you. Against my better judgment."

"You like me?" I asked dramatically.

"Don't flatter yourself, I'm just saying that if I had to be out with someone, you're a good person to have fun with.

She didn't realize that I was leading her towards my apartment but that was the plan I was working for. We were slowly making our way through the streets, towards my house. I just had to keep up a unhurried, indifferent persona about me.

"I'm not such a good person Maddie." I said truthfully.

"I can tell but you're...not all that bad either."

"Well thank you."

We stayed on out path for a good fifteen minutes, not really speaking but just enjoying each other.

"Are you leading me towards your lair?" Maddie raised her eyebrow at me.

I didn't really know what to say so I just grinned at her when we stopped walking. I could see the front lobby of my building behind her and she crossed her arms over her chest.

"I'm not stupid Justin." She stood on her tiptoes to give me a short yet powerful kiss, "Can I come up?"

"I can't deny you what you want." I smirked.

I opened the door for her and she walked into the building with a certain air of gloating.

This was turning out to be one hell of a night.

 johnnyboy7 and dreamofsparkle owns everything There Will Be Blood related.


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