There Will Be Blood (not mine)

By turntojelena

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*YOU HAVE TO FOLLOW ME IF U WANT TO READ SOME OF THE CHAPTERS!* Justin Bieber, 25, the son of a Chica... More

There Will Be Blood
1. Prologue
2. A World Ruled by Men
3. Purity
5. Plasma and Transfusions
6. Directly From Venus
7. Shades of Brown
8. La Forza della Tigre
9. Sin and Punishment
10. Jungle Chase
11. War of the Roses
12. Master and Commander
13. Power Pleasure and Pain
14. La Pura Verita
15. Joie de Vivre
16. The Weight of One Choice
17. Heaven Hell and Purgatory
18. Chaos and Order in Russia
19. Strategy for the Demise
20. Russian Porcelain
21. Blood Oath
22. The Tale of Two Justin.
23. The Definition of Rage and Love
24. Bulletproof
25. Inferno
26. Music of the Heart
27. Poison
28. Horn of Amalthea
29. Apples Diamonds and Ink
30. Indiscrezioni del Passato
31. Paradise Lost
32. The Revolutionary
33. Cinders and Ashes
34. Valentine's Day Massacre
35. Meeting of the Minds
36. Gargoyle
37. Pyscho-Chemical Torture
38. The Old Man and the Wheelchair
39. Obedience and Authority
40. Marine Biology
41. Helen of Troy
42. News and Return
43. The Races
44. The End of Madeleine Fell
45. The End
46. Epilogue 1- A Single Rose
47. Epilogue 2-Always and Forever

4. Gangs of Chicago

21.5K 419 222
By turntojelena


I circled Keegan once, twice, three times before I lunged, taking him down with me. We hit the mat with a thud that echoed off of the walls in the health club.

Finn was lifting weights on the other side of the room while other people milled around, not really working out. The only thing that mattered right now was Keegan, under my forearm.

He quickly threw me off of him and I rolled over before hopping back up.

"You're getting old Keegan." I played with him, knowing it would piss him off.

"Shut up and fight." He threw himself at me, taking me down by the waist as he laid punch after punch on my body. Since I had my shirt off, my skin was the only thing absorbing the blows.

We Bieber men had a strict regiment when it came to working out partly because we needed to stay in shape but also because we had so much pent up testosterone, it was kind of a necessity.

"Come on Justin, pick up the pace." Keegan taunted me as he laid his fists into my chest.

I lifted my legs up and wrapped them around his neck before pulling him down to my level. He let out an animalistic grunt and I flipped us over so that I was pinning him down.

"Hey, cavemen! I'm hungry." Finn tried to pull me off of Keegan but I wasn't letting go easily. I took a couple of rough tugs before I got up, breathing heavily and wiping the blood from my lip.

"Just give me five more minutes with you." Keegan spoke as he got off of the floor.

"You two always take it too far. Look at this." Finn hit my chest where a huge, purple bruise was developing.

"What can I say? I fight to win." I shrugged as my breathing calmed down.

"That was a good workout." Keegan held out his hand and I shook before he wrapped his huge arm around my neck in a choke hold.

Finn eventually gave up, throwing his hands in the air and walked off to get his bag. Once Keegan let me go, I followed. I put on my shirt and we sauntered out of the gym.

"I think Dad wants us at the house." I said as I read through the text messages on my phone.

"Now?" Keegan groaned.

"You don't have anything better to do."

"I do so. Bridget and I were going to the lake. I guess we'll have to reschedule."

"What is with you? How can you have one woman?" I asked, really wanting to know because it all seemed so out of bounds for me.

"She's what I want. It's not that hard Justin. Just look at Mom and Dad." He explained, "They've been together forever."

"Yeah but Dad's always been a little soft." I said.

"I'm not soft." Keegan defended himself, "I just don't see the need to run around town, trying to get pussy on every corner. Bridget is more than enough for me."

"If you say she completes you, I'm taking away your man card." I laughed.

"It's true. I've never felt this way with any girl...ever and you know I've been through hundreds. I've tried relationships before but this is different. I think she's the one." He said and even I could see the light in his eyes. It made me sick.

"I hope I never have to hear those words coming from your mouth again." Finn shivered.

"You'll both know what I'm talking about soon." Keegan threw his arms over both of us as we approached the parking lot, "I can feel it. I need to get my brothers respectable women."

"I like my life." I pushed him off of me, "I don't need a respectable woman."

"I hear that." Finn gave me a high five and we climbed into one of Dad's cars that we just happened to pluck out of the garage. He had the most extensive collection I had ever seen so it wasn't any skin off of his nose if we took some of them for a joy ride sometimes.

"Do we have time to go to the penthouse and shower?" I asked as I sat in the back. Finn drove and Keegan just fucked with the radio.

"No, we can just do it when we get to the house. We have to drop the car off anyway."

Finn pulled out of the parking lot and sped down the crowded, late afternoon highways of Chicago. We passed all the colleges and universities that all the rich kids attended and I huffed a little sigh of annoyance or maybe it was jealousy.

I had never really had the opportunity to be a kid or a regular college student for that matter. From the time I learned about this life when I was about ten, I knew that organized crime was what I wanted to do. From then on, my life was kind of fast tracked and I never slowed down to just be...normal? I guess that's the best word to use for it.

In college, I didn't really party or do anything fun. That was Finn and Keegan's domains. I was more focused on getting out of school so that I could get back to life behind my father. I didn't have time to waste away with frats and drinking games. That wasn't to say that I didn't have my share of fun while in school but it wasn't an everyday type thing.

I was more like my father in that way. I was more business when it called for it and even in a "laid back" atmosphere, I was always tense. I didn't like showing people outside of the family that I could laugh or had emotions. It made me seem weak in my eyes so I stayed cold and hard.

The only time I did appear to be some form of a human was when I tried to pick up girls. I knew the affect I had on women. My bright golden eyes, my bronze hair, sculpted body, angular face; it was all like a magnet for anything with a vagina. I wasn't being cocky but I'm just pointing out facts. I usually didn't have to do anything if I went into a club or bar. I let the women come to me and then, with one crocked smile or hand-to-thigh contact, I was in. The rest of my night would be filled with fun sex and adventurous pillow talk.

I didn't have the energy to actually spend any time with women other than the instances I was fucking them because I had better things to do. I didn't want anything like what Keegan had with Bridget because that just seemed like too much work. Plus, I was one who always had to be in control and I wasn't going to be run by some little bitch who thought she could change me. That wasn't how I worked.

It wasn't that I didn't know how to do romance but what was the point? I didn't want any girls sticking around long enough for that. I was a gentleman when it came to women so I guess I did have some kind of soft side to me but I hated showing it. I just couldn't get my mother's teachings out of my head.

Hold the door for a lady.

Pull out her chair.

Never use curse words.

Blah, blah, blah.

"Justin, are you listening to me?" Finn shouted.

"Do I ever?" I replied sarcastically.

He just glared at me in the rear view mirror.

"Okay, what do you want?"

"I was saying that Kennedy is going to be at Ma's dinner on Saturday."

"Shit." I said furiously, "Why?"

"Because, Dad says we have some business to deal with and the Anthis' have been invited to dinner." Keegan rolled his eyes.

The Anthis' were so insufferable, it wasn't even funny.

Another crime family who always tried to upstage us, they were from old money and Greek I think although I have to admit that I never really paid any attention to their family history. Our two families have been fighting since the dawn of time even though we've always been semi-cordial, especially now in a time when you couldn't just kill on the street without police breathing down your neck.

Aro Anthis was the head and just like Jeremy, he was calm and cool on the outside with a hint of frightening fire beneath. He was terrifying to anyone who crossed him but his face never contorted into anything more than a scowl. Come to think of it, I had never seen him get angry.

The Anthis bloodline was thick with evil and horrible dealings in some of history's most diabolical situations. I think the great, grandfather had something to do with Nazis and then the grandfather was in Columbia for awhile back in the sixties, dealing with the overthrow of the government. Their history was almost as bad as ours but somehow, we came out on top on many things.

The Bieber's had more money, more prestige, more fearing followers and more greatness in general. For that, the Anthis' hated us but like I said, we were always cordial. Once their family moved to Chicago in the late seventies, we were suddenly dealing with them encroaching on our territory and that was unacceptable. At that point, a young Jeremy was in command and made it perfectly clear that Aro wasn't necessarily welcome. We were like rivaling gangs of Chicago, tearing up the streets and steeping on each other's toes. Our relationship had been tense ever since.

Aro and his wife had three children; Demetri, Felix and Heidi, all of whom were the most infuriating bunch of humans alive but they were nothing compared to their cousin Kennedy.

One time, I fucked her one time maybe five years ago and now she thought that we were in some kind of relationship. She clung to me every chance she got and whenever we got together, she made it a point to have me in her eyesight at all times. I usually just hung out in the office or library whenever I knew she was coming over to my parent's house for dinner.

I banged my head against the window and Finn drove through the less crowded, rich suburbs of Chicago.

The houses suddenly turned into trees and rolling hills of green grass as we neared the house, which looked more like a castle but Pattie never did anything half way when it came to decorating. She had her own design firm in the city so she was pretty well known and her house was nothing to scoff at.

On a concealed path, behind trees and brush, the road up to the residence appeared. It was nothing special from the street but once you got past the small thicket of forest, a sprawling estate presented itself like the fucking White House.

Pattie designed, built and decorated the whole thing herself. It was a massive undertaking that took over five years to complete but it was home. This was the house I grew up in and no matter how many apartments or townhouses I owned; this place would always be my favorite for the simple fact that I remember it the most. This was also the place where Jeremy ran everything from so it wasn't all peaches and roses.

The granite stone of the driveway was mirrored in the façade of the house that had three floors and God knows how many rooms. I don't even think I had ever counted. Everything inside was modern while still having that old world, Victorian flair that my mother was so famous for.

There were hundreds of acres of land behind the house that stretched for miles and as a kid, I remember running through the trees without a care in the world. As an adult, I remember the forests as a place where shooting practice took place or where I had my first joint when I was twelve. A whole different world emerged out there when the sun set. Darkness brought evil.

Of course, being in the business that we were in, security was everywhere. My father basically hired his own outfit of guards, snipers, attack dogs, everything for his family's protection. There had been more than one occasion when they were needed but thankfully, we hadn't had any casualties in a very long time all thanks to my father's obsessive need to keep his family safe. He knew what he was doing.

Pattie was waiting for us on the front steps of the house when we pulled up into the circular driveway.

"I wonder what we did now." Finn turned off the car, "She looks pissed."

We all got out of the car with our bags and walked casually up to the door.

"What took you boys so long?" She had an apron wrapped around her waist and even though she was probably cooking, she was in heels that were too high and a skirt that was too professional.

"We were working out. Did we do well?" Keegan flexed.

"I told you to be home an hour ago. We're having company." She pushed us inside.

"Who? I thought it was just us for dinner?" I asked.

"The Anthis' have to go out of the country on Saturday so I invited them over for dinner tonight."

I spun around quickly, "They're coming tonight?"

"Yes, is there a problem with that?" Pattie had her hands on her hips and a face that was scary.

"You know how he gets with Kennedy." Finn said.

"Well you two will just have to get over that. I expect you boys to be polite as usual."

"How long do I have to prepare myself for the massive amount of hell that you just poured on me?" I set my bag down.

"Don't use that language and they'll be here in about an hour. Bridget is helping me cook and you boys should be dressed soon. Move." She pointed to the steps and like we were in an army, we climbed the stairs to our old rooms.

They were basically the same as we left them when we went off to college. None of us lived in the house anymore but it was always nice to have a place to call home. My penthouse was just a place for me to stay, not really a home but I guess I could look at it the other way and say that I had the ultimate bachelor pad, which was fine with me.

I climbed the gigantic stairs to the second floor where my area was. On the way, I passed the expensive artwork, large family portraits, hanging curtains and walked on fancy rugs. Pattie didn't like anything done halfway so her house was no exception. It would have put anything a Vanderbilt owned to shame.

Pattie's work had been featured in so many magazines, she pretty much could do what she wanted in terms of remodels of rich housewives' homes.

"Hurry up." Bridget shouted from the first floor and I scurried my way to the shower after peeling off my clothes.

I took a good shower, shaved and washed my hair before wrapping a towel around my waist, heading to my closet.

My room was big and looked just like I remember it from growing up. The pictures on the walls and bed sheets had changed but that was about it. Unlike Finn and Keegan, I was a minimalist and didn't need posters or overstuffed chairs. A bed, TV, a couple books; that was all I needed.

I went into the closet and saw my clothes hanging in a perfect line along the wall. All my suits, shirts, belts, ties, and shoes were organized like they had never been touched and I had to remind myself to thank Pattie later. Even though we didn't live with her, she took it upon herself to keep our things neat.

I pulled on boxers and then fingered through my pants selection until I found a pair of navy blue Armani slacks that would be perfect for dinner. I knew how to dress thanks to Pattie and I knew what looked nice on me thanks to women who appraised my appearance. I just chose a crisp, white button down and rolled the sleeves up to my elbows. I put a black belt and black loafers that would complete my look.

I went into the bathroom and tried to do something with my hair, which had a mind of its own. It would stay set for a couple of minutes but as the night went on, I knew it would be all over the place. I had a nasty habit of running my hands through it so I had no one to blame but me.

Usually, dinner at the Bieber's wasn't an everyday thing and was more laid back than this but when we had company, Pattie expected us to be at our best.

I walked down the steps and was the first one ready.

Pattie and Bridget were flitting around the massive kitchen, trying to get dinner ready while I sat at the counter drinking a beer.

"You know, you could get off your ass and help." Bridget glared at me.

"I don't cook." I replied simply.

"He'll burn the house down." Pattie giggled, "I still remember when you tried to make French toast and you poured syrup on a loaf of bread."

"I was seven." I muttered under my breath and almost laughed at the memory. It would have been funny if everyone would stop bringing it up.

"It's okay dear. We all can't be excellent cooks like me." Pattie pulled out a superior looking pot roast from the oven that was almost as big as my whole body.

She was right. I didn't cook and the fridge in my apartment was basically naked, void of any nutrition. I eat take out if I did eat but most of the time, I went days without anything substantial when work got in the way.

"I don't know why you just don't pay attention." Bridget stood at the stove and basted some potatoes, "I could educate you if you would just ask for my help."

"I've tried cooking but it doesn't work for me."

"Maybe you can find someone who can teach you." My mother said with a slight glint in her eye.

"Meaning?" I urged her on because I knew it was coming.

She shrugged, "I'm just saying. You're twenty-five and I know that's young but I want you to settle down. Find someone nice who makes you smile."

"I have you." I gave her my charming voice and she melted.

"You're too sweet but I want grandbabies." She pointed at me and I pointed at Bridget.

"I don't think so. I don't want kids for at least ten years." She held her hands up, "That's not my thing right now."

"Well me either." I shuddered. I hated kids and my mother knew it. Her best bet for grandchildren was Bridget and Keegan because I wasn't ever dipping my toe into that lake. Finn wasn't either.

"Well, someone needs to get pregnant in here." Pattie said and then crossed herself, "Forgive me for that." She spoke to the heavens. Bridget and I just rolled our eyes and kept on ignoring my mother's religious antics. She wasn't too pious, none of us were but she tried the most to live by some kind of moral code.

"T-minus half an hour." My father laughed as he glided into the kitchen, regal as ever in his smart, black, suit. He made a beeline straight for Pattie and they had their moment, not caring that I was in the room.

I made a fake gagging noise to get their attention.

"This isn't high school Justin." Jeremy said when he pulled away, "You want to know where you were conceived? Right here on this counter." He ran his hand along the marble where I was sitting.

"You two are sick." I felt my face screw up.

"What's going on folks?" Keegan grandly entered the kitchen in a God awful, white suit and pink shirt. He looked like something out of Miami Vice.

"Really, sweetheart?" Pattie chastised, "You couldn't find something better suited for tonight?"

"You look like a pimp." Finn laughed when he came into the kitchen.

"No, I like it." Keegan did a spin to show himself off.

Bridget wiped her hands on a dishtowel and didn't even say anything as she pulled Keegan out of the kitchen. He grumbled under his breath but didn't make remarks.

The next half hour was spent in frenzied preparation for the Anthis arrival. My mother didn't like housekeepers or cooks, claiming she could do it all herself so she was working the hardest. Keegan, who had been re-dressed in something more appropriate, and I just set the table. Pattie redid it after we were done. Finn, the only one of us who could cook, made some side dishes.

By the time the gate bell rang, I was on pins and needles. Kennedy brought out the worst in me.

Keegan, Finn and I had guns in belts and I suspected that Demetri and Felix had the same. Just in case of course. Aro and my father were always talking about something whether it was business related or not but it could tend to get on the rough side when their two heads butted together.

All six of us stood in the foyer, waiting for Aro and his family to get out of the cars. Jeremy and Pattie went out on the steps to greet them and even from the window, I could see Kennedy's long legs that started at her chin. I hated to fact that my body reacted to the sight but I had to admit, she was hot... just crazy.

"It's nice to see you again Jeremy." I heard Aro's voice through the open door. His sound matched his look. Slightly cold, ashen, ancient and stern while having an undertone of evil.

"You too Aro, it's been too long. I should call more often." My father replied, coolly as usual.

Bridget, Keegan, Finn and I looked at each other with skeptical eyes. We knew that would never happen.

They talked on the steps, making polite conversation until they came inside. Aro's wife, Athenadora was a kind and gentle woman; similar to Pattie who liked to dote on her sons more than necessary. Felix and Demetri came in with their suits on and guns clearly shown. Finn, Keegan, and I stood up a little straighter to show them whose house this was.

They were both big and muscular kind of like Keegan but had nowhere near the amount of mass he had. They resembled almost exactly their father with their deep eyes that looked almost black and short, cropped, dark hair. They stood about my height, which was pretty tall but I wasn't intimidated by them. I never had been.

Heidi was looking as hot as ever and was Bridget's main competition through all of this. Bridget hated to be upstaged in anything, especially beauty and Heidi was giving her a run for her money, in a red dress to show off her ample amount of cleavage and lots of skin. And then of course, Kennedy was there to give me a bright smile.

"Justin, I've missed you." She jumped and wrapped her arms around me, holding tightly to my neck.

She had long, flowing blonde hair and a cherub-like face, making her look like a Botticelli angel. She had curves in all the right places and slender everywhere else. I tried not to think of the warmth of her pussy but was failing miserably. If she wasn't so screwed up in the head, maybe we could help each other out in the sexual frustration department.

"You too Kennedy. I hope you're doing well." I spoke professionally so that she would know to keep her distance.

"We should hang out more now that I'm back in the city. Are you still staying in the penthouse?" She looped her arm around mine as we walked towards the dining room.

"Yes." I said, not really wanting to give her too much information.

Maybe it was the Gods trying to punish me for my sins but I was seated next to Kennedy who was more than happy when I pulled out her chair for her to sit.

The talk around dinner was normal and strained, intertwined with short snippets of mob business but Pattie shut that down as soon as it arose.

A wonderful dinner was had and I was actually surprised that no one had blown each other's brains out yet. For the most part, it was a nice affair with good wine and delicious food. Everyone laughed as Aro told old stories about Jeremy and in their heyday.

As a huge desert of chocolate cake was passed around, I felt a small hand shoot directly to my crotch. I dropped my fork with a loud clang and all eyes turned to me.

"Are you alright sweetheart?" Pattie asked with a concerned face.

"Yes." I squeaked out and smiled.

I hit Kennedy's hand away but she was already a little happier than I wanted. My dick wasn't listening to my thoughts and shot straight up in my pants due to the fact that it was getting some attention.

"Don't fight me Justin." Kennedy whispered with a snippet of lust in her voice as her hand went back in between my legs.

Fuck it!

I let her jack me off under the table while our families finished dinner.


 johnnyboy7 and dreamofsparkle owns everything There Will Be Blood related.


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