LLC (Laucy + Lucila + Camren...

Por LadyHeidisan

3.7K 60 68

Fifth Harmony are about to head out on their 7/27 tour across the world. Lauren Jauregui reveals some news ab... Mais

LLC (Lucy + Lauren + Camila = Laucila)

3.7K 60 68
Por LadyHeidisan

Summary: Fifth Harmony are about to head out on their 7/27 tour across the world. Lauren Jauregui reveals some news about Lucy Vives that has Camila Cabello shook. Three girls have secrets, but when they come out, will they be able to handle the truth?

One Shot

Let's play a game. See if you can find all the tracks off of the 7/27 album, including all versions as of today, 08/15/2016. Can you spot 15/15?

I hope you're satisfied with who is endgame. ;)


"So, I have some good news that I'm really excited about."


"Lucy is going to join us on the bus during the tour. Just like last summer."

"That's... great!" Camila said halfheartedly. Kicking herself mentally when she noticed the lack of enthusiasm in her voice.

"You don't sound like you really think it's that great, Camila." Lauren said, crinkling her eyebrows and partly frowning at the brown eyed girl.

Camila shifted her weight uncomfortably and trained her eyes on something other than Lauren's intense stare.

"No, sorry, I didn't mean for it to come out that way. It's just that..." Camila trailed off looking for something to cover for her distress.

"What is it, Camz? You can tell me." She hesitated for a moment. "You barely talk to her anymore, what do you have against Lucy?"

Camila couldn't help but give out a soft nervous laugh. "Fuck." She cursed, almost inaudible, while shaking her head. "Wow, you just asked me that, didn't you?"

"Sssshit." Lauren hissed out. "Camila... What's happening?" Her green eyes widened in shock from what she started figuring out about the situation before her.

"Damn it!" Camila's arms flew up in the air and came back down quickly into her lap. "You know, don't you?"

Lauren raked a hand through her dark hair. "I have an idea but I don't know for sure."

"I guess I might as well put it out there." Camila looked into the depths of Lauren's beautiful green orbs. "I shouldn't say this but I've been bottling it up for so long." She suddenly stopped, having a lack of courage.

"Go on. I can tell it's something that's eating away at you. Just tell me. Be honest with me. I can take it." Lauren encouraged her as she placed a reassuring hand on Camila's knee, giving it a light squeeze.

"I really don't think I should. I don't want to mess things up." She began to wring her hands together, her anxiety blatantly evident.

"Fine. If you don't say it, I will. You still have feelings for me. Right? There it's out in the open, now. Does that make it easier for you to talk about?" Lauren laid it out with such ease.

Camila took a sharp intake of air as she ran a hand through her long hair. That's only part of it. She had an urge to say it out loud but she couldn't bring herself to reveal anymore. Instead, her nerves overtook her and she panicked. "Alright, you said it. Now it's out there and we both know. Good, discussion over. I need to go." She got up from the hotel bed they were sitting on and started to make her way towards the door.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Lauren jumped to her feet.

"Back to my room." She answered as she opened the door.

"But... " Lauren pleaded, not able to get another word in because the door had already clicked closed.

     Upon entering her room, Camila blindly made her way through the pitch black, forcefully threw herself onto the bed and face planted her pillow.

Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God! What did I just do?

Camila's mind was a whirlwind of anxiety. She truly felt like she royally fucked up. For so long she was able to hide her real feelings for Lauren. Then, within the blink of an eye, the other girl figured it out and her facade was broken. She rolled over and stared into the darkness, a few tears escaping the corners of her eyes. She blinked the warm droplets away as she contemplated how the hell she was going to fix this. She couldn't take it back. It was too late for that.

Her head was racing as she thought back in time, to when the feelings started to rise again. Actually, they never really went away after Lauren and her decided to end their... what was it, exactly? It wasn't a relationship. They didn't call each other "girlfriend." More like friends with benefits. But it wasn't quite that either. Because friends don't have such strong feelings for each other. Friends don't say "I love you" with such blatant passion. It was never one-sided, they both told each other how they felt. Both said they were in love and showed it. But if they were in love, why couldn't they be together? Too many outside influences, too much pressure, too many mixed feelings. Life, simply put. "When life hits love, sometimes you just die" as Lauren would say.

One miserable night back in the beginning of 2015, they reached a mutual agreement. Even though it hurt like hell, they decided to call a quits on their "relationship." They thought it would be better for their mental health and sanity because things were just getting way too complicated to continue.

If anything though, it just made things more complicated. Trying to move on, Camila started dating a boy shortly after their split. She enjoyed his company, but she couldn't help but compare it to the way she had... or still felt about Lauren. She tried and tried to just focus on what she was trying to build with someone new, but she was failing. And she figured he sensed she wasn't that interested in him because a few months into dating him, she found out he was cheating on her. It may seem weird, but she was somewhat relieved. Yes, she was hurt and disgusted at the same time, however, that gave her the right push to end something that wasn't going anywhere in the first place. He never lived up to what she felt for Lauren, anyway. And when she started something with another person, that didn't work out either. Lauren being the root cause of that one as well.

Everything is always a mess!

Camila shifted and stretched out her arm to turn on the bedside lamp. Bright light reached her sensitive eyes and she quickly squeezed them shut. Her hand made contact with the table's surface as she fumbled to find her phone. She bumped it and the phone fell to the ground with a thud. Her eyes shot open. "Fuck!" The frustrated girl cursed as she slid her body over the edge to retrieve her phone.

Camila thought that some social media time would take her mind off of the current situation. She knew she would have to deal with it at some point, but her head was turning into a wreck. She needed a distraction, now.

She noticed she had a new voicemail but decided against listening to it. Instead, she logged into twitter. Not wanting to check her @s or DMs, she opted to lurk on one of her fan's pages. As she scrolled, she started to calm down as she laughed out loud at some of the fan's funny comments about the girls. However, her calm demeanor was quickly squashed when she landed upon a certain tweet. The caption read, "Laucy Appreciation Post." There were four pictures of Lauren and Lucy in close proximity to each other with the happiest looks on their faces. It wasn't the first time she came across something Laucy related. Lately, she has been feeling assaulted by such posts over and over again. They were everywhere. And every time she saw them, she felt a sharp pain in her chest. This time was even worse.

Camila threw her phone onto the nightstand, flicked off the light and haphazardly climbed under her untucked covers. She squeezed her pillow to her chest as the tears began to spill from her eyes.

    The girls were currently on their South American tour. They were busy getting ready for each of their shows, having meet and greets, performing and so forth. Everything was super stressful. Not only was this the beginning of the 7/27 tour, but two-fifths of Fifth Harmony were feeling extra emotional due to what had been revealed and set into motion.

Lauren wanted to talk to Camila about what happened, but time was not permitting her to do so. They had a tight schedule and shit needed to get done. On the other side, Camila was glad about the prolonged lack of communication about the incident. She knew it would eventually come up again but she was secretly hoping it would blow over. Plus, in the little time they could have discussed it, Camila found a way to disappear.

Lauren's birthday was coming up soon, on June 27th, and Camila knew that Lauren invited Lucy for a few days to celebrate it with her. She wanted to spend as little time with them as possible. For the most part, that was pretty easy considering that in down time, Lauren and Lucy mainly wanted to explore or spend time holed up in a hotel room.

When Lauren's birthday arrived, Camila was obligated to attend her birthday dinner. Of course she wouldn't miss out on celebrating the birth of the love of her life. Even if said "love of her life" wasn't really hers to love. She found it excruciating seeing them together. Lucy was laying so many compliments on the birthday girl, especially because it was her day. And Lauren would lean in and bump shoulders with her and giggle with the biggest fucking smile.

Camila almost couldn't take anymore and was contemplating an excuse to leave early. How could she possibly be stuck in a confined bus with them if she can't even handle a short dinner? She didn't leave, however. She needed to find a way to be cool with this, but she felt like it was impossible because she hasn't been able to do that for months on end now.

Camila spent most of the dinner caught up in her thoughts as she picked at her food. Head down, not wanting to engage in conversation. The only thing she didn't like about Lucy was the fact that she was with Lauren. Nothing else really. Lucy was actually great. If Camila was in a relationship, she would want to be treated just like Lucy treats Lauren. It's not like they weren't perfect for each other. Having so much in common is why they became so close in the first place. But why couldn't they have just stayed friends? They were so clearly in love, it made her heart ache. Of course Lauren fell in love with her. With that beautiful mind and body, I could have just as easily let myself fall for Lucy.

     When the night's festivities ended, everyone made their way back to the hotel. Camila sat out on her balcony, looking at the cityscape and the stars. She began to sing a sad song. That's what she did when she felt like she couldn't hold in her emotions any longer, she sang her heart out. The words quietly escaped her lips as she fought back the tears.

"Hey!" A voice came out of nowhere.

Camila jumped and looked around frantically, finding the face of a person she didn't really want to talk to. Lucy was standing on the balcony next to hers.

"Oh, hi." Camila said softly.

"Hey there, neighbor." Lucy spoke cheerfully, greeting her with a wave as she walked over and crossed her arms, laying them on the concrete divider between the balconies.

Camila stared at Lucy but couldn't think of anything to say. She was so caught off guard. They hadn't really talked for so long, only exchanging a few words in passing as of lately. They usually tried to avoid each other at all costs, so she found it extremely odd that Lucy was initiating a conversation. Her mind quickly shot to the only reason that she could think of. At that moment, she wanted to curl into a ball and hide.

Lucy broke the silence. "I heard you singing. Sounded kinda sad. It was beautiful, though."

"Yeah, you caught me. Thanks." She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and looked away shyly.

"I don't think I've heard it before. Who sings it?"

"I do."

"You do? You mean you wrote it?" Lucy questioned, a spark in her eyes.

"Yeah, I wrote it. Something I've been working on." Camila expressed proudly, liking that the conversation was going well so far.

"You did some work from home? Well, the little bit that I heard sounds amazing! Good job."

"Thanks, Lucy. That's really nice of you."

"It's the truth. You're welcome."

A silence filled the air.

Becoming uncomfortable, Camila nervously muttered. "Well... I'm gonna go. It's a little chilly out here." She rubbed her hands together, putting emphasis on her statement. "Goodnight." She said as she got up from her chair and headed for the door.

"No wait!" Lucy almost shouted. "I actually need to talk to you about something."

Camila slowly turned around, her heart beginning to pound wildly in her chest. "Okay." She said as she walked toward Lucy and stopped a couple feet from her, wrapping her arms around herself for comfort.

"I want to tell Lauren what happened last summer." She just blurted it out. No beating around the bush.

Camila's jaw dropped. "What? Why?" Not what she was expecting at all, but still horrible news.

"I just feel like she should know." Lucy said anxiously as she rubbed the side of her neck.

"I don't get it. Why now?"

"She's been asking why you and I don't talk anymore. And it's been bugging me for a while now and I don't want to keep secrets from her. You know how she is about honesty." She pointed toward the wall, insinuating that Lauren occupied the room on the other side.

Camila huffed. "True. She always tries to get the truth out of me."

"I know what you mean by that." She eyed her suggestively.

Realization hit Camila hard. "Hold up, she told you?"

"Yes, she doesn't want any secrets between us. That's why it came up. I have to tell her, but I wanted to run it by you first. So you're prepared."

"Thanks for considering me, but back up for a second. You know I still have feelings for her, and you're acting like it doesn't bother you."

"Honestly, it does but not that much." Lucy said nonchalantly.

"Oh." Camila crinkled her eyebrows. "Really? Not that much?"

"I know your past. I know what happened between you two. I understand that the reason you broke up wasn't because you two didn't love each other anymore. And I know you two will always hold a special place in each other's hearts."

"Okay." Camila simply put but her mind was racing. Did Lauren say I have a special place in her heart?

"I mean, it's not like I don't get it. It wasn't that long ago that Lauren was still in love with you. She wasn't even over you after we officially became a couple." She paused and looked out at the night view for a moment. Getting lost in deep thought.

Camila took the moment to register what was just revealed to her. Lauren was still in love with her even then. After many months of acting like there was nothing between them anymore. I wonder when her love for me totally vanished? She was trying to do the math in her head. Last winter maybe? When we had a month off, Lauren and Lucy spent most of their vacation together. When they had time to connect even more. That's what did it. I was out of the picture momentarily so Lauren was able to move on and fall deeper in love with her.

Lucy turned her head back and rested her gaze on the girl beside her. "And since I'm being so honest, I wasn't expecting everything with Lauren. It just sorta happened. Kinda like you and me. I mean, back then, I really thought you and I were gonna figure shit out and find a way to be together." Lucy's eyes went wide and she quickly covered her mouth with her hand.

"Holy shit, Lucy! My head's about to explode." Camila closed her eyes and pressed her fingertips to her forehead, as if trying to reach in and calm her racing brain.

"Oh my God. I'm really spilling it now, aren't I? I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. Why did Lauren make me even consider that honesty is the best policy? Maybe some things are better left unsaid. But why does it feel so good to release it?" Lucy rambled off with a nervous grin spread across her face.

Camila didn't take much time to contemplate her next words and they came flying out. "Fuck it! I'll give you honesty. I thought you and I had something special too. We shared some amazing times. And what happened last summer... Fuck! It was just great! Then it ended. We had to put a stop to it, right?" She sighed. "And then you went and hooked up with Lauren. Seriously, why did it have to be Lauren of all people?"

"I wasn't expecting any of it. Everything happened so fast. I never meant to hurt you." Lucy said quietly as she put her head down.

"You know what? That Fall was hell for me. Actually, most of 2015 was hell and continued on into 2016. Well, it's been a roller coaster of emotions. Lots of highs and lows. It's like everything that gave me the biggest high ended up making me feel the lowest. When I heard that Lauren and you were together, my heart felt like it shattered beyond repair. It's weird. The person I fell in love with ended up hooking up with the person that I had started to fall for."

"You think that's weird? The two people I hooked up with were in love with each other. Now, I'm in love with one and still infatuated with the other, who was apparently starting to fall for me." Lucy's eyes burned into the girl.

Camila was taken aback by yet another secret revealed. "You're still infatuated with me?"

Lucy smirked. "You say that like you don't believe it."

"It's just that you're with Lauren now." Camila shook her head while putting her face in her hands. "This is such a weird conversation."

"I love Lauren. I'm in love with her! I'm just saying that I still find you very attractive. I mean, considering what we once shared. I know, I know. I'm being way too honest about my feelings. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry about the way you feel. I know what it's like to keep things buried inside. Obviously." Camila expressed as she reached across the divider and gently rubbed Lucy's shoulder.

Lucy placed a hand on Camila's, gave it a gentle squeeze and held it there. "It really does feel good talking about all this. But at the same time, I'm getting super confused. I don't know what's gonna happen next and it kinda scares me."

"Me too."

They stared into each other's eyes for a moment. Lucy licked her lips and bit down on her bottom one. Camila started to lean in.

"I know the next step is telling Lauren." Lucy said suddenly.

Camila felt her heart skip at the mention of Lauren's name. She was just about to give the girl a comforting hug but pulled back instead.

"I know you're right and it scares the hell out of me. Do we tell her everything?"

"She wants honesty and I wanna give it to her. Where we end up, I don't know?" Lucy expressed worriedly, partly frowning.

"Do you want to tell her alone or should we tell her together?"

"At first, I was going to talk to her alone. But now, after everything that's been said, I think it would be best if we tell her together. Do you agree?"

"Yes, and honestly, I'm not really looking forward to it. When do we tell her?" Camila started wringing her hands together out of nervous habit.

"I would say as soon as possible, but I think we should wait till you two are back home. I have to leave soon and things are just so chaotic right now with the both of you traveling the world and all."

"I totally agree." Camila's tension eased up a bit knowing that they still had some time before they shared their dirty little secret with Lauren.

"On that note, should we call it a niiiiight?" Lucy asked as she yawned out "night."

"Yeah." Camila leaned over the divider and pulled the unsuspecting girl into a warm hug. Lucy instantly relaxed and squeezed her back, rubbing her hand up and down her spine. She caught a whiff of Lucy's scent and slowly inhaled the pleasant aroma. "You smell good."

"Haha... thanks, Mila." She hugged her tighter. "I really missed you."

"I missed you too. So much. And I'm so happy that you finally broke the silence between us. Thank you for that." As they parted, Camila gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

"I wish it would've happened sooner." Lucy said as she pressed her fingertips to the cheek the girl just kissed.

      A few days later, Fifth Harmony were still in full swing of their South American tour. Lucy had left, leaving a sad Lauren in her absence. This time was different. Camila felt genuinely bad for Lauren, knowing that every time they left each other, Lauren's mood instantly changed. She always hated seeing Lauren so down, but she was usually grateful when Lucy was gone. Well, since they became a couple that is. But now, she felt like Lucy and her were finally on the mend. Their discussion really helped in some ways but it definitely didn't change her feelings for Lauren. Or the feelings she still harbored for Lucy, for that matter. If anything, it made her feelings for both girls grow even more. Her unrelenting confusion made her head hurt.

After a long day of riding on the plane and exploring the current city they were now in, Camila was sitting against the headboard of her hotel bed reading a book. She was pulled out of the story she was completely enthralled in when she heard a faint knock on the door. She was pretty used to people knocking on her door at all times. The girls and crew were always bugging her. She huffed, threw her book on the nightstand and got up to answer the door. She looked through the peep hole and was surprised to see Lauren staring back at her. Lauren and her hadn't been alone in the same space since the night Camila's feelings were revealed. She became instantly nervous.

"Hey, Lauren!" She chirped as she opened the door. Acting purely out of habit, she quickly leaned in, gently hugging her and placing a chaste kiss on her cheek, as a greeting.

"Hi, Camila." She softly spoke, reciprocating the gesture.

"What's up?"

"Is it alright if I come in?"

"Of course." Camila said, stepping to the side and guiding Lauren in with an outstretched arm. "Mi casa es su casa."

Lauren made her way to Camila's bed, sat down, slid up and rested her back against the headboard. Just like she had done so many times before. She watched as Camila did the same beside her. As soon as they were both settled, Lauren spoke up.

"So, I think you know what this about."

"Yeah. You finally got me cornered, huh?" Camila nervously grinned.

"Haha... And I'm about to pounce. I mean... you know what I mean." She tousled her dark hair to the side.

"I'm in love with you. So what are we gonna do about it?" Camila simply stated. Shocking herself with her bravery.

"Wow! No running away this time I guess." Lauren's emerald eyes were full on open.

"I don't know how to stop feeling this way. How?" She looked at Lauren, seeking answers.


"Lern, it has been way over a year and I still can't get over you."

She shrugged. "More time."

Camila's mouth gaped open. "Seriously? That's all you got?"

"I really thought you were moving on. I mean, we broke up and it didn't take much time for you to hook up with you know who."

"Yeah I tried and I never felt remotely the same way about him. He wasn't you. The whole time I was with him all I thought about was you."

"Really? The whole time you were with him I hated every second of it." Lauren rolled her eyes and grimaced.

Camila couldn't help but smile. "You were jealous? I didn't know that."

"I'm surprised you didn't figure that out. I tried to avoid the both of you whenever you were together. Ring a bell?"

"What are you implying?"

"You know! The way you act whenever Lucy and I are together. You always try to avoid us."

Camila nodded her head. "Yup. So true."

"So, talking about Lucy, I know you and her had a conversation the other night."

"What did she tell you?" Camila became instantly agitated because they had made an agreement to talk to Lauren later.

"Stuff." Lauren grinned mischievously.

"Stop messing with me." She playfully slapped Lauren's arm.

"I can tell that what she said made a difference with how you see her now."

Camila tensed up. "The way I see her? Lauren, I can explain. I- "

Lauren cut her off. "She said that she talked to you about knowing that you are still in love with me. That we don't keep secrets from each other. And that you two had a real heart to heart about honesty and how good it feels to get out the things you bottle up."

Camila felt instantly relieved. "We did have a really good heart to heart."

"She also told me something else."

"What?" Camila's heart rate sped up once again.

"Man, Camila, you look so anxious. Calm down, babe." She placed a hand on Camila's thigh and gave it a few gentle strokes. "She said she accidentally slipped and told you that I was still in love with you when her and I began our relationship."

"Yeah. She did. Surprised me." Camila said as she absentmindedly covered Lauren's hand with her own, which was still resting on her leg.

"It makes it sound like I fell out of love with you right after that, which isn't true." Lauren said while looking down.

Camila's heart skipped a beat. "What?" She questioned as she followed Lauren's gaze down to their now intertwined hands.

"Time hasn't changed anything for me too. I never stopped loving you, Camz."

They both looked up at the same time. Staring into one another's eyes for what seemed like an eternity. Studying each other. Trying to internally figure out what all this meant. A knock suddenly broke the tension in the room. Both sets of eyes shot directly to the door.

"I wonder who that could be?" Camila withdrew her hand from the warmth of Lauren's, got up from the bed, annoyed by the sudden interruption.

She looked through the peephole and saw a very worried Dinah. She swung the door open and Dinah came barging in.

"Oh hi, Lolo!" Dinah practically yelled when she noticed Lauren sitting on the bed. "Good, you're both here. Listen, I have a wardrobe emergency! I need your help, now!"

The conversation was clearly over. Dinah needed them.

      The girls traveled from South America to Japan to Australia to New Zealand. All the while, Camila and Lauren having, for the most part, an unspoken bond. They eyed each other knowingly. Something was happening, a spark was renewed within them. However, neither of them made a move to discuss what that conversation meant until they got back home.

They finally made it back to the States after performing all over the world for some much needed time off from the chaos. Lauren and Camila flew back to Miami. They went to their own homes to relax and spend some time with loved ones. And but of course, Lucy met up with Lauren once she got there.

After a long day of welcoming home Lauren, Laucy were finally alone. The Jaureguis went to bed not long ago, and their guests had all taken off as well. They were sitting on the edge of the pool, both wearing very revealing bikinis, dangling their legs in the warm water. Lucy's head rested on the other girl's shoulder as they gazed at the rippling water. The dim outdoor lights reflecting off the surface, causing the water to seemingly dance along with the soft music that played in the background.

Lauren took Lucy's hand in hers, brought it to her lips and softly kissed it. "Whatcha thinking about, baby?"

"Right now, I'm thinking about how much I love it when you kiss my hand like that." She said sweetly as she nuzzled into Lauren's neck.

Lauren smirked. "Before that, silly."

"Oh you know this and that." Lucy laughed.

"Come on. Tell me." She lightly elbowed her side.


Lauren suddenly moved, causing Lucy's head to fall from her shoulder. "What about her? Are you worried?"

Their eyes met as Lucy lifted her head. "I told you before. I understand."

"How can you be so cool about this? I don't think I could act like you if it was the other way around." Lauren looked at her astonished. "But like I said before, I just need more time and to talk to Camila again to sort this out. You know I love you and want to be with you. Nothing will come between us." She lifted Lucy's chin and placed a soft kiss on her lips. She broke the kiss and intently looked into her eyes with meaning. "I love you."

Lucy gently cupped the girl's cheeks and rested their foreheads together. "I love you too, baby. I get that, but there's something I've been meaning to te-"

Lauren cut her off. "Did you hear that? I think someone's at the gate."

"Right on time." Lucy said as they pulled away from each other and watched Camila emerge from the side of the house.

"Camila! What are you doing here?" Lauren said, obviously shocked by Camila's sudden presence.

"I invited her." Lucy simply stated.

"You did?" Her eyes darted back to Lucy. Shocked even more that her girlfriend was behind this.

"Hi guys." Camila said timidly as she walked up to them and stopped a few feet away.

"Hey, Camila! You're just in time. Come join us." Lucy waved her over.

When Lauren caught sight of what she was wearing, she was a little confused at first but then it clicked.

"How's the water?" Camila questioned as she began to shed the short silky robe that was covering her.

Both girls looked on as the slender girl's robe fell to the ground. Lucy gulped. Her black two-piece exposing most of her flawless skin, leaving little to the imagination.

"It... it looks... feels... really good." Lucy stammered as her eyes studied her curves.

Lauren looked back at Lucy, clearly catching her slip. "What was that?" She whispered as she hit her arm.

"What?" Lucy hit her back.

"Why are you two hitting each other?" Camila asked, oblivious to what just happened before her.

"Lauren's being jealous." Lucy smirked.

"Oh really? Of what?" Camila's eyes darted back and forth between the two girls as she placed a hand on her hip.

"I don't know if she's jealous of her girlfriend checking out another girl. Or if she's jealous that the girl is getting checked out. Or both." Lucy said, pointing at herself and gesturing between the two girls.

"What the fuck, Lucy? You're making this weird." Lauren glared at her.

"I'm sorry for being honest! It's not like she doesn't know already." Lucy raised her hands up as in a 'I'm not guilty' manner.

"You told Lucy that you still love me?" She paused for a moment. "Of course you did. The whole honesty thing, duh." Camila caught on as she stood awkwardly rocking back and forth on her feet.

"Yes, she did. And I told her to tell you too." Lucy clarified.

"You wanted Lauren to tell me? I wonder why." Something clicked in Camila's head once again. "But I think I know why."

"Come sit. We need to talk about why you're really here." Lucy beckoned Camila to join them.

Camila slowly walked over and decided to sit next to Lauren. She was the one they were going to reveal their secret to after all. Their thighs made contact as Camila slid into position, letting her legs dip into the water. A shiver ran throughout her body and she couldn't help but lean into Lauren, wicking up her body heat.

"What do you mean why Camila's really here? Did you ask her to come over to talk about how we both still love each other and what we are gonna do about it?" Lauren questioned.

"Not exactly, but it all ties in." Lucy shifted her eyes from Lauren's to Camila's. "Do you want to tell her or should I?"

Lauren looked at both of them with a confused expression on her face.

"Go ahead. I'll fill in anything you miss."

Camila thought she would be more nervous. Something felt different though. She had a feeling that once everything was out in the open, that things were gonna get better. She didn't know how Lauren would react, but things obviously changed when Lucy, then Lauren, confessed how they felt about her.

"Okay. Here we go." Lucy looked into Lauren's worried eyes. "I know how you are about honesty. How you don't want any secrets. That's why you told me about Camila's feelings for you and that you still have feelings for her as well. I've been keeping this from you for a while now. I'm not gonna lie, I actually preferred keeping it a secret. I don't know if I would have ever had the guts to tell you. But that changed as soon as Camila told you she still loved you and you were completely honest with me about it. After that, I talked to Camila and told her I needed to tell you. And it's also a big reason why I'm so cool with you two loving each other."

Lauren listened intently, not really sure if she was ready to hear what was coming.

Lucy continued. "Something happened last summer. When I joined you on the bus during The Reflection Tour, Camila and I... we-"

Camila cut in. "We had sex!" She blurted out. "Multiple times!"

Lauren squealed. "You what?!"

"Wow, Camila! I was still leading up to that." Lucy looked at her disapprovingly.

"Sorry! It just came out. Sorry!" Camila cupped a hand over her mouth.

"Multiple times?! How is that even possible?" Lauren shook her head trying to get a grasp on the situation. "No wait! Why?"

Lucy placed a reassuring hand on Lauren's thigh. "I was going to say that Camila and I started developing feelings for each other, first of all." She eyed Camila again. "Tell you a bit more gently."

Lauren just stared at Lucy for a moment, registering everything. Then an uncontrollable smile slowly crept onto her face. A light laugh escaped her lips. "This is all so fucking crazy. What is going on? This is seriously so fucked up." She laughed again and it became stronger and stronger, almost hysterical.

The other girls couldn't help but join in with Lauren's infectious laughter. The whole situation seemed really absurd. Camila doubled over holding her stomach. When she felt herself losing her balance, she flailed out her arms trying to steady herself. In her attempt to do so, she grabbed the nearest thing possible, Lauren's arm. It was a chain reaction. Lauren's hand found Lucy's arm as well and they all fell splashing into the water.

They resurfaced with the silliest grins splayed across all their faces.

"Good one, Camz." Lauren said as she playfully splashed her.

"What? I thought we all needed to get wet." Camila replied, splashing her back.

Lucy giggled. "That's kinda funny to think about. Considering that we've all really made each other wet. Ya know? The other way." She winked at the girls and began to swim in tight circles around them.

"If I wasn't wet already, I just got wet thinking about." Camila joked.

Lauren gasped. "You're naughty."

She smirked. "You would know! You know just how naughty I can get."

"So do I." Lucy said as she came up behind Camila and gave her sides a playful squeeze.

Camila turned around to retaliate but Lucy was too quick. She was already swimming away. Camila swam after her, with Lauren following suit. Lucy reached the end of the pool, putting a stop to her retreat.

"Hahaha! Where you gonna go now?" Camila teased as she swam up to Lucy and pinned her. Her hands gripping the girl's hips as she pushed her back against the wall.

Lauren came up behind them and pressed her front firmly against Camila's back, trapping the girl between herself and Lucy. "Now you're both stuck." Her hot breath reaching Camila's ear, causing goosebumps to spread across her body.

Body parts bumped against each other, skin slid, tingles erupted, heat spread, heartbeats quickened as the girls struggled to break free. Or as they acted like they were trying to escape. Their squirming started to calm down and the tension was intensely increasing. They stood at the shallow end of the pool, bodies pressed tightly together. Waiting. Waiting for something to happen. Then it happened.

Lauren slowly leaned over Camila's shoulder. Her lips met Lucy's and they began kissing. It wasn't a soft kiss either. Their lips and tongues crashed together like their life depended on it. Camila immediately took notice and watched closely, feeling pleasant tingles between her legs. After watching for a bit, Camila craved something to occupy her mouth. She dove into Lucy's neck. Speckling it with light kisses at first, then running her tongue hard against the slick surface. Lucy moaned and tilted her head back, breaking her kiss with Lauren. Camila seized the moment and quickly swooped up to plant a wild kiss on Lucy's lips. She kissed back fervently.

"Fuck." Lauren rasped into Camila's ear. She swiped out her tongue and slowly licked the rim, causing Camila to whimper against Lucy's lips. Then she forcefully grabbed her luscious booty with both hands and pressed her even harder against Lucy. The action causing Camila's thigh to slip between her legs and meet Lucy's center. She gasped, not expecting the sensation. Camila lifted her leg and pushed up harder. Lucy moaned into her mouth and ground down. Camila took it as a sign to continue so she slowly started to rhythmically pump against her. "Yessss." Lucy hissed. Lauren moved in sync along with them, grinding into Camila's backside while her hands caressed her sides.

Lauren's mouth found Camila's shoulder. She nibbled at the flesh and trailed wet kisses up to her neck. When her hair got in the way, she grabbed a handful at the base and gave it a tug. "Mmmmm." Camila moaned and reached back to wrap a hand around Lauren's head and pull her closer. Camila snickered. "If you're gonna bite, be a big bad wolf." Lauren bit down on her exposed neck and sucked on the sensitive skin.

Lucy's breath was becoming ragged as Camila continued to pleasure her sweet spot. Her words came out unevenly as she breathed out. "I think we should... mmmmm... take this inside."

Lauren looked up from what she was doing. She saw very heavy lidded, lust filled eyes staring back at her. She husked. "Yesss. Yes. Let's do that."

Camila nodded as she gradually slowed down her pace and removed her leg from between Lucy's. "Mmhmm. Good idea."

       The following morning, the three girls woke to the annoying beeping of an alarm.

"Sorry." Camila grumbled as she stretched out to the nightstand to grab her phone and put a stop to the blaring noise.

She dropped the phone and rested her head on the pillow once more. Letting out a soft sigh, she tilted her head and found a very sleepy eyed Lauren looking back at her. The tired girl was laying on her side with Lucy's arm wrapped securely around her, spooning her. And Lauren's arm was draped across Camila's torso. Their naked bodies covered from the sheet that was pulled up under all their arms.

"Good morning." Lauren rasped out as she smiled. She was tracing small circles on her stomach over the thin sheet.

"Good morning." Camila reciprocated, grinning back and placing a hand on Lauren's arm to do the same.

Lucy shot her head up from behind Lauren. "Good morning!" She slid up over her elbow and rested her head in her hand to get a better view of Camila.

Camila giggled. "Someone's chipper."

"Can you blame me? I had a lot of fun last night." Lucy said excitedly.

"No, I can't. I definitely did too. But how can you be so energetic? I mean, how do you still have energy after last night?" Camila said suggestively.

"I could have a repeat of last night, right now." Lucy bit her bottom lip as she eyed the girl.

Lauren leaned her head back against the horny girl's chin. "Oh my god. Are you serious? You goof."

"Too bad. I couldn't even if I wanted to. I gotta go. I have plans with the fam." She explained as she made a move to get up.

Lucy frowned. "Awe, that is too bad." Then she chirped back up. "Maybe next time, then?"

"Yeah. Next time." Lauren agreed.

Camila smiled at the thought of the implications. "I'm looking forward to it."

       Camila made her way through the Jauregui household, seeking the back door. Thinking nobody would be up yet, she was surprised when she walked into the kitchen and found Lauren's sister, Taylor, sitting at the table next to the back door. She was eating a bowl of cereal.

Taylor looked up when she heard someone enter the kitchen. "Oh! Hey, Camila! I didn't know you were here."

"Hi, Taylor." She greeted her, trying not to show her embarrassment.

Taylor immediately noticed something peculiar. "Are you going for a swim, right now?" She eyed the girl's bathing suit.

Camila blushed. "No, it's what I came in." She inwardly laughed at herself for the poor choice of words. "I actually have a robe outback. We went swimming last night."

"Oh, I guess that makes sense. Sort of." She eyed her suspiciously.

"Yup. Lucy invited me over to go swimming."

"Huh. And you spent the night. Did you enjoy my bed then?"


"Lauren begged me to sleep on the couch so she could have some alone time with Lucy. I could have just slept next to you since she obviously didn't...." She put her fingers up doing air quotes. "...need alone time."

"Oh... I did. I'm sorry. I didn't know I was going to stay. We... were talking and it got late... and I got too tired to go home." Camila went along with it, lying to escape the embarrassment. I lied. Fuck. I hate lying.

"No problem. I was just surprised. That's all. Anyway, I'm glad to see you here. It seems like it's been forever since you spent the night. Man, how long has it been?" A smile crept up on her face. "Probably when Lauren used to kick me out of our room when she wanted alone time with you."

Camila bit her tongue, trying to hold back any revealing emotion. " Yeah. I think you're right." Then she quickly changed the subject. "Hey, listen, I really gotta go. I have plans with my family. And they will have a hissy fit if I'm not on time." She leaned in and gave Taylor a quick hug. "It was good seeing you too." She pulled away and started to walk toward the door.

"See ya later. Tell Sofi hi for me."

"I will. Love ya, Taylor. Goodbye." She said as she opened the door.

"Love you too." Taylor called out as Camila began to close the door. Then she added under her breath. "And maybe next time you won't have to lie."

     After Camila left, Lucy and Lauren remained in bed, cuddled up in a warm embrace. Lauren had her head resting on the girl's chest, listening to the steady rhythm of her heartbeat. Their arms and legs tangled up under the crumpled sheet. Heat emanating from their naked flesh.

"Babe, did that really happen? Or is it all in my head?" Lauren spoke up after a while of silently enjoying each other's close presence.

"It definitely wasn't a dream and you didn't imagine it, if that's what you're asking?"

"I just can't believe it did. It's crazy to think about."

"Yeah, it was a wild night alright."

"I mean, the chain of events that led up to it. I'm still trying to fully understand."

"I'm confused too, baby." Lucy placed a light kiss on the top of her girlfriend's head.

"We said there would be a next time. Why did we do that?"

"Because we both like her." Lucy put bluntly.

"Right. But what does that mean?"

"That we like how she fucks us." Lucy smirked.

Lauren scoffed. "True. But you know it's more than just that."

"I know, babe. It wasn't just sex. There are real feelings involved."

        The next few days of their limited days off were spent mostly catching up with old friends and family. One night, Camila went on an outing with a group of her friends, including a boy that she knew had a crush on her. It didn't come as a surprise when he would flirt with her but Camila wasn't having it. The whole time she was kicking herself mentally for even agreeing to going to dinner with him and her friends. Well, him in particularly. He kept saying slick comments and she would just try to laugh them off or immediately bring up some new topic of conversation with her other friends.

By the time they finished dessert, Camila was really looking forward to the prospect of being able to go home soon. She needed to get out of this uncomfortable situation and back to her own space so she could think about her current situation with Laucy in peace. After the bill was paid, she was extremely thankful to say goodbye to him and go their separate ways.

Camila's best friend, Marielle, gave her a lift home. On the way Marielle asked. "So, did you have fun?"

"Yeah, the food was amazing. There's nothing like Miami's cuisine." She rubbed her belly and added."Yum!"

Marielle snickered. "You and your food obsession. What about the company?"

"You know I love you, bestie. Of course I loved your company. You had me rolling with laughter. I really missed you."

"I missed you too. I always do." Marielle took a hand off the wheel to reach out and give a quick few pats to her best friend's knee. "What about a certain boy's company?"

"What boy?"

"Don't play dumb with me. You know, the hot one that was flirting with you all night."

"Oh, him. He's cool." Camila shrugged.

"That's it? Are you telling me you're not interested in him? Miss 'I'm lonely and I want to be in a relationship'. You're always telling me you're tired of being alone and when a nice guy comes along, you aren't even gonna go for it?"

"I guess he's not my type."

"And what is your type? And please don't tell me it's a petite Latin girl with a pretty face, green eyes and long dark hair."

"You forgot to add pretty mind, pretty heart and a pretty soul. And so what if it is?" Camila asked as a smile crept up on her face.

Marielle looked at the girl with concern. "Oh honey, you need to move on already."

"No way, not gonna happen."

"Girl, she's been in a steady relationship with Lucy for a while now. You need to stop punishing yourself. What, do you think she's just gonna up and leave her for you? After all this time? You haven't been together for over a year."

"I know she's not going to leave Lucy."

"Exactly, so why even think that you have another chance with her?"

Camila leaned back in her seat and put her hands behind her head. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe because of something that happened recently."

"Oh shit! Camila, what did you do?"

Camila grinned mischievously. "Let's just say I got laid."

"Fuck! Karla Camila Cabello, you had sex with Lauren! You let Lauren cheat on Lucy with you? What the fuck?!" Marielle scolded her.

The accused girl calmly replied. "No, I didn't let Lauren cheat. And I'm offended that you would even think that. I'm not that kinda girl."

"What am I supposed to think? You had sex with her, right? And she's still with Lucy, right?"

"She didn't cheat because Lucy was there."

Marielle suddenly swerved the car over the center line. Luckily there was no oncoming traffic. She quickly swerved back into her lane. Her heart leapt in her chest and she took a few deep breaths before she shouted out. "You had a threesome!?"

Camila had one hand holding tightly onto the door and the other over chest. "Yes! Jeeze, woman, learn how to drive!"

"Sorry! My arm just involuntarily twitched because I heard some unbelievable news. I'm shook!"

"Well, I'm shook too."

"When did it happen?"

"A couple nights ago."

"Wow, that recent, huh? Give me the deets."

Camila furrowed her brows and grimaced. "No! You're dirty. I'm not telling you what we did."

"What? Not one thing?" Marielle laughed. "Just kidding. No, I mean, how did it happen?"

"It's a long story."

"We've got time, right? You don't have any other plans tonight. Well, that I know of. You're not planning on having another threesome after I drop you off, are you?" Marielle playfully nudged her best friend's arm.

"No, I wish. I don't have other plans tonight. Just future plans." Camila said with a sly grin.

"Hold up, you know you're gonna hook up again?"

"Fine, let me fill you in." Camila began to tell Marielle about all the new events that happened. Everything just spilled out of her. She went into great detail about Camren, Lucila and Laucy. And how Lauren, Lucy and Camila recently became Laucila. She barely paused and felt a tremendous weight lifted off of her after each sentence she spoke. All the while, Marielle nodded and listened, saving her questions and concerns until Camila finished.

Camila ended with. "So that's how I know there's going to be a next time." She took a deep breath and slowly let it out. She felt incredibly relieved to have shared something so intimate with someone other than Lauren and Lucy.

By now, they were already parked in the driveway in front of Camila's house. Marielle's mind was racing. She was having a hard time wrapping her head around the situation. "Wow, that's some story, girl. First of all, I wasn't expecting that there would be so many confessions of love and feelings. I thought you were going to tell me that they just invited you into bed to have some fun, but it sounds like way more than that. I'm really concerned though. Where do you think this is gonna end up? Don't you think it's weird that they're a couple already and you're just going to walk into their relationship, being what, exactly?"

"You think I know? I don't. I'm fucking hella confused right now. All I know is that I really like it and something is pulling me in that direction. Is it the right choice? Maybe not. But what if it is? I have only felt this way about them so why should I deny my feelings?"

"Because your feelings might get hurt again. You broke up with Lauren in the past, why try again?"

"You should already know most of this but I'll remind you. We broke up because other people got in the way. At the time, we let them influence our decisions. Hell, we didn't even say we were in a real relationship because of it, even though it sure felt like we were. And we always had to hide. They made me feel scared of happy, scared of what I really wanted. But we've grown up since then. I know I don't give a shit what people think of me anymore. It's not about what people want for me, it's about what I want for myself. And this whole time, I never stopped loving her and she never stopped loving me. There's a force bringing us back together and I'm really not in the mood to hinder it."

"Okay, I can tell you're really passionate about this. So, how does Lucy fit into the picture? I mean, I remember you told me that you had a fling last summer but broke it off really quick. I didn't know you like her as much as you do."

"From the moment we first met, I felt an instant connection with Lucy. Much like my initial response to meeting Lauren. We had so much in common and became fast friends. It was easy because during The X Factor, Lauren would always talk about her friends. The way she spoke about Lucy always intrigued me. So when Lauren asked me to come hang out with her and her friends once we were back in Miami, I gravitated towards Lucy. So there was always something special about her from the get go." She felt a warm sensation spread within her heart and smiled at the nostalgia of it all.

After a brief pause, she continued. "Throughout the years, we became better friends. And that's what we were, just friends. I never thought about her as anything more. But all that changed. Flash forward to last summer. One night, after everybody was tucked into their bunks, I was having a hard time sleeping. So I gathered my blankets and went to the back lounge to put a movie on the big screen. I distinctly remember that I was watching The Notebook for the millionth time. When I heard the sliding door open, I was pleasantly surprised to see Lucy. She explained that she couldn't sleep either and heard what movie was playing and she wanted to watch too. She sat down next to me and wrapped my blankets around her. She leaned on me throughout the entire movie. When the credits rolled, we started talking about anything and everything. I don't even know what I said to even lead up to what happened next. Out of nowhere, she just leaned in and kissed me. Which became a full blown make-out session. The following night, after everybody went to bed again, we snuck out for a walk. And from then on, things got heavier and heavier." Camila sighed.

Marielle waited to see if her best friend was going to continue but she didn't, so she asked. "What made you stop seeing her?"

"It sucked because I really started to like her on a whole new level. It felt wrong, though. The whole time we were sneaking around, I felt like shit. I felt so fucking guilty for hooking up with Lauren's best friend. The best friend of the girl that I was still in love with. And Lucy felt bad for sleeping with her best friend's ex. We wanted to keep seeing each other but we ended it. After that, we didn't talk as much as we used to. Trying to keep our feelings at bay. And when Lauren and her got together, I suppressed my feelings for her even more."

"So Lucy felt bad about that but then she got with Lauren right after? How does that make sense?"

"How does any of this make sense? When I found out they were an item, it fucked with my heart to the max, I was so heartbroken." She sighed, remembering how much her heart ached and how much her sadness weighed her down. Everyday became a battle of trying to gain her happiness back. She tried and it would slowly return, just to be crushed back down whenever she had a sudden sinking feeling that she couldn't have what she wanted. She shook the negative thoughts out of her head. And then things started to look up. Right now, she was the happiest she's been in a long while. It's always been a roller coaster.

Camila had an epiphany. "You know what, though? The more I think about it, it's like we were supposed to go through all of this shit to end up where we are now. Does that make sense?"

Marielle grinned. "Nope, I'm lost."

Camila yawned. "Well, me too and I'm fucking exhausted. She checked the clock. It would be nice if I could actually catch up on some sleep during my vacation."

"I can take a hint. I'll let you go inside and get some beauty rest."

"Thanks for listening to me about my crazy life." She leaned over the center console to give Marielle a tight hug.

"No problem. That's what I'm here for."

       The following afternoon, Lauren and Lucy went to the beach. After an hour or so of playing in the salty waves, they retreated back to their beach blanket to relax and soak up some sun. They were both laying on their stomachs facing each other. One arm lightly resting against the other. Fingertips slowly caressing each other's palms.

"Enjoying your vacation, baby?" Lucy asked.

Her eyelids slowly fluttered open and she smiled. "Most definitely, this is the life. I would go to the beach everyday if I could. And I would want you with me every time."

"Same. It sucks that it's going by so fast, though. I don't want you to go." Lucy pouted.

"Me too, babe. I hate leaving you. It's the worst. But we'll be reunited again, soon."

"It never seems soon enough."

"Then stay with me." Lauren pleaded, giving her girlfriend puppy dog eyes.

"Awe baby, you know I can't. I have other obligations."

"Well, I tried."

"Yeah, for the thousandth time. I really wish it was that easy. To be with you every day would be a dream come true." Lucy folded up her arms, placed her chin on top of her hands and focused on the sand in front of her. "At least you have someone to be close with every day."

Lauren crinkled her eyebrows. "What? Do you mean Camila?"

"Yup. While I'm off being alone, you'll have Camila by your side."

"Babe, it's not gonna be like... That." Lauren said, putting emphasis on the last word.

Lucy looked at her, astonished. "How can it not be? We confessed our feelings. We had sex for Christ's sake! How are you gonna keep from wanting more from her?"

"I haven't even thought about doing that to you. And if I remember right, you're the one that suggested that there should be a next time."

"Yes, I did. Because I wanted to and I could tell that you did too."

"I agreed to the three of us. Nothing more nothing less."

"I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to. I mean, I would be tempted if the positions were reversed."

Lauren raised an eyebrow. "Oh really?"

Lucy smirked. "Oh c'mon. You really think that you're not gonna get all hot and bothered when your eyes meander towards Camila while she's doing the sexy choreo that you guys do?"

"I've always done that anyway." The green eyed girl grinned mischievously.

Lucy scoffed. "Lauren!"

"I'm saying, I've done that for a long time now so I can refrain."

"First of all, Wow! Second of all, again, I have to point out that things have changed since then."

"I know. I'm still trying to understand what we've got ourselves into."

Lucy gave Lauren a serious look. "Well, I think I'm coming to terms with what all of this means. I've been thinking about it a lot. And one crazy idea keeps rolling around in my head. I don't know if I'm jumping the gun but... have you heard of polyamory?"

Lauren let out a laugh. "Honestly, I've been thinking the same thing."

Lucy smiled. "I thought so. I mean, how couldn't we? The answer is staring right back at us. Obviously, Mila means so much to us."

Lauren suddenly grabbed Lucy's bare shoulder and looked intently into the girl's eyes. "So are you saying what I think you're saying? Like, you're serious? This is what you want?"

Lucy's smile got brighter and she nodded. "I am all in if you are."

"I am. Let's do this. I mean, if that's what Camila wants too."

"I have a good feeling that she does."

       When the sun dipped below the horizon, Lucy and Lauren drove back to the Jauregui's house to shower away the sea from their sun-baked skin. After they were refreshed, they joined Lauren's family at the dinner table to enjoy one of her favorite Cuban dishes prepared by her mom. They chit chatted about Lauren's upcoming events and this, that and the other. During the dinner, Lauren received a text message.

Camz: what are you doing?

Lauren: Having dinner with the fam and Lucy.

Camz: what are you doing later?

Lauren: Idk Maybe watching a movie with Lucy.

Camz: are you going to the theater?

Lauren: No. We'll probably watch one in my room.

"Who are you texting?" Lucy leaned into her girlfriend's shoulder, trying to look at her phone.

"Camila." Lauren replied in a hushed tone.

Lucy got excited and urgently cupped her hands around Lauren's ear and whispered. "Tell her to come over."

Lauren felt chills as Lucy's hot breath reached her ear. She whispered back. "Really? Right now?"

"Yes. It's my last night here. Are you up for it?"

Lauren's eyebrows flew up and she grinned. "Yeah. Okay. I will."

"Why are you whispering?" Taylor asked, eyeing the girls across from her suspiciously.

Lauren looked up over her phone at her sister. "No reason."

Taylor rolled her eyes. "Sure."

Lauren's parents seemed too into their delicious food to even notice anything out of the ordinary.

Lauren: Do you have a movie I can borrow?

Camz: yes :) what type of movie?

Lauren: Anything sexy ;)

Camz: found one!!!!

Lauren: Cool! Now get your butt over here.

Camz: do you have snacks?

Lauren: Yes. I have something for you to eat. :P

Camz: i hope it's something juicy like a peach or mango. i've been so hot today. i'm thirsty. ;)

Lauren: I'll quench your thirst. Are you coming?

Camz: not yet. jk... on my way over now

Lauren placed her phone back on the table and announced. "Camila's coming over."

Lauren's mom, Clara, swiped her lips with her napkin and said. "Oh. Missing your bandmate already. That's sweet. What are you girls going to do?"

"We're gonna watch a movie."

"Is she spending the night?" Lauren's dad, Mike, asked.

"I don't know yet but most likely."

"Okay. Girls..." He eyed both her and Lucy. "...please keep it down. Your mom and I have to get up early."

Lauren suppressed a smile. "Sure, dad. We will."

"I'll try my best." Lucy said, not able to hide the smile that spread across her face.

"Good. The other night you were really loud." Mike stated.

Lauren felt her stomach drop.

"You were splashing around in the pool and laughing really loud. I was about to come out and yell at you but then it stopped." He explained.

A rush of relief washed over Lauren. "Sorry. We'll be good tonight."

Lucy just nodded in agreement. She didn't say anything, afraid that she would reveal something. She really wanted to counter what Lauren said about being good. Because that was far from the truth of what they would be up to tonight.

Taylor piped up and asked. "Does that mean I can sleep in my bed tonight?"

Lauren quickly glanced over at her parents, who already had their heads back down in their plates. Then she looked back at Taylor. She sternly shook her head and mouthed 'No'.

"That's what I thought." Taylor smiled knowingly and winked at her sister.

Lauren crinkled her eyebrows and blurted out. "How the fuck..." She stopped herself from going any further. When she looked around, all eyes were on her. "How the fuck is this so delicious!? Mom, you really outdid yourself. This meal is top notch!" She said enthusiastically while flipping up an okay sign with her fingers.

"Awe thanks, honey. I just had to make your favorite on your last day here." Clara said warmly.

Lauren internally applauded herself for her quick save and dove back into her plate to further the charade. Lucy was watching the entire time and caught on to what was going on, so she placed an approving hand on her leg under the table and rubbed it lightly. As if saying, 'That's my girl.' Lauren felt the caress and moved her hand to cover her girlfriend's, gently squeezing it in acknowledgement.

After a timely moment, Lauren rose her eyes back to her sister. Taylor was staring at her with a grin plastered on her face. Lauren watched as Taylor discreetly put a thumbs up, hidden from her parents. The action immediately touched Lauren's heart and she mouthed 'Thank you'.

Lauren and Lucy volunteered themselves for kitchen duties to show their thanks for Clara's hard work on such a wonderful meal. The parents said their goodnights and retired early to their bedroom. And Taylor went to occupy her temporary bedroom in the living room. While they were finishing cleaning up the kitchen, Camila finally showed up. She had a backpack slung over her shoulder and a grocery bag in her hand.

Lauren looked up from starting the dishwasher to see Camila standing before her. "Oh, hey! You startled me. Taylor must have let you in."

Lucy immediately turned around from putting leftovers in the fridge. "Hi, you!" She raced over and pulled Camila into a tight hug. "I missed you!"

A smile lit up Camila's entire face and she squeezed the excited girl back. "I missed you too!" She looked over Lucy's shoulder at Lauren. "The both of you!"

Lucy stepped back to look at the girl. Her eyes came to focus on the girl's chest and a heat instantly spread within her core. "I see you got the memo."

"What?" Camila said confused, looking down.

Lauren put her hands up as if squeezing the air. "Your boobs, Camz. You're braless like us."

Camila giggled. "Yes! Free the nipple!"

"Actually, free the nipple would mean that you'd be topless." Lucy stated.

Camila smirked. "I can arrange that." She grabbed the hem of her tank top with one hand and started to lift it up.

Lauren took a step forward and pulled the girl's shirt back down. "Camz, what are you doin'? Not here." She looked around paranoid.

"Relax, Lern. I was just kidding." She stepped between the girls, placed the grocery bag on the counter and tossed her backpack on the ground.

The two curious girls huddled around Camila, trying to see what was in the bag. She started to remove the items and placing them on the counter. The first item she pulled out was a can of whipped cream.

"Oooh. What's that for?" Lauren said suggestively.

"Not for that, silly. I didn't believe you when you said you had snacks. I hope you guys didn't have dessert." She continued to pull out bananas, vanilla ice cream, chocolate syrup, and a jar of maraschino cherries.

Lucy smiled mischievously. "No, we haven't yet. I thought you were the dessert."

Camila leaned into Lucy and nudged her. "I still am."

"Oh, I want mine with Nutella instead of chocolate syrup, though. I don't like chocolate." Lauren said as she went to grab it from the cupboard.

"That has never made sense to me. Nutella is made with chocolate." Camila pointed out.

Lauren shrugged. "I don't know. I don't like most chocolate I guess."

They enjoyed their banana splits in the privacy of Lauren's room. After they were finished, Lauren gathered up their bowls to bring them back to the kitchen.

"Could you get me a glass of water? Pleeeease. With ice. I need the ice." Camila asked, batting her eyelids in the cutest manner.

"Okay. Sure. What, did the ice cream not cool you off enough?" Lauren joked.

"Nope. I guess you two just make me hot." She eyed the girls suggestively.

"Alright, hottie. I'll be back with your order." Lauren winked before she disappeared into the hallway.

When Lauren came back with the icewater, Lucila were both laying on their backs with their arms crossed over their stomachs looking up at the ceiling. Their heads leaning against each other. Lauren adored the sight. They looked so cute. She sat on the edge of the bed and handed Camila the water. She thanked her as she tilted forward, took a big gulp and trapped a small icecube in her mouth to suck on. She handed the glass back to Lauren, and she placed it on the nightstand.

"I want to take a picture. You two are just so adorable right now!" Lauren expressed excitedly as she grabbed her phone. She climbed up on her hands and knees and then to her feet. Then she nudged each of the girl's legs apart so she could put her feet between their legs and stand over them.

Lucy laughed and smiled up at her girlfriend. "What are you doing?"

"I wanna try this angle. Now pose for me, cuties." She took multiple pictures as they posed in different positions. "Kiss." She directed. Lucy pressed her lips to Camila's cheek. She snapped a few more pictures. "That's really cute. Now on the lips."

Camila shifted and reached up to cup Lucy's cheek. Their eyes burned into each other. Lucy's focus dropped to Camila's full lips. Camila closed her eyes and leaned in. They brushed noses and hovered within centimeters of touching lips. Their breath mingled, causing their sensitive skin to tingle. Camila moved ever so slightly closer and made the most delicate contact. The sensation felt electric. Their lips moved lightly, only grazing. Then they melted into each other. Lucy grabbed Camila by the waist, drawing her closer, while pressing her lips harder into her. Camila's hand slid under Lucy's ear and into her hair. She reached the back of Lucy's head and pulled her in, deepening the kiss. Lucy gradually opened her mouth, granting access to Camila's tongue. When their tongues met, Lucy lightly gasped. Her senses were shocked from the icy chill of the icecube that Camila was sucking on. They continued kissing until the icecube had totally melted and their mouths warmed up from all the friction. All the while, Lauren stood above them taking pictures and getting extremely turned on.

"You two are the most beautiful art pieces I've ever laid my eyes on." Lauren expressed as she looked down at them with loving eyes.

Lucila broke their kiss and looked back up at Lauren. "Are you done with your photo sesh?" Lucy asked.


"Then, get down here." Camila said as she took Lauren's phone and tossed it to the side. Then she grabbed a hold of her hands and pulled her down on top of her.

Lauren fell into her and giggled against her neck. Camila wrapped her arms tightly around the girl and hugged her close. Then she planted numerous kisses all over her forehead. "I love you." Camila expressed in the most heartfelt way she possibly could. An intrusive thought suddenly dawned on her and her heart sank. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that."

A muffled "What?" came from Lauren. She lifted up from the crook of Camila's neck and propped herself over the upset girl. "Why are you sorry?"

Camila furrowed her brows and her lips drooped into a partial frown. "Because I don't know what this is. I don't know if I'm overstepping any boundaries."

Lucy placed a comforting hand on her arm. "Trust me, you're not. You can tell Lauren you love her. Nothing or no one is stopping you, including me."

Camila felt a tension release with Lucy's consoling words.

"I'm not stopping you either." Lauren sat up, straddling the girl beneath her. "What do you want this to be, Camz?"

"Well, I know I have undeniable feelings for the both of you. I think about you constantly and I miss you every time we're apart. I love the way you make me feel alive. I love being this close. I love spending time with you. There's just so much that we have and I really don't want it to end. What I really want is for you to continue to write on me. I want to be a part of your story." Camila explained as she looked back and forth between the girls and placed one hand on Lucy's thigh and the other on Lauren's.

"What does that sound like? " Lauren urged her to find the right answer as she grabbed the hand that was resting on her leg, interlocking their fingers and smoothing a thumb over her soft skin.

"It sounds like my feelings go deeper than just friendship. I don't want to be the type of friend that you fuck occasionally. My heart couldn't take it if that's all you want from me."

"Awe baby, that's far from what we want." Lauren drew Camila's hand up to her face and planted a kiss on the back. "It sounds like your mind is on the same track as ours. Lucy and I have been talking and we both agreed to something that totally blows my mind and makes me so fucking happy." Lauren switched her focus from Camila to Lucy, asking her with her eyes to reveal the news.

Camila's heart started leaping, circulating a rising heat throughout her entire body.

Lucy reached out and captured Camila's chin with her fingertips, gently making her face her. She stared at the girl with the most sincere expression. "Camila, beautiful girl in all the ways we see and feel you, face, body, mind, spirit, heart and soul, we want all of you. And we want you to have every bit of us. We want you to be our girlfriend. Will you be our girlfriend?"

Camila's smile lit up her entire face. "Oh my God! Yes! A billion times yes! Holy fuck yes!"

Lucy giggled. "I didn't catch it the first time. Is that a yes?"

"A definite yes." Camila said warmly as she leaned in and pressed her lips passionately against Lucy's.

Lauren came back down and whispered a heartfelt "I love you" into Camila's ear. She grazed her lips across her ear and cheek. Gently breaking her kiss with Lucy, Camila turned her head to capture Lauren's lips with her own. Camren's hands ran through each other's hair as they kissed in the most tender way, exuding their love for one another through touch.

After a moment of time well spent trading off impassioned kisses between Lucila, Camren and Laucy, Lauren slid off of Camila onto the empty side of the bed. She looked around and found her phone that had been tossed to the end of the bed. She searched through her music and found her playlist titled "Love." She scrolled and pressed play on a song that seemed perfect for the moment. 1000 Hands started playing from the Bluetooth speaker on her nightstand. After setting her phone next to the speaker, she sidled up next to Camila, getting as close as she possibly could.

Lauren placed a hand on the middle girl's stomach, just barely below her breasts, and lightly trailed her way down. When she felt the exposed skin of Camila's tummy, she slipped her hand under her shirt. Her hand tantalizing crept up the girl's hot flesh. Camila bit her lip and squeezed her eyes shut as her stomach involuntarily shook from the sensitive touch. When Lauren's hand gently cupped one her breasts, Camila took a sharp breath in. Her palm grazed over her nipple, causing it to harden. She took it between her fingers and lightly squeezed. All the while, Laucy pleasantly watched the reactions of their girlfriend, finding satisfaction with every facial expression that exuded pleasure.

Lucy had her hand resting on Camila's hip. She slowly slid it up to the hem of her shirt, grabbing a hold of it and lifting it up. Camila immediately tilted forward and helped remove her tanktop. As she fell back into her original position, Lucy placed a tender hand on the other breast that wasn't occupied by Lauren. Giving it the attention it deserved. She gently massaged the supple breast as she planted wet kisses on the girl's neck. She trailed her way down, across her collar bone, over her chest and landed her lips on a very erect nipple. She took the nipple into her mouth and circled it with her eager tongue. "Ohhhh...mmmmm." Camila moaned as she titled her head back and arched her back.

Lauren caught on to what elicited such a moan from the girl. She replaced her hand with her hot open mouth and began to move her tongue over the sensitive area in as many sensual ways as she could. "Ohhh fuck!" Camila rasped out as she grabbed Laucy's heads, tangling her hands in their hair and lightly pressing them deeper into her breasts. Her body jolted with every nerve that was satisfied.

After a few minutes, Lauren sat upright and announced. "I'll be right back." She hurriedly got up and exited the room in a flash, closing the door behind her.

Lucila wondered what she was up to but continued what they were doing.

When Lauren returned, Lucila were still in the same position she left them, she wasn't gone that long. The door closed and she clicked it locked again. She had one hand behind her back as she approached the bed.

Camila had heard her reenter and watched her with curiosity. "What are you hiding?"

Lucy looked up out of curiosity as well.

Lauren slowly pulled out what she was concealing. "Take off your shirt, Lucy." She was holding the can of whipped cream and looking at both of the girls hungrily.

Lucy obeyed her girlfriend's command and peeled off her t-shirt. As she flung it away, she ordered her to do the same. "You better too."

Setting the can on the bed, Lauren removed her shirt as well. She climbed back onto the bed and excitedly sprayed a circle of the cold cream around each of Camila's stiff nips. She tossed the can to the side and Laucy dove in to lap up the delicious treat. She repeated the process a couple more times and Camila loved every minute of it.

When they both had no trace of the cream left, Lucy asked. "My turn?"

"Nope. I want more. Just kidding. I won't be greedy." Camila joked. Then she rolled over Lucy, kissing her sweet lips as they switched places.

After they had each had a turn experiencing the wonderful pleasures of mixing whipped cream with that of one person on each breast, Lucy tossed the empty can into the trash can next to the bed. She scooted back to Lauren, who was now in the middle. Her hands roamed over her exposed top. Camila did the same on the opposite side. And they kissed her in all the places their lips could possibly make contact with, lips, cheeks, ears, neck, shoulders, arms, hands, chest, breasts, and stomach. Lucila also exchanged kisses over Lauren as they explored her body.

Not able to hold back anymore, Lucy slowly tucked her hand under the waistband of Lauren's cotton shorts, causing Lauren's legs to instinctively spread apart. Her breath hitched, as Lucy's fingertips grazed over the thin fabric of her underwear and over her center. Tingles shot throughout her core and she tilted her hips upward. Lucy made a quick maneuver and slipped her hand into Lauren's underwear. Her hand traveled over the mound and she dipped her fingertips into her wetness. When her fingers were fully coated, Lucy slid them through her folds, spreading her juices. Then she moved her tips to make contact with her clit. "Fuck!" Lauren choked out. She started off gently stimulating her nub with slow calculated circles, causing Lauren to quiver beneath her touch.

Camila lowered herself down the bed. She placed her hands on either side of Lauren's hips and tucked her thumbs under the bands of her shorts and underwear and started pulling them off. Lauren raised her ass up off the bed and Camila swiftly removed them. Lucy nodded in approval because it granted her better access and maneuverability. Camila took off her own as well and made a move to climb over Lauren's legs toward Lucy. She placed her hands on Lucy and pushed her into a better position to get rid of her remaining clothes too. She had her twisted in just the right way that Lucy could still pleasure Lauren while she did what she wanted to do with her.

She settled between Lucy's legs, pulling one leg up and over her shoulder. Starting off, she tantalizingly slowly kissed the girl's inner thigh, moving closer and closer to her desired destination. When she made her arrival, she hovered and let her hot breath tickle the sensitive nerve endings, teasing the girl. Lucy twitched with the sensation. Then she swiped out her tongue and ever so delicately ran the tip over her slit. "OooH!" Lucy breathed out and bucked her hips up, causing Camila to delve deeper into her. She moved her tongue slowly through the girl's most intimate parts, exploring her every crease. Then she picked up her pace when her tongue made contact with her swollen nub. Cupping her ass, she encouraged her to gently rock against her face as she increasingly brought the panting girl to climax.

When Lucy started to feel the distinct tingles and heat spreading within her core, she made sure to rub Lauren just the right way. Just as she wanted, Lauren began to shake under her touch. They both held their breath as their orgasms simultaneously rocked their bodies. After they rode out their first orgasm, Laucila all looked at each other knowingly. Lauren nodded her head and Lucy immediately started to rub her extra sensitive nub again, bringing her another amazing orgasm. And Camila did the same for Lucy, this time adding a couple fingers to the mix.

Several orgasms later, and a little breather, Lauren climbed on top of Camila and straddled her. "Your turn." She husked as she dipped down and kissed her swollen lips. Tasting and smelling Lucy's juices on her, Lauren couldn't help but get even more turned on. Camila eagerly thrust her hips upward. "Fuck me." She demanded huskily. "Oh I'll fuck you. Just how you like it." Lauren growled as she hurriedly positioned herself so she was kneeling between Camila's spread legs.

While Lauren had her way with Camila, Lucy found several ways to occupy her mouth and hands. She trailed back and forth between her girlfriends' bodies while taking pleasurable moments to watch Lauren fuck Camila senseless.

Lauren didn't take it slow, she knew Camila was very ready. She coated her fingers with the deep pool of wetness that had been gathering for a while now and quickly massaged it all over her folds. With one solid movement, she thrust two fingers deep inside her slick pussy. "Holy shit, Lauren!" Camila belted out as she ground down, causing Lauren to go deeper. She began to pump her fingers wildly in and out of her. Curling them and repeatedly hitting her g-spot in just the right way. Then she completely removed them. She hesitated for a moment. "What the fuck are you doing? Fuck me!" Camila snarled. "Teasing you." Lauren smirked and thrust her fingers back into her. "Mmmmmm...Yesssss." Camila moaned. Lauren began to lean forward, allowing her weight to put pressure on the back of her hand and for her fingers to go deeper. She gradually started to pump her hips against her girlfriend with a steady rhythm. Moving in sync, Camila lifted herself with every thrust, holding her girlfriend's ass to pull her in more. Leaning into her even farther, Lauren's palm made contact with her sensitive nub, rubbing it forcefully as she quickened her pace. "Ohh, Lauren!" Camila's mouth gaped open as waves of pleasure hit her. After several minutes of hot and heavy grinding, Lauren felt Camila's walls start to clench around her fingers. Camila was in complete ecstasy as her body rocked with not one but seven consecutive orgasms as Lauren continued to drill her with as many as she could get out of her.

A sweat drenched Lauren slid out from between her girlfriend's legs and sprawled herself on the cool sheets, catching her breath. Camila's body twitched and pulsed from the after effects as she smiled affectionately at Lauren. "You're amazing." She husked out.

"I know." She grinned. "So are you."

Lucy had her head propped up, resting her chin on Camila's shoulder. "I just gotta say, I thoroughly enjoyed having a front row seat for that performance."

Lauren giggled. "Oh, you liked the show, huh?"

"Yup. I don't know what else to say, but you're pretty fucking dope."

"Hey, isn't that a song? Who sings it? I can't remember." Camila asked with a sly grin.

"Just some girl band named Fifth Harmony." Lauren replied, feigning nonchalance.

"Oh, that's right. I think the girl with green eyes is super sexy." Camila quickly raised her eyebrows up and down.

"I like her too, along with what's her name? I can't think of their names right now, but I know their ship name is Camren. They are fucking hot together!" Lucy played along.

"You know what's hotter than Camren?" Lauren asked.

"What?" Camila and Lucy asked simultaneously.


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