Till Death Do Us Part (Elijah...

By niteangels666

40.9K 1K 214

This is the sequel to 'Oh Look, Vampires Are Real'. Please read that one first or otherwise you'll be a bit c... More

Authors Note
Eye For An Eye
I'll Play The Cards That I Have Been Dealt
I'm No Longer A Delicate Flower
Thanks For The Adventure
I'll Pretend That It's A Juice Box
She Isn't The Only Problem You Have
Please Make It Stop
Wow, Elijah's Engaged?
You Have Been Watching Too Much iZombie
It Saves On Christmas Cards
We Never Spoke Of Having Children
Only This One Doesn't Star Sam Or Dean Winchester
Her Bark Is Worse Than Her Bite
Let's Get This Party Started Then
Surprise Bitches
Everything Went To Hell
Your Wish Is My Command
This Is The Best Dinner Theatre I've Ever Been To.
I Was Making Margaritas
To Dream About Transvestites, Nerds & Aliens
50 Shades Of Crazy
The Irony Of Two Vampires Getting Married
You Are Like My Bridal Gown Super Hero
I'm Sorry, Have We Met?
We Reenacted The First Book
You Crazed Bridezilla
Hey Scaredy Bat
Till Death Do Us Part
2017 TVD Fanfic Awards
Award Winner!!!!

Sod Off Nik

773 29 7
By niteangels666

*Kol's POV*

I dragged myself out from the pool, cursing under my breath about my phone.

"Why does she have to be such a bitch to me all the time?" I basically asked myself.

"Kol have you met you? If you didn't give her such grieve, she wouldn't be one up on you," Freya smiled.

"Besides Kol, she never does anything to you unless you provoke her. Have you not learnt by now from having not one but two sisters but more so me, we will mess you up if you aggravate us so much. You bought this all on yourself," Rebekah teased.

"Oh no," I just realised something horrible.

"What's wrong?" Rebekah looked slightly worried.

"Once that manipulator marries our eldest brother, I'll be at an unfair advantage," this was not a good thing at all.

"Really Kol, are you hearing what yourself right now? That manipulator, as you so fondly have named her, saved our entire family from those that we once called our parents. You tease her so much about hers & Elijah's love life that she has no option than to put you in your place. I would do the same," Rebekah scolded me & Freya nodded in agreement.

"Of course you females stick together, you're all the same. I'm going in for a shower & to change out of these now saturated clothes," I sulked, walking away.

                         I had to walk past that evil cow to get inside & as I did, Elijah passed me a towel. I snatched it from him & stormed into the house, dumping my currently useless phone on the kitchen bench, muttering under my breath all the way to the comforts of my room. I locked the door in the process of stripping the wet layers of clothing from me. I turned the shower on & got in, letting the hot water flow down my body.

'Now how do I get her back? Revenge will be so sweet,' I thought to myself.

                        I allowed my head to play an infinite amount of scenarios of vengeance on my soon to be sister in-law. I'm sure that I would come up with something that would show her who was the better in reprisal tactics. That made me feel so much better to know I would be on top once again.

'Yes I would definitely like to be on top of her,' my inner thoughts took a wrong turn somewhere along the way.

                        I had seriously got to stop thinking that way about her; she was going to marry my brother & become my sister in-law. I guess I was jealous of Elijah, who out of all of us had it all at his feet. Perhaps I would start getting my immortal life together now that we didn't have to run anymore but who was I to think that I could settle for just anyone. She needs to be smart, loyal, honest & beautiful on the outside as well as inside; basically she needed to be perfect. As I thought about what I had, I realised I just described was Finlay. Damn it I just want an exact replica of her. Damn why was I thinking of her for, she's my nemesis, archenemy of settling of scores.

                       I finished washing my hair & the rest, rinsing all the soap out & turning the water off. I got out & dried myself off. I caught my reflection in the mirror. I seriously needed blood & not from a doggy bag either, straight from the tap blood.

'I could go to The Strip for a while. Yes that's what I'll do,' I pondered to myself as I did my hair.

                      I went back into the bedroom to get changed, blue jeans, black t-shirt & black leather jacket would do the trick. I threw on a pair of socks & boots then checked myself out in the full length mirror. I looked good, irresistible even. I wondered if Nik would join me for a little brotherly bonding since we haven't really had much time together since he, Freya & I got back here.

                     I put my wallet into my back jeans pocket & opened my door. I stepped out, kicking something in the process. I took a step back & searched in front of me to what I had come in contact with. There was a small black box with a black ribbon tied into a bow, I picked up the little parcel & shook it. I stood in front of my door untying it & there was a note inside the box. As I pulled the paper out to read it, there sat a brand new phone, even better than my old useless one. I read what was on the paper. I didn't recognise the handwriting but it was female.

This is to replace your phone. I had bought it for myself but since
I helped destroy your one I thought I should give you this.
Fin xxx'

                      I couldn't believe my eyes, that manipulating, evil bitch replaced my phone. How dare she? How can I possibly be angry & seeking revenge on her now? Oh who am I kidding anyway, I can't stay infuriated with her, it's just too hard, she's too damn lovable. I put the note back in the box & placed it on my side table. I turned the phone on to find she had even retrieved the sim card & set it up for me. I shook my head & smiled to myself, I didn't deserve this at all. Why does she have to be so ....... her? I closed my door & headed back downstairs to where everyone was still out the back.

"I'm going out for a while. Anyone care to join me? Nik?" I asked.

"Sure, why not. Stefan, Damon, Enzo would you like to joins us?" Nik questioned getting up from where he had been seated.

The three of them looked between each other, nodding in agreement.

"Well hurry up & get changed lads. Elijah, how about you join us & it can be like an early bachelor's party," I smiled, wanting him to say yes so I could try getting him rotten filthy drunk.

Elijah looked at Fin, "what do you say my love?"

"Go on; go spend some time with your brothers. You all deserve it after today," she kissed his lips & instantly a pang of jealousy hit me in the chest.

                        Elijah got up & went inside to get himself changed. Rebekah had disappeared inside I had guessed & Freya was tidying up the glasses & jugs, taking them inside.

I walked over to where Fin was still sitting, "I just wanted to say thank you for the phone."

She peered up at me, "I thought it might stop you sulking."

"I wasn't sulking," I retorted.

"Ok, to stop your little temper tantrum then," she smirked, sipping her drink.

"I did not chuck a tantrum," I stomped my foot on the ground.

She stood up, a grin upon her face, "did you just honestly try telling me that you're not throwing a fit & to back it up you stomped your foot?"

                          I couldn't think of a quick comeback like I normally would. This was frustrating to say the least.

She leant closer to me, her lips almost against my ear & whispered, "If you or Nik lead Elijah astray tonight, I will personally break your necks & then rip out your heart. You know I will."

As she walked off, leaving me feeling a bit flustered by her closeness, I said the only thing that came to mind, "strumpet."

"Assbutt," she responded & left me standing there trying to pull myself together.

                          I would make sure that nothing happens to Elijah as I know she would do as she threatened with Freya & Rebekah holding me down for her.

                         One by one, each of the other gentlemen joined me & we left via a taxi that I had arranged just before hand. I didn't think I would've ever seen the day that we Mikaelson's would party on with the Salvatore brothers & their friend. I guess they aren't too bad after all but then I wondered if Fin's little conversation with the eldest Salvatore earlier had some influence.

'Ok mate, enough thinking about Fin & her perfectness,' I scolded myself as we headed toward our first stop of the night.

                         Hours & numerous clubs flew by. Drinks flowed freely & lap dancers were given to all except for that party pooper, namely Elijah.

"This is supposed to be your buck's night. Live a little brother," I shouted at him over the loud music.

"If I want a lap dance I'll wait until I get home," he grinned at me & drank the rest of his drink.

"You are no fun at all Lijah," I waved the waitress over to order another round of drinks.

"This surprises you? Have we not met? I am fun in my own way," he taunted.

"Let your hair down for once. Look at Enzo & Stefan for instance, they're both happy in their relationships but they seem to be enjoying the lovely ladies here," I directed my statement towards them as they each were getting a lap dance & having a wonderful time.

"Good for them. If I want a strange woman to indulge me with her womanly assets I would but I feel now that I'm spoken for, I intend to be monogamous," he watched everyone else with a smile on his face.

"I can't understand you," was all I said.

After another hour Elijah stood up, straightening his suit jacket, "I thank you all for this wonderful evening but I'm going to head home."

I looked at my watch, "It's not even 3am yet. It's still early."

"Yes but I would like to go home, wrap my arms around my sleeping beauty & sleep," he shook everyone's hand in goodbyes.

I watched him exit the club, "he will never change, will he Nik?"

"After a thousand years you think he'll change his ways?" Nik replied.

"I guess not," I pouted as I finished my drink & obtaining another one.

"Now brother can I ask you something?" Nik leant a little closer.

"Certainly, ask away," I replied, as the waitress came back with yet another round of alcoholic beverages.

"Why is it that you constantly taunt Finlay about her sex life?" he eyed me curiously.

"Because it gets boring doing it to Rebekah all the time & if I did it to Freya, she would give me an aneurysm. Frankly they hurt. You know what it's like to have a new play thing Nik, besides she gets me back every time," I told him & I wasn't exactly lying about it.

                          He gave me the look of disbelief but didn't probe anymore. The other three vampires changed seats, closing the gap that Elijah had made in his departure. We sat back chatting about all the amazing women that surround us. Suddenly something or more like someone caught my eye. She was gorgeous & I couldn't take my eyes off her. She seemed to be alone. Nik followed my gaze & did a double take.

"So little brother, that blonde take your fancy does she? Maybe you should invite her over," Nik grinned like the cat that ate the canary.

"She does actually & I think I will," I smiled, raising my hand & catching her attention.

The blonde sauntered over, "hi there."

"Hello there sweetheart, come join us for a drink," I offered & she placed herself on my lap.

"So love, what's a beautiful thing like you, doing in a club like this?" Nik asked her.

"I'm on holidays," she giggled.

"What's your name sweetheart?" I questioned.

"Jordan," she giggled again.

"Jordan, what a lovely name. Do you know you have a twin?" Nik was enjoying himself a bit too much & I had no idea why.

"Really? Who?" she leant forward.

"You are a dead ringer for our sister in-law Fin, don't you think boys?" Nik responded, mainly asking Stefan, Damon & Enzo but keeping his eyes on me.

They agreed, also glancing in my direction.

I grabbed the woman's face in my hands, my pupils dilating, "You are going to leave & go find someone else."

She repeated what I said & left. I guess now the cat was out of the bag.

"It seems that giving Rebekah & Freya a reprieve isn't the only reason for the teasing of Finlay," Nik sniggered.

"Sod off Nik," I grumbled into my glass.

"Don't worry brother, just remember the main reason I left here in the first place. It's ok to have a little crush on Finlay. I think it's cute," he teased me.

"You're not going to mention this to anyone are you?" I had high hopes to the answer being no.

"Are you kidding, of course I'm going to tell, especially her," he laughed & I knew that by morning everyone in the house would know.

                            I sped away, grabbing the blonde on the way through & took her out to the alleyway. I drained her, letting her body fall at my feet. A twinge of guilt consumed me as I looked at the dead woman's face & picturing Finlay lying there instead. A few minutes later the other four found me further down the alleyway cradling the woman's body.

"Kol, what have you done?" Nik crouched down in front of me.

"I didn't mean to kill her," I didn't feel like myself.

                            Nik picked up the lifeless body from my arms, throwing it in the dumpster & setting it alight.

"I think it's time we went home & Kol; I won't say anything about what happened tonight," Nik grabbed my arm & flagged down a taxi to take us all home.

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