The Dangerous// L.T.

By imahoeran

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"The ones whom keep to themselves are the most dangerous." ©bestsongeverluv More

The Introduction
Haven't I've Seen You Before?
The Party Part 1
The Party Part 2
I've Definitely Seen You Before
Meeting Josh
Oh No You Didn't
Dinner Gone Wrong
Change. I Like It.
Getting To Know Eachother
The Bet Begins
Girls. Are. Evil.
Truth Or Dare?
The Bet Ends Here
Why Are You Here?
Don't Hurt Him!
It's Tyler, Louis
Tyler's A Teenage Dirtbag
It's Louis, Tyler
A Day With The Girls
Creepy Waiter Guy
The Dangerous?
One Direction
I Hate Eleanor
What Are You Doing Here?
Louis' Side Of The Story
The Big Day

My Birthday With Anna And Louis

521 13 10
By imahoeran

Jillian's POV


  "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!" The sing-song scream made me erupt from my sleepy mood. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JILLIAN! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!"

  I opened my restless eyes to see Anna with crazy bed head hair on top of my bed. I groaned, and flipped on my tummy so I could reach my phone. I picked it up, and groaned once again. I threw my head into my pillow and closed my eyes. "Anna, it's 7:30 in the morning. Why in the world are you waking me up?"

  "Did you not just hear my song? IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY! Now get that lazy bum out of bed so you can get ready the same time I am! I'm taking you out for breakfast!" She says as she jumps out of my bed. I groan, and pull my duvet over my head. In the little corner of my eye that's not covered, I see her roll her eyes. And before you know it, I don't have any bed spread and I'm as freezing as heck. 

  I sit up and stretch before I hop out of bed and head to my closet. I pull out my loose dark blue shirt that has hummingbirds on it. I pull open my drawers and pull out black leggings along with my other 'items'.

  After changing into my new outfit of the day, I walk out of my room and head to our bathroom. I come in contact with Anna once I walk in. I find her doing her mascara, being very careful not to mess anything up. "So, have you heard anything from Louis yet?" She asks me as she dips her brush in the black goo. And yes, I did tell her about me and Louis' relationship. I mean, come on. I had to. This is my best friend here. We tell each other everything! So I kind of felt the need to tell her my boyfriend is part of the biggest boyband in the world.

  "No, not yet." I sigh, pulling my brush out of the drawers. Why hasn't Louis texted me or called me yet? Maybe it's in the middle of the night for him right now. Or he's in he middle of a show. Lately, I haven.t known. We just talk to each other when he has time. Whether it's in a call, text, Skype, we don't care. As long as we can talk to each other, we don't care.

  After she's all done with her makeup, she puts everything away. "Don't worry. I bet you that you two will talk to each other soon." She says as she walks away. I don't feel the need to put makeup on since I look the exact same I did yesterday, so I hurry up and brush my teeth.

  Before I know it, I'm walking out the door with my purse in one hand and my jacket in the other. "I'll drive." I volunteer and walk towards my xterra. It's red and silver with black leather seats inside. My favorite part about it is that it has a ceiling window, so I can roll it down on our occasional sunny warm days of London.

  Once we're both in the car and I pull out of the lot, I'm dumbstruck. "Where am I going again?" I ask her.

  "There's a place that I found out is really close to us and they specialize in... wait for it, wait for it... CRÊPES! How awesome is that?!" Her thick accent is full of excitement. Oh, did I forget that Anna's British? It's just one of the great details of Anna Bananas life. She's studying in art. She's an amazing drawer, I'm incredibly jealous of her.

  "Are you serious? Finally! I've been craving those for years now!" She taps in our GPS, and then hits 'done'.

  "I'm too lazy to give you directions, so I'll just let Pablo do it." Pablo is our GPS. Anna is weird giving objects names... and then pretending they're her boyfriends. "Isn't that right baby?"

  "Anna, this is the last time I'm telling you this. A GPS can't be your boyfriend. It's just not-" I get interrupted by Pablo- no, the GPS.

  "Turn right at Maple Borough." A male computer voice instructs. Somehow she figured out how to make the GPS sound like a dude, don't ask me how she did it.

  "See? He interrupted you because he's mad at you for underestimating our relationship. It's alright Pablo, she won't split us up Boo." Man, I really need to get this girl a boyfriend. And not a computer boyfriend.

  "Turn left, and then you will reach your destination." The deep male voice. She was right, that was close!

  "We're heeeerrrrrreeeee!" She says as I stop the car. She gets out straight away, and runs in the shop. Do you think... do you think Louis' in there? To surprise me or something? A rush of excitement comes over me as I hop out of the car and walk towards the car. Oh gosh, I haven't seen him in such a long time! Dang it, I should've put make up on this morning! Hopefully he won't notice, even though he will since- oh. I walk inside the small restaurant, and no Louis. I look around, no Louis. There's no where he could hide. Shouldn't have gotten my hopes up.

  "Jillian! Over here!" Anna says at a table of two. Definitely no Louis. I sit down and Anna's face drops.

  "Why do you look so sad?" She asks me.

  I put on my best fake smile. "Oh, nothing." I see a chubby woman in her mid 50's walk towards our table from behind Anna with menu's and two glasses of water.

  "Hi sweets. Welcome to Adeles. What can I get for you two to drink this morning?" She says in a bored British accent.

  "I'll just have a coffee, thank you." I say as I take the menu she hands to me.

  "Same for me! Thanks!" Anna says in her usual cheerful voice. You gotta love this girl. She'll put your frown upside down in a matter of seconds.

  I can see a grin form on our waitresses lips as she gives us everything we need. "Alright, I'll be right back with those." And with that, she walks off with her stomach bouncing up and down with every step she takes. At least it wasn't a hot-bitch dude. That night that Louis and I had our first date still scares me to death.

  My phone beeped in my purse, and I reached down in my purse to get it.

  Skype call at 6. Don't be late lovely. -Lou

  I sheepishly smile as I put my phone away. Just 4 more days. Just 4 more days until we don't have to Skype, text, call, nothing. I get to see him in his living flesh.

  "What's going on with you?" A voice says that snaps me out of my thoughts. I look up to see a look of curiosity plastered on Anna's face.

  "Oh, nothing. Louis just told me to Skype him at 6." I say. I try to hide my gigantic grin, but it's obviously not working because of the way she's looking at me right now.

  "Oh, okay! I'll just pretend like it's nothing with you! So, when's he coming anyways? Isn't he spending his 2 weeks off with you here?" She asks me as she looks through the menu.

  "Yeah, he'll spend his 2 weeks off here in 4 more days. We might go to Seattle maybe. It all depends on what's going on with school and stuff." I say as I figure out what I Want. Nutella and bananas. Classic.

  "Aww, that sucks. School always gets in the way of everything! So, is he staying at our place, or..." She says as she leaves me to answer.

  "If you don't mind, he'll stay a our place. And don't worry about bedroom arrangements." I say as I block my face with the menu. "I got that all figured out."

  Before Anna could respond, the waitress comes back to give us our coffee's. "Here ya go! If you want any cream or sugar, you can find them right there." She says as she motions to the cream and sugar. "Are you two ready to order?"

  "I'll have the nutella and banana crêpe please." Anna and I say in unison. We start cracking up as we look up at our waitress. She has a smirk on her face.

  "Should I make that 1 or 2?" She asks with a good kind of sarcasm in her voice.

  "2, please." I speak up, still smiling. Of course we're best friends! We didn't even tell each other what we were getting, yet we still ordered the same thing. At the exact same time!

  "Alright, your orders should be here soon." She says as she walks away. Once again, Anna and I look at each other and throw in a laughing fit.


  "What do you say? Pizza for the special occasion?" Anna asks me as I check the clock for what feels like the hundredth time, but really would be the sixth.

  "Yeah, sure." I say as I get my laptop out.

  She makes her way over to her purse. "I'll go get it now at 'Pizzeria's'. Wouldn't want to intrude on your Skype date!" I roll my eyes at her use of words. Once my laptop is all the way on, I type in the password:


  Simple, but sweet. "Alright, be back in a bit! Bye!" She says once she opens the door.

  "Bye!" I call just before she walks out. I sit in front of my computer screen and wait for Louis to be available.

  5:58. Ding!

  I hear the ring and immediately smile to myself. He's online. Should I call him? Or should I wait for him to call me? What if he doesn't answer when I call him? What if I call him but he calls me at tbe same time? What if-

  Incoming Call From: Louis Tomlinson

  That boy. I smile to myself as I hit 'answer'. His face comes on the screen as I shriek with joy inside. "Louis!" I yelp.

  "Jillian! I missed you love!" He says in his adorable accent. He's wearing a plain white shirt with a black blazer and black jeans. He has a red rose tucked in his front pocket, and his hair is gelled up. Oh shit.

  "I missed you too! You look... wow!" I say as I take in his appearance again.

  He laughs, then says, "Hey, you're not looking too bad yourself." My smile grows larger as memories from the night he picked me up on our first date. He told me I looked amaZayn, and I said "You don't look too bad yourself.".

  "Oh, I almost forgot. Happy Birthday!" He says as he moves his hands in jazz style. I giggle at his silly gesture.

  "Thank you. Maybe you could give me a proper 'Happy Birthday'? Like maybe... a song?" I say as I drop my right eye in a wink.

  Before he could argue, an annoying and petite voice floods his line of the call. "Looouuuuiiiiiissssss! I'm hoooooommmmmmeeeeeeee!"

  I groan. "Eleanor, I'm guessing?" I ask him.

  "You bet ya." He answers.

  I groan once again. Eleanor Calder. Wish I never heard the name.


  So today isn't actually the real Jillian's birthday. It's just the story Jillian haha. But do you know who's birthday is today?..

  @woahdestiny! Make sure to follow her, read her story 'Teenage Dirtbag' (it's really really good), and wish her a happy birthday on her page! My friends and I totally embarrassed her at lunch today. We started to sing happy birthday to her as loud as we could! But apparently it was so loud, the whole lunchroom joined in! It was crazy! And then we did it again, but before we sang the song, we yelled "SING ALONG!" And then we sang, and everybody joined in! The whole time we were pointing at her, and she was covering her face with her hands! It was hilarious! And then when the song was over, this kid named Tyler (ya, I know. Laugh it out all you want, but this isn't the Tyler in the story!) came over to our table and said "And many more!", and ran away. We all started cracking up!

  In choir we has to sing Happy Birthday to her, and when we came to 'Happy Birthday to Destiny' I yelled 'TOMLINSON!' and everybody was like "Wha?.." while Destiny and I were cracking up.

  You guys are probably confused about the whole 'Eleanor' thing. Well, I kind of can't tell you since it's part of the next chapter, but I promise that it will all make sense on my next update! *promise*

   Yes, I know I said #jouis instead of #lillian! I like #jouis better so just deal with it, alright?!

   I was almost asked out by this guy that I like... but then he chickened out... along with these last 2 weeks...

  But hey! Our school has a dance tomorrow! There's still a chance he'll ask me... even though I have to say no. @thatsoharry554 already asked me and I said yes. We're best friends, NOT lesbos, FYI!

  Well that's it for the story telling today!

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  ~Ashlyn Malik

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