Life After Pain

By diggys__bae_

94.7K 3.1K 401

Sequel To 'Trying To Love Again (A Diggy Simmons And Yn FanFic)'. More

Life After Pain
So, We Meet Again
So What Happens Next?
The Couples (Short Chapter)
Not What I Expected: Part 1
Not What I Expected: Part 2
Moving Day
Chicago Tribune
Recruit #1
Recruit #2
You Did What?!
Short Chapter
The Return
"Like You're Saying Goodbye"
Saving Daniel

Meeting Up

5.4K 191 21
By diggys__bae_

Diggy's POV

Once I got home Desiree was there. She was talking to someone on the phone and didn't notice that I was even there. She looked and sounded really worried.

"Well, how do I tell him?" she asked. It was silent until she was ready to reply. "Well, it's not going to be easy telling him the baby is probably yours, Hassan."

I felt my jaw clench and tighten really hard. The fuck she mean the baby not be mine? You have got to be kidding me.

"Hassan, it was a one time thing. I want to be with Diggy."


"Do I love him? I'm not sure about all that..." Desiree said.


"So, what you're saying is don't tell him? Make him think the baby is his? Will that really work out?"


She started rubbing her temples. "Look, I'm going to just call you later. This is too much for me to handle."


A smirk spread across her face. "Okay, love you too. Bye."

She turned around and saw me standing there, staring at the ground. I could tell she was shocked to see me standing there. But did I give a fuck? Nope.

"Diggy, baby, what are you doing here so early?" she asked, hoping that it didn't hear what just happened.

"Desiree, save it okay? I already heard everything. So, you're not sure if you love me, but you can say it to him with no issue?! You can just get yo shit and go." I said.

"What?! Are you serious?" Desiree said.

"No, are you serious?! What the fuck do you mean the baby might not be mine?!And on top of that, you were going to pretend like she was so I could help take care of her!" I said. Damn, she got me twisted.

"So, that's it? You're giving up on me just like that? Diggy, we can work this out" she said, crying.

"Naw. I'm good. But, you on the other hand, you gotta bounce. Like, right now." I said, trying to walk off.

She grabbed my arm. "Diggy, where do you expect me to go?" Desiree asked.

"With that nigga Hassan" I said, walking out of the room.

She followed me. "Daniel, I'm sorry. I never meant to cheat on you." She was still crying. "Diggy, don't do this! Please!" she pleaded.

I just shook my head. Now I know how Yn felt when she found out I had cheated on her. It hurts, it really does. "Bye, Desiree" I said. And with that, I walked off and left her downstairs looking stupid.

Desiree's POV

Damn. I thought the pity express would work this time. I guess not. I don't really love Diggy, although I do love that money he makes. And with the music career he's getting into, the money is going to roll in without me having to even lift a finger.

I've got to find a way to make Diggy mine again. That money is the only reason I want to be with him. But for now, I'm going to just give him what he wants and pack my bags. But trust me, this isn't the last he's seen of me. ✌️

Yn's POV

"Mommy! Have you seen my new Spider-Man toy?" DJ called out.

"No, sweetheart. Have you checked your toybox?" I asked him. I was sitting on my bed, on Instagram. His room is right across from mine so I can be able to watch him and make sure he's okay.

"Yes and it's not in there" he stated. "I've looked everywhere!"'

"What about your book bag?" I asked.

He looked at me and kind of hesitated. "Ummm, one second." He ran out if his room and into the front. After a few seconds he came back into his room with his Spider-Man toy in hand. "Thanks mommy!"

I just smiled and shook my head. Wow. He is a trip. "No problem, DJ" I said.

He had on his Spider-Man pajamas and was ready to go to bed soon. He sat on the ground and played with his toys.

I was still on Instagram when I got a call from an unknown number. I wasn't sure whether I should answer it. I hesitated for a while before I finally picked up the phone. "Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, Yn. It's Dig"

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, hey Daniel." I really wasn't in the mood for talking to him. I wasn't even in the mood to be thinking about him.

"Yn, come on now. I'm trying to make things right. Just talk to me."

"Umm, no. I'm busy watching DJ. So, can we talk some other time?" I said.

"When can we talk since you're so 'busy'" he said.

I ignored his attitude and sarcasm and gave him an answer. "Like 30,000 years from now when both of us are dead" I said. I was so serious, too.

Just as I was about to hang up, Daniel called my name. "Yn, just at least give me a chance to explain. Are you busy tomorrow? Can we meet up somehow?" he asked me.

I sighed. "I'm off of work tomorrow and DJ is going to be spending time with Taylor's parents. I guess we can meet up" I said, not very happy with having to talk to him again.

"Okay, good. Um, can you meet me at TGI Fridays at 7:00 PM?" he asked. "Everything will be on me."

I sighed. "I guess, Daniel. Look, I'm really not in the mood and like I said earlier, I'm busy with DJ. So, I'll just see you tomorrow" I said. And with that, I hung up.

I looked over into DJ's room. He was laying down watching TV, which meant that he would soon be asleep. After a few minutes, he was asleep. I went into his room and turned his TV off and his nightlight on. I kissed him goodnight on the forehead before I actually fell asleep myself.

*The Next Morning*

When I woke up, it was 10:55. I stretched and yawned and got out of bed. I walked into DJ's room. He was still asleep.

"DJ" I said, letting out another yawn. "Come on, get up. You have to go over your grandparents house."

He rolled over and yawned. "But mommy, I'm exhausted. Can't we schedule this for another day?" he asked.

I giggled at the way he spoke. "No, DJ. You have to go over there today. Mommy has plans later on tonight. Plus, I thought you wanted to go and spend time with your grandparents." I said.

"I do, but I'm really tired. Can you give me a few minutes?" he asked.

"No, get up right now" I said firmly.

He sighed and got up out of bed. "Okay" he said. "What am I supposed to wear?" he asked.

"I'll find you something. Just go wash up, brush your teeth, lotion up, and put deodorant and your underclothes on for now."

"Okay, mommy." He walked out of the room like a zombie.

I laughed and found him something to wear. Once he was fully ready, I looked for something to wear for myself.

I picked out an outfit that was all black. A black top, leggings, boots, and a dark colored vest to go with it. After that I did my hygiene routine and put everything on. I left my hair the way it was. I set the alarm for the house. After that I grabbed my keys, purse, and DJ's suitcase and left the house.

We got in the car. I turned to check to see if DJ had his seatbelt on. "Buckle up, DJ" I said.

I turned back around and heard a SNAP, indicating that he had just buckled up. I buckled myself up as well and drove off shortly after that. I turned the radio on.

The car ride was pretty quiet until DJ spoke up. "Mommy, I know I've asked this before, but, how come I've never met my daddy?" he asked me.

I sighed. It's so hard talking to him about this. "DJ, it's just too complicated for me to explain. I wish I could tell you, but I can't. You'll understand when you get older" I said.

He nodded. "Okay" he said. I could tell he was disappointed that I couldn't give him an answer. It hurts me to see him like this.

I dropped DJ off. We grabbed DJ's suitcase and hopped out of the car and walked up the steps of Taylor's parents' porch. We rang the doorbell and waited patiently.

"Hey DJ and Yn" Brian, Taylor's little brother, answered the door. "Come on in."

We nodded and walked into the house. "Where's mom and dad?" I asked him.

"Their upstairs. They're pretty busy with paperwork and asked if I could answer the door for them" he replied.

DJ sat on the couch. "Brian, can we play GTA V?" he asked.

"Sure. Come on upstairs" Brian replied.

"Brian" I said. He turned around and gave me his attention. "Be careful and keep a close eye on him. Have fun. And by the way, don't possess my son with this GTA V game." I said smiling.

He smiled and nodded. "Okay, Yn. Don't worry. Everything is going to be fine. I'm 12" he said. I love how DJ looks up to Brian in a big brother type of way.

I nodded. "Okay, you two. I love you" I said, spreading my arms out to hug them both.

"We love you too" they both said.

"Oh, and Brian. Don't forget to tell mom and dad that I was here and said hello. Okay?" I said.

He nodded and proceeded upstairs with DJ trailing right behind him. I left and got back in the car. I decided to go over Taylor's house since we were both off and Minnie had to work. I would have called her over, too, if it wasn't for Tammy.

I drove over to Tay's house. I rang the doorbell to her apartment and waited for her to open the door. She came down and immediately smiled when she saw me. "Hey, Yn. Come on in."

"Hey Tay" I said and walked inside. We walked up the flights of stairs and into her apartment. I sat down on the couch along with Taylor.

"So, anything new been going on?" she asked.

"Well... umm.. yes" I said. "When I took DJ to the park a few days ago, I saw Daniel. He tried to have a conversation with me, but I kept brushing him off. He met DJ and everything, but DJ doesn't know that's his dad. I'm supposed to meet him tonight to discuss everything that's been recently going on."

Tay looked shocked. "Really? Wow, that's crazy. What are you going to do?" she asked.

I shrugged. "I honestly don't know. Things are happening so quickly and it's just too much" I said.

"Well, whatever happens, I'm here for you" she said.

I smiled. "I know and I definitely appreciate that."

She smiled. "What time are you supposed to be meeting up with him?" she asked.

"7:00. We really aren't going anywhere special, though. Just TGI Fridays" I said with a shrug. "What do you think I should do?"

Tay thought long and hard before answering. "I think you should give him a second chance, but only if he proves that he's here to stay this time. I also think it's time that DJ should know who his dad is. But, don't let Dig off too easy. You guys were a really cute couple in high school and I want that to happen again. But, only if he proves that he's worthy of your forgiveness" she said.

I nodded. "I agree with everything you just said. Thanks Tay" I said, giving her a hug.

"No problem" she said.

"Well, I just wanted to fill you in on everything. But how are you and Nate doing?" I asked.

"Things couldn't get any better, Yn. I love him so much" she said.

"Awwwww. That's so sweet" I said.

Taylor laughed. "Yes, we haven't had any problems lately. I really am in love with him."

"Where is he now?" I asked.

"In our room asleep" she replied.

"Tay, it's one in the afternoon! When does he plan on waking up?" I said, chuckling.

She started laughing. "He's been really busy at work lately. I think it's best if he gets as much rest as he needs now" she said.

I nodded. I ended up staying over there for another three hours. By the time I left her house, it was 4:45. I decided to go home and relax before meeting Daniel at TGI Fridays.

Diggy's POV

*6:45 PM*

I'm already at TGI Friday's and Yn is supposed to meet me here in 15 minutes. I'm really excited and nervous at the same time. I'm excited to be able to talk to her and be with her. But I'm nervous because I'm not sure if she will let me be around DJ after all the stuff that has happened in the past four years.

Yn finally walked in ten minutes later, with five minutes to spare. She looked really good, but she didn't look too happy, but if I were her, I wouldn't be either. We waited to be seated.

We decided to get a booth. We opened up our menus and strolled through it. Once the waitress came back, I wanted steak and a Sprite and Yn wanted the Cajun shrimp and chicken pasta and strawberry lemonade.

"Okay, your orders will be right up" the waitress said.

I sighed and finally spoke up. "Remember four years ago when we came here on a date. We even ordered the same exact thing that we did that day" I said.

"Daniel, we're here to discuss DJ, not stroll down memory lane" she said. I could tell that she didn't even want to look at me.

I nodded. "You're right. Sorry." I said.
"Do you want to know what I noticed?" I said.

She shrugged. "What?" she asked, even though I could tell she didn't really care.

"How you haven't called me Dig or Diggy not one time since I came back."

"I always used to call you Daniel" she said.

"Yeah, but not all the time. You used to call me all three. Now, I'm just 'Daniel'."

"Daniel, can we please stay on topic?!" she said.

"Yeah, I guess. Sorry." I said.

She sighed. "It's okay. I just want to ask you something."

"What is it?" I said, bracing myself.

"It's been four years. Four long, hard years. What made you actually want to come back?"

"Well, I wanted to stay true to myself and remember where I came from. Plus, I missed all of you guys."

"Mmmmmmhmmmm" she said.

"What's that supposed to mean, Yn?" I asked.

The waitress came back with our drinks . "Anything else you need?" she asked. We shook our heads.

"Would you have even gone looking for us if you hadn't seen us at the park a week ago?" She looked like he was about to cry. If I already knew how sensitive she was, why would I cause her more pain to carry?

I shrugged. It was something I had never really thought about. I took a sip of my Sprite and looked down.

"What?! That's all you have to say?!" she asked, her voice cracking.

The waitress then came back with our food. Yn shook her head and began eating. I took a piece of my steak.

"I can't believe I even agreed to this" she said, twirling the pasta around her fork.

"What do you mean? You don't think I'm not trying?! You think I don't care?! If I didn't care I wouldn't be here, Yn!" I said.

She stood up. "Don't you dare yell at me, Daniel. You don't think it's been hard on me?! A single mom raising a four year old son alone for four years? Working a job and trying to take care of him all alone? The late night hours I spent working? Or the depression I slipped into during my pregnancy that could've caused my baby to have autism? Or maybe finding out that my baby daddy cheated on me and disappeared a day after I told him I was pregnant? Do you know how hard it is for me when he asks why he doesn't have a dad? He sees so many of his friends with both of their parents and he feels left out. And it hurts me so much because I know exactly what he's feeling" tears were streaming from her face faster and faster. "He just asked me about not having a dad today! So don't you dare try to flip the script!"

I stood there with my mouth wide open. I can't believe everything she had just said. "Yn, I'm sorry."

"Excuse me" she said talking to our waitress. "Can I take this to-go. I'm really not feeling the vibe in here anymore." She then turned to everyone who was staring at us. "And what the hell are y'all looking at?!" she asked.

"Yn, please don't leave me."

She ignored me. She waited for the waitress to come with the to-go box and bag. Still standing, she packed everything up and got all of her belongings. She then went through her purse and took out enough money to cover her bill.

"Yn, I told you everything was going to be on me last night" I said.

"I don't need anyone to help me. I can take care of myself" she said before walking off and out of the restaurant.

I sat there, thinking about everything that Yn had said. I'm really starting to think coming back was a really bad idea, just as bad as leaving. I felt so ashamed. I finished eating at the restaurant alone.
Comment any names of other famous people you want to be added in the story. I already have the next few chapters written already, so they may come at the end of the story. I'm not going to add any of your names personally because the story already centers you and Diggy, so that defeats the purpose. Vote 👍, Comment 💬, & Share 📱📲

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