My Nerdy Valentine | Justin B...

By RedWritingHood07

13.5K 367 75

She wasn't someone I expected myself to fall in love with. I was Justin Bieber, international popstar. She w... More

1. Detention
2. Something About Her
3. The Third Time's A Charm
5. Devil On Earth
6. Two Is A Crowd
7. New Fashion Trend
8. Say Pizza!
9. Peace Offering
10. Watch Out
11. I Dare You
12. Take You
13. Breaking Out
14. My New Favorite Thing
15. Rejecting Calls
16. Best Friend Duties
17. All That Matters
18. Nothing Like Us
19. Back to Back
20. Welcome to the Family
21. Playing for Keeps
22. Life Saver
23. Lucky to Have You
24. Beliebers
25. Company
26. Something Real
27. All Bad
28. Placing Roses
29. Trust
30. Sure as the Stars
31. Defying Gravity
32. Family
33. Ice-Cream Freeze
34. Better Than Nachos
35. Fall
Because You Guys Are Awesome

4. Kingsley Knights

472 9 0
By RedWritingHood07


"Today I won't be doing any lessons." Mr. Paxton told us as he started the class.

"Yes! Ryan, let's go." Chaz spoke up immediately and was ready to jet out of class until Mr. P stopped him.

"Not so fast Somers. Sit down."

We all laughed at Chaz's fail attempt as he sulked back down on his chair.

"This afternoon, we'll be having the students of Kingsley's Secondary School visiting us and Principal Edwards has assigned my class to show them around." Mr. Paxton says.

"You're kidding me right? Why in earth would those losers visit?" Jev yelled as his voice echoed through the classroom.

"Calm down Mr. Mitchell. I know most of you kids have issues with them but you just have to get along. Plus, it's the last year before you graduate. The school's even planning to get you all into some kind of social gathering."

"That's not going to happen. Not even in a million years." I scoffed.

"Nothing's official yet but since none of you will agree, you better pray hard that they don't." Mr. P lectured.

"What are they even doing here?" Ryan asked, with just as much hatred as everyone else in the room.

"It's the last year for you seniors in this school. The school board think it's best for you guys to at least try and get along before leaving since it was your batch who started this whole feud."

"Well if their Team Captain wasn't such an ass, then we wouldn't be in this mess." Chaz grumbled as he had a personal hatred towards the Kingsley's. There was a story behind that and I'll get to that part eventually. Chaz's hatred goes way back even when I was still on tour.

"Someone kill me!" Jev screamed once again and dropped his head between his arms.

"I'm with you bro!" Ryan agreed.

"Okay that's enough. Class dismissed. All of you head to the cafeteria. Principal Edwars will be waiting to hand out your task for the day. I'll be grading you on this one as part of your senior year report so don't mess it up."

"I'd rather live in a dumpster for a grade than hangout with those freaks." Jev shot at Mr. P.

"Did you say part? Meaning there's more to it?" I asked him in shock.

"Much, much more depends on what we discuss with the school board." Mr. P responses with a smirk.

I hate this guy.

"Okay everyone, you're free to go and make sure to keep the Kingsley's in one piece. I don't want our school to get a bad reputation, especially from not my class." Mr. Paxton smirked then shooed us away to leave.

He must be enjoying every part of this.

I walked out of class with Ryan and Chaz. We make it to my locker where I dumped all of my books inside.

"I don't want to spend the day with these twerps, no matter how hot the girls in their school are." Ryan told us as he tapped away on his phone.

Chaz and I simply laughed.

"I'm meeting Taylen at the diner. Ryan, take care of whoever I was supposed to tour around. Bye suckers!" Chaz said before dashing away from us leaving Ryan and I alone in misery.

"I'm going to kill him." Ryan says, making me burst out in laughter. "Chaz better hope that whoever he was supposed to partner with for the day is a hot chick or else he can kiss his failing ass goodbye."

"Good luck with that." I tell Ryan.

"What are you going to do?" He asks me.

"I'll be at the library, doing homework."

"Right. And I'm dating Megan Fox." Ryan retorts. "Mr. P will be pissed if he finds out you ran away from your agenda today."

"He won't. I'll just make up some excuse that I couldn't do it because of some make up projects I have to get done for my failing classes. He'll believe me because he knows I'm actually failing a couple of classes. Plus, I'm really going to do the library. It's the last place anyone will think to find me." I reply.

"Fine. Get out of here before anyone sees you." Ryan says, finally letting me off the hook.

I plugged in my earphones and listened to my music, taking my own time to go to the library. Once I saw the Kingsley's bus pull over in the front of our school, I quickened my pace and pushed pass all the students so I could make it to the library. I shut the door close and saw I was all alone.

Peace, just what I needed.

I shot the student, on duty for the library, my signature smile then walked passed her. I sat in the corner of the library, grabbing some random fictional book then started pretending to read it.

Hours passed and I could still see the students from Kingsley Secondary loitering around our school campus from the library's windows. I huffed in frustration and got up, obviously not being able to stand the boredom anymore.

The door of the library creaked open and I peaked behind the shelves to see what or who it was. I noticed the long shimmering black hair and immediately knew it was Violet.

But she wasn't alone. A tall figure with a shaggy dark hair stood next to her. He was wearing a black long sleeves, black skinny jeans and a pair of black Vans.

The guy held the door for her as she walked into the library and he followed her. I squinted my eyes at the guy but they immediately shot wide open once I realized who it was.

It was the captain of the Kingsley Secondary Hockey Team, Logan Blake.

Now that idiot and I had real beef with each other. I've known him since we were kids. Before my career took off, I was just like any other kid who had a typical life and a relationship.

He tried getting it on with a girl named Ashley, my girlfriend at that time. I was too much a lovesick puppy to notice that she was no longer interested in me and there was another guy more than willing to sweep her away from me.

I've hated his guts ever since. Things got worst when Chaz called me on one of the days I was on tour telling me how one of his team mates tried to make Chaz's girlfriend, Taylen, do lap dances for them at a party before the championship game.

Chaz couldn't help it and punched the guy right on the nose. The poor guy had to go around with a broken nose all week. It was worst for Taylen because she had to switch to homeschooling since then because of her strict parents.

Our school and their school never understood the fued that was happening between their students. They've always thought it was a petty competition since we always went against each other from academics to sports.

Some of the teachers and staff members didn't even care about the feud however other people, such as Coach Bryce our hockey coach, the basketball coach, the soccer coach and the cheer-leading coach, basically the faculty members who were practically our second parents and who knew us on a personal basis, just wanted their heads chopped off as much as we did.

Kingsley Secondary were filled with rich, annoying and stuck up snobs. I can't defend that our school had the perfect role models either but we weren't like them who tries to get into a girl's pants the moment they lay eyes on them.

Violet and Logan walked into the library, chatting and laughing away with each other. Vi seems to have an enjoyable time while Logan kept sending her flirty gestures.

What the hell was she doing? Does she have any idea who she was spending time with?

Logan pulled out a chair for Violet before he takes a seat next to her. She pulled out a book from her bag and the two of them read it together. It looked like she was teaching him something because for reading, they were a bit too close.

Violet giggled and went on talking. I noticed Logan simply staring at her as his face kept going closer and closer and—shit! He was going to kiss her.

I quietly sneak up behind them, pulled out a chair and squished myself between the two.

Logan yelled and pulled away from Violet. "What in the fuck?"

"Bieber?!" they yelled in unison.

"Quiet down there." The student librarian hushed us and went back to her work.

"What are you doing here?!" Violet hissed at me and ducked her head down behind her book so the librarian wouldn't notice her.

"I don't know. I could ask you the same thing." I smirked and wiggled my eyebrows.

"Vi, you know this fag?" Logan asked Violet.

Since when did he call her 'Vi'? I'm the only one who calls her that. And who you calling fag?

"Unfortunately," Violet sighed in disappointment. "We have classes together."

"Correction, we have every class together." I answered while wiggling my eyebrows, showing off my annoying smile which I knew would piss off Violet.

"Fuck off Bieber." She responded in disgust, just as I had expected.

Of course, I didn't do as she had asked. Instead, I mocked further, "You two love birds seem to be enjoying your time? Mind if I join?"

"Actually—"Logan began to speak but I cut him off.

"I wasn't talking to you Blake." I glared at him and flipped the guy off.

"Actually I do mind. I was going to teach Logan something so he can actually learn from our school but apparently something wicked flies this way so I think we better get going." Violet replied and got up from her seat.

Logan insisted on carrying her stuff and they walked out of the library, leaving me shocked in my chair.

You're kidding me right?

The day passed by quick, which I was very thankful of. I parked the car and switched off the ignition. Chaz, Ryan and I walked to the pizza diner and ordered our usual. After ordering, we took our place at the back of the diner and waited for our order.

"What were you saying about Violet getting caught up with those Kingsley dweebs again?" Chaz asked.

"I saw her at the school library with Logan and they practically spent the whole day together." I explained in a monotone.

"Logan Blake, as in the same ass who messed with my girlfriend?!" Chaz yelled, drawing some of the attention of the diner to us.

"Could you get any louder? Jeez Chaz." Ryan rolled his eyes and told Chaz to shut up.

"What was she doing with him?" Chaz asked once again.

"I don't really know. I wasn't paying much attention." I lied.

The waiter came and gave our orders, interrupting us from our conversation. We began eating and kept aside the 'Violet-Kingsley' matter and enjoyed the meal.

The three of us talked about everything, except for that, and ate our pizza. I was having my last bite when the diner's bell went off. The front door opened and two new customers came in. I didn't bother looking, thinking it was probably random customers. Not until Ryan and Chaz shook me eagerly and pointed at the two people who just came in.

I almost spat out the pizza I had in my mouth with what I saw. Violet and Logan.

I finished off the last bite of my pizza and wiped my mouth clean. I was ready to charge at the little punk until Ryan and Chaz gripped onto my shoulders and pulled me back down on my seat.

"You point out she's here and now you're holding me back? Seriously, what's the plan?" I asked.

"We wait until they're done. You wouldn't want to cause a scene and get us kicked out of here." Ryan said.

Violet and Logan took forever to finish their food and what made it worst, they were sharing one pizza on the same plate. I rolled my eyes at their cheesiness. I just felt like punching that freak right on the face. After what seemed like forever, they finally finished their food. A waiter came to their table and took away their dirty plates and left them alone.

They talked endlessly and I was so eager to just go there but Ryan and Chaz told me we had to wait for the right time. It was like the scene back at the library happening all over again. Logan was so close to Violet as if he was about to kiss her. Her brown orbs reflected from the light of the diner through her glasses and I couldn't help but get lost in them.

"Bieber, it's time – move it." I heard Chaz call to me and the two of them were already ahead.

Logan and Violet's faces were inches away and I understood what Chaz was trying to imply; they were going to kiss. I ran from my place and followed my friends. We got there in time and sat ourselves on the chair across them.

"Hey guys! Isn't it a beautiful evening." Ryan yelled which caught Logan and Violet off guard.

"What in the—Ryan?" Violet asked, obviously shocked to see us here. "Are you following me?"

"Whoa, whoa, hold it Missy, we're not following you. We just want a good chat." Chaz replied with his evil smirk.

"And you brought friends along with you."

"Here are the keys; start the car and get her out of here. I'll follow right ahead." I told them and tossed the keys of my car to Ryan.

"I'm not going anywhere with you guys." Violet hissed and yanked her arm from Chaz who had a tight grip on her. "I could sue you guys for kidnapping."

"And we can tell Coach you're hanging out with a Kingsley dweeb. So unless you want us to do that, I suggest you keep quiet and come with us." Chaz said and pulled her out of her chair.

"Vi—"Logan was about to speak until I cut him off.

"Listen princess, she's with us and if you don't keep your hands off her—"

"What? What are you going to do Bieber? Tell your fans to come after me?" Logan snickered.

I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and lifted him up.

"Don't test me. I can do that considering they can find you anytime and anywhere so you better watch your back." I growled and pushed him back down.

I followed Ryan and Chaz out of the diner and got into the car. They gently shoved Vi into the passenger seat then hopped into the back of the car. I started the ignition and drove ourselves the way away from the diner.

"Where are you taking me?" Violet asked us.

"Anywhere away from that sick bastard." Ryan answered.

"What were you even doing with him? Do you know he's from the other side?" Chaz questioned her.

"Obviously. Stop being dramatic Charles." She answered and rolled her eyes.

I mentally laughed at her comment knowing how Chaz hated being called by his real name. "What in the world were you doing with him?" I asked, snapping back into reality.

"What in the world were you guys doing there? Following me?" Violet asked, not bothering to answer the question I had for her.

"Don't flatter yourself nerd. Following you would be the last thing we'd ever do on this planet." Ryan laughed and gave Chaz a high-five.

"Then what were you three doing there? Seriously, this isn't the first time Bieber." She scowled at me and punched me hard on my arm.

"Ouch! Do that again and I'll throw you out of this car." I scowled back and gave her a look.

"Feel free to throw me out. I'd rather be dead than be with you in this car." Violet talked back without hesitation.

"Why so hot headed Violet? Disappointed we ruined your little date with Princess Blake?" Chaz laughed out loud.

"Date? You think I was on a date with that freak?" Violet blurted.

We looked at her as if it wasn't obvious already.

"I was working!" She explained

"So work now is almost kissing Logan Blake?" I questioned her and stopped the car.

"That was part of it. The loser doesn't even know I'm the replacement to Harrison. Do you know what we were talking about? He was telling me about their plan on how they were going to bring us down. As far as he knows, I'm not a part of the team and I don't give a damn about the stupid feud between their school and ours. But guys had to come and ruin it."

We all stared at her with our jaws slightly open. We tried to speak but no words came out.

"Do me a favor and please stay away. All you do is ruin everything. Just when I was about to do something good for the team and three of the best players come and ruin it. How nice. I don't know if Logan suspected something but let's just pray he didn't or bless us what we're going to do in the final game."

She grabbed her stuff and got out of the car. She slammed the door shut and walked away in the dark street where my car had stopped. I didn't take my eyes off her until she was out of sight.

"Dude..." Chaz whined.

"Don't even say anything."

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