Living with Justin Bieber

By cwritesforfun

20K 647 110

Your mom tells you her best friend from high school and her family are visiting. The thing is are you expecti... More

Living With Justin Bieber
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4: Justin's POV
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Justin Bieber Appreciation Chapter
In honor of JB's Purpose Tour
Chapter 10
Chapter 11: The Zoo
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15: THE CONCERT
Chapter 16
Chapter 17: See You Later- Justin's POV
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chaper 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
1K Reads
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29: Justin's POV
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
A Holiday Imagine
Chapter 33
Chapter 34: Justin's POV
Chapter 35
Shoutout !!!!!
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38: Justin's POV
Chapter 39 - Triple POV!!!
Chapter 40 - Another Triple POV!!!
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47 - Justin's POV
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Appreciation #2
Chapter 55 - Double POV
Chapter 56- Justin's POV
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Summer Imagine
Chapter 61: Graduation
Chapter 62- Double POV
Chapter 63: LA Trip: Day 1
Chapter 64: LA Trip: Day 2
Chapter 65: LA Trip: Day 3
Chapter 66: LA Trip: Day 4
Chapter 67: LA Trip: Day 5
Chapter 68: LA Trip Day 6
Chapter 69: LA Trip Day 7
Chapter 70: LA Trip Day 8
Chapter 71: LA Trip Day 9
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76- Purpose Tour
Chapter 77: Purpose Tour
Chapter 78: Purpose Tour
Chapter 79: Purpose Tour
Chapter 80: Purpose Tour/PopUp Shop
Chapter 81- Purpose Tour
Chapter 82: Purpose Tour
Chapter 83: Purpose Tour
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88: Justin's POV
Chapter 89: Purpose Tour
Chapter 90: Purpose Tour
Chapter 91: Purpose Tour
Chapter 92: Purpose Tour
Chapter 93: Purpose Tour
Chapter 94: Purpose Tour
Chapter 95: Purpose Tour
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99: Christmas
Chapter 100: Valentine's Day
Chapter 101: Purpose Tour
Chapter 102: Purpose Tour
Chapter 103: Purpose Tour
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106: Justin's POV
Chapter 107
Chapter 108: Bachelorette Weekend
Chapter 109: Bachelor Weekend
Chapter 110
Chapter 111: Wedding
Chapter 112: Honeymoon
Chapter 113
Chapter 114

Chapter 18

159 6 0
By cwritesforfun

Back to Clarissa's POV:

After we waved at them goodbye, I realized how much I missed him. Gosh it is so much. I walked back inside the house and I climbed the stairs to my room. I want to cry, but at the same time, I need to be productive. I text Becky When do want to hang out tonight? What place? You pick! She texts back Let's do 6:30 PM at Shake Shack. I really want a burger. I text back See you then! I can't wait to see her again. She is my best friend and I'm so glad to have such a close friend.

I lay on my bed listening to Justin's old music crying. Yep. This isn't heartbreak just heartache if that makes sense. Gosh I miss him. I then get a text from him. The text says Miss you already!! I really want to see you soon. I mean it. Don't try to get out of it. Love you. I text back to him I miss you too. Don't worry I'll want to see you too. As they say, distance makes the heart grow fonder. I smile. He then texts back If that's what they say, then I can't wait. I text Me too!

I then close my phone and lay it on my beside table. I need to start packing my suitcase and stuff. I'm leaving for college tomorrow and I need to pack my bags. I turn my music up little, so I can hear it around the room and I grab my suitcase from where I put it. I look for clothes that I like and anything I might need of mine. I charge my laptop, camera, and my phone for tomorrow and later. I look at my suitcase and I realize I need some stuff for school and my apartment needs some stuff. I slide on Nike shorts, a big t-shirt, flip flops, and I grab my purse. I also get my phone. I make a list on my phone about what I need to buy before I go, so I don't buy extra stuff. I then grab my keys and head downstairs. I walk into my dining room where my mom is. I say "Hey Mom. I'm heading out to buy a few things for tomorrow. Are you okay with that?" She turns around to face me and says "Would you mind sitting and talking with me for a few minutes?" I reply "Sure." I set my keys and my purse on the table. Then, I sit down. She says "What's happening with you and Justin?" I reply "We're still together. We decided we would stick together through it all. Why?" She replies "You were crying, so I assumed you had broken up." Ha we really did. Can't tell her though. I answer "Oh well, I was crying because I missed him. Yeah. Any other questions?" She asks "Well, what are you doing today, tonight, and tomorrow?" I answer "Well, I'm heading to the store after our chat to buy some stuff for school. At 6:30 PM, I'm meeting Becky at Shake Shack. I'm leaving tomorrow in the morning." She says "Okay. Would you like to eat lunch out or with us?" I reply "I don't know how long I will be gone. I might just have lunch out while I'm buying stuff. I'll be home before I head to dinner though." She nods and says "Alright. See you later then." I say "See you later mom." I lean to her and kiss her on the cheek. I then get up. I grab my purse and keys off the table, then I'm off to stores. I walk out my house and I get in my car. I drive to the mall first since I need a few new clothes. I listen to music and I jam out as I drive.

I arrive at the mall and I park in the lot. I feel my phone buzzing and I see Becky is calling me. I slide to answer it and I say "Hey. What's up?" She says "Are you at the mall by chance?" I say "Yeah I am. How did you know?" She says "I can see you from the entrance. I had just turned to cross the crosswalk, then I saw you." I reply "Well see you soon then." I turn my phone off and I slide it back in my purse. I keep walking and I reach the front. I see Becky in a similar outfit and she is smiling at me. I walk up to her and we hug for a second. When we release the hug, I say "I missed you, even though we just saw each other. What are you doing here?" She replies "I was going shopping for some new clothes and I was going to eat lunch. I had my mom drop me off because my car is being stupid today, so I couldn't drive here and Grant was busy with work." I reply "That's why I'm here also. I can drive you back to your house after this as long as you're okay with stopping off at Target. I mean I could wait until I dropped you off, but what if you wanted you wanted to go to." She laughs and says "Sure. Thanks for the ride then and I'll go to Target." She smiles and I smile back. I guess I'm funny or amusing. Hehe.

We walk into the mall and we see shoes first. I say "Need any shoes?" She replies "Yes. I need something cute." I reply "Well I'm sure you can find some here." We walk over to the shoe area and I see tons of shoes. I see cute sandals and flats that she might like, so I show her. She says "These are amazing. I love them so much! Are you getting any?" I reply "Yes. I need new sandals and I see some really cute ones." I see TOMS sandals and I pick out the ones I like. They are denim with cute patterns. A young woman walks up to us and says "Are you ladies being helped yet?" Becky says "No we're not." The woman says "Well then. Do you need any help? I'm Samantha by the way." Becky replies "Yes. I would like size 8 in these sandals and flats." I add "I would like size 7 in these sandals please." Samantha says "Alright. I'll be right back your shoes." Samantha leaves. We sit down in cute tan leather seats to wait for our shoes. I say "So, how are you doing?" She replies "I'm doing great actually. How are you?" I reply "Really happy. I mean I'm sad you know who left, but I'll be okay." She replies "Oh yeah. I expected you two had gotten really close. I'm sorry he had to go. Ooh. Look it's our shoes." I see Samantha walking back with our shoes. She sets the shoes down in front of us. I try my shoes on and they are super cute. I take a Snapchat of them.
(Next page is the snapchat Clarissa took)

Becky tries on her sandals and she picks some she likes as well. We both go to the cashier area. We wait in line until we pay. After we both pay, we decide to get some kind of coffee drink. We walk to Starbucks to get drinks. It's finally my turn and I say "Hi. One Double Chocolate Chip Frappucino please." The girl says "Okay. That'll be $5.76." I hand her money and she hands back change. She says "Thank you for shopping at Starbucks and your drink will be right out." I thank her and I take my receipt. I walk over to the waiting area and I wait with Becky. Becky and I's drinks finish around the same time and we take a picture of them. (Next page is her snapchat)

We then leave Starbucks. I say "I need some hand sanitizer and hand soap. Wanna head to Bath and Body Works?" She says "OMG. Yes! That places smells so good and I want to go." We bring our drinks and we walk to Bath and Body Works. We walk in and the lady says "Hello. Welcome to Bath and Body Works. Anything I can help you with?" I reply "Oh we're just grabbing stuff for school. Thank you though." The lady smiles and we keep looking. We both smell some new scents and we show each other our favorites. I walk over to the hand soap area and I smell some of them. I find the one I want. I chose the Eucalyptus Mint hand soap. Smells so fresh. I then walk over to the hand sanitizer. I look through all of them. I choose the Perfect Pair scent. I then get a cute little hand sanitizer holder. It is pink and glittery. Super cute! I walk over to Becky who is smelling some perfumes. I have enough perfume, so I should be good with all that kind of stuff. I say "Hey Becky. How's it going?" Becky replies "Oh hey. It's going good. I found some good scents I love. I'm almost ready to go. Hm. I just need to pick a perfume." I reply "What are your choices?" She replies "Japanese Cherry Blossom or Sweet Pea." I reply "Sweet Pea seems like your scent." She says "Thanks." She picks it up and we walk to the line. Not too long of a line, which is good. I go first and the lady says "Ooh. Good choices. Your total today is $11.75." I hand her $12 and I get 25¢ back. Yay! My stuff goes in a bag and I take it. I wait for Becky and we head out. We throw away our Starbucks cups and I say "Okay. What next?" She replies "Hmmm... We could head to the food court and get lunch." I reply "Yes!!" We walk together up to the escalator and then to the food court. We see our options and we decide on Chick-fil-A. We get in line and soon we both order. I order 3 Chicken Strips with waffle fries, a Coca Cola, and a vanilla milkshake. Becky orders a chicken sandwich with fries, a Sprite, and a chocolate milkshake. Friendship goals!!

We wait for our food to be ready and we take our stuff. We walk to the sitting area and we find some good seats across from each other. We set our stuff down and we begin our meal. Becky nudges me and tilts her head slightly to the right. I turn to the right to see two guys staring at us. They smirk when they see me looking. I turn back to Becky. I say "What is the problem? They can like us, but we're taken. Remember, we both have boyfriends." Becky sighs and exclaims "Yeah I know, but what if they just want to be friends?" I laugh and reply "Hm. Boys these days don't usually want that. They want the dirty dirty." Becky laughs and says "Nice Clarissa. Geez. I'm so glad we saw each other here today. So, what shops do you want to go to for clothes?" I reply "Forever 21 and Aeropostale. Where do you want to go?" She replies "Well, I want to go to those places plus Hollister, American Eagle Outfitters, and Victoria Secret." I reply "Okay. That's fine with me. Let's go to those places after lunch then." She smiles and we continue our lunch. At the end of lunch, we throw our trash away and we decide to head to Hollister first.

We walk in and we see all the clothes. One question I always have when I walk in Hollister is why is it so dark? It just confuses me. We start looking around for stuff. Usually I can find something cute. I see these cute golden dangle earrings and I want them. I get a really cheap bathing suit since it's the end of summer and you can find them for cheap now. Yes super cute! The last thing I pick is a cute blue and pink colored cap-sleeve knit dress. Yay! I go to the cashier and I pay for it. I see Becky getting in line behind me. Perfect timing. She is buying a bathing suit, two shirts, and a skirt. After she pays, we walk out. I say "Successful trip 1. Now where?" She replies "Victoria Secret." I say "Alright. Let's go." We walk through the mall to Victoria Secret.

We walk in. Now, I never really like Victoria Secret because I don't like shopping for undergarments. Usually I get mine from Target and I occasionally get a bra from GapBody. Becky is more into looks than me. Haha. Becky says "Clarissa, you will buy yourself a bra if I have to force you to. You need something cute to have in case you ever need it." I groan and reply "Fine." I walk over and I see a cute bralette. It is white and has some lace. I say "Oh look I like this." She smiles and says "Yay!" I walk up to the cashier and I buy it. We then walk out and I say "Okay. Successful trip 2 done. I want to go to Forever 21, so let's go." Becky replies "Alright."

We then walk to Forever 21. We walk inside. We agree to look around together, so we don't lose each other. I see a cute dark gray cardigan I like. I grab it. I then see pick two cute plain dresses and two plain skirts to try on. I then grab some cute shirts as well to try on. Becky gets some stuff as well. We go and wait in line, which takes forever. We finally get to try on stuff. I end up deciding to buy the cardigan, the dresses, and the skirts. The shirts just looked weird on me. I buy my stuff and so does Becky. Trip 3 done!

We then head to Aeropostale. I get a bracelet, a light gray hoodie, and a t-shirt. I also use my coupon I had. A lot less to buy here for some reason. Trip 4 done!

Time for our last stop American Eagle Outfitters. I get an off-the-shoulder top, two shirts, a pair of jeggings, and a pair of skinny jeans. I love skinny jeans because I love the style of them and how they fit. I buy my stuff and so does Becky.

We walk out and I say "Well, it looks like we reached the end of our mall day. Time for Target. Are you ready?" Becky asks "I really want a smoothie and look over there. It is a Smoothie King. Please. I'll treat you to one." Hm that does sound good. I say "Ok sure, but I can pay for myself." She laughs and says "No. I'm paying because you are also giving me a ride home, so you deserve it." I say "Fine okay." She replies "Yay." We walk to the Smoothie King. Becky buys me a Strawberry Mango Hydrator and she gets a Peach Slice Plus.

We then walk out and we head out to my car. I put my bags in the trunk and she puts hers in the backseat because then we will know whose bags are whose. We hop in my car and we buckle up. We then start driving to Target. As I'm driving, Becky says "So since your car can have private conversation, how is Justin? How are you?" I reply "Well to be honest, when Justin was leaving, we were both crying a lot. He told me that I should talk to him almost every day if I can and that we should try to see each other real soon. I miss him so much, but I think I'll be able to cope with it. How is Grant?" She replies "Oh he's good. He was so excited to when Justin said he wanted to hang with him. He kept telling me as we were driving home he can't wait and he would make sure to act normal about it, even if he would be spending time with a celebrity." I reply "Well that's sweet. I'm so glad you found such a nice boyfriend." She answers "Aw thanks so much. I'm glad you found a nice boyfriend also." Haha if we were even still together we would be nice. Just kidding. I then answer "Thanks." Oh I miss Justin so much. We stop at a stoplight and I drink my smoothie. It's so healthy and good. I ask her "Any more private questions that we can't mention outside of this car?" She asks "Well. Did you and Justin ever make videos together or something? I know you have a YouTube channel even if you never use it and I know that he has one, so why not promote yourselves. Also, you sort of sing, so why not with him?" I reply "Well, we did make some videos, which will be released this week. Don't tell anyone though. Also, we said in the videos we are just friends because we don't want paparazzi and fans to freak out." Becky replies "That's a very smart decision. You two are amazing together. How was sleeping in the same bed as him?" I knew she would ask something like this eventually. Typical college student. I answer "Well, we didn't do it if that is what you are asking. We cuddled every night and it was nice to be honest. I miss being with him so much. I just wish we could go back. The concert was amazing when I got to see you. I mean it was the best thing ever." Becky smiles and replies "Yeah it was the best time ever and yes that was what I was asking. For your information, although I know you could care less about it, Grant and I haven't done it." I say "Well thanks little miss tmi." She laughs. We keep driving.

We arrive at Target. I grab some bags to put groceries in since I don't want to have to pay for them. We then walk in. I say "I'm going to get a cart because I'm getting some snacks, dorm stuff, and school supplies I might need." She says "Oh that's such a good idea. I'm so glad you're my friend." I reply "Well thanks." We first walk to get supplies and dorm stuff. I get 2 plain white binders, a pack of notebook paper, 2 composition notebooks, and a pack of mechanical pencils. I grab a new pink shower caddy, a white new desk lamp, and a Cambridge Light Pink Agenda. Yes!! Study ready! I also grab a new pencil pouch. I roll my cart over to Becky and I say "I'm ready to head to the food area and the cosmetic stuff." She says "Okay. Me too! Let's roll." We push our carts over. I grab a bag of Doritos, a box of Chips Ahoy, a box of Oreos, mini bags of Cheez-It's, packs of mint gum, boxes of Mac and cheese, oats and honey granola bars, a box of Oat Squares, new toothpaste, new body wash, new shampoo, and new conditioner. I'm buying frozen and refrigerated stuff when I go to college, so that I won't have to store them somewhere over night. It makes it easier for me. I then find Becky in the beauty aisles and I say "Hey. Are you almost ready?" She says "I can't decide what make-up wipes to get. Such a hard decision." I say "Depends on how your skin is. If your skin is sensitive, get Neutrogena. There is also Clean & Clear or Maybelline." She says "Okay. I'll go with Clean & Clear." She grabs it. We walk to the self- checkout. We each pay and we put our bags back into the cart. We put our stuff in the car and we hop in. We start driving. As we're driving, Becky decides she would rather get the stuff out tonight instead of right now. I'm fine with it. I drop Becky off at her home and I drive back to my home.

I arrive home and I walk inside my house. I yell "I'm home mom." She yells back "Come into the dining room real quick." I walk into the dining room. I see my mom at the table with my brother. I say "Hey. What's up?" She says "We were talking and we want to talk with you a little bit." I sit down at the table. I set my purse on the table and I say "What do you want to know?" She asks "What did you buy? Where did you go? Did you see anyone you knew? How is your summer?" I answer "Well, I ran into Becky on my way inside and we wanted to hangout more than just tonight, so we shopped together. I bought new dresses, new skirts, new shirts, new jewelry, snacks and supplies for college, and other stuff. I went to Target, Hollister, Forever 21, Aeropostale, American Eagle Outfitters, and Becky dragged me into Victoria Secret. My summer has been so great and I'm so glad that I could come home to hang out a lot. It was so fun here and I really enjoyed it. I loved everything. How is your summer?" She replies "Just wonderful." Benjamin says "My summer is pretty great too." We laugh. We didn't even ask. Nice Benjamin. My mom
says "What are you up to now?" I reply "Well, I'm just going upstairs. See what I want to do when I get there you know." She says "Alright well have fun doing whatever." I says "Thanks." I pick my purse up and I walk upstairs. I walk to my bedroom and I close the door. I put my purse on the dresser and I kick off my shoes. I grab my laptop and I sit on my bed. I lay down and open my laptop. I pull up Justin and I's videos just to watch them. I plug my earbuds into my laptop and I watch them. We sing beautifully and just watching the video, I'm tearing up. Yikes. Poor me. I wipe my eyes and I open iMovie. I start putting mini videos I've taken this summer and and I combine them. I find this calm summer song that looks really cool with my summer. I add captions and I decide to post it. ((If you want to check out my summer, here is my YouTube video or you can visit the link:

I then post a link on my Twitter for the video in case anyone wants to watch it. I see it's now 4:00 PM. I guess I have an hour and a half until I get ready. Luckily I don't need too much time, but traffic will probably be crazy. I hate traffic to be honest. Anyway, I decide I need to organize my computer home screen and all that stuff. I turn on some music and I start organizing everything into folders and throwing junk away. I really didn't realize how much I had on my laptop. Geez. What am I doing with life? I see now it's 4:30. What to do what to do.

I grab my notebook where I write down my goals for life, bucket list, and things to do. I flip through it and I see a list of YouTube videos I want to make. One says Back To School Tips. I decide to do that video. I write down tips such as what to wear, good lunch ideas, study tips, and how I manage it all. It's all about time management like how to manage all your homework, your extracurricular classes, and sleep. You must find time to do each by staying focused and not using your phone. I turn music on that way I have my phone, but I keep working without touching it. I brush my hair, so I don't look like a crazy person. Then, I set up my camera on my dresser. I pull my chair in front of the camera to sit on. I think of a good intro and I start. I stop the film a few times and I keep going. I laugh several times at how funny I am in this video. I might release bloopers too. Soon enough it is 5:30. Wow. An hour on this video so far! Hope it's good! I turn off my camera and I plug it in to charge. I grab my phone and I text Becky. I text Are you changing from earlier? Do you need a ride? She texts back I'm not changing girl are you serious. Would you mind giving me a ride? I text back Okay! See you soon at your house to pick you up! I put on a little deodorant, so I don't smell bad and I grab my keys. I grab my purse and I put my converse on. I walk downstairs and I see my mom. I tell her I'm off and she tells me to have fun. I leave and I hop in my car. I start my car and I turn on music. I start driving and I pull up to Becky's house. I get out and I walk up to her front door. I knock and the door opens. It's Becky. She smiles at me then turns back to yell "I'm leaving with Clarissa mom!" Her mom yells back "Have fun honey. Don't stay out too late!" Becky yells "Okay!" She closes the door. I bow and I say "Your car awaits madam." She laughs and says "Thank you kind good sir." I laugh and we walk to the car. We hop in and I start driving. We arrive at Shake Shack. I pull into the parking lot and I park on the second level. We get out of the car and we walk to the elevator and stairs. I say "Okay. Which one?" She says "Stairs since we each have a friend and the elevator takes forever." I reply "Okay friend." We walk over to the stairs and we walk down. We walk out the parking lot and down the sidewalk to ShakeShack. We walk in and get in line. Becky goes first to order, then I go to order. I get a cheeseburger, Coca Cola, and a vanilla shake. Yum. We pay then we sit down to wait. We talk a little and then our food is ready. We grab our food and we walk back to the table. I take a snapchat of my shake.      (next page)

We then begin eating. I say "So, how are you feeling about another year of college? She replies "Oh gosh. It's crazy to believe that we are going to be in our second year of college. I mean it's so crazy. I can hardly believe it. I'm excited though. What about you?" I reply "Well I'm excited. It really is crazy we are in our second year of college. I think it will go well." She replies "Yeah I think it will too. Okay, so when are you coming back here to home? I want to make sure we see each other." I say "Well get in line because apparently now you and also my boyfriend want to see me." She smiles and replies "Oh really? Well tell him I've been here longer, so I automatically get to be first." I laugh and say "Okay. Anyway, I'm coming back almost every weekend, thanksgiving break, Christmas break, and summer break. I might be back for spring break, but I haven't decided yet. I thought I could see my boyfriend then." Becky answers "Well okay. I'll send you dates of when I might come when I get a schedule, so we can meet ups." Yay!!! I reply "Okay sounds great." We continue to talk about college and all that kind of stuff. It gets to be 8:30 and I say "Well our night seems to be winding down. Wanna head back?" She replies "I guess so. It's been fun." I say "Yeah." We stand up and we throw our trash away. We then walk out and up the stairs of the parking lot. We climb in my car and I start the car. I clip in and I start driving. I turn the music on low. Becky says "Thanks Clarissa for being a real friend. I really have enjoyed seeing you this summer." I reply "Welcome. You're a great friend too." I pull into her home parking lot and I say "I'll get out to give you a hug and I'll help you carry your stuff in." She says "Okay thanks Clarissa." I get out the car and I open the backseat door. I pick up half the bags and I leave Becky to get the rest. She grabs the rest of them and I lock my car. We walk to the front door and she hits the doorbell since we can't open the door. Our hands our full. Her mom opens the door and smiles. She says "Hey Clarissa. Long time no see. It's great to see you again. I see you two had fun today." I reply "Yep we sure did." Becky replies "Mom, can you let us into the house because our arms might fall off?" She quickly says "Sorry girls. Come in." We walk inside and we climb her stairs to her room. She kicks the door open and we put her bags on the ground. I look around the room and I notice it isn't too different from high school. I walk over to her dresser where she has some picture frames and I notice a picture of us. It's a picture of us from kindergarten and next to it in the same frame is one of us from senior year. Yep. We were so cute when we were little. I say "I'm so happy you have pictures of us up still." She replies "Girl, I wouldn't take you off my dresser with special people. We are still besties for the restie." (Hehe) I laugh and I say "Thanks." She says "I made this cute photo album of us. Want to see it?" I reply "Sure. I have no rush." I set my stuff down on the ground and I walk over to her bed. I sit down and she gets the photo album. She sits next to me and we look through it. I notice so many old fun memories like when we both had our front teeth missing or when tried to make more friends and it didn't work out. I smile and I love the photos. When I'm finished looking at it, I say "That was so cute. I loved it so much. However, I should probably head back now." She says "No. Why? I want you to stay forever BFF." I reply "Haha. I'm leaving." She replies "Okay. At least let me walk you downstairs." I reply "Sure." I grab my stuff and we walk downstairs. We reach the door and we hug. After the hug, I say "See you sometime soon I hope Becky." She smiles and says "Yes me too. Bye." I wave and I walk out.

I hop in my car. I buckle up and I start driving. I drive home and I park. I decide to leave all my stuff in the car and I'll take it out tomorrow. Yep. I get out of my car and I lock it. I then walk up to the front and I unlock the door. I see my mom on the couch reading. I say "Hey mom. I'm home. I'm heading to bed, so I'll see you tomorrow morning when I get up at 7:30 AM." She replies "Love you honey and do you want me to make your breakfast?" I answer "Sure." She replies "Okay. See you in the morning." I walk upstairs and I walk in my room. I change into pajamas and I climb in bed. I plug my phone in and I set an alarm. I then turn off my light. This makes me miss Justin more. Just being here without him:(

Next day

I wake up to my alarm going off. It's so annoying. Ugh. I have to drive super early, get to my apartment and set it up, then I have to head over to school to papers and stuff. I have a long day ahead. I get a pair of jean shorts, a big t-shirt, and socks. I put it on and I head downstairs. I walk into the dining room where my mom is setting out breakfast. I sit down and I eat my breakfast while I talk to my mom about yesterday. We talk a lot and eventually I finish. I get up from the table and I head upstairs. I zip my suitcase, I put all my technology in a separate bag, and I slide my black converse on. I then start bringing my stuff downstairs. I set it all by the door. I walk back upstairs and I finish getting ready. I brush my teeth, brush my hair, and I put on some deodorant. I then head downstairs again to find my mom. I'm ready to leave now and I need to say goodbye. I find her and we say our goodbyes. My dad and brother are still asleep, so I can't say goodbye to them. I get all my stuff and I pack my car up. I unlock my car and I get in. I lock my doors and I start the car. I turn on some music and I start driving. On the radio .... "Up next is What Do You Mean?" Oh yes bae's song is on!!! Oh yeah!!! I turn it up and I rock out. He's so good!!! I then turn the music down and I keep driving. I pull through a Starbucks Drive-Thru and I get a Vanilla Bean Frappucino. Next, I pull into my apartment complex and I get my new key. We switch keys and codes every two to three months. It gets confusing sometimes, but it makes it harder for people to rob us all. I pull into my parking spot and I get out. I grab my suitcase and I start walking up the stairs. I then pull my suitcase to my room. I open it up and sure enough it's the same as I left it. I wheel my suitcase to my room and I walk back out to get more bags. I keep getting bags until I have none left in my car. Okay, time to start arranging my apartment. I don't share the apartment with anyone yet, but I think I someone else should stay in here too. I turn my speaker on and I hook it up via Bluetooth. I turn on some music and I start re-decorating my apartment. It's going to be super cute. Like, yes!! I keep decorating until lunch time. I'll finish later. I bought some stuff, but no lunch food except for snacks. I grab my keys and I slip my shoes back on. I grab my purse and I walk out my apartment. I lock the door and I start walking. I walk downstairs and I hop in my car. I drive down the street to get a sandwich. I find a seat inside and I sit and eat :) no one bothers me which is nice. I finish my sandwich and I leave. I drive to the front office of the school and I park.

I walk inside to get my forms and such. I see a line, so I wait. The girl ahead of me turns around and says "Hello. I'm Alexis." I reply "Hey Alexis. I'm Clarissa." She replies "Pretty name. Now, question, do you stay in a dorm or apartment?" I answer "Apartment why?" Why does this girl want to know where I live? Kind of creepy. She smiles widely and says "So, you wouldn't happen to be looking for an apartment mate by any chance would you? I mean it's okay if you say no, but like I'm just wondering. I can pay for every month I promise." Wait a minute... is she saying that she can help pay? I reply "Hm... I'll have to ask you more questions later, but I will think about it. We'll talk after it's your turn." She replies "Thank you so much." She goes up next. I wait and I go to the next open person. The woman says "Hello. Name and number please?" I reply "Clarissa Carnell and my number is 2061234." (Made it up) (hehe) she pulls stuff up and says "Okay. I'll go get your forms. Remember to sign them here and give them back in order to be able to attend the first day." I say okay and she gets my forms. I move to the side and I sign the forms because I want to attend my first day. Duh. Hehe. I finish and I get back in line. I eventually get to turn my forms in and I get a schedule and other stuff. I then start walking to the door. I hear someone say "Clarissa wait!" I turn around and I see Alexis. Oh my gosh of course. How could I forget? I wait and she runs up to me. She says "We didn't finish our conversation. Want to continue it?" I reply "Sure. You can come over to my apartment to discuss it." She replies "Could I have a ride with you? I got a ride through Uber and I don't want to wait or leave you waiting." I reply "Sure. Although I need to stop and get some stuff from the grocery. Do you mind coming?" She replies "No problem at all." Oh thank goodness she is okay with it. I really need some food for the place. I say "Okay. Come with me then." We walk out and to my car. I say "This is my car." She answers "Oh my gosh. I love it so much. I want to have a car, but I only have a bicycle." I reply "Girl, you need to get a car. Tell your parents. Now get in." I get in my car and I buckle up. I plug my phone in to start music. I start my car and I make sure she is buckled up. She is clipped in, so I start driving.

As we're driving ..... I say "So, Alexis, what grade are you going to be in?" She says "I'm going to be a senior in college. I switched colleges from Arizona since this school had better stuff for my specific major." I reply "Oh that's cool. I'm going to be a senior in college too. Maybe we'll be in a similar class. What is your major?" She replies "I'm majoring in accounting. I really want to be one. I don't know why, but I just like the idea of it. What about you?" I reply "I'm majoring in business. I just really want to be able to be a business woman and be able to help the business industry. So, how would you pay for each month? Would people say you are to be trusted? If so, explain." She replies "That's really cool about your major. I have a job at Fro-Go, a frozen yogurt place and I'm replacing that with a higher paying job as an intern at a bank. I'll be able to afford it. People do say I'm to be trusted. For example, one time my friend told me that I had to bring this certain paper to her teacher while she was sick or she would fail and so I did. I brought it to the teacher and the teacher told me that my friend would've failed the six weeks if I hadn't brought it. I told my friend this and she brought me a Starbucks." I continue to ask her questions and I end with "What's your opinion on Justin Bieber?" I pull into the parking lot and park. I say "Answer when we get out." She replies "Okay!" We get out and I get bags from the back. I say "Now answer." She smiles and squeals. Oh yes this is good. She answers "Well, to be completely honest, he is the best singer ever and he is such a good guy. I mean, I just love him so much. His songs are amazing and all that creativity is amazing. You know, he was here recently." I reply "Yes I know and I agree with everything you said. I was his photographer." She squeals and says "Oh my gosh. How was it? Is his music still amazing? Was he just as amazing?" I reply "Oh yes. It was so beautiful since it was acoustic and also, he really sounded amazing. I was so glad I went. If he ever plans to come again and I'm his photographer, I'll let you know. He loves meeting new sweet fans." She replies "OMG. Thank you. So, did I get the apartment mate spot?" I answer "Yes you did. How are you going to get your stuff? Want to swing by your place after this?" She replies "Sounds great to me." We walk inside and we get a cart. We grab frozen foods and refrigerated stuff. We get meat, cheese, and even breads, Etc... I feel like we have some good food. We walk to the cashier and I pay. We agreed that next time she can help pay, but this time, I pay. We carry the bags out to the car and hop in. I say "Okay. Tell me where your home is." She says "I'll tell you the directions as we drive. Just get on the interstate going south." I drive and we arrive. She knocks and we walk in. I meet her parents and they thank me for giving her a room. They tell me how trusting she is and I tell them I'm glad to have her as my apartment mate. I explain to her parents about how she should get a car soon and why she should. They agree to think about it. I help her get her stuff and we head out. I sit in my front seat as I wait for Alexis as she says her last goodbyes to her parents.

My phone buzzes in my back pocket. I pull it out and I see a text from Justin saying Made it home!! Let's release the videos tomorrow night! Miss you! I text back Miss you too! Tomorrow it is for the videos!! I love him so much. I'm glad he still wants to release the videos and he still likes the text me. I miss him and I love him. Alexis walks to the car and I turn my phone off. She gets in, buckles up, and we drive to my apartment.

We arrive and she says "Wow. It's so close to campus and it looks so cool. I'm so excited." I say "Well get your stuff then." We get out. I grab the groceries and one of her bags. She grabs the rest of her bags. We walk up the stairs and to my door. I say "So, this is my place." I then unlock the door and I open it. I let her in first and she says "Whoa. This place is so cute and it is amazing. I love it." I think I know what her favorite word is: amazing. I mean she uses it so much. Haha. She'll be entertaining. I set the groceries in the kitchen and I show her where her room is. She starts to set her stuff up. I walk back to the kitchen to put stuff up. I clean it up and soon enough it's all clean. I walk back to my room and I set all my papers from today on my desk. I sit in my chair and I plug my earbuds to my laptop. I open Netflix and I watch The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. It's super funny and I love watching it. You should watch it if you haven't. I finish both seasons and I realize it is dinner time. I'm going to make pasta. Nah. Not right now. I need to finish cleaning my room. I get up and I see my phone ringing. I pick it up and it says Justin. Oh yay!

Phone call below:

(C is Clarissa and J is Justin)

C-- "Hey Justin. This is a surprise. How are you?"
J--"Is this a bad time? I'm glad you answered me regardless. I'm doing fine. I just miss you so much."
C--"It's not a bad time at all. I'm unpacking my bags from my home. I'm actually at my apartment right now."
J--"I didn't know you headed back so soon. Was your last night fun at home?"
C--"Haha. It mostly involved crying about missing you, shopping with Becky, and heading to dinner with Becky. The dinner with her was fun, we caught up and talked about you of course. How was the ride back?"
J--"I'm sad to hear your cried a lot. I basically thought about you my whole ride. I'm glad you had fun with a friend. That's good. My ride was so long. We stopped at a hotel last night, but I couldn't sleep because you weren't in my arms. I miss you so much. I want to see you so soon like when are you free?
C--"I miss you too. Last night I could barely sleep also. I'm sorry to hear that your ride was bad-ish. I have school starting next week, so I won't be able to see you. Once I get my schedule, I can find out when I might be able to see you for a day or so."
J--"Sounds great to me. I'll talk to you soon. Miss you and love you."
C--"See ya! Miss ya and love ya!"

I hang up from talking with him and I smile. He is so sweet and I love talking with him. I miss him. I really really do. Gosh dang my feelings. I'm hungry now. I get up and I walk out. I don't see Alexis, so I knock on her door. She says "Come in." I open the door and I see her room is pretty much set up. It looks super cute. There is a white and black tapestry hanging on the wall and the bedding matches it. Her clothes are across the floor, but her room looks good. I say "Do you want some pasta for dinner? I want to make noodles, veggies, and I can warm up chicken strips." She says "Sounds great. I'm allergic to mushrooms though." I reply "Well, I don't even like mushrooms, so that's okay." I then leave and I start cooking. I put the chicken in the microwave and I start hearing it up. I grab the veggies and I get them ready to go in after the chicken. As I wait, I start the noodles. I eventually finish dinner and I put it on plates. I then set the plates on the table and I get glasses of ice. I pour water in both glasses and I set it on the table. I walk back to Alexis' room and I let her know food is on the table. I walk back out and I sit down. She sits with me and we eat. We talk a little about college life so far and our majors.

At the end of the meal, Alexis suggests watching a movie on the tv. I agree. We put our pajamas on and we meet in the tv area. We sit on the couch and Alexis turns on a movie. It ends up being Sixteen Candles. It's an old 80's movie. It's pretty funny and the guy, Jake Ryan is pretty hot. I mean not Justin hot, but still hot. The awesome freshmen nerd, who is played by Anthony Michael Hall, is really funny also. We finish the movie and we head to bed. I get in my bed super happy with today. I mean, I talked to Justin and I got a new apartment mate. Yay!! I'm so excited. I flip off my light and I fall asleep.

Thanks for reading!!

It's school time again, so life is crazier. I'm also a junior right now, so my stress is high.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

What did you like?
What did you dislike?

Have you seen Sixteen Candles? Did you like it?
Have you seen Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt? Did you like it?

I loved both of the above things!!!!! Enjoy!!!!!

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