Girls Will Be Boys When Pigs...

By TheGirlisBrightRed

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Lexon Derrace is a 15 year old sophomore. She now attends Morheckin Academy for boys. She has a tiny problem... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 2

343 11 1
By TheGirlisBrightRed


I bit my lip nervously as Tofu led me over to a group of boys. All of which were tall and amazingly gorgeous as him. He lead me up to group and I stopped next to him. He said hi and “man hugged” all four of them.

“This is Lucas, Rob, Jeremy, and Kevin.”

He introduced each one to me.

Lucas was largely built, with a buzz cut short dark, hair and dark grey eyes that looked like they could kill you if they wanted.

“Hello!” he said brightly, flashing a white grin. I was sort of shocked, he had looked so  . . .scary. They all laughed at my expression when he greeted me.

“Yeah, everyone does that when they meet Luke,” Tofu said, grinning me and slapping me on the back. Lucas gave a sheepish smile.

Rob was tanned and Italian looking, his wavy dark almost black hair nearly hanging into his equally dark colored eyes.

Ciao, nice to meet you,” he said to me. I wasn’t surprised my his use of Italian, it fit him, seeing as he was, now, obviously Italian.

Jeremy was pale white with a shock of bright orange hair atop his head. It hung flat and barely an inch past his hairline. He also wore a pair of square glasses that didn’t make him ant less attractive. 

“Hey,” he said, lifting a hand to me with a slight smile on his face. Hmm, I wonder if he is smart . . . he seems to give off the vibe and the glasses show that he is near-sided . . . This should be fun. I smirked and said “hello, nice to meet you” like I had to the others.

Last of all was Kevin. Kevin had skin has dark as coffee and hair as short as Lucas’s. His eyes were a chocolate brown and were warm and inviting.

Hi there, nice to meet you,” he said with a surprisingly British accent. Finally, not that I had been waiting or anything, Tofu introduced me. Except that didn’t work out so well.

“This is . . .well . . .” He looked at me, eyebrows furrowed. “I never actually got your name . . .” he said a little uncomfortably. I laughed.

“My name is Lexon. Lexon Darrace. I’m a sophomore from Spokane, Washington. I hope we can all get along well. I hope,” I said, shooting a glare at Tofu. They all laughed.

“Well, anyway, this is Lexon, I guess, he lives in my apartment complex,” he said with a shrug.

“Yeah, like you can actually call that place an apartment,” Rob said with a snort. We laughed. It felt nice, finally having people to be around that I could laugh with like that.

I felt my phone buzz yet again and play Helena Beat’s chorus. I pulled it out.


“Shit,” I murmured. Tofu looked over at me, none of the other guys had noticed and were still talking.

“What’s wrong?”

“I forgot to call my friend . . . I’ll be right back,” I said and walked away. I didn’t walk too far away, just enough so they couldn’t hear me. I picked up and nervously lifted the phone to my face.

“Yo, Emerald,” I said, attempting nonchalance.


“I’m really sorry I forgot to call, Emerald! I got really caught up and stuff . . .”

She swore in Spanish, calling me quite a few not so nice words.

“Like hell you did!” she growled.

“Emerald, come on . . . how can I make it up to you?” I pleaded.

“Well . . . since you asked and since your my best friend. . . I supposed I could forgive you if you bought me that cute Gucci bag I was looking at that one time . . .” she said nonchalantly. I was positive she was admiring her nails.


This time she squealed happily.

“I love you so much! You have no idea how much I have wanted that bag!”

“I think I do,”  I laughed. She huffed.

“Well, anyways, how’s the Big Yak?”

“It’s buffalo, Em, buffalo . . .”

“Whatever, same thing, gigantic and hairy,” she made a shuddery sort of noise, “How is it anyway?”

Emerald was one of the few other people knowing about my situation. Her being my best friend and all.

“Well, where I am in buffalo, the only word I have for it is . . . testosteroney.”  

“Ew. Boys are nasty. Especially when there is nothing but them.”

“Trust me, I know,” I sighed, rolling my eyes.

“See any cute ones yet, though?” she asked.

“Yes, five actually.”

She immediately perked up even more.

Really?! Omg, who are they? What do they look like? How did you meet them?!” she questioned.

“Calm down, Em. But, well, in one word. Hot. They are all very, very hot. Especially one . . . But anyways, they are all really  attractive and pretty nice for the most part.”

“Come get me NOW. Lex, I need some hot man booty right this instant! This school has none whatsoever!” she complained.

“I laughed. Well, if you want to dress up as boy and attempt to get in, be my guest.” I almost heard he excitement deflate.

“Ugh, ew. Never gonna happen. Sorry, girl, but I like showing off my curves.”

I sighed,

“Trust me, so did I.”

She snorted.

“Yeah, right, so says the most boy oblivious girl in the school. You have practically ever boy in the school chasing you and you don’t even notice. They were devastated when the found out you had to leave.”

I laughed and rolled my eyes.

“Sure, whatever Em.”

She laughed,

“Is the apartment good?”

“Yeah, it’s pretty bomb, but it’s also pretty lonely. I seriously Spokey, Em,” I said sadly.

“Yeah, well, Spokey misses you too Lex,” she said back, equally as sad. We just hung there in silence for a couple minutes.

“Hey, I should probably get going, okay? I talk to you after school is over, cool?”

“Cool,” she said, her mood obviously brighter now.

“One four three, girl.”

“One four three! Bye!”

The phone hung up with a click. I stuck it back in my pocket and walked back over to the group of guys. They all had mischievous smirks on their faces.

“What?” I asked, confused.

“Girlfriend?” Tofu inquired with raised eyebrows and a smirk on his lips. I reached up and scratched my neck and trying to make myself blush.

“Yeah . . . ” I lied. Well, it wasn’t a complete lie. She was my girlfriend in the friend sense, just not the romantic way that they thought she was.

Kevin slapped me on the back.

“Nice bro, she’s okay with long distance?” he asked. I shrugged.

“Yeah, she said she didn’t have problem with it. She said it would help strengthen our relationship even more.”

“Girls,” Rob said shaking his head and laughing. “Where do they come up with these things?”

“Experience?” I suggested. He shrugged,


“Is she pretty?” Lucas asked.

“Yeah, really pretty,” I said, grinning. I wanted to laugh, saying these things. Emerald is really pretty, but I don’t see her the way a boy would. Lucas grinned and happy grin. He was such a big sweetheart. He was like a big, mean looking teddy bear. The analogy made me want to laugh.

Suddenly a loud old fashioned bell wrong and every started heading into the school.

“That’s the fifteen minute bell. It means that everyone needs to go inside and that you, obviously, have fifteen minutes until school starts. There will be another five minute bell in ten minutes,” Tofu said to me, slightly leaning over so he could hear me better over the loud students.

We walk into the building. It was just as lavish as the outside, my newer. The walls were Crimson painted bricks and the floor was shiny, black, stone bricks. Each locker was full length and painted with a design that stretched across the lockers in a long mural. It was branches and black and crimson hawks. Some sitting on branches. Some with their wings outstretched, so flying off from the tree. It was beautiful.

“Pretty awesome, huh?” he said. I nodded. “Here, I’ll take you to the office to pick up your schedule.”

He lead me to a black door that had a large, crimson framed window next to it, and the words “Main Office” in gold above it.

“Here, hand me your phone real quick.”

I gave him an odd look but handed over my phone. He did some stuff on it that I could see then handed it back to me.

“Call me if you need anything, I have to go, hopefully we’ll have some classes together!”

I mentally snorted. Right, because I will definitely see him in my 12th grade math, science, English, and history classes. I turned the handle and walked in.

It wasn’t gigantic like I had expected it to be, but it was extremely nice. Lush seats that looked designer sat against the wall for people who needed to wait. The front desk looked expensive and elegant, made from a dark cherry wood than curved. I walked up to it.

“Hello,” I said to the woman sitting there. She looked just as elegant as the desk. He gray hair was pulled back into a tight bun and thin, square, frameless glasses on. She wore a lavish looked dark gray pant suit that hugged her body perfectly. She looked fare younger than she probably was, her face looked young and pretty, too. The only thing that gave away her age was her gray hair. She looked up.

“Hello, may I help you?” she inquired pleasantly. I smiled,

“Yes, I need to pick up my schedule?”

A look of realization came into her eyes,

“Ah, of course! You must be the new student, Lexon Derrace?” Her smile was pleasant as well.

“Yes, ma’am, that’s me.”

“Good! Well, here is your schedule, then! Also here is a map to help you find your way through the, it can be quite complicated sometimes. Welcome to Morheckcin Mr. Derrace,” she said. I took the papers and smiled.

“Thank you.”

I walked out of the office and looked over my schedule. I had Science first period with . . . Mr. Borrel. Room 859.

I took me a good ten minutes to find the room, making me five minutes late. The teacher glared at me when I walked in.

“First day and you are already late?” he asked, obviously displeased.

“I’m sorry sir, I got lost,” I said smoothly, trying not sneer at the old man. He annoyed me already with his self-important attitude. He pursed his lips, but didn’t say anything. He beckoned me forward and handing me a tablet. No, not a clay tablet, or a tablet for right on, a an actual electronic tablet. Does every student have one of these? I wondered.

“All your textbooks will be on there. You are expected to keep this charged and safe from any damage. Understood?”

I nodded.

“Good. Now, class, I would like to introduce the newest student to Morheckcin, Mr. Lexon Derrace. Please welcome him to our humble abode.”

I nearly started cracking up in the front of the classroom where I stood, but contained, only letting out an amused smirk that Mr. Borrel couldn’t see.

“Please take the seat in the back of the class Mr. Derrace,” he commanded, motioning to a half empty lap bench. I walked down the aisle towards the bench he referred to, taking my seat next to a the boy who sat there also. I slide onto the stool and set my backpack on the floor next to my stool. The boy watched me as I did so. Finally, when I settled in, he said

“Hi! Nice to meet you! I’m Shaun!” he said cheerily, reaching out a hand. I was about to take it when one of the boys in front of us leaned back, a cocky look on his face that showed that he thought he was “all that”.

“I wouldn’t touch him if I were you, you might get the fag virus,” he sneered, laughing. His friend laughed, too and they fist bumped. I rolled my eyes.

“I’m surprised you don’t already have it with that hairstyle!” I made a gagging noise in my throat. His face was shocked, then turned red and scrunched with fury. He stood up, his stool scooting back with a loud screechy noise.

“You little son of a-!”

Excuse me!” Mr. Borrel commanded loudly. “What is so important that you find it necessary to disrupt my class, Mr. Stewart? Please, do share with the rest of the class,” he said sarcastically.

He didn’t say anything, but instead gave me one last nasty glare before grabbing his stool back and sitting down again. I smirked.

“Thank you, Mr. Stewart,” he said and returned to the lesson. Shaun, the boy I had about to introduce myself too, looked sad and upset. His eyes swam with fear.

“I’m sorry . . .” he said.

“Why are you apologizing? It’s not your fault that that guy is a total dump head,” I said casually. “Especially with that hair! I mean, who actually wears fohawks nowadays?”     

He smiled and let out a small laugh.

“Thanks, for doing that,” he said quietly.

“Yeah, well, that guy deserved it.”

He laughed again.

“Well, going back to our earlier “almost-conversation”, I’m Lexon Derrace, you can just call me Lex if you want,” I introduced myself, grabbing his hand that was on the counter to shake it. He looked startled, but shook back. I grinned. He smiled at me. I let go of his hand and leaned over to grab a notebook out of my backpack.

“Now, let’s start note taking!” I said. I probably wouldn’t take notes considering I had already studied the subject we were working on, but it helped keep the mood up beat.

We sat there in silence for a good fifteen minutes, until he finally said something. And that something nearly made me fall off my stool.

“Why are you pretending to a boy?” he asked as if it was the same as if asking what my favorite type of ice cream was. I gapped at him.

“Wh- what?!” I sputtered. “What are you talking about?!” I pretended to be outraged instead of incredibly nervous.  

“Well, you are a girl, aren’t you? Why do you cross dress?” his voice still casual.

“I’m not and I don’t!” I hissed.

“You can’t lie,” he purred, his voice no longer casual. It was now low and deep, and nearly seductive. My jaw moved up and down, no sound coming out.

“But- but I . . .” I stuttered. He smirked.

“Meet me in the nearest bathroom to the left after class,” he whispered in my ear, his breath warm and moist. My stomach churned.

“I- I thought you didn’t like women . . .?” I choked out.

“I’m bi,” he purred into my ear. My stomach flipped. Something about his voice. . . it inspired both fear and lust. He returned to his notebook. I let out a breath I didn’t know I had been holding and I sunk deeper onto my stool. My heart beat wildly. How did he do that?! I glanced back over to him and made eye contact on accident. A amused smirk slide onto his lips as he observed my flushed face and heavy breaths. He had achieved his goal. If he acted like that all the time, I’m pretty sure he would have every living human in the entire school coming to his I I beck and call.     

I shuddered and stared down at my blank notebook. A very long year, indeed.

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