By sourstiles

423K 13.7K 21.3K

Indigo McCall and Stiles Stilinski are inseparable. Attached at the hip, indivisible, connected. Deeply in lo... More

chapter one: [start of something]
chapter two: [something I can't have]
chapter three: [first taste]
chapter four: [threefold death]
chapter five: [not without trying]
chapter six: [painful car rides]
chapter seven: [better off dead]
chapter eight: [admitted]
chapter nine: [pain]
chapter eleven: [laying low]
chapter twelve: [sleep away]
chapter thirteen: [connected]
chapter fourteen: [new old duo]
chapter fifteen: [the return]
chapter sixteen: [and the world fell silent]
chapter seventeen: [divine move]

chapter ten: [new kind of hunger]

19.3K 715 1.1K
By sourstiles

"I can't help this awful energy. Goddamn right, you should be scared of me."


Indigo woke up, her eyes snapping open immediately. She was in a new room this time. The tiled walls barely shined from the minimum light streaming through the small window. She felt she wasn't lying on the metal table from before, but this time, she was lying on a bed. This still wasn't much of an upgrade.

Indigo attempted sitting up, and this time it worked. Although, when she couldn't use her hands to sit up, she looked down at her hands, which turned out to be handcuffed. Rolling her eyes, she thrusted her hands in opposite directions and the metal fell to the floor in two pieces.

She stood up, looking around the room. A small bedside table sat next to the bed she woke up on, and another bed was on the other side, untouched.

Slowly making her way to the door, a square was cut out so she could look out. Bars limited it, but Indigo still peered out. All she could see was a hallway, containing more doors that looked like hers. She also spotted a woman in blue scrubs, making her way towards her with a less than pleased face.

Indigo backed away from the door and she heard the woman put in a key, unlocking it. The large door opened, revealing the hallway to her.

"Visiting time, sweetheart." The woman sighed, stepping out of the doorway, insinuating for Indigo to walk out. With furrowed eyebrows, Indigo peered out and stepped into the hallway. The woman let the door close, the shutting noise echoing down the hallway.

The woman walked forward, not even checking if Indigo was following. She probably didn't care. Indigo followed anyway, keeping pace behind the woman. Her eyes flickered into as many of the doors as she could, attempting to look in to see other patients. Some held someone, some held two people. None of them talking.

Indigo's hearing became annoyed at the scuffling and looked down, to see her feet were causing it. They were dawned in slippers, while her legs were now dressed in grey sweatpants and a faded blue long sleeve.


Indigo looked up, seeing the woman was a little father ahead of her, holding open a door to a new room. She looked further in, seeing a metal table, a chair on either side.

She walked in and the woman immediately shut the door. Indigo looked back to the door and found two men in security uniforms standing on both sides of the door.

"And you're here because. . . ?" Indigo put a hand on her hip, quirking an eyebrow at both of them. Neither of them answered.

  "Or don't answer." She muttered to herself, taking a seat in one of the chairs, which screeched as she moved it out from under the table. She crossed her legs, sighing in boredom. Indigo bounced her foot, chewing the inside of her cheek.

The door squeaked, making Indigo turn around. The two men watched who walked in, and Indigo recognized Stiles walking through the door.

Stiles looked up from his twiddling nervous hands, seeing the girl he'd missed so much. The girl he hadn't stopped thinking about since she had been taken. He couldn't imagine what she'd been through. She looked put together. She looked beautiful to him anyway. Although, he could see the circles under her eyes.

"Hey." Stiles let the smile fall on his face as he walked closer. He wanted to open his arms so bad. But, Indigo still hadn't stood up yet. She didn't even look like she had acknowledged he was in the room. Was she tired?

"Hello?" She furrowed her eyebrows, feeling ridiculous. Why was he even here? He had no idea what she had been through, so he can't feel bad for her.

  Stiles assumed she wasn't going to get up and, dismissing the pang in his heart, sat across the table.

"How- how have you been?" He tried to keep his eyes on her, but the empty look in her eyes felt foreign. Like, he was talking to a stranger.

  "Fine, I guess." Indigo shrugged. Stiles couldn't tell what was up with Indigo, but he hated it. He wanted Indigo back. He wanted his Indigo back.

"Fine?" He raised his eyebrows. Stiles shook his head, licking his lips. "That's it?"

  "What do you want me to say?" Indigo scoffed, narrowing her eyes at the boy. "I'm having so much fun in this mental institution."

"You're not talking to me!" Stiles let out, throwing his arms to his sides. "Something happened and you're not telling me. You can tell me Indigo!"

  "Maybe I don't want to." She snapped.

"What did they do to you?" Stiles whispered, his eyes threatening tears. He usually would hate to break down in front of her. He always wanted to be strong for her. But, maybe if he showed her this once, she'd return it. Show him some type of emotion.

  "Nothing you can fix." Indigo shrugged.

"Why?" Stiles mocked, doing the same. "Why can't I fix it- there has to be something I can do about it. Something!"

  "I don't know why you're still here. It's over, Stiles." Indigo snapped, standing up in her chair. It screeched and she heard the two men shuffle. "I'm here and there's nothing you can do about it. Go. Home."

"I'm here-" Stiles stood up, looking just as angry. "Because I love you. And I'm not leaving without you!"

  "If you don't, I'll make you!" Indigo yelled, and in such a livid manner, it caused her eyes to reveal their true green shine and her opened shouting mouth to no longer conceal the two elongated fangs that ached for the taste of the boy's blood in front of her.

Stiles' eyes widened and he stepped back. Indigo would never leash out on him like that. She hated it. She hated the thought of what she was and what she had to do to survive. She hated the idea of ever taking any of his blood.

"Indigo, I love you." Stiles tested, his eyes watching her carefully. Indigo, confused, quirked an eyebrow.

  "Yeah, you've said that before. Thirty seconds ago." She scoffed.

Stiles felt his shoulders slump over. His heart felt like it was beating from inside his stomach, where it fell. She was right. He couldn't do anything about it. It was over now. He'd lost her.

  They gave her blood. Blood that wasn't his.

It was unbelievable how quickly Stiles' mood changed.

Stiles' hardened eyes glared to the security guards. "What the hell did they do to her?"


"Do they know?" He snapped, walking around the table. "Do they even know what they did?!"

"Sir, we're going to have to ask you to leave the room-"

Stiles looked away from the guards and rushed to Indigo, taking her slim biceps in his hands, making her face him. His eyes, much unlike before, held worry and need.

"Indigo, I don't care what you think know. And I don't even know if you'll remember. I'll find a way. I'm going to help you. We're going to get you out of here. Somehow."

Normally, Indigo would've had the biggest grin on her face. An overwhelming happiness would've filled her from the inside out. But all Indigo could think about, literally, was the intense smell of AB+. Infiltrating her nostrils and igniting something in her she'd never felt before. Her eyes shut almost as if taking in the smell of a baking kitchen.

"So. . . good." Was all she muttered. Stiles was confused and stayed in place as he looked to his girlfriend questioningly.

At her speed, her dainty hands snapped from her sides and gripped his right forearm, ripping it from its grip on her arm. She wrenched it up to her mouth and before Stiles could even blink, he winced loudly at the feeling of her teeth sinking into his wrist. His mouth hung open as he watched her eyes flutter shut in pleasure. His eyes began to do the same, except only for the feeling of blood leaving his body. Finally, his ears caught the shuffle of the two men.

He cried out when her mouth was retracted from his wrist, only making the wound bigger. One guard held Stiles, while the other struggled in pulling the animalistic Indigo to the other side of the room.

They all watched as Indigo's tongue slipped over her lips, catching any missed drop hungrily. Her low hum set a small fear in the guard, but he held her tighter. She smirked, showing off her fangs, which held a red tint, as well as areas around her gums.

"More." She breathed out and attempted to lunge. The guard almost let her slip, but kept his hold. The other guard pushed a frozen Stiles out of the room, his other hand holding his wrist limply as he stared at his girlfriend.

As he stared at the girl that used to be his girlfriend. And Stiles didn't think anything could hurt more.


Indigo was returned to her room harshly, the large door slamming with an echo. She chuckled at the thought of attempting to get it open herself, since she could so easily remove those handcuffs this morning.

A wet feeling on her cheek made her fingers reach up, and indeed, it was wet. She pulled away and found red sprinkled across her fingertip. Indigo hummed and placed it in between her lips. The warm liquid spread throughout her mouth, mixing with the saliva. A heavenly taste.

She actually missed the boy, sort of. Well, for his blood type.

And his forearm, it just looked so prime. The way his fingers and hand flexed in rhythm as they fiddled with one another. The veins that pumped his delicious blood, running all the way from his fingers, to the end of his forearm. She could practically hear the blood rushing.

Indigo took a seat on the bed she woke up on, bracing her hands next to as she looked down at her crossed ankles. What was she even supposed to do alone in this room? Stare at the wall?

A pain spiked in her lower stomach, making her eyebrows furrow and she set a hand over it. The pain only grew the longer time went on, before the discomfort rose. She felt shaky and nauseous.

The rushing feeling fell over her body and as soon as her eyes widened, she felt something shoot quickly up her throat. It pushed through her lips, splattering onto the floor as she threw it up. Indigo's mouth was gaped open as she disgustingly through up the dark color.

  When it stopped, she coughed small drops, heaving over. Her stomach felt empty and the pain subsided. Indigo's breaths were labored and loud, echoing in her small room.

Swiping her hand over her mouth, she collected the saliva-blood-stomach acid mixture, proceeding to wipe it on the side of the mattress. She grimaced at the sight of the gross slime, looking back to the dark puddle on the floor. It certainly didn't seem as appetizing as when she had ingested it. Splatters marked the legs of the bed, the bottom of the bedside table, basically within a two foot radius of the center.

Strange, Indigo thought. The Stiles' blood had been the best thing she had in a while. It was so warm and smooth down her throat. Why in the hell was she throwing it up? Was it even his blood? Was it her own?

Indigo stood up and walked around to a different side of the dark pool, a side that had been trailing away, making a small line of blood. She slowly got down to her knees, sighing. Was she doing this?

Pushing hairs behind her ears, she leaned down slightly, letting the smell waft up. Not too close, but just enough to see if she could smell the same scent when she had bitten Stiles.

Slowly, she took a deep breath, waiting for her senses to tingle. Waiting for them to snap.  But, it wasn't the same smell.

It smelled different. It wasn't the nice warm feeling of feeding from Stiles. It was- a gross wet smell. It smelled like a dirty wet towel. Like, like-

  Like a wet dog.

An image flashed across her mind, and instantly, she knew it wasn't the domestic household dog. It was the ones she dealt with. The fang-bearing, claw-wielding, glowstick-eyed werewolves.

She was throwing up werewolf blood. The same blood that she had been so hastily injected with by that asshole. Would that happen every time she drank from Stiles? She would through up the foreign blood she took?

Indigo was disgusted at the idea. No matter how good he tasted, she wouldn't do it again. The power she felt when she had werewolf blood, along with whatever the hell else the doctor gave her, was undeniable. She loved feeling so strong, so- ready to do anything. She wasn't scared to hurt anyone. She didn't care.

She didn't care.

And that felt great. What if she killed the doctor?

All she would feel was pride. A couple of other patients?

Her mouth watered at the thought, her fangs elongating.

What about the boy that made her throw up? Should she kill him? She remembers that she used to feel something for him. But- it was all like a dream now. She couldn't even imagine feeling for something that reminded her so much of dinner time. His obvious attractiveness was-obvious, although. There was some materialistic feelings there. The thought was ridiculous. One more blood bag that would have no problem getting close to her.

The more she thought about her "past", the hungrier she got. Most of her friends would only make her stronger. Scott, the werewolf? Lydia, whatever she was. Isaac, Derek, even Peter. . .

Indigo hummed with a smirk, moving to sit on the floor instead of her knees. She leaned against the other bed, pursing her lips as she thought about all the blood she would have available to her once she got out.

And, why wait? Here she was, in a closed off building, with plenty of people who were probably planning to kick the bucket on some Monday anyway. Some dick doctor she knew she would enjoy ripping apart.

She just had to get out of this damn room.

Indigo stood up and walked over to her door, looking out. The hall was pretty empty, besides the camera she found in the corner, looking down the entire hallway.

She looked down to the handle, wondering. Placing a hand on it, twisting quickly and violently, her side ripped off. She heard the clamber of the other handle falling off, smirking. Where the door handle once poked out, now sat a hole that went all the way through. Indigo found the lock and slid it the other way, hearing the click from the hole.

She placed her hand in the hole and pulled the door, opening her to the hall. Indigo peeked out and stepped through the doorway, taking a deep breath.

Indigo lifted each foot, tossing her slippers back into her room. Now, she could walk around without sounding like a damn toddler.

Indigo made her way down the hallway, her padding feet barely making any noise at all. Strutting all the way to the next door, the gated door didn't even have a handle. Eyebrows furrowed, she looked around before she found a slider for an I.D. card.

Grabbing the top of it, Indigo, ripped the whole entire thing off, the wires from the concrete wall pulling pieces with it. They crumbled to the ground, dust-like as they hit the floor. She heard the slider power off and the door clicked, creaking open. Shrugging with a smile, she let it fall to the ground and pushed the door wider open, walking through.

Further down, an intersection came up, signs thankfully on the opposite wall. Room numbers, more offices, and- 

Lower level.

She remembered that much. The "Supernatural" basement.

Taking a sharp right, she made her pace quicker, her hips jutting out a faster movement. She could see at the end of the hall where the steps started. Her feet made a pounding noise as she made her way to the stairs, stomping down them. She stepped off the last one, finding herself in a slightly darker hallway. She could hear, and smell, some things that definitely weren't humans.

Slower now, she made her way down the eerie hallway. Almost not even daring to look through the small windows they also had in their doors. The noises that echoed ushered Indigo quicker down the hall, taking the left turn. She found the same double doors the two men had entered through with the large fridge.

Indigo went slower as she neared the doorway, her hearing catching the mumbles. A conversation between two people.

Including Dr. Parr.

She put her back to the wall as she waited, before peeking in. She saw Dr. Parr and the other man that was there, the one who came in while he was putting in all eight syringes.

"Drinking the boy's blood could have consequences. She could either become even stronger than we anticipated or his blood could reject all the blood we injected her with. We should have never let her have visitors. This could retract all of our hard work!"

"Hard work? Parr, you're insane! What you've created- what she'll become? With or without the blood, she'll kill us. She'll kill us all. You've created a monster. And I don't want to be a part of that."

Indigo heard the scuff of shoes as the other man left and they neared her, almost to the door way.

At the exact moment, Indigo thrusted her hand out and snatched his throat, making the man reach up and attempt to rip off her grip.


She smirked and walked out into the open, looking in to see Dr. Parr, shocked. Indigo walked in with the man at bay, her claws wrapped around his pulsing neck, blood pumping with fear.

"He's right, you know." Indigo hummed, gripping tighter, making the man gasp and gulp for air as she walked closer to Dr. Parr.

  "37, I demand you stop this right now or there will be punishments." He tried to sound intimidating, but she could hear the pounding nervousness in his heart beat.

Indigo tilted her head with a smile. "You think so?"

She clenched her jaw as she pierced the man's neck with her claws, hearing his breath leave his body. Indigo drew her fingertips back, leaving long wounds on either side of his throat. She let his body drop with a 'thump' and retracted her claws. The blood on Indigo's fingertips enticed her, the scent wafting up to her nose. She bit her lip as she brought each of her fingers to her lips, tasting the warm, delicious blood that once brought life to the man on the floor.

"I- I can help. I can reverse it. I can help you." Dr. Parr began to plead, holding his hands in front of him as defense. Indigo rolled her eyes, continuing towards him. He jumped in place when his back hit the metal table that sat under the blaring light. The one that once hung above Indigo as he injected her so painfully for what she remember felt like hours. His hands braced himself on either side, gripping the edge of the table.

"That's the thing. . ." Indigo breathed out, standing less than a foot from his trembling body which was stuck between her and the table. "I don't want you to reverse it. I've never felt more liberated and more free to do what I wanted."

"I want you to repay for doing it. For putting me through all of that pain, and blood, and tears. For strapping me to this very table, where I may as well could have died." Indigo nodded.

Dr. Parr looked pale, like he was facing Death itself. Which, in a way, he was. Because he wasn't leaving this room in any other way than a black body bag.

  "You know what's great about down here?" Indigo smirked. He didn't answer. "No one even knows about it."

His eyes widened slightly at the reference of his own words.

"They don't even inspect down here." Indigo raised her eyebrows. "What happens to you is completely unknown to anyone who isn't in the room at the moment."

It seemed like the Doctor's adrenaline kicked in, as his jaw clenched and his lips pressed into a thin line. The sweat of his upper lip visible, as well as the drips raining from his forehead.

"You're sick. Sick and twisted." He spat. "I should've killed you when I had the chance."

Indigo glared. "No. I should've killed you when I had the chance."

Indigo shoved him furiously, making his body fall onto the table. He began screaming, his hands flying spastically for something. She held his shoulder down to the cold metal, before baring her mouth before his face to show him just how he would die. Indigo moved her head and sunk her fangs into the skin of his neck, immediately feeling the burst, like a small water balloon. His blood flooded her mouth, the warm sensation washing down her throat as Indigo swallowed mouth full by mouth full.  His screams died down and she felt his body go limp.

He was dead now. She could stop. But she didn't. Indigo almost couldn't pull her fangs from the puncture on his throat. She still felt so angry. Like he was still here somehow. He needed to pay. He needed to feel how she felt.

Indigo only stopped when nothing came out, letting out a deep breath as she stepped back. His skin almost looked translucent, no more blood sitting in his veins. His eyes, wide open, stared up into the light. She hoped he didn't see that. Indigo hoped all he saw was dark. Darkness and nothingness.

She wiped her mouth, seeing the red streaks come onto the back of her hand. Indigo scoffed and rubbed her hand with the tail of his white coat, smiling as the red stained it.

A click made her eyebrows furrow, before Indigo spun around and out of the corner of her eye, snatched the thing flying in the air towards her. She blinked as she stared at it, seeing a dart, clear liquid filling the middle of it.

Indigo looked past her hand, dropping it to her side, to see a guard with a gun aimed to her.

"Really?" Indigo quirked an eyebrow. He adjusted the gun in his hands.

"Lay on the floor and put your hands in the air!" He shouted aggressively. Indigo let out a breathy laugh, shrugging. Slowly getting onto the floor and doing what he told her. Indigo heard him rush over, placing his gun down as he readied a pair of handcuffs. She almost laughed aloud.

Swinging her body around, Indigo knocked him onto his side. She clambered to her knees and straddled his hips, pinning his arms down. His heavy, scared breaths fanned her hair as his eyes widened.

"Please." He hurried, his voice pleading. "Please don't."

Indigo tilted my head tauntingly. "You know, I said the same thing once. And you know what happened?"

He didn't speak, except his head did one shake. Indigo smiled, licking her lips.

"They didn't." She spoke with a whisper.

The guard tried to scream, but his voice cut off when she grabbed his neck. He struggled for air as Indigo lifted his head, but it didn't last long before she slammed his head to the concrete. Once.

His body held his breath, before it left his lips slowly. His head rolling to the side as Indigo set it to the ground. She moved her head to see blood pooling under his head. Indigo dipped a finger in the small puddle forming, tasting the liquid from her fingertip. Delicious, but she already had her meal.

Indigo huffed as she stood up, glancing to the dart she dropped. It probably would've either killed her, or knocked her out. Whichever it was, keeping it would only help her in the future.

Indigo took one last look at the room, seeing all of her work lying around the room, lifelessly. Letting out a breath, she gripped the dart in one hand with a smile, before walking out of the room.


omg omg omg omg omg omg omg

i've been so excited to write this chapter. and ALL the coming indigo chapters where she's like this. it's so badass and cOOL

except where she drank from stiles ): kinda sad how he was so happy and couldn't hold her like he wanted to.

feel really bad for stiles rn, also feel really badass for indigo bc yas her lines rn

love you guys!

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