The streets

By _charlezz_13

33 0 1

This is about a fifteen year old boy who lives with his squad and younger sister, he has lost his mum and is... More


33 0 1
By _charlezz_13

Jaden. I'm jaden and I am in year11 (well I will be after the summer holidays) I live with my younger sister (only by a year), and the squad. You're probably wondering why I live with the people I chill with and not my mummy and daddy like a normal kid well, I'm not a normal kid. I'm a black boy who has grown up without a father for most of my life, I always used to ask about my dad but my mum would always change the subject, I had to respect her because she looked after me, after us.

My mum was quite a stern woman but we was very close and we always made time to joke around. My mum was driving home one day and an idiot crashed into her car drunk driving. I'm telling you now when I got that phone call my life dropped. Everything dropped. I called my sister and we rushed to the hospital, when we got there i seriously couldn't believe my ears "We tried to save her Mr. Adams but it was too late" my sister dropped to the ground tears racing down her cheek I had to be strong for her. A tear crept down my face as I hugged her as tight as I could I stayed there for hours before returning home for days after I didn't care about school or any of that shit. Everything had been ripped from me. Everything.

As time went on my sister began to get in to more trouble and as her older brother I had to step up. I had to look after us now. That's when I met squad I had to start making money quickly and yes I know it's stereotypical that a black boy results to shotting🍃 in a time of need but you seriously wouldn't understand until you've been through the shit I've been through.. I needed money to put food on the table and to put clothes on our backs. That's where squad came in Smokey, Kay, Ri, Getz, Bagz, and Leckz in other words Sean, Kaya, Ria, Dray, Bradley and Levi they helped me make money to feed my sister (you're probably wondering why I haven't told you her name it slipped my mind it's Niah) after that me and the squad just became really close they're blood now we look after each other. The squad know about what happened to my mum and they had all been through something similar, that's why we all live together. We all get each other. We moved out of the house we lived in with mum and got one a couple doors down i know it's not much of a change but we needed it. We all pitch in for rent even Niah. She's a smart girl and she has a lot going for her it was really hard on her when mum left us and she managed to get herself back on track. I hope it stays that way.

Back to the story-
So I'm chilling with everyone at the wall listening to music and shit everyone chatting and making jokes

Smokey: Ayyyy Big back Big breast

A short brown skinned girl with long black weave all the way down to her bum walked passed us, Ri started laughing smokey screwed her

Smokey: What's funny?

Ri: Your selling yourself dreams you won't get her S she obviously ain't interested😂

Ri and smokey are weird they have a love hate relationship one minute they all lovey dovey next minute they arguing. There's definitely something going on. Definitely.

Smokey screws her and runs over to this girl...

Smokey's POV

"Ayyy babes" I jog over to this girl as she stay there stood gazing at me "So what you got a name?" She looks to my feet and back to my face

Letoya: Letoya

She gave the bluntest reply. She seems classy maybe this is going to be harder than I thought "well b, do you think I could get your number?"

Letoya: I'll tell you what, I'll give you my Snapchat because I don't give out my number it's L*********

She smiled at me both dimples shinning both sides of her face She's so peng and she has a nice figure. Ri thought she weren't interested don't be jealous b I know she wants me she just acts like she doesn't.

Ri's POV

S jogs over to her ( yes it's my thing to call him 'S' the others call him 'Smokey' but I guess I just prefer S idk). When he jogs back over he's flashing his phone in my face of someone's Snapchat icon "steady your hand, I can't see?" He stops and he is showing me what I assume is her snap name

Smokey: Thought she weren't interested? Dw babes I'll invite you to our wedding

I give him the dirtiest look

Jaden's POV

My phone rings and it's Araya she's my baby, my princess, my queen she is so perfect "What's wrong princess?" I ask her as I hear panting down the phone

Araya: Baby that feels good

I put the phone on speaker the whole of the squad tuned in.. I can't believe I'm hearing what I'm hearing

Araya: Durone! Baby faster

Durone? Me and that nigga have beef, that bitch is supposed to be my girl and she's fucking him. I'm vexed. I lock the phone it's on site the squads on it they're ready for everything to kick off

Kay: guys I umm need to go J I'll umm call you later?

I'm not going to lie, I wasn't even listening to her I was so pissed the rest of the squad and I went to Durone's house. I weren't even sure if that's where they were but if it was then unlucky. I kicked open the door and I heard Araya screaming I ran up the stairs followed by squad. I follow the noise until I'm standing face to face with the door. I open then door and I saw it with my own eyes. Both naked. Having sex. "WHAT THE FUCK!" Durone jumps up and grabs his boxers. He struggles to put them on.

Araya: Baby I'm sorry...

She starts crying "stfu and put some clothes on, dumb h....." she dropped to the ground Ri gave her one blow to the face. I didn't even care. Durone starred at me, before he could even speak I knocked him straight to the floor. He was out of it.

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