Unicorns On Wheels [Petekey]

By HellaBrendon

31.6K 2.4K 3.3K

(written in 2016) 2016/01/20 Sunday. If you really want to know about me, this first thing you'd want to read... More

1. Sunday.
2. Thursday
3. Friday.
4. Thursday.
5. Friday.
6. Wednesday.
8. Friday.
9. Tuesday.
10. Thursday.
11. Friday.
12. Sunday.
13. Monday.
14. Thursday.
This isn't an Author's Note. (Alternatively titled: Holy fuckaroni)
15. Friday.
Totally Not an Author's Note. (Alternatively titled: Something Creative.)
16. Monday
17. Thursday.
18. Friday.
19. Monday
20. Wednesday.
21. Thursday.
22. Friday
23. Wednesday.
24. Thursday
in case you wondering how I'm doing.
25. Friday
I think these were questions from a dating site.
26. Wednesday
Some more questions from a dating site.
27. Thursday.
28. Friday.
29. Tuesday
30. Epilogue (Thursday)
Ps and Qs
Paradise Found [Frerard]

Fuck you. I like doing these.

434 33 43
By HellaBrendon

1.Tell me something about your first kiss.

It was in the school parking lot, next to my science teacher's car and we almost got caught. I was on my knees too ;))))

2. If your parents don't like me for some reason, is that a deal breaker?

Don't worry. They don't really like me either.

3. Do you believe in soul mates?

That is a loaded question. Um. I'd like to, yeah.

4. Do you have a criminal record, any contraction of diseases?

I have chronic bronchitis and a shitty immune system. My school record is pretty sketchy because I've gotten into a couple of fights, I swore at a teacher once, kissed a girl on the corridor too.

6. What is your dream job?


7. Are you willing to stay away from your family if you ever have to for a job?

My parents? Yes. My brother? Maybe. My lover? No.

8. Which living celebrity/author/singer would you like to know?

My boyfriend will hate me for this. Robert Downey Jr.

9. If you could meet a famous dead person, whom would you like to meet?

Marilyn Monroe.

10. What do you think about unfaithfulness in a relationship?

My dad cheated on my mom. He's a fucking asshole. Ruined our whole relationship. So I think it's a really shitty thing to do and I get where you're coming from but I think the other person deserves to know "hey, I'm actually kind of interested in someone else too." Because this is everything to do with them too.

11. Do you think love at first sight is possible?

Love? No. Attraction? Yes.

12. If your job started negatively impacting our relationship, what would you do?

Uh. Talk it out, make sure everyone was happy with the situation. I can't just drop my job so I'd have to go looking for a job first and if I couldn't find another, then we'd have to compromise. If my job at that point is writing I'd drop you like a hot potato. (Or call you a hypocrite if you happen to be Leo.)

13. Who is your favourite fictional character and why?

You're making me pick from my babies. Um. Dr James Wilson. (House M.D) Because he's loving and kind and caring and he always did everything because he was a good person. Pure and good. And in the end he got so much worse than he deserved.

I spent a good hour on this question.

14. Do you prefer reading books or watching movies?

It depends on the movie, I guess. But the books are always better.

15. Do you have any regrets in life?

Regret is a useless emotion.

16. What is your ideal vacation?

A trip to the sea.

17. Do you have a favorite movie?

It's called "About Time."

18. If you are allowed to do just one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?


19. What are some things about you that you take pride in?

-My hair looks kind of okay sometimes.
-Once I got the USB in without looking.
-I'm undeniably, inexplicably lucky.

20. What is the most courageous thing you have ever done in your life?

I think courage is not the absence of fear. I think it's acknowledging your fear and doing it anyway. But I've never... I mean. I'm afraid of being hit by a car and I still cross the street. That's courage. I was afraid of auditioning but I did anyway. I was afraid of being judged by I published this book anyway. I was afraid I'd get hurt but I love him anyway.

21. What is your earliest memory?

When my little brother was, really, really young I tried to wash his face with a washcloth and he tried to eat it. (This is actually the happiest memory I have.)

I can't even remember how old I was. I think it was before that but I don't know, my mother was explaining how to make tea and I didn't pay attention so I never learnt how.

 I got pushed down the stairs and knocked out my front teeth.

 I had a play room and instead of toys I wanted costumes to dress up in and I had these princess shoes that didn't fit but I wore them anyway.

I can't remember the order of these events but I think they all happened around the same time. 

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