Lost Trail

By Greentigergirl

64 0 0

Scott has crashed, and is swaying between Life and death, his Brothers are trying their best to reach him in... More

Chaperter Two

Chaperter one

36 0 0
By Greentigergirl

Scott sighed, this mission was finally over, it took him nearly a full day to accomplish it, and got barely sleep the night before. Though that he loved to help the people in need, was he glad to get home and see his younger sibling again.

The oldest Tracy yawned, tiredly pushed he a button to open, a holo-call to John.

,, Thunderbird 5, I am receiving.", John's hologram popped up, and the ginger headed man, smiled a little.

,, I'm heading back to the Isla~...", Scott got interrupted by a yawn. Stretching his fingers a bit ,, please, tell Virgil that if he makes tea, that he makes some for me too".

John simply shook his head ,, I shall tell Virgil that you want some tea, be Careful Scott",he says, opening a second call to Virgil.

,, I will be, John", Scott says, turning his brothers hologram to the side. Yawning again. Knew the oldest that he was after drinking his tea, heading for bed.

Thunderbird one shook a little, a breaking sound filled the cockpit, before the engines started to strike, and fall out. Scott frowned, his arms pushed the handles backwards, as he tried to pull thunderbird one up again.

,, John! Thunderbird one is not responding....John?!", Scott exclaimed, only hearing the sound of the cracking communicator. John's hologram had turned into darts and pixels, before disappearing completely.

,,JOHN ?!'', turning his head, and turning it back, to steer the Rocked plane. There was no way that Scott could bring her down without a scratch. Underneath the ship, where tree's big rocks, smaller hangs and cliffs.

Scott gritted his teeth, keeping thunderbird ones nose up, as it crashed down to the ground.

The ground, shook as the metal came in contact with the sand and rocks. Tree's where flying by, to the side and got thrown up in to the sky, while clouds of dirt raised up into the once blue sky.

The man groaned, as he hit his head against one of the holders. ,, ARGH!!", hissed he, trying to move from his seat.

He breathed heavily, and turned his head. ,, wha...what in...t..the world just... happened ?!", He said trying to open his safety belt, with his shacking hands.

Scott gasped, finally hearing the clicking sound of the opened safety belt. ,, J..John ?, thunderbird one is d-down. John ?", murmured he looking around.

Scott felt a ponding pressure on the side of his temple ,, ugh!". He had such a bad feeling in his stomach, which he was certain. Was caused by the sudden loose of attitude, and the impact with the ground.

Looking around in the cockpit again, knew he that he wasn't going to fly somewhere any time soon. Unless he would be able to get his communicator working again, or at least getting to know what exactly caused everything to just shot down.

Pushing himself up, stumbled Scott forward, manoeuvring his wobbly leg's through the cockpit. While keeping balance with his arms against the walls.

Scott stopped for a moment, his head started horrible to spin, and it felt like his stomach had decided to do just the same thing.

,, T..this is just gre-at..."grumbled he, his voice was cracking and sounded oddly high, compared to his usual voice.

Scott walked further, and swayed forward opening the door, dropped he almost to the ground.

The man was just able to break his fall with his arms ,, AAAAAArrgh !!!",Scott gasped, his head started pounding and spinning even more.


The only thing John had heard , was that Scott head shouted his name, while his voice cracked away in an awful shushing.

The ginger headed spaceman, had turned all pale, as he tried to get Scott signal back.

,, Scott, can you read me ? Scott ?!", Johns fingers flew over the keyboard of the holographic screen, acknowledging that Virgil could hear every word that had been spoken.

,, John what happened ? Why is Scott's signal gone ?", he asked looking to his communicator, watching John's eyebrows crinkle together.

John closed his eyes and sighed out loud ,, I don't know Virgil... I will try and track thunderbird one...", he stated, running one hand through his hair.

,, I will send the last coordination's, of thunderbird once position.", said John, his fingers skimming over the holographic keyboard once again. Sending the Coordination's to Virgil.

It was clear what John wanted Virgil to do ,, I got them", said Vorgo; sprinting off to get suited, and search for his brother.


Scott managed to get out of thunderbird one, he stumbled toward the nearest tree, that still was standing, and leaned against it. He ran one finger through his hair before looking down to his communicator.

It looked okay to him, it wasn't broken, nor looked it damaged in any other way.

Trying to activate the screen, wasn't it John's voice greeting him. He didn't know that voice, it sounded like a young man, maybe the age of Gordon.

,, Hello ? are you there ?", the stranger asked.

Scott frowned and groaned. His head was still pounding, like someone was trying to shatter his skull into pieces.

,, Who are you ?", asked Scott angrily, as he looked down to his communicator.

,, You've got 3 second", the stranger spoke.

,, WHAT ?!!!!", Scott looked up, eyes the belly of thunderbird one, as it started glowing red.

,, To Late It is gonna Go BOOM!", the stranger shouted.

Before Scott could even move, flashed his rocket plane up, a giant explosion, threw Scott of his feet.

Scott flew throw the air, and smashed against wall of a rock constellation. He shouted in pain, feeling how his ribs broke and pored into his lungs. His breath was taken, at the moment of the impact. Scott's ears where terrible ringing, he could feel how a warm sticky liquid ran over his face, and out of his ears.

Scott desperately heaved, as he hit the ground, wanting, needing to fill his lungs with oxygen.

Letting out one last groan, turned Scott's blurry view, into a cold black, darkness.

Scott could hear between the ringing of his ears, a voice. A voice that he hadn't heard for so many years. An angel like voice, saying his name, talking...no singing to him.

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