Stars Hold Our Fate (SCOROSE)...

By live_fully

121K 3.4K 723

PG13 with some language. (Completed April 3rd 2017) {*AMAZING COVER BY @grangxr*} Rose Weasley is outraged. H... More

Studying With... Malfoy?
Almost Kiss
An Admirer
A Plan
Three Times a Charm
Out of Your Comfort Zone
The Stars
Marrying Birds
A Certain Redhead
What To Do
Thousand Years (Scorose Feels)
Dear Lily
Mermaids, Umbridge, Voldemort!
Would You Dance
Lovestruck {Chily Feels}
Drunken Nights
It's Official Now
Party Crashers
An Announcement
Thank You
Out Of Reach
Of Romance
Rescuing Potter
A New Nemisis
Awkward Moments
The Malfoy Name
The Weasley Clan
Finally The End
A Potter
Once Upon A Nightmare
The Overgenerous Boyfriend
Where Darkness Died
A Traitor
One More Day
Hell's Angel
Bride to Be
Go Green!
Property Of Scorpius
Face Off
Love Is Complicated
Never Be Alone (Feels)
Skanky Situation
Almost Dead
The Headstone Entrance
Future Fantasies
Epilogue: Night To Remember

What I Want

3K 90 14
By live_fully

Scorpius's POV

"Wait here," Rose said, as they reached the Fat Lady's portrait.

"Where are you going?" I asked curiously.

"I need to get something," she said. "I'll be back. Don't go anywhere."

She slipped behind the portrait before it banged shut behind her.


Rose's POV

"Rose?" Albus said when I came through the portrait hole.

"Albus, can you do me a favour?" I asked.

"How was your study session?" Roxanne asked smugly, earning a laugh from Lily and a weird look from Albus.

"Of course," he replied, deciding to pay Roxanne no further heed. "What do you need?"

"The Marauder's Map."

He blinked, "What? Why?"

I sighed, "It's complicated. I just need to sneak off with someone without anyone knowing."

"You what?" Albus stared at me in shock. "You're sneaking off with someone?"

I slapped a hand over my mouth, "No! I didn't mean it like -"

"So where is he?" Fred asked with a smug smile. "Or are you doing it in his dorm?"

"Shut up!" I said frantically, a wild blush spreading across my face, "That's not what I meant!"

"Then what do you mean?" Albus asked.

I chewed on my lip, "It's hard to explain," She swatted her arms up hastily, cheeks warming against her will. "I don't have time for this! Albus, I beg you, the map."

Albus loosed a sigh through his nose, eyes suddenly wary.  He muttered, "I'm really too tired to investigate. The map's in my chest."

"Thank you," I said quickly, darting into the boys dormitory and swinging open Albus's chest.


I turned to see Hugo lying on his bed staring at me, "What are you doing?"

"No time to explain," I said, rummaging through all his stuff. "Where is that damn map ..."

I shoved aside a textbook and finally caught sight of an empty parchment, stuck underneath one of Albus's weird ornaments.  I released a cry out loud, "Aha! Finally!" I grabbed the parchment, careful not to rip it, and slipped it safely into the air.  I raced out of the room without another word to Hugo.

I hurried across the common room, ignoring Albus, Fred, Roxanne and Lily as their eyes bored into the back of my head.

As I opened the portrait door, I turned around.  They were all watching me, eyes wide and expectant.

I took great satisfaction in answering them nothing but a curt, "Good night," and closing the portrait door shut behind me.  They deserved that.


Scorpius's POV

Five minutes after she'd disappeared, I watched Rose's he'd if red curls reappear with the slam of the portrait door. She scurried towards me, her face more worn and drained than before.  Her shoulders slumped with exhaustion.

"Whoa," I said, and she glanced up at me.  My frown deepened with wariness. "Are ... you okay?"

Her face fell, "Why?" She ranted. "What do you know?"

"Well, that depends.  I know a lot of things," I replied as a manner of joking.  But she mustn't have realised I was joking, because her face only grew paler.

"You what?" She exclaimed.

"What?" I stared at her.  Cocked my head slightly. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Oh, she's very sure," The Fat Lady drawled, drawing both our attentions towards her. She wore a smug look that I couldn't comprehend. "So where are you doing it?"

"Doing what?" I questioned.

"Oh, that's how we're playing it.  Oblivious, hm?"

The knit between my brows creased further, "I don't know what you're -"

"Bye!" Rose said loudly, grabbing my arm and dragging me away. We heard laughter behind us and my frown deepened.

"What did she mean?" I asked when we had turned a corner.

"Mean? What do you mean, what did she mean?" Rose babbled. "She wasn't talking to us."

I stared at her, "Rose, I'm seri -"

"Did you just call me Rose?" She asked softly, the craziness draining out of her voice and expression.

I realised she was right and shrugged, "I guess I did."

It was silent for a moment, before she smiled, "Okay, then. We're both on first name basis. Took you Long enough," she teased, hitting my chest lightly.

I smiled back.

We stood there for a while, staring at each other. Her eyes were a soft brown, like melted chocolate, her hair a wide river of red twisting down her back.

We heard someone clear her throat behind us and stiffened, but it was only the Fat Lady. We let out a breath of relief.

"We should get to the prefects bathroom," I said.

She blinked, "Right," she reached into her pocket pulled out a piece of parchment, handing it to me.

"Lumos," I muttered, holding my wand over as I took it. I expected something on the back but it was empty. It was empty all over.

I frowned, "This is a joke, right?" I flipped it over again, scoffing. "It's just parchment."

"It's not a joke," Rose said. "And it's not just any parchment. Watch and learn."

She took the parchment from me and started muttering under her breath, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

Lines started drawing on the surface, making shapes. Rose beckoned me over and I stepped closer, holding my wand light over the parchment.

I blinked, "It's a map," I realised.  I took the parchment from her for a closer look.  My eyes widened. "A map of Hogwarts."

I watched as pairs footsteps walked all around the school. Most of them were in common rooms but Teachers walked around in offices and bathrooms.

I stared at her, "Where did you get this?"

"It's Albus's," She answered.

"And Potter let you take this?"

"Albus is my Cousin," she reminded. "And we're borrowing it." She snatched the map back, tucking hair behind her ear.

"Filch is on the fifth floor," She said, staring at the map. "But Mrs. Norris is on the first floor."

We both watched as paw prints circled around the first floor bathroom.

"Which floor are we going to?" Rose asked.

"Third," I answered.

"Thank Dumbledore," She said as relief washed onto her face. "Let's go."

We started towards the third floor, every once in while looking down at the map to see how far away Teachers are.

The sixth time Rose looked down at it her eyes widened and she turned to look at me, before pushing me behind a corner.

"Ow!" I yelped, banging my head against the wall.

"Filch!" She hissed, just as they heard a familiar humming. We both stiffened. Immediately we started backing away, looking for a place to hide.

I saw a door and grabbed Rose's hand, running as fast and quietly as I could. I pushed it open, slipping in.

Rose quietly shut the door behind us and we waited for Filch to shout angrily but no sound came.

We both breathed sighs of relief.

"That was close," Rose said, starting to smile.

"Too close," I agreed, smiling with her.

Then we both froze, realising our hands were still in a tight clasp, but neither of us loosened it.

We both stared at each other for a moment, our hands still together. I had this weird sensation of wanting to kiss her, but no one ever got what they wanted. Wanting to do something was never an option for me. I mean, it was, but it was barely what I wanted. This was what I wanted.

Rose was what I wanted.

I was starting to lean in when the door banged open, making us jump. We stared at the door as it opened widely.

Rose squeezed my hand tighter.

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